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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Anyways, the chapter's done. Here's a brief summery of the events.








And that last part is a reference to this (which is also referenced in one of Erica's attacks).

Holy Emperor what is this madness?!?

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

And Elefant has a good Magic list he can now use thanks to the Priestess High Magic and MP stat.

How does an elephant know magic?

Interesting system overall. I certainly wouldn't mind something like it. Tell me when I can get the raging dragon the size of a large hill with 999 Atk & Def who pairs beautifully with the glassiest cannon little mage girl.

28 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

ye it's more the RPG in the SRPG than the S.

More thought is put into enemy skill kits and stuff.

There're like 2 Maps where it's more S, but mostly it's more RPG.

Honestly I feel "RPG over S" describes a great many "SRPGs". FE is usually an exception, but other than that, it's like the easier thing to do is "JRPG, but with a grid". It requires less thought.

Not to say I mind a curtailing of the S all the time. While Final Fantasy Tactics is... not a masterpiece... Devil Survivor is 👍.


30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nah, i weigh the pros and cons, as well as how soon am i likely to play the game.

I'd add sales frequency as another factor. No point in buying many games on sale right away -Ys VIII on Switch being one of them- if sales happen every other month or so.

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I have “””saved””” the varl at Einartoft (who wanted to leave). For now. It remains to be seen for them whether they’ll stay alive (hint: they won’t).

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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This is what I believe to be the reason why Josh, in his prank, focused so hard on Chris and Ashley even though Chris was his best friend and didn't participate in the prank that resulted in his sisters' death.

I mean, think about it. Matt, Emily, Mike and Jess were the ones behind it and he just sent them off to other locations while he tormented his own best friend who had nothing to do with it. He didn't seem to know about the wendigo, so it's not like he wanted them outright dead. Seemed more like he just wanted them out of the way.

In my opinion, in his own twisted way, Josh was trying to "help" Chris. Put him and Ashley in the worst possible situations to force them to confess to each other out of desperation. Of course, it potentially ends up backfiring horribly, but I believe Josh had good intentions. Just, well, there was the little snag that he suffered from some severe mental issues that clouded his judgment.

...of course, there's one big hole in this theory, that being Sam. He pesters Sam almost as much as Chris for virtually no reason. What's up with that?



Mike and Jess never did make much sense to me, but he doesn’t have a whole lot to do with Matt and Emily. He sets up stuff at the building with the cable car to scare them, but they go to the radio tower completely on their own, and I highly doubt he was the one who knocked down the radio tower considering he really didn’t want to kill anyone. Especially since it falls into the mines, it was likely a wendigo trying to order its meal for delivery.

I wouldn’t say he pesters Sam that much, though. He gives her one chase through the lodge and that’s it, after that (if he catches her) he just uses her to mess with Chris and Ashley some more.

Also wasn’t it like 2 am for you when you posed that?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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That... Makes a concerning amount of sense.


I’ve seen it before too, but I’m not sure there’s actually a lot of evidence for it.

Edited by Sooks
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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Nah, i weigh the pros and cons, as well as how soon am i likely to play the game.

The opposite of me, then! 

40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

While Final Fantasy Tactics is... not a masterpiece...

Im pretty sure you just set the entire internet on fire. Xd

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7 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Im pretty sure you just set the entire internet on fire. Xd

I'll have to find somewhere to hide then. How about on an FFT battlefield? There ought to be a few spots where no matter which of the four camera angles I pick, I'll have a hard time being seen on those blocky maps thanks to that wonderful isometric perspective. (Top-down is from a purely utilitarian viewpoint much better!)

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd add sales frequency as another factor. No point in buying many games on sale right away -Ys VIII on Switch being one of them- if sales happen every other month or so.

True. I keep putting off Mario+Rabbids for the longest time because "eh, it'll go on sale next week again", for example.

43 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Im pretty sure you just set the entire internet on fire.

Oh please. Watch this. *Ahem* Metroid Other M is a better game than both Metroid Prime 1 and 2 combined.





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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How does an elephant know magic?

It's a heavenly one part of a goddess' army xD

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Honestly I feel "RPG over S" describes a great many "SRPGs". FE is usually an exception, but other than that, it's like the easier thing to do is "JRPG, but with a grid". It requires less thought.

That's true. Aside from FE (and kagasaga) only Valkyria Chronicles i can think of as more S.

And even some FE falls into more RPG, like Echoes for example

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42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Wait, how could I have learned everything I know about tactics from Benice when Benice started playing FE after me and was inspired by my LPs to do his own? Something's not right here, man! A poor attempt at slander, old man! I am too smart and wise not to figure your tricks out!

  Time travel.

That's the only explanation.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It was a 99.

A fucking 99.

Truly few runs could be screwed by the lowest of percentages.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Damn you Felicia.

This is why I prefer Jakob.

On the other hand Jakob's a shit dad.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:


What is this lmao. Literal gatekeeping.

"You'll listen to the report and like it."

Also, he's a tome user. Wut. Aside from that:


Looks like Eirika got better exclusives than Marianne. Marianne can dance with her special, but she needs SC acceleration to do so every turn. Also, Gatekeeper gets some of the least "fanservicey" art FEH has ever seen. Why isn't there more like this?

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7 hours ago, Sooks said:

I have “””saved””” the varl at Einartoft (who wanted to leave). For now. It remains to be seen for them whether they’ll stay alive (hint: they won’t).

Good work, Sooks. Good work.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:


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Mike and Jess never did make much sense to me, but he doesn’t have a whole lot to do with Matt and Emily. He sets up stuff at the building with the cable car to scare them, but they go to the radio tower completely on their own, and I highly doubt he was the one who knocked down the radio tower considering he really didn’t want to kill anyone. Especially since it falls into the mines, it was likely a wendigo trying to order its meal for delivery.

I wouldn’t say he pesters Sam that much, though. He gives her one chase through the lodge and that’s it, after that (if he catches her) he just uses her to mess with Chris and Ashley some more.



Josh was the one who directed Mike and Jess to the cabin in the woods. There were no traps or anything in the way there, so the theory adds up. He just wanted them out of the way while he played morbid matchmaker for Chris. As for Em and Matt, he probably would've sent them somewhere, but then they disappeared of their own accord and he probably went "eh, works for me."

As for Sam... yeah, true, he "just" chases her around and ties her up, but that's still way more than he does to everyone involved with the prank that killed his sisters (other than Ashley), even though Sam tried to stop it. Clearly revenge is not the reason there, unless you argue that since he was passed out with Chris, he mistakenly believed Sam was also involved. If it's not revenge, then Josh getting a kick out of watching her run around in a towel is the most plausible explanation... unfortunately.



Also wasn’t it like 2 am for you when you posed that?

I get a little carried away.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:




Hot take of the day: Fates generics >>>>>> the only Three Houses generic that is memorable.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Aside from FE (and kagasaga) only Valkyria Chronicles i can think of as more S.


51 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Time travel.

That's the only explanation.

With all the time travelling shenanigans in my LPs, it wouldn't even surprise me.

51 minutes ago, Dayni said:

On the other hand Jakob's a shit dad.

I mean, so is Leo, but that doesn't mean Dwyer and Forrest deserve not to exist.

51 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Why isn't there more like this?

Because IntSys be like

Incidentally, I discovered after you showed me this that it's the same voice actor as Frollo.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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12 hours ago, Dayni said:

That sounds terrible. I had a not dissimilar experience with Jill myself, mine was Spd screwed and she got 8 levels of Bexp for 2 Spd out of it.

Was Ena any help with Ashnard then?

Do Dragons hit on Defence or Resistance? I assumed the former, which is why I never bothered using Ena since her Atk with Breath was the same as Ashnard's Defence. I just used Ike for first phase, then Ike and Giffca for second.

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21 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Do Dragons hit on Defence or Resistance? I assumed the former, which is why I never bothered using Ena since her Atk with Breath was the same as Ashnard's Defence. I just used Ike for first phase, then Ike and Giffca for second.

It'd been a while, but yeah looks like it hits Def.

Which would explain why people don't really talk about Ena doing damage huh? I man, maybe if she was trained in the prior maps she could contribute, but other than that...

Wait she and he have the same attack stats, weapon and all at base and Nasir did damage. Maybe either only he hits Res or they both do.....

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

That's true. Aside from FE (and kagasaga) only Valkyria Chronicles i can think of as more S.

Basically any of the real-time games do more of the S than the RPG. So in addition to Valkyria Chronicles, your XCOMs, your Mario+Rabbids, etc, all follow suit.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hot take of the day: Fates generics >>>>>> the only Three Houses generic that is memorable.

I don't see the Fates' generics sounding the horn of the apocalypse on their enemies.

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I beat the funny 72 turn map from TLP in 20 turns. Didn't even have time to see the allied reinforcements. Oof.

Gotta say, I love how that map has a day and night cycle. It's a really cool idea... even if it does turn the map into a FoW map halfway through.

Just now, Armagon said:

Basically any of the real-time games do more of the S than the RPG. So in addition to Valkyria Chronicles, your XCOMs, your Mario+Rabbids, etc, all follow suit.

I really need to try XCOM one day. It's been too long.

Just now, Armagon said:

I don't see the Fates' generics sounding the horn of the apocalypse on their enemies.

No, they just killed God with iron weapons. Need I link the video of them killing Anankos again? Don't give me an excuse man, you know I'll do it.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll have to find somewhere to hide then. How about on an FFT battlefield? There ought to be a few spots where no matter which of the four camera angles I pick, I'll have a hard time being seen on those blocky maps thanks to that wonderful isometric perspective. (Top-down is from a purely utilitarian viewpoint much better!)

Hey, there are some maps where it's hard to see still! XD Take the Yardow fort, or Riovanes Castle, they have blind spots where you could hide! 

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh please. Watch this. *Ahem* Metroid Other M is a better game than both Metroid Prime 1 and 2 combined.

Hey, i couldn't judge, i haven't played Prime 2 or Other M!

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I beat the funny 72 turn map from TLP in 20 turns. Didn't even have time to see the allied reinforcements. Oof.

Gotta say, I love how that map has a day and night cycle. It's a really cool idea... even if it does turn the map into a FoW map halfway through.

Damn can't believe Kaga ripped off The Last Promise smh.

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59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I beat the funny 72 turn map from TLP in 20 turns. Didn't even have time to see the allied reinforcements. Oof.

Gotta say, I love how that map has a day and night cycle. It's a really cool idea... even if it does turn the map into a FoW map halfway through.

Ah the one with Holton, the Paladin with a terribly animated battle sprite! XD His critical is sweet, though.

Edit: I think the chapter title is "battle of Kin"?

Edited by lightcosmo
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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, so is Leo, but that doesn't mean Dwyer and Forrest deserve not to exist.


I'm a little lost as to how that was related.

Then again, I mostly brought up Jakob being a shit dad as a counter to Jakob as a character more generally, as I find him to be just a dick really.

(Although, considering my usual playing of Fates, the kids tended not to exist anyways.)

23 minutes ago, Armagon said:



As an aside, I feel like I'm getting a really strange bug. Youtube keeps redirecting video links to the front page, while keeping the video going. Anyone know what's going on?

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