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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It doesn't.


The choice changes who mouthes the word to Rex post credits.

I noticed it because i decided to check a few LPs today and seems like everyone except me choose Pyra, and got Pyra at the end while i got Mythra. Was able to find the rare LP with Mythra as well and they got Mythra


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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:
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The choice changes who mouthes the word to Rex post credits.

I noticed it because i decided to check a few LPs today and seems like everyone except me choose Pyra, and got Pyra at the end while i got Mythra. Was able to find the rare LP with Mythra as well and they got Mythra


Alright tbf, that's pretty minor. That being said (Ch.8 spoilers)


In the early days, people thought your choice determined which Affinity Chart Pneuma uses. As such, people said choosing Mythra was the objectively better choice because Pneuma would get Mythra's Affinity Chart.

Turns out Pneuma has her own Affinity Chart that, despite her powerful skills, is eternally locked at E-rank because you can't use her outside of battle.


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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Alright tbf, that's pretty minor



But there's also the fact it's whose name he screams at the end, which makes it a bit more minor xD


5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Turns out Pneuma has her own Affinity Chart that, despite her powerful skills, is eternally locked at E-rank because you can't use her outside of battle.




Is there any pic of that chart?


Also the world needs more coffee with Milk

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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That but I'd kinda argue that Boze has the Peri problem where characters are fine with him despite being against other characters with the same mindset.

Well I mean, Cross can call out Boze on his views, even choosing to prioritize the help of a Manon over whatever it was that Boze needed to do but Boze is still seen as "one of the good guys" by the game. Sure, Boze doesn't actually try to kill innocent xenos but he'd definitely be an Alex sympathizer.

I hadn't thought about this, but I certainly see where you're coming from here. And unlike Murderess, it isn't so "nefarious" as an aspect of his character to the point where "the good people" question their intentions.

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Ya know, i've been reading a bit more Xenoblade discussions lately and everytime someone says ''Rex is a crybaby'' i wanna bunch someone. He doesn't even cry that much

Then again i know my XB opinions are like, super unpopular xD

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39 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


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There is not although


we do know what she has specifically thanks to datamines.


  • Lv.1 Starburst - Blast a Siren beam through enemies
  • Lv.2 Radiant Flare - Attack hostiles with a lightspeed attack
  • Lv.3 Genesis Saber - Pierce enemies with countless light blades
  • Lv.4 Infinity Blade - Unleash energy and sever the enemy with a sword of light (NG+ only, this was the same finisher as what you saw at the end of the final boss)

Blade Arts

  • Critical Up
  • Recharge Boost
  • Arts Plus

Battle Skills

  • A Dream of the Future: Can initiate Elemental Combo at random
  • The Chosen One: Greatly enhances the Drivers abilities through the power of the Aegis
    •  Ignores the (very slight) damage resistance on Orbs
    • Always deal bonus damage
    • Counterspike that also deals bonus damage
    • Every block is a reflect
    • Perma-aggro
    • Will survive at 1 HP once
    • Targets all Orbs in a Chain Attack 
  • The Aegis: Greatly enhances party's abilities through the power of the Aegis.
    • 100% crit-rate
    • Break resistance cut by 50%
    • Evasion and accuracy up by 50%
    • Item drop rate doubled

Not mentioned anywhere there but Pneuma also allows a Full Burst to be done with four Orbs instead of five.

Other things we learned through datamine is that Pneuma has the highest base defenses in the game, cannot equip any Aux Cores and her base strength is 1168, although it seems the theoretical highest would be 1298.


36 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ya know, i've been reading a bit more Xenoblade discussions lately and everytime someone says ''Rex is a crybaby'' i wanna bunch someone. He doesn't even cry that much

The same people who think that also think Shulk is the greatest character ever.

Shulk ain't even top three protags in the series.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:




that's some OP stuff right there.

Although i used to think her STR is Mythra's + Pyra's haha

And Perma aggro does explain some stuff during long battles i had where i wonderd why Tora wasn't drawing aggro xD


8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The same people who think that also think Shulk is the greatest character ever.

Shulk ain't even top three protags in the series.

Shulk's character gets hijacked by the Monado way too much for tastes, and alot of stuff ends up being super convenient.

So yeah, i greatly prefer Rex over Shulk xD

There was that funny comment i read a couple minutes ago that was so on point haha

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The same people who think that also think Shulk is the greatest character ever.

Shulk ain't even top three protags in the series.

True, he is naught but a Fei-Lite with a nerd angle and Fei-Lite was invented years ago, he's called "Cloud".

Don't mean to say Shulk = bad, but yeah, he isn't great to me.

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Gamera vs Zigra has been the actual best Gamera movie so far. What cemented it for me was the scene where Gamera takes a rock and uses Zigra's body as a xylophone to play his own theme song before incinerating him.

One more Showa Gamera movie to go, and five more to go for the overall franchise.

43 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Shion is the best Xeno MC though, prove me wrong. Xd



39 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


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It is although


since Pneuma is eternally locked at E-Rank, some players prefer to use other Blades. Of course, Pneuma's abilities far outweigh being stuck at E-Rank but we're talking about super duper optimal play at this point.


40 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So yeah, i greatly prefer Rex over Shulk xD

Same. I like Shulk but i just ended up being far more invested into Rex's character as well as Xenoblade 2 as a whole.

42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't mean to say Shulk = bad, but yeah, he isn't great to me.

I will say, if there's one thing i have to say Shulk has over the rest of the series' protags, it's the motivations that start his journey. Shion, KOS-MOS, Elma, Rex, Lora and Jin all have pretty standard motivations at the start at least, and Fei doesn't have a motivation for most of Xenogears (it makes sense why though and the lack of motivation doesn't hurt his character at all imo).

But apart from that, he doesn't rank as high. Granted, the whole of Xeno only has mainline eight games (seven if you don't consider Torna as it's own thing) and there isn't a bad protagonist yet but yeah, you get what i mean.

33 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So much Xeno... so much xeno...

All according to keikaku (keikaku means plan).


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They don't make controllers like they used to...


16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

it's the motivations that start his journey.

However halfway through that motivation is conveniently gone, and it makes everything Shulk does after completely hollow imo


I like Fiora enough, but her being alive is the the start of the story going down for me.

It made sense, but the execution wasn't the best especially when Shulk goes anti revenge later on and pretends to understand people who lost something when his reason for revenge just dissapeared like that.


For all the talk about Rex being 'naive', Shulk is much more so, and unlike Rex the party just goes along. Never forget the Mumkar scene.


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3 minutes ago, Benice said:



Isn’t it like GTA with several mini games and a good story?

I mean not that I know much about GTA, but I think I have the gist of the gameplay.

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

They don't make controllers like they used to...

Sony really do be copying Nintendo haha.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

However halfway through that motivation is conveniently gone, and it makes everything Shulk does after completely hollow imo

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Yeah, i understand where you're coming from and can agree at least somewhat.

5 minutes ago, Benice said:



Speaking of Yakuza, here's an absolutely hilarious mod that i will link to because SF is being stinky rn and not embedding images.

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Isn’t it like GTA with several mini games and a good story?

"Yakuza is a serious crime drama-"

I haven't played or seen GTA, but I think so. It's a semi-open world crime drama with a huge emphasis on story and side-content. For example, Yakuza 0 has 100 substories (60 for Kiryu, 40 for Majima) three types of poker, Mahjong, Shogi, a fishing minigame, a Diner-dash style minigame, a real estate minigame, a bowling minigame, disco minigame, karaoke, a battle arena, slot-car racing and more! (I think...)

Generally, the side content and substories are funny and lighthearted, while the main story is often serious and deep, and it works really well.

(For an actually good review and summary of what Yakuza 0 is, I'd recommend watching a portion of this review. The Yakuza games do have coarse language, so you may read some in the background footage, but not too much.)



As for my own take, (having not played it) I think that Y0 (The prequel) is 120% worth playing just for the story, particularly Majima's.

(Plus, at least on steam, the games are pretty cheap- Y0 is 29.99 CAD, and it's ~60 hours for the main story + some side content and 100-150~ hours for 100%)

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of Yakuza, here's an absolutely hilarious mod that i will link to

I hate it but I love it.

Also, I wanna see what happens when the cucumber does the disco minigame.

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45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But apart from that, he doesn't rank as high. Granted, the whole of Xeno only has mainline eight games (seven if you don't consider Torna as it's own thing) and there isn't a bad protagonist yet but yeah, you get what i mean.

*Awaits the game that make us feels like we've lived through Episode 3*

Then again, Monolith doesn't have to "lose its way" the way some franchises end up. Dragon Quest in the world of JRPGs hasn't had a major mainline flop, perhaps Xeno will get lucky the same.


45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

and Fei doesn't have a motivation for most of Xenogears (it makes sense why though and the lack of motivation doesn't hurt his character at all imo).

I'll agree here. Amnesia, being disowned from the stuff of your short post-amnesia life, feeling estranged from oneself, being dragged into a conflict you have no personal stake in, having mysterious who know you but you know them not show up all the time, getting a bomb placed around your neck (I can't believe they would've allowed it, it had to be fake)... and this is what, just the first quarter of the game? 

It can get tiresome being dragged from one thing into another without much agency, but you can't say Fei doesn't get a good drubbing. Although at the same time, this and Jargon Ahoy! I think keep Fei from being readily digestible to a mass audience, even if XG were available to a PC/Switch audience. The stuff around him is so much and so complex.


45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I will say, if there's one thing i have to say Shulk has over the rest of the series' protags, it's the motivations that start his journey. Shion, KOS-MOS, Elma, Rex, Lora and Jin all have pretty standard motivations at the start at least

About her... (XCX SPOILERS!)


I'm not sure we can say Elma motivations are "standard". 

With Elma, her motivations are an enigma. We know she loves humanity and wants to help it survive, but, we don't why she, a... Xeno of unknown species... was motivated to visit humanity and give it her support in the first place. 

*Sigh* Why couldn't you tell us even that Monolith? What is the point of not telling us her non-Samaar Federation or Ghost species? And how about telling us whether or not she left to protect humanity of her own independent accord, or is operating with the consent of her people's government? Could you have shoved it in the art book?😫

Is it not relevant Mono? Is merely being physiologically different from humanity the important thing in the grand scheme you have planned for her?  

Sorry to whine again. 🙄


33 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

However halfway through that motivation is conveniently gone, and it makes everything Shulk does after completely hollow imo

It isn't completely gone, it fades...


leading into the infamous "Spare Metal Face!" moment of confusion which you alluded to.

But once new intel about what the Mechon threat truly is comes through on the Fallen Arm, Shulk does gain a new thing to refocus his revenge on. Fiora is alive but in fragile health, and the Mechon did kill many humans in general. Egil becomes the target for a more general, less personal revenge, which to your point he ultimately does reject at the last moment.


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I'm sorry Armagon, but Shion really is best Xeno MC. Xd

I know, I'm a traitor, its okay! XD

She has three games to develop her character, and they do a great job of it throughout the whole adventure. 

Not that the others arent great, cause they are, I just think that she has the most interesting development overall. 

47 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

They don't make controllers like they used to...

This is why I prefer PS2/3 controllers, the others are garbage. 

Also, PS4 controller is 2X the size of my hands, lol.

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Japan be lucky.


Although, despite being an SMT fan, I wouldn't exactly rush into SMTII if it had an official English localization. Judging from SMTI, it has likely not aged the best.



Scalpers be at it again. Happy Meals, for Pokemon cards.

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36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

less personal



Ya know

Maybe that's in a nutshell why i don't enjoy XB1 as much as many people do. 

I like my stories more personal, more character driven and less story driven and less epic if it doesn't have a reason to go full epic. 

And i can see why alot of people might see the revenge as ''refocused'' instead of gone like i see it, but i still think that makes him still very hard to understand and his actions quite shallow


24 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Also, PS4 controller is 2X the size of my hands, lol.

...I might seem like a titan to you then xD

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