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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oof... I'm so sorry. I did have a good night, myself.

Glad to hear it!

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the main reason I added Senno. It really did look odd. He'll probably be the first to go if something like, I dunno, my first Conquest lunatic run has an all-capped Gunter or something. But until then, he can stay. He's funny enough.

I think that guy fits perfectly in there, since he's usually just a throwaway boss that people don't really tend to pay much attention to, which fits the theme of "here are some overlooked units no one expects to be good" your sig has going on.
About Gunter: on one of my "I grind everything" runs of Revelation that I used to do a while ago, I actually DID manage to get Gunter to cap one stat... namely Skill.
His max level is 30 from the start, which is interesting. And his reclass options are actually not too bad (he has Bow Knight and Wyvern Lord in there, if I remember right), so you can probably use him if you dump every stat booster possible on him, and reclass him a bunch for useful skills, if you can/want to spare the gold for seals.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Chances are very low, I've given it four chances and--

No, no, stop it, Ruben. That's not the point of what he's saying. Don't start.

I understand completely! Don't worry! ^^

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, that wouldn't be so bad, actually. Sure, those statscreens would be impossible, but don't forget that a simplified version of them is used when you check units' stats within maps. I could just crop that.

Oh yeah, you're right! Somehow completely forgot that this is the case.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I believe it is called Gungnir, for PSP.

Oh, for PSP? Neat! That means I can try it out if I find a totally legit and absolutely not just a rom copy of the game for my totally legit PSP that I totally have installed on my PC! *cough*

Ah, there we go! By Atlus, eh?
That makes it worth trying out. I tend to really like their games, and my personal favorite SRPG was also made by them.

Edited by DragonFlames
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18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I think that guy fits perfectly in there, since he's usually just a throwaway boss that people don't really tend to pay much attention to, which fits the theme of "here are some overlooked units no one expects to be good" your sig has going on.

Hey, that's... actually quite true. He does stand out a bit in that his stats aren't quite as godly, but... Then again, he is a throwaway boss with two capped stats in Conquest. Heck, he killed Takumi! Yeah, you're right, he's perfect.

18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

About Gunter: on one of my "I grind everything" runs of Revelation that I used to do a while ago, I actually DID manage to get Gunter to cap one stat... namely Skill.

Oh wow, he did? I mean, his base is pretty okay, but his growth is 15%, and this isn't Conquest where the guy returns with 24...

18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

His max level is 30 from the start, which is interesting. And his reclass options are actually not too bad (he has Bow Knight and Wyvern Lord in there, if I remember right), so you can probably use him if you dump every stat booster possible on him, and reclass him a bunch for useful skills, if you can/want to spare the gold for seals.

Honestly, Gunter's a bit underrated in this thread. I dunno about Rev, but in Conquest the man is a legitimately good combat unit for like three or four chapters, and even after he falls off, he's still got legit bulk, Shelter and the possibility to go wyvern on top of being the best support partner for Corrin. He won't be solo'ing armies, but he's got utility. There are a few units that I'd call worse, personally.

22 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Oh, for PSP? Neat! That means I can try it out if I find a totally legit and absolutely not just a rom copy of the game for my totally legit PSP that I totally have installed on my PC! *cough*

Ah, I know what you mean! They really should produce more of these special edition, 100% legit systems. Demand is high!

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, Gunter's a bit underrated in this thread. I dunno about Rev, but in Conquest the man is a legitimately good combat unit for like three or four chapters, and even after he falls off, he's still got legit bulk, Shelter and the possibility to go wyvern on top of being the best support partner for Corrin. He won't be solo'ing armies, but he's got utility. There are a few units that I'd call worse, personally.

You're not wrong in Conquest, but I'd bring up if ignoring his personal (which is a big benefit to Corrin specifically) there's three Shelter accessible units by default, better options for wyverns (though the dark art of Malig Elise certainly isn't your cup of tea) and with being able to get some of these passed around with Friendship/Partner seals I wouldn't think it too hard to find options for these if need be and that ignores the children. Can be definitely useful.

In Rev, he has worse bases (As he comes in earlier and uses the same ones he had in prologue), no supports and the game's difficulty is focused on stats making him solely useful for Shelter work. And there's still options there for riders better than Gunter, the low bases man who is crummy on Normal, definitely falls off.

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11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

You're not wrong in Conquest, but I'd bring up if ignoring his personal (which is a big benefit to Corrin specifically) there's three Shelter accessible units by default, better options for wyverns (though the dark art of Malig Elise certainly isn't your cup of tea) and with being able to get some of these passed around with Friendship/Partner seals I wouldn't think it too hard to find options for these if need be and that ignores the children. Can be definitely useful.

Yeah, Gunter's replaceable, but he's got some utility - and hey, making the most powerful unit even more obscenely powerful is quite the utility that he's got going for him. Jakob and Felicia only make Corrin tankier, which is like... Whatever, and Silas's personal sucks ass. So yeah, Gunter not as bad as people say.

11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

In Rev, he has worse bases (As he comes in earlier and uses the same ones he had in prologue), no supports and the game's difficulty is focused on stats making him solely useful for Shelter work. And there's still options there for riders better than Gunter, the low bases man who is crummy on Normal, definitely falls off.

Jesus Christ... Yeah, they didn't think things through with him in Revelation.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Silas's personal sucks ass

Oh sweet summer child, you are underrating how good he gets when Corrin's below half health.

I'm not saying every Silas can become a nigh god with it (certainly not a not blessed one), but +3 to defences and attack is actually very solid for a unit who's usually good at defence and solid on offence. Especially if, say your Corrin's not good and is thus good for support and backpacking mostly. It has to be triggered, but that isn't an impossible feat in most cases anyway.

(Also, Felicia gives Corrin +2 damage, just clarifying. Hell, it's like Silas, only she just gives Corrin the boost and it's one less to each stat)

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8 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Oh sweet summer child, you are underrating how good he gets when Corrin's below half health.

I'm not saying every Silas can become a nigh god with it (certainly not a not blessed one), but +3 to defences and attack is actually very solid for a unit who's usually good at defence and solid on offence. Especially if, say your Corrin's not good and is thus good for support and backpacking mostly. It has to be triggered, but that isn't an impossible feat in most cases anyway.

I dunno man, it requires keeping Corrin at low HP and Silas's problems aren't strength and defense, it's his horrendous speed.

...Though looking at his growth, I think my Silases might've just been RNG screwed both times.

You know what? I don't know what I'm arguing here. There isn't a bad unit in Conquest. It's kinda like Berwick Saga - sure, some units are clearly better than others, but everyone can get used rather easily.

8 minutes ago, Dayni said:

(Also, Felicia gives Corrin +2 damage, just clarifying. Hell, it's like Silas, only she just gives Corrin the boost and it's one less to each stat)

Not gonna lie, when Edgiest Ka was lightning...ing stuff, I appreciated the 15 hit more than the damage.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

See, this was a smart move on your part. Had you said this earlier, I'm not sure if I would've gone ahead and played the series. It's what happened with The Witcher. My friends and the internet kept telling me that 3 was the best but the story of the others was important, and I ended up never playing any of 'em. Now that I've gotten into Trails, I cannot escape...

...Unless I refund! Mwah hah hah hah hah hah...!

...Then again, Trails looked more fun than The Witcher, anyway, so...

I am saying 3rd is the most fun not the only one that's fun 😛

Everything imo ofc.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

because mine was fucking miserable.

F man. Take care!

You need to find a way to increase your sleep stat.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

That means I can try it out if I find a totally legit and absolutely not just a rom copy of the game for my totally legit PSP that I totally have installed on my PC! *cough*

The Sony PC, their best one yet


35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

they didn't think things through with anything in Revelation.


30 minutes ago, Dayni said:

for a unit who's usually good at defence and solid on offence.


For me he usually falls off after the rainbow Lawyer chapter.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

t's kinda like Berwick Saga

Didn't i tell you this before? 😉

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not gonna lie, when Edgiest Ka was lightning...ing stuff, I appreciated the 15 hit more than the damage.

Early i always appreciate Felicia's support alot, later on it's the hit yup

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


I was expecting this response.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Didn't i tell you this before? 😉

Heh... Cheeky bastard. Well, you were right.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Early i always appreciate Felicia's support alot, later on it's the hit yup

I knew it, man. I knew it. It is as I said. The real reason I couldn't beat it the first time around wasn't that Kabbage sucked before she became edgy, or that my team was composed of memes, or that I had no idea what I was doing with stances. No, the true reason was that I fell for one of the classic blunders: I benched Jeigan. Think about it. First time, I benched Jeigan - failed miserably. Second time, I deployed Jeigan in every map up until the finale - succeeded in flying colors. Clearly the takeaway from this is that I shoulnd ever bench Jeigan again.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Think about it. First time, I benched Jeigan - failed miserably. Second time, I deployed Jeigan in every map up until the finale - succeeded in flying colors. Clearly the takeaway from this is that I shoulnd ever bench Jeigan again.


Jeigans for me are usually in ''super duper boring to use'' category

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24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not gonna lie, when Edgiest Ka was lightning...ing stuff, I appreciated the 15 hit more than the damage.

Not going to argue that one.

Just remembered Felicia affected Corrin's damage dealing and taking.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know what? I don't know what I'm arguing here. There isn't a bad unit in Conquest. It's kinda like Berwick Saga - sure, some units are clearly better than others, but everyone can get used rather easily.

Even Peri?

I mean, we could argue who's more useable than others and I could say who's more useful than others, but it's not as cut and dry as in other titles (See: Birthright, where two myrms have to look at Ryoma and just pack in the towel because everything, even growths is against them, Rinkah just wishes she wasn't screwed over because she got 25% Str, Setsuna has one of the lowest growth totals and is left unreliable in all but Spd, Subaki frustrates me because he's supposedly a tanky flier but he will get doubled far more often than Hinoka, someone decided Reina should have one of the lowest growths despite being a low level prepromote, just as some examples)

(Though I could bring up how Nyx is so min-maxed that using her is a risk every time and that Odin can be made to work better because of that potential reliability, Arthur is at the threshold of getting screwed on his growths, even ignoring his bad luck and the usual royal bias leading to Beruka being like a child (which is awkward because she's in Camilla's old armour), Peri and Silas looking weaksauce and Leo... I still don't get why I felt like mine disappointed.)

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I dunno man, it requires keeping Corrin at low HP and Silas's problems aren't strength and defense, it's his horrendous speed.

...Though looking at his growth, I think my Silases might've just been RNG screwed both times.

Must've been.

(Though I saw the one in the BR run be blessed and hit 30. Which led to me calculating an average 20/15 Silas who reclassed to Hero at level 5 in Paladin. I could have calculated all the levels, but I wasn't in the mood for that.)

I tried to calculate some averages and from what I'm seeing Silas could hit 27 Spd at 20/20. Not the best, but it's not as bad as I thought it'd be and is certainly no slouch, especially if he gets blessed.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


For me he usually falls off after the rainbow Lawyer chapter.

So he's a rules lawyer?

That explains more than I expected.

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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

For best rank you need 380/382 BP

I got 378 myself and landed on 2nd best rsnk (which is what Estelle canonically reaches as well, actually)

So the question remains: can I surpass Shrimpy? The answer: no, i probably cannot. Xd

But we'll see how far i can get. 

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Though I could bring up how Nyx is so min-maxed that using her is a risk every time and that Odin can be made to work better because of that potential reliability

Really? I would argue it's the opposite. Nyx is so min-maxed that you can reliably use her as a magical nuke. Odin's magic and speed are shit, so his nosferatanking abilities fall off after a while.

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Arthur is at the threshold of getting screwed on his growths, even ignoring his bad luck

True, Arthur is a step below the rest. Still usable.

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

the usual royal bias leading to Beruka being like a child,

Beruka's kinda like Ruby. She's not bad, per se, but she's outclassed.

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Peri and Silas looking weaksauce

Silas more than Peri, I must say.

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

and Leo... I still don't get why I felt like mine disappointed.

Leo is slow, but otherwise he's really good. Unless you bench him for like 6 chapters like I did, of course. He does have one major draw, however: He has the hidden skill Shitty Father, which nerfs all of his stats by 776. The only truly unusable unit in Fates.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Peri's personal is really really really good. 

Yeah, Peri's only real problem is that she's Peri. Otherwise she's a pretty good unit.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Really? I would argue it's the opposite. Nyx is so min-maxed that you can reliably use her as a magical nuke. Odin's magic and speed are shit, so his nosferatanking abilities fall off after a while.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Peri's personal is really really really good. 

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Beruka's kinda like Ruby. She's not bad, per se, but she's outclassed.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Really? I would argue it's the opposite. Nyx is so min-maxed that you can reliably use her as a magical nuke. Odin's magic and speed are shit, so his nosferatanking abilities fall off after a while.

None of the Conquest points were absolutes, but you have to admit the the royals have the bases (except Elise, who's the only default non-servant healer in Conquest and who has plenty of levels to grow), all have workable skills and DV access is a boon on it's own.

As for Nyx Vs. Odin, Nyx's strengths are in fewer areas, while Odin's not as strong usually but can be made work outside Dark Mage as well..

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Leo is slow, but otherwise he's really good. Unless you bench him for like 6 chapters like I did, of course. He does have one major draw, however: He has the hidden skill Shitty Father, which nerfs all of his stats by 776. The only truly unusable unit in Fates.

Guess I'll have to see how much so.

(And I assume you mean flaw rather than draw, because you're saying his being a shit dad's a good thing saying draw)

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

some shameless self promotion

Ohh right, the origins of Fish Kaga. Hah!

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

None of the Conquest points were absolutes, but you have to admit the the royals have the bases (except Elise, who's the only default non-servant healer in Conquest and who has plenty of levels to grow), all have workable skills and DV access is a boon on it's own.

The Royals's only disadvantages is that they're boring and they suck.

1 minute ago, Dayni said:

As for Nyx Vs. Odin, Nyx's strengths are in fewer areas, while Odin's not as strong usually but can be made work outside Dark Mage as well..

That's true. The guy loves levelling strength despite being a mage, so I imagine a reclass could turn him into something neat.

1 minute ago, Dayni said:

(And I assume you mean flaw rather than draw, because you're saying his being a shit dad's a good thing saying draw)

Ruben made a whoopsie.

Yeah, Leo is a disgrace. Not a good thing at all.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The guy loves levelling strength despite being a mage, so I imagine a reclass could turn him into something neat

You could reclass to myrmidon

or if you give him some spirit dusts and some lucky def lvlups he can actually become a tanky nosferatu mage. Which is really good. Although Nosferatu got quite nerfed in this game

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

because mine was fucking miserable.

Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Oh, for PSP? Neat! That means I can try it out if I find a totally legit and absolutely not just a rom copy of the game for my totally legit PSP that I totally have installed on my PC! *cough*

Having a Microsoft/Apple/Linux PSP can be quite useful, eh? 🙃

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:



It's right.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Best VTuber is streaming Heroes.

How much more betrayal can I take?! I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart!

Sounds like VTuber girl is the best kind of FE player, one that enjoys every FE game. 3H, Berwick, or otherwise.

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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Sounds like VTuber girl is the best kind of FE player, one that enjoys every FE game. 3H, Berwick, or otherwise.

Oh yeah, definitely, but... Heroes, man! Not Heroes!

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Best VTuber is streaming Heroes.

How much more betrayal can I take?! I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart!

You right now.

(I can't always go Betrayal, right?)

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