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5 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Why the game couldn't simply initiate the battle in another field like Tales for example?

I hate Tales combat lol. If Xenoblade was like that, I would not be a fan.

Oh you're just saying it should take place in another screen. Yeah, the reason it doesn't is because they didn't want the game's flow to be interrupted.

Coincidentally, Tales of Arise is about to do this exact same thing.

Oh I just realized you're talking about FF12 and not Xenoblade kinda.

8 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Please tell me that Xenoblade is different, and I'll give it another chance.

Well as I have like no interest in Final Fantasy, I can't really make the comparison to 12 here.

I will say Xenoblade 1's combat..... probably won't do you any favors. It's not "pick an option and then wait" since the attack comes out immediately but the simplistic combat may end up drawing too many similarities for you.

Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 2 especially are much much faster. Xenoblade 2 in particular ditches the time-based cooldown for auto-attack cooldown which makes charging up your Artsyappen pretty quickly.

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

final boss

you didn't play on nightmare


8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

the ending

i just hate how she got the short end of the stick everywhere after she worked so hard for the sake of everyone else.

Her nation? retconned of existence

Herself? Manages the very thing that destroyed everything she loved

And then the world was rewritten just so she doesn't appear in any other game 😞

Atleast the future she wanted to protect is still there, but all she can do is observe...

Edited by Shrimperor
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I see Metroid Prime 2 is reusing Zero Mission's "unknown" upgrades.

Although the boss that gave me that ended up locking the doors to the nearby save station so uhhhhh.....guess I'll redo the fight next time I play then.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

i just hate how she got the short end of the stick everywhere after she worked so hard for the sake of everyone else.

Her nation? retconned of existence

Herself? Manages the very thing that destroyed everything she loved

And then the world was rewritten just so she doesn't appear in any other game 😞

Atleast the future she wanted to protect is still there, but all she can do is observe...

Dang. Someone on the writing team didn’t like her.

But why all the effort for her to not appear again?

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But why all the effort for her to not appear again?

Ys games aren't chronological, and there are games that came out before that take place after Ys 8, and she wasn't in any of them as she was introduced in ys 8

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30 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It is done!

Full review later, when I have gathered my thoughts and have let everything sink in!

Congrats! Always glad to see someone enjoy a game.


25 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Sad but true, Canada better. Please keep it that way so I can flee there later.

Keep in mind that the step pyramid structure was used thousand of years earlier in Mesopotamia -ziggurats- and Egypt before they got to their famed sloped pyramids. The step pyramid is a fundamentally stable way of making monumental structures, arches require more math to invent -the Mayans likely could've eventually given their calendrical knowledge indicating mathematical abilities. It wasn't until the Romans that the western world learned to arch.


46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Gotta say, really liking these Federation data logs about how fucked up Aether is.

*Does a read of them online*

Looks like they had a few more unused ones.:


PFC J. Behr

  • The lieutenant thinks he's found a chamber the hostiles use as a breeding ground. He's taking us there to wipe it out, to take out their ability to replace their lost forces. Maybe we'll gain some ground after that's done.

LCPL T. Chauviere

  • The gas system is in place. I hope we have enough to get rid of all of these things. Everyone's low on ammo, and it looks like we're stuck here for some time. If this doesn't work, we're finished.

1LT K. Deckard

  • Our Command and Control chamber is secured. We are awaiting reinforcements and supplies. A few hostiles managed to escape; hopefully they won't come back with friends.

PFC S. Dudley

  • I'm beginning to think it was a real bad idea going down there. Reevs is right, that hive is just one of many. It's stupid to stir a hornet's nest, especially if you plan on sleeping under it. I'd rather take my chances on the surface, back at the ship...or out in that desert, with the Space Pirates.

PFC J. Flamme

  • Wish these damn things would get it over with. You want some? Come get some! Otherwise, get the hell out of my face.

CDR B. Gordon

  • Down to the five of us. Ivey's "phantom gunship" set down a while ago - it's not one of ours, and it's definitely not a Space Pirate boat. Whoever's in that ship is in for a treat, that's for sure. Hope they do better than we did here.

PFC R. Harris

  • This bridge should be secure. The only person able to operate it was that alien that came down here earlier, and it's dead. Just as well; the last thing we need is another way those things can get to us and attack.

PFC T. Ivey

  • I thought I saw a blip on the long-range scanner this morning. It hasn't worked well since the attack, but I could swear I saw a Gunship of some kind dropping into N-space. Could be backup...or another... incoming! Incoming! IN---(transmission ends)

SGT E. Monz

  • I swear I've seen these bugs before. There was an infestation on Devon III back when I was a green private; it took 2 cycles to cleanse the place. If these are the same bug, we're gonna need bigger guns. Bigger guns, and a lot more guys.

LCDR M. Pacini

  • There's a new type of Splinter coming through the hive. It's darker, covered with some sort of protective substance. They're definitely more aggressive, and harder to kill than those previously encountered. These may be the warriors of the species, rather than the workers we're ran into so far.

SPC D. Senge

  • The enemy keeps making raids, stealing what isn't bolted down. What they want with our gear, spare parts, and mess kits escapes me. What matters is that they've taken the parts we need to fix the engines. Unless we get them back, we're trapped on this hellhole.

PFC D. Zoid

  • I managed to get the door systems up and running, though the control systems look a little skittery...like most of the security around here. My kid brother could probably hack most of our locks. Fortunately, the Splinters aren't as smart as my kid brother.


32 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

The story is forgettable, the main cast sucks and while the IJS is cool (I played the PS2 version), you have too few characters to use all of them. Please tell me that Xenoblade is different, and I'll give it another chance.

I won't really comment on gameplay, that seems too difficult a matter for me to answer for you. And I know that for some people, XC combat just doesn't click, I don't hold it against them though I enjoy it.

On overall story, the first Xenoblade isn't bad, definitely stronger than FFXII, which is a pretty low bar to cross. On characters, some would say the XC1 cast is on the weak side (and that XC2 has better characters -although Rex attracts a lot of hate), but it's certainly better than XII in my own opinion. There are character irrelevancy issues, as you'd find in almost any RPG, but it'd closer to FFX's character irrelevancy issues than XII's.


11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I see Metroid Prime 2 is reusing Zero Mission's "unknown" upgrades.

Although the boss that gave me that ended up locking the doors to the nearby save station so uhhhhh.....guess I'll redo the fight next time I play then.

Died? Or do you just not have the time to play right now?

And it isn't an unknown upgrade as you'll soon learn. It isn't actually anything you get any gameplay benefits from. Although the logbook later states that it prevents Samus from being bodysnatched.

I haven't looked up everything for MP2, but all/most of the lore. I like that stuff, and I can enjoy it from afar.

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47 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Please tell me that Xenoblade is different, and I'll give it another chance.

It is! Its better! At least XC2 is.

48 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Oh, it can't be that bad-

*looks at list*


Why? The gameplay is too simple imo. The character gimmicks are poorly done (gameplay wise) and the story Is only good at the world of ruin portion to me.

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38 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

you didn't play on nightmare

True, but to be fair... I am not (yet) mad enough to play my first ever Ys game on Nightmare. XD

38 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

i just hate how she got the short end of the stick everywhere after she worked so hard for the sake of everyone else.

Her nation? retconned of existence

Herself? Manages the very thing that destroyed everything she loved

And then the world was rewritten just so she doesn't appear in any other game 😞

Atleast the future she wanted to protect is still there, but all she can do is observe...

That's fair.

But drawing the short end of the stick even though you work your ass off for others is sadly not entirely unrealistic, either.
If anything, this makes me like Dana a lot more, because it's friggin' relatable.

38 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And then the world was rewritten just so she doesn't appear in any other game 😞

That's an inherent flaw with Ys as a series, I'm afraid.
I would WISH she'd have formed a trio with herself, Adol, and Dogi for future adventures, but the dumbasses at Falcom just had to have it take place before Ys VI. XP

Still, I can't bring myself to hate the ending, haha! I dunno, I had actually figured something like that would happen the second they mentioned the main threat of the game is called 'Lacrimosa', the culling of life itself. Connecting that with the game's title 'Lacrimosa of Dana' and I knew she wouldn't make it through the game, so perhaps because I expected it, I cannot bring myself to hate this outcome as much.

But this is why I said "full thoughts later", because I have a lot to sort through in my head, heh.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Congrats! Always glad to see someone enjoy a game.

Thank you!

Edited by DragonFlames
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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

PFC S. Dudley

  • I'm beginning to think it was a real bad idea going down there. Reevs is right, that hive is just one of many. It's stupid to stir a hornet's nest, especially if you plan on sleeping under it. I'd rather take my chances on the surface, back at the ship...or out in that desert, with the Space Pirates.

Remove the bolded part and this is the log entry that was in the game.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

CDR B. Gordon

  • Down to the five of us. Ivey's "phantom gunship" set down a while ago - it's not one of ours, and it's definitely not a Space Pirate boat. Whoever's in that ship is in for a treat, that's for sure. Hope they do better than we did here.

I'm guessing the phantom gunship is Dark Samus' ship. Cause Samus didn't arrive on Aether until 8 days after all contact was lost.

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Died? Or do you just not have the time to play right now?

Nah what happened is that after you beat the boss, all the locked doors remained locked except one. The save room is past the locked door (you come in this way) and you need some alien translation thingie to open it again. Since I wanted to end the play session here, I figured i'd turn it off now and restart back at the save right before the boss.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Remove the bolded part and this is the log entry that was in the game.


Just now, Armagon said:

I'm guessing the phantom gunship is Dark Samus' ship. Cause Samus didn't arrive on Aether until 8 days after all contact was lost.

Or maybe they scrapped the entry b/c they realized Samus's arrival timing didn't work for the log entry to be possible.

Also, it can't be Dark Samus's ship, as it doesn't have one. It's explained how they showed up.

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

But drawing the short end of the stick even though you work your ass off for others is sadly not entirely unrealistic, either.

yeah i know

i just wanted her to be happy.

9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

If anything, this makes me like Dana a lot more

i am not putting it against her character, but mainly against the game itself, so to say

9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I would WISH she'd have formed a trio with herself, Adol, and Dogi for future adventures, but the dumbasses at Falcom just had to have it take place before Ys VI. XP

Solution: Make her travel the world by herself, and that she might meet up with them later. That way she can do what she always wanted to do and doesn't go against the timeline.

Or have her alive in Eternia with her friends for a full lifetime before she becomes Madoka xD

9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Still, I can't bring myself to hate the ending, haha! I dunno, I had actually figured something like that would happen the second they mentioned the main threat of the game is called 'Lacrimosa', the culling of life itself. Connecting that with the game's title 'Lacrimosa of Dana' and I knew she wouldn't make it through the game, so perhaps because I expected it, I cannot bring myself to hate this outcome as much.


>Blue Haired Heroine

that's enough of a sign really xD

9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

True, but to be fair... I am not (yet) mad enough to play my first ever Ys game on Nightmare. XD

i said the same exact words ~5 years ago

Now i play classic Ys on Nightmare and finished Ys 9 on Inferno xD (but that was easier than Ys 8 Nightmare tbf)

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Or have her alive in Eternia with her friends for a full lifetime before she becomes Madoka xD

Thinking on life, I'd be fine if she lived a normal life in the past and then died a normal death. She'd know for certain the future that hasn't happened yet is eventually bright. I wish I could know the same, that I could see the happy and good people of the world yet-to-be, to ameliorate the feelings that come with living in this dreadful present.

...Is this unexpected philosophical waxing too bleak? -I'll stop.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd be fine if she lived a normal life in the past and then died a normal death. She'd know for certain the future that hasn't happened yet is eventually bright

yeah i would be fine with that, really.

Well, might seem a bit deux ex machina-ish, but so is the current ending really

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Still, I can't bring myself to hate the ending, haha! I dunno, I had actually figured something like that would happen the second they mentioned the main threat of the game is called 'Lacrimosa', the culling of life itself. Connecting that with the game's title 'Lacrimosa of Dana' and I knew she wouldn't make it through the game, so perhaps because I expected it, I cannot bring myself to hate this outcome as much.

Feeling that was just means ther her character really resonated with you, and id say thats a good thing!

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Oh you're just saying it should take place in another screen. Yeah, the reason it doesn't is because they didn't want the game's flow to be interrupted.

Coincidentally, Tales of Arise is about to do this exact same thing.

Oh I just realized you're talking about FF12 and not Xenoblade kinda.

Well, looks like I won't be playing Arise. Yep, FF12. If the combat took place in another screen, it would 10x better.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

On overall story, the first Xenoblade isn't bad, definitely stronger than FFXII, which is a pretty low bar to cross. On characters, some would say the XC1 cast is on the weak side (and that XC2 has better characters -although Rex attracts a lot of hate), but it's certainly better than XII in my own opinion. There are character irrelevancy issues, as you'd find in almost any RPG, but it'd closer to FFX's character irrelevancy issues than XII's.

Well, as long Xenoblade doesn't have a Vaan it will be fine.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Why? The gameplay is too simple imo. The character gimmicks are poorly done (gameplay wise) and the story Is only good at the world of ruin portion to me.

Actually I was talking about your entire tier list. Well, at least you agree that FFVI's story is stronger when the World of Ruin kicks in.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

That's an inherent flaw with Ys as a series, I'm afraid.
I would WISH she'd have formed a trio with herself, Adol, and Dogi for future adventures, but the dumbasses at Falcom just had to have it take place before Ys VI. XP

Still, I can't bring myself to hate the ending, haha! I dunno, I had actually figured something like that would happen the second they mentioned the main threat of the game is called 'Lacrimosa', the culling of life itself. Connecting that with the game's title 'Lacrimosa of Dana' and I knew she wouldn't make it through the game, so perhaps because I expected it, I cannot bring myself to hate this outcome as much.

The real reason:

That or she was just too weepy, to be a Lacrimosa.


2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



We were getting there. But the coward Yankees surrendered before I could advance further east.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Fun fact: "baja" means down in Spanish. Verb-wise. "Baja al primer piso" = "go down to the first floor".

That or it's in La Baja. La Baja California.

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1 hour ago, Maof06 said:

Actually I was talking about your entire tier list. Well, at least you agree that FFVI's story is stronger when the World of Ruin kicks in.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's wrong with my list, besides the fact that i totally forgot to include FF III?

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57 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's wrong with my list, besides the fact that i totally forgot to include FF III?

It's ok, nobody remembers III anyway. Well, the most acclaimed ones are at the bottom of your list, while the most controversial ones are at the top (except Type-0, no one has ever played it).

What caught my attention is that 13 and 12 are very close to each other, while they are totally different. At least for as long as I played 13 before my PC exploded.


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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

just hate how she got the short end of the stick everywhere after she worked so hard for the sake of everyone else.

Her nation? retconned of existence

Herself? Manages the very thing that destroyed everything she loved

And then the world was rewritten just so she doesn't appear in any other game 😞

Atleast the future she wanted to protect is still there, but all she can do is observe...

Top 10 saddest characters in fiction

2- This woman






1- Waluigi--

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Almost 70 games in 30 years.

What has FE done in 31...?

Quality over quantity

Oh wait

Honestly though, that's over two games per year on average. Quite impressive, if I do say so myself. Shame about the amount that are officially translated, though...

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1 hour ago, Maof06 said:

It's ok, nobody remembers III anyway. Well, the most acclaimed ones are at the bottom of your list, while the most controversial ones are at the top (except Type-0, no one has ever played it).

What caught my attention is that 13 and 12 are very close to each other, while they are totally different. At least for as long as I played 13 before my PC exploded.


Umm, im somebody! XD

Just cause they are different doesnt mean they cant both be appeasing to me in their own unique ways!  

To me: XIII has one of the best MC's in FF history. Gameplay is amazing, music is great, i personally like the character development a lot. They focus on all characters, and not just leave some in the dust (FF IX Quina, for example) graphics far surpass its time, imo. Run speed is unbelieveable for PS3 standard.

Type-0 has Rem, another main character i like quite a bit! Pretty fun gameplay, great music, great story, alot of diversity. Its entire "core" stands out to me.

I guess im just strange! Xd

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