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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Hoooold on, didn't the creators themselves say at one point that the reason Adol doesn't return any girl's affection is because he's still devoted to Feena?


That is the prez's headcanon since he was a big Feenafag back then when Ys 1 came out and before joining Falcom he used to run a Adol x Feena fansite lmao

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8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

This is the point where I reccomend playing Zero Mission since its superior! Xd

I... think I'm going to stay away from Metroid in the near future.

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

I think there's something to be said that a game that requires experimentation or thinking things for a bit and that statement.


You know what, I think I'm just not going to answer that.

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If you're curious on the Speed Boost wall, here's how you can do it:

But again, this is not how you're supposed to do it, and the game won't let you go on anyway. So you can safely don't bother with it.

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17 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ys 2 lets you brun them xD

Yeah, they even have different dialogues for it. XD
Ys 2 was amazing, ngl!

17 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah coming from Ys 8 it must be tough

Kinda, yeah, haha!
I'm struggling the most with dodging and guarding at the right time at the moment (especially guarding), and the charge attack into Skill thing is something I'll have to get the hang of, too. Especially on Duren, since I tend to overshoot with his skill a lot! xD

14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


That is the prez's headcanon since he was a big Feenafag back then when Ys 1 came out and before joining Falcom he used to run a Adol x Feena fansite lmao

I see! Thank you for clearing that up! ^^

I will say, however, Feena being a good character/love interest or not aside, I do think it would give Adol's character an interesting facet if his reason for adventuring in the first place was also to try and find a way to bring Feena back (beyond him having a wish to see the world, I mean - he doesn't need to lose that aspect to make this work), or cope with losing her.
I'm a sucker for those types of stories and characters if they are well done, I'm sorry. XD

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12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

do think it would give Adol's character an interesting facet if his reason for adventuring in the first place was also to try and find a way to bring Feena back

It's a popular headcanon, but there has been no hints towards it after Ys 2

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That's true! Until the prez uses his influence to make it an actual thing... xD

When a shipper becomes a dev xD

Btw, Adol's sarcastic answers and people reactions to them un Celceta are the best xD

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Also the Adol "fucked many times" meme comes from the following:

In Ys 1 he could "measure" Feena

In 2 "measure" Tarf and sleep in 3 very beautiful girls beds xD

In Ys 3 he could "measure" Elena

All of those are achievements



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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

In 2 "measure" Tarf

Oh no! XD

Also, Shrimpy, there is something I am kinda confused about.
You can see it on the screenshots, maybe, but the PS4 version of Celceta that I'm playing now has a 2020 release date listed on the store. Is that just for the PS4 version, or is it for this particular version of Celceta in general?

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


I love it. XD

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

just PS4 version, i think

Ah, okay, I see! Thanks! ^^
So if I had wanted to play Celceta back in... *checks date listed on screenshots* 2014, I'd have to have waited for six years! Neat! xD

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Tark4cge o

Little help? I've bombed every inch of this entire area. Super bombs, even when they don't work, at least reveal breakable blocks. Unless there's like, a secret within a secret within a secret and that's how I progress, I just have no idea what to do now.

EDIT: I don't feel like reuploading the image, so let me just say, I figured out what the yellow thing is.

Vhlqceln o

It's an invisible path that you can only discover by jumping at the wall. Samus grabs on to the ledge. Very nice.

O508capi o

Except it's not an exit, it's just another dead end with a useless upgrade.

This game is wearing my patience thin. Look, I know I complain too much. I want to finish it, but if there's any lesson I've taken from this game, it's that this really isn't my kind of game. Goddamnit.


EDIT 2: Ah, there we go. I should've known, before I joked about it, that the answer really would be a secret within a secret within a fucking secret.

Red hatches are open and I don't even feel like making the same tired meme joke again. I just want this game to end already. Pretty please?

This part is the actual worst part of the game. I was stuck here too for like 30 minutes so don't feel bad. But after that, you're basically in the home stretch. Just one more run through the Night Sector and then it's off to the final battle iirc.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

think I'm going to stay away from Metroid in the near future

Zero Mission has potentially one "I'm stuck" moment (I looked up a guide literally once) and Samus Returns has none because Scan Pulse and if you get stuck in Samus Returns of all games, I won't have any words.

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Well, that was Metroid Fusion. Graphically it's wonderful, the atmosphere is excellent and finding secrets feels rewarding. Unfortunately, I found the controls rather cumbersome, the boss fights not too fun, and the "find secrets by bombing every pixel of the screen" gameplay wasn't enjoyable for me personally. So yeah. Good game, just not for me. I guess I'm too much of an idiot to enjoy games that make you think.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


You know what, I think I'm just not going to answer that.

I'm sorry with how the post can come off... I guess at this point I just get easily bothered with posts like that. Since I can't fathom well that people would find stuff like that as a struggle to overcome. Or that they're taking it out of proportion.

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