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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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15 minutes ago, Benice said:

..How did this happen?

It was always a case-by-case basis, but right at that tail-end of the war some SS elements were doing stuff not even the Wehrmacht could stand. So when the prisoners of Castle Itter took the castle and the SS planned to retake it, and news reached them, the Werhmacht forces in the vicinity promptly went to their defense (the SS were practically harassing the town the Wehrmacht troops were currently at), as well as the American troops that had arrived into the area. Even one SS officer that remained in the castle and befriended the prisoners also fought against the attacking SS forces.

So you had American troops, French POW's, German Wehrmacht troops, Austrian Resistance members, and one Waffen-SS Officer against... Waffen-SS troops. It ain't called the strangest battle of WWII for nothing.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It was always a case-by-case basis, but right at that tail-end of the war some SS elements were doing stuff not even the Wehrmacht could stand. So when the prisoners of Castle Itter took the castle and the SS planned to retake it, and news reached them, the Werhmacht forces in the vicinity promptly went to their defense, as well as the American troops that had arrived into the area. Even one SS officer that remained in the castle and befriended the prisoners also fought against the attacking SS forces.

So you had American troops, French POW's, German Wehrmacht troops, Austrian Resistance members, and one Waffen-SS Officer against... Waffen-SS troops. It ain't called the strangest battle of WWII for nothing.

That's pretty cool.

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I finished chapter 14. It was pretty easy. Which isn’t to say it’s bad, far from it. The chapter still requires some thought. I mean, it’s a Conquest chapter, Conquest chapters on average are either great or pretty bad with very few in between. I did scare myself by biting off more than I could chew, baiting the reinforcements while taking on a group of enemies a little to the right, but I was able to survive that really just through the right positioning. I achieved my goal of getting Corrin to level 20 just barely, like chip damage on the boss who I wanted to capture got him to level 20, and one more hit would have killed the boss. Yeah. I did end up capturing Kumagera, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to use him, I’m kinda strapped for deployment slots. For the first time I actively observed that half of his mask is destroyed and you can see one of his eyes, which is a cool detail, because it looks cool. But the best part of this chapter: marriages! Odin and Elise as well as Niles and Nyx achieved S-support, which means I can finally bench Odin, Niles and Nyx. Niles leveled strength again, because I guess my units like to get good levels when they’re about to be benched. But now I really have no reason to use him because I’ve trained archer Mozu AND his daughter is unlocked, who is just him but better in literally every way. The only thing she loses out on is capture, but there’s no one left who I want to capture. So yeah, sorry Niles. I don’t know when exactly I’ll do their paralogues, I won’t do them immediately because the next map is the one where you only have Corrin, Azura and Gunter, so I can get higher bases without losing out on being able to use them since I wouldn’t be able to bring them anyway. I might double check if I do get more deployment slots in chapter 16 when I get there and if I do, do them then. Maybe. But I can also start using Xander there… decisions, decisions. Lastly, Corrin promoted to Nohr noble.

Completely unrelated, but during the my castle segment the game informed me that it was Laslow’s birthday today and he got boosted stats, gave me an item, got weapon exp and the game let me give him a “birthday gift” (accessory) which got him a C-support with Corrin. Laslow. Lol. Yeah… happy birthday, but you’re still too boring to bring off the bench. I had the ability to have Corrin bond with someone, though, and none of the available supports would have been useful, but Laslow was one of them, so I picked him because it was his birthday. I’ll consider that his birthday present since I took back that accessory right after giving it to him.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:


You could almost say she's.....Estelle Bright hahaha get it?

This is even better when you know that Estelle gets told she shines like the sun like 5 times in Sky SC (and the end of FC iirc).

Edited by Sooks
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8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Oh and I just noticed that the Cheve army’s description when you tap on their little icon on the bottom screen calls them “courageous and loyal”. You know, the army who’s only ever featured when they’re actively rebelling against their home country and feeding intel to the country they’re at war with. Good job, game.

Isn't it made clear they're not loyal to Nohr and are actively acting in response to their invading them?

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, one last one:


Now I'm off to bed.

Okay, what's the April Fools update about?

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Draggy when Fates talk:

And because that is the case, I shall drown it out with something rather... uncharacteristic for me.

Just now, Dayni said:

Okay, what's the April Fools update about?

Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic, and yes, the "democratic" is a very big joke... it's like saying our government doesn't do politics only for the industry), a.k.a. DDR, where the entire east half of Germany was under the thumb of the Sovjet Union, while the west was divided between the French, the British, and the US for a short bit after WW2 until they decided to let west Germany be its own thing in 1955.
Reunification happened in 1989, and... well, we're still living with the consequences of what a massive fuck up that time period was. Not that our current government even gives a single effort to make it any better. Well, "effort" doesn't exist in their vocabulary anyhow.

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9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Okay, that’s pretty funny.

It's fucking hilarious. Guy's not even standing in front of his throne, he's standing on his throne! Who looked at this and thought "yeah, that's great, well done everyone, let's ship it, the fans will love it."

I mean, I know I love it, but...


I also like how Leo and Xander are standing right in front of him and are acting like they can’t see him until the camera pans over to him. They’re talking about him like he’s not there and he’s only several feet in front of them, but even Garon doesn’t say anything.

It's the cutscene that keeps on giving. The more you think about it, the dumber it gets.

Okay, okay, but in Xander's defense, let's not forget that he cannot see Elise running up to him from the side through his furrowed brow. Clearly Garon T-posing was standing in the dead zone right between his eyes, where the frown leaves him blind. Leo, though, Leo has no excuse. He's a disgrace.


Xander’s dialogue at the end doesn’t make a lot of sense, though, he acts like helping Corrin would be betraying Nohr and Garon, but then says he and Leo should gather their most trusted soldiers and go where Corrin told them to. So is he planning an attack? Why just the trusted soldiers then? If he’s planning to join Corrin, then by his own logic he’s betraying Nohr and his duty and honor. That is quite the funny scene.

I'll play devil's advocate here and argue that Xander wants to bring trusted soldiers just in case Corrin plans an ambush. He doesn't intend to use them if he doesn't have to, but he brings them along just to be safe. As for why only "trusted" soldiers, I imagine it's so that, in the event that he ends up joining Corrin, he wants the troops to be loyal to him and Leo more than Garon so that they don't turn on them and cause unnecessary trouble for the group.

...Of course, I haven't gotten to the actual chapter where they meet yet, so for all I know that furrowed brow idiot will attack Protagonist on sight. And, well, that particular bit making some sense doesn't take away from the hilarity of Garon T-posing on top of his throne for no reason.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

It made it impossible to take that scene seriously. Wonderful.

They really didn't think a lot of their cutscenes through. The cutscene right after Xander fails to peripheral vision and slices Elise's throat open, for example. I imagine if Corrin is in their base class it works fine, but if they've reclassed, depending on the class the "prepare for combat" animation makes them move forward and clip inside Xander, and then the dramatic camera zoom on their face misses entirely. It looks so dumb, why would they do it like that?

9 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

I forgot how ridiculous this moment is. My sides.

I really hope there'll be more moments like this. That scene alone was one of the best I've seen in the entire series.


S U B V E R T         E X P E C T A T I O N S.

This scene exists in order to make the player think Xander is going to help Iago in a future map, so when he appears and betrays him the player is supposed to be surprised.

Noooo spoilers. How could you spoil Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation to me like that.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… ah… hilarious. I don’t even need to say anything, do I?

Fire Emblem: Hypocrisy.

Also, you better have captured that man.

5 hours ago, windypanda1 said:


Hello, nothing much to say, but it's an honor that my Capture Fates hack was linked! I was doing a Lunatic Conquest run and I sorta gave up at Chapter 12 because it was really difficult. It is definitely fun to play around with generics though. 

Oh it's you! I was already in the middle of my Revelation generics only run, so I ended up not employing your hack (also because I want to make an exception for Fuga, since he's only in this route). However, I have used the infinite resources cheat to save some time. So thanks for that!

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It was always a case-by-case basis, but right at that tail-end of the war some SS elements were doing stuff not even the Wehrmacht could stand. So when the prisoners of Castle Itter took the castle and the SS planned to retake it, and news reached them, the Werhmacht forces in the vicinity promptly went to their defense (the SS were practically harassing the town the Wehrmacht troops were currently at), as well as the American troops that had arrived into the area. Even one SS officer that remained in the castle and befriended the prisoners also fought against the attacking SS forces.

So you had American troops, French POW's, German Wehrmacht troops, Austrian Resistance members, and one Waffen-SS Officer against... Waffen-SS troops. It ain't called the strangest battle of WWII for nothing.

The theme song of this battle.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Draggy when Fates talk:


Dude, even you've got to appreciate the glorious hilarity of Garon T-posing on his throne.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic, and yes, the "democratic" is a very big joke... it's like saying our government doesn't do politics only for the industry), a.k.a. DDR, where the entire east half of Germany was under the thumb of the Sovjet Union, while the west was divided between the French, the British, and the US for a short bit after WW2 until they decided to let west Germany be its own thing in 1955.
Reunification happened in 1989, and... well, we're still living with the consequences of what a massive fuck up that time period was. Not that our current government even gives a single effort to make it any better. Well, "effort" doesn't exist in their vocabulary anyhow.

I'm confused about it vs. the Pre-1.2 one then. I guess Pre-1.2 is Germany 45-55 under France, UK and US?

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Okay, I beat the Rainbow Sage map. I like how he disguised himself as a random old man so we wouldn't recognize him... Even though nobody in the team knew him to begin with. In Birthright he just came up to us and it worked out fine. I don't get why he needed the extra disguise in this route. To lie to the player? What sense does that make?

Oh, well. In any case, no new generics because illusions don't make for good prisoners. Next chapter doesn't offer anything interesting either, so I'll probably just focus on training my current army. When am I gonna get a strategist? I want a strategist. Preferably before I enter Valla and become unable to capture stuff (at least I'm assuming I won't be able to capture Vallites). And money. I want money too.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

And because that is the case, I shall drown it out with something rather... uncharacteristic for me.


“Uncharacteristic”, sure Draggy, sure...

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32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Preferably before I enter Valla and become unable to capture stuff (at least I'm assuming I won't be able to capture Vallites).

Can confirm you can't.

Way to make capture useful Rev. (I'm still pissed I can't catch the beast units)

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:



Big Nep! That scene was always really funny to me. XD



[video-to-gif output image]

For anyone that might care to check it out, take a look at me panic a bit in KH III against a super boss DM! See if you can spot where i make the mistake! XD

Edit: That or comment on how awesome my reactionary skills are, that's fine to! XD

Oh and in before someone asks why he glows red during the first set of guards: There is an ability in Critical Mode named Critical Counter: If you block with perfect timing, he can dish out a much stronger counterattack. This is indicated by a visual + sound effect when done correctly.

Edited by lightcosmo
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The fire walls map was another highlight of Rev, in my humble opinion. Really liked that map. Even without any royals to manipulate the dragon veins, I was able to do some stuff by waiting the walls out. The moment when I was running away, severely outmatched, and then the fire walls came up behind me and left the enemy as sitting ducks was awesome. Great stuff, loved that map.

...And then the game pulled a funny on me and made me unable to save. Not legally, anyway. But at the very least they had the decency to let me pick my army again. I want to deploy Orochi here really badly, because there's both a strategist and a dark knight that I want. They'll be probably the last non-Fuga units to join the team, seeing how I picked the route where half the game takes place in "can't capture" land for my generics only run.

Well, to be fair, there is one positive side effect of this: I get to bench Orochi after this map. Hurray.

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Well, that was a great couple of maps. Best in Rev so far, alongside the frozen sea. This second one was a little bit on the easy side, thanks to Xander and company distracting the eastern side. Then they all died. Took special pleasure in putting Leo in range of generals. As for the state of the army... Orochi captured the last two recruits, a strategist and a dark knight. Then she died as well, her purpose fulfilled, and baited the two generals close to us, ensuring our victory with her final breaths. I'm not cruel, am I...?

On the story side... I'm a bit surprised Iago and Hans have been dispatched so quickly in this route. They were friggin' one offs, both of them. So sad. As for Leo, it has been 10 seconds and he's already picking a fight with the Hoshidans. Nice. You work your magic, buddy, and everything we've worked so hard for will be ruined because you're too much of a shithead to cooperate.

Also, I'd just like to point out that our victory here hinges entirely on the fact that Garon randomly decided to T-pose on top of his throne and rant about how he wants to burn the entire, nameless continent. If he hadn't done that (like, y'know, in all the other routes), Leo and Xander would've fought us alongside Iago and Hans, and then we would've died and Garon would've won. Literally all he had to do was... not T-pose on top of his throne and rant about how he wants to burn the entire, nameless continent.

Thanks a lot, man. You truly are the MVP of this game, Garon.

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8 hours ago, Benice said:

...Elden Ring will be PS exclusive.



 12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm not cruel, am I...?

Do you even care?

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On the story side... I'm a bit surprised Iago and Hans have been dispatched so quickly in this route. They were friggin' one offs, both of them. So sad.

That's because it's only Valla now.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, I'd just like to point out that our victory here hinges entirely on the fact that Garon randomly decided to T-pose on top of his throne and rant about how he wants to burn the entire, nameless continent. If he hadn't done that (like, y'know, in all the other routes), Leo and Xander would've fought us alongside Iago and Hans, and then we would've died and Garon would've won. Literally all he had to do was... not T-pose on top of his throne and rant about how he wants to burn the entire, nameless continent.

Thanks a lot, man. You truly are the MVP of this game, Garon.


Also, good morning to everyone.


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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll play devil's advocate here and argue that Xander wants to bring trusted soldiers just in case Corrin plans an ambush. He doesn't intend to use them if he doesn't have to, but he brings them along just to be safe. As for why only "trusted" soldiers, I imagine it's so that, in the event that he ends up joining Corrin, he wants the troops to be loyal to him and Leo more than Garon so that they don't turn on them and cause unnecessary trouble for the group.

But why is he even considering joining Corrin, he literally just implied that’s basically committing treason. And I know he could simply commit treason, but Xander would rather have died in Birthright. It‘s almost like a character in a Fates game is inconsistent.


Also, you better have captured that man.

Smh not reading my chapter summaries, even though they’re very entertaining.

Yes, I did capture him, but I am very unsure of whether or not I’ll be able to use him. He is alive, though, so there’s that.

31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that was a great couple of maps. Best in Rev so far, alongside the frozen sea. This second one was a little bit on the easy side, thanks to Xander and company distracting the eastern side. Then they all died. Took special pleasure in putting Leo in range of generals. As for the state of the army... Orochi captured the last two recruits, a strategist and a dark knight. Then she died as well, her purpose fulfilled, and baited the two generals close to us, ensuring our victory with her final breaths. I'm not cruel, am I...?


I’m surprised you don’t have anything to say about how funny what they did with Niles and Odin was.

Also, you’re now at the boring part of the game. Have fun.

Edited by Sooks
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0yjesu8o o

Look at that. Beautiful, beautiful sight. Is that the most badass team you've ever seen or what? Maybe at the end I'll share some stats, so you guys know what an army of generics is capable of.

11 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Do you even care?


11 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

That's because it's only Valla now.

Wait, does that mean Garon just... disappears from here on?

Please tell me it isn't so. I want Garon to continue appearing so I can watch him T-pose on his throne some more.

...Though, honestly, even if he doesn't have any more appearances he'd still be the greatest character in this whole videogame by a long shot, just thanks to that one scene. In fact, I think it'd be even better if he doesn't ever reappear. His whole purpose for existing in this story would be to T-pose on his throne so Xander and Leo stop being morons and join Protagonist. That would be... oh, so, so deliciously idiotic.

11 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:


You'll hear no complaints from me. I wish every story had T-posing on top of a throne as the center of its narrative.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But why is he even considering joining Corrin, he literally just implied that’s paramount to treason. And I know he could simply commit treason, but Xander would rather have died in Birthright. It‘s almost like a character in a Fates game is inconsistent.

Look, I... I don't fucking know, okay?

Garon T-posing on top of his throne. There. There's your answer. It makes perfect sense to me.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Smh not reading back to read my chapter summaries, even though they’re very entertaining.

Actually, I looked for it, but I was unable to find it. I must've skipped over it by accident.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yes, I did capture him, but I am very unsure of whether or not I’ll be able to use him. He is alive, though, so there’s that.


Now use him. He's great in ninja hell.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m surprised you don’t have anything to say about how funny what they did with Niles and Odin was.

That's because it's nothing compared to what they did to Nyx. You have to double back to the beginning with Corrin a few turns into the map to grab her, only to get a shitty ass unit that gets one-rounded by everything. And to add insult to injury, Shura is standing in the opposite direction (and actually in the way to the objective), also gets recruited by Corrin and has endgame stats. It's fucking amazing. It's straight up worse to recruit her. Congratulations, Nyx - you're Astram.

Not gonna lie, I feel like my experience has been unironically improved by the generics only gimmick. Fuga's Mild Ride alone was a struggle with Rev's extremely shitty non-royals. And, well, I used Xander a little bit in Iago's map and he was hilarious, the game would've been such a bore with units of that caliber. The generics, however? Really well balanced. I have never felt that I was super underpowered, but neither have I felt that I was coasting through life. They hit the sweet spot.

Generics ftw. They're saving Revelation.

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