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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's here where i admit that i've been conditioned to think that every mech with the big spikes like these is the Xenogears.

I can see the resemblance in general contours. And it can glow up some additional spikes of pure light as the Xenogears does. 

Though whereas the main weapon is the Xenogears is ether-infused punches and the occasional headbutt or drill kick, the Vayikra's strongest and most awesome weapon is this.:


Kanaf Slaves- many little drones that accelerate at high speeds and pierce through the target in a stampede of sorts.

44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Honestly, probably yes. Games often have other qualities besides just the haha anime. 

But if you're watching anime or reading manga and it's got the tropes you don't like, there's really nothing you can do about it. Cause that's the main subject. There's nothing to divert your attention away from it besides dropping it entirely.

It's not merely "tropes are bad, gameplay gives me something else", it's also me laughing at jokes that I would think I would not remotely enjoy in other mediums. Jokes that might even make me say "yeah no, I'm outta here".

Maybe I hold too high an opinion of myself as someone who partakes no joy in base humor (hard to believe based on how I act here, I know) and is generally no fun. Although it's not to say that I laugh at every smutty jest, and I certainly don't have infinite openness to trashy anime-influenced games, some stuff is beyond my tolerances. Yet, while there is an ambivalent ocean between me and anime/manga -two oceans on anything particularly degenerate- the gulf between me and roughly comparable stuff in a game is significantly smaller, when it exists at all.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

By the way, I've brought up KagaSaga (and you've probably seen it mentioned in the thread before), but I realize I don't know if you know what that is. In case you don't, they're a series of FE-like games that Shouzou Kaga, the original director of the series from 1 to 5, made after leaving Intelligent Systems. Berwick Saga in particular I consider one of my favorite games of all time, it's really amazing.

I have heard of something like that I just didn't know fully about it. I'll have to look into them sometime.

In other news, tragedy has struck. Apparently, sometime between yesterday and today, my 3DS got busted and can no longer open games without crashing.

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A skilled Owain can beat any Ophelia

This might be the first run in like years i am considering not using Ophelia kek. I will still get her for Calamity Gate and Log Book purposes, but damn if Odin isn't fun to use.

Really wish this game had wrath as a teachable skill for 100 crit memes. The closest i could find was Awakening, and it's a female only skill kek... Next run with Ophelia then


....It kinda Irks me that Severa is the only one from the trio i didn't train kek

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So I'm at the Museum Authority Building, doing The Amazing Aqua Cura! quest and... oh lol, a terminal has a straight-up reference to Star Trek IV The Voyage Home about a request about a larger tank for a doctor's whales to be built in San Francisco. Right down to the Doctor's name being exactly the same, Gillian Taylor. Now that's a crossover I didn't expect to see here...

Now let's see if I can find some nuclear wessels...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Oh yeah, the Steam awards. There's always zero hope of any game I like making it to the finals, these things are nothing more than a popularity contest, but I suppose I might as well throw some votes around.

Oh wait. There's a problem - these awards can only be given to games that came out in 2021. 2021 has sucked big balls in terms of games. Omori's the only game I can give any award other than "labor of love" to. Eh, might as well let it have game of the year, then. I mean, to be honest, it probably is the game of the year for me. Then I give labor of love to Terraria Rogue Legacy 2 because might as well, I mean it's not like I'm gonna give it to TF2. And uh... That's about it. Maybe I'll give something to Beard Blade, seeing how it's the other 2021 game I've enjoyed.

Honestly though, it's so sad. Every category offers some suggestions of games I've played from this year. Every single category suggests Omori, Beard Blade and Great Ace Attorney. There's just nothing more looool. What a shitty gaming year, I so hope next one will be better.

11 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I have heard of something like that I just didn't know fully about it. I'll have to look into them sometime.

Please do, when you've played some more FEs. Or, y'know... Not, I hadn't played many FEs when I tried out TearRing Saga lol. Aside from Berwick Saga, which is more different (mostly due to Kaga trying to avoid another lawsuit), they're basically just more FE for the PlayStation and later PC. TearRing and Berwick have fan translations while Vestaria 1 officially localized. There's an official translation in the works for the sequel to Vestaria as well, but we don't know much about it yet.


In other news, tragedy has struck. Apparently, sometime between yesterday and today, my 3DS got busted and can no longer open games without crashing.


Well, time to get a completely legit Nintendo PC, brand "Citra."

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

I have not laughed as hard in a while.

I really shouldn't have.

I really don't like the idea of Genealogy of the Holy Incest having anything even remotely to do with Mario and Luigi.

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

>Miss 2 86% Freeze shots

It's not like I wanted to pass this map anyway, Fates.

RNG giveth, RNG taketh away.


(Related: at least the 69% entrap worked.)

Of course it did. It had the power of memes boosting it to 100%.

9 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

This is the first time in years i do the Soleil Paralogue and i am reminded once again how cool the map is


Bad Shrimpy. You'd do Ophelia's paralogue all the time but not best girl's? I'll bet you don't even take Senno along most of the time, even though he's the real hero of the map.


Father/Daughter combo ftw

I gained some respect for Laslow from this paralogue.

Still not enough to use him, I can't say I care much about him.

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ahahaha, I remember this...


Asterix books were my childhood. Well, part of it, at least.

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33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

best girl

Yeah Ophelia is best girl!


I gained some respect for Laslow from this paralogue.

Tbh, the main story does hurt the awakening trio quite a bit, especially if you take the DLC into consideration.

Laslow's ''Do you know something we don't'' is super silly considering he knows the whole truth.

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There we go, Skeletron is down. Even with all the mobility options, it took a couple tries. Tough boss, but I've done it. I also explored the dungeon a bit, but the damn place is more annoying than I remembered it.

1 hour ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Yeah Ophelia is best girl!

She's certainly the best.

...At not being the best.


Tbh, the main story does hurt the awakening trio quite a bit, especially if you take the DLC into consideration.

Laslow's ''Do you know something we don't'' is super silly considering he knows the whole truth.

The Awakening three are just more clumsy pandering in Clumsy Pandering: The Game. Only instead of sexual pandering to the horny otakus, it's "recognition" pandering to the new fans Awakening brought in. That's it, there's no point in trying to make sense of them, because by all rights the game would've been better off if they'd been new characters that didn't require stupid justifications for their presence.

Kinda like the Whitewings in Gaiden. To their credit, their arrival to Valentia was easier to justify. I mean, they can fly and Valentia exists in the same universe as Archanea, the writers didn't need to go through all the hoops of making them be materialized there by a dumb secret villain for some reason. But otherwise, as far as I know there's very little reason for them to go to Valentia in the first place ("Est was somehow captured by pirates from an entirely different continent" is not a reason, it's an excuse, and a flimsy one at that), they serve zero purpose in the story, their adventures in Valentia don't affect or change them in any way and are never even brought up in the direct sequel to Archanea... they really just exist because the Whitewings were popular I guess. Could've replaced them with three different pegasus sisters and it would've made no difference... Just like in every other game in the series where you get an unrelated, yet oddly similar trio of pegasus sisters.

(In case you're wondering, I've not brought up Zeke because unlike the Whitewings, his appearance in Gaiden does serve a purpose and does shape him as a character. Valentia's a critical part of his character arc, whereas the Whitewings just sort of... exist there)

8 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


The wonders of Fates' effective speed system.

It's making my brain hurt to try figuring out how this works.

Probably because I've only used a legendary in Fates once, and it wasn't excalibur. For all Fates did super right, legendaries is not one of those things. It's insanely difficult to get any use out of those stupid things.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Why did you have to crit him i wanted to capture his ass.......

I just wanted you to soften him up for Niles...

I am not resetting for this...

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's making my brain hurt to try figuring out how this works.

Basically, There're are two speeds during battles.

Attack Speed, and Defence Speed. When Attack speed is higher than enemy's defence speed, doubling happens.

Steel weapons for example only lower Attack speed by 3, but not defence speed, hence you don't double unless speed difference is 8, but you won't get doubled if enemy's speed is higher than yours by 2, as the -3 only applies while you are attacking, not while defending/countering.

Handaxes and the like lower defence speed hence their users getting doubled alot.

Darting blow also only increases Attack speed not defence speed (and only on PP), so if a pegasi with 25 speed attacks a 30 speed user, they will still get doubled.

Yeah it's complex. Might even be a bit too complex kek.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For all Fates did super right, legendaries is not one of those things. It's insanely difficult to get any use out of those stupid things.

Yeah weapon ranks rise way too slowly in Fates. And it's stupid that promotions don't give weapon ranks

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Alright, endgame time. Endgame in fe1 was the worst map in the entire series (so far), so let’s see if they fixed it.

And they already mostly did since I can now control what units go where! Now they just need to fix the infinite reinforcements.

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34 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


Why did you have to crit him i wanted to capture his ass.......

I just wanted you to soften him up for Niles...

I am not resetting for this...


Well, that's an L for you. You had better make sure to grab Senno in Ophelia's paralogue, or else I will be one angry individual and will find faults in S;G in order to mildly upset you. You want that to happen? No? Put some Senno in your life.

34 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Basically, There're are two speeds during battles.

Attack Speed, and Defence Speed. When Attack speed is higher than enemy's defence speed, doubling happens.

Steel weapons for example only lower Attack speed by 3, but not defence speed, hence you don't double unless speed difference is 8, but you won't get doubled if enemy's speed is higher than yours by 2, as the -3 only applies while you are attacking, not while defending/countering.

Handaxes and the like lower defence speed hence their users getting doubled alot.

Darting blow also only increases Attack speed not defence speed (and only on PP), so if a pegasi with 25 speed attacks a 30 speed user, they will still get doubled.

Yeah it's complex. Might even be a bit too complex kek.

Sheesh. I never knew it was this complex. I just thought stuff like handaxes and steel weapons just lowered your AS and that's it...

34 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Yeah weapon ranks rise way too slowly in Fates. And it's stupid that promotions don't give weapon ranks

More than this, the problem is that only certain classes can even reach S rank. What if my mage is a strategist, or my axeman is a hero, or my bowman is an adventurer? And to add insult to injury, you don't even get all the legendaries in Conquest and Birthright! Waterwheel has Haitaka's name written all over it, but it doesn't exist in his route!

Just now, Sooks said:

Alright, endgame time. Endgame in fe1 was the worst map in the entire series (so far), so let’s see if they fixed it.

It's, uh...

I won't sugarcoat it: The optimal strat is to suicide Nagi/Tiki on Medeus, then go in for the finisher however you can. Employing plenty of warp, of course. I've beaten it legit before, and I must say I do appreciate that it offers a challenge instead of just being a boss and that's it, but... Well, it's really tough.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You had better make sure to grab Senno in Ophelia's paralogue

Nah, imma go grab Nichol. I have enough Archers in my team and i am thinking of turning Soleil into a Bow Knight (Mostly for Shurikenbreaker) now that she got Axebreaker and the better lvlups from Hero.

I need a Percy replacement and Nichol works well for that

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

the problem is that only certain classes can even reach S rank.

I actually like that. Sometimes mono weapon classes need an edge over dual classes, and that's one way of doing it.

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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The optimal strat is to suicide Nagi/Tiki on Medeus,

I thought you said Tiki sucked?

I mean, I leveled her to 21 anyway and she became insanely good but still. If you care about optimization or whatever and are boring like that.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

then go in for the finisher however you can. Employing plenty of warp, of course. I've beaten it legit before, and I must say I do appreciate that it offers a challenge instead of just being a boss and that's it, but... Well, it's really tough.

Yeah, well, I’m tougher. Hopefully.

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Hey Fates experts, I got a question. I don't understand how the logbook works. When I go into the logbook menu by talking to the assistant at the castle, at the bottom it says "Logbook: 77/99", but only three units I locked, plus another seemingly random five appear on the list available for purchase. This list is shared by all my save files. How can I see the rest?

15 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Nah, imma go grab Nichol. I have enough Archers in my team and i am thinking of turning Soleil into a Bow Knight (Mostly for Shurikenbreaker) now that she got Axebreaker and the better lvlups from Hero.

I need a Percy replacement and Nichol works well for that

Grumble grumble.

15 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

I actually like that. Sometimes mono weapon classes need an edge over dual classes, and that's one way of doing it.

Eh, I guess so, but... it's kind of a pathetic edge when you end up just never using the legendaries anyway lol. Heck, the one time I could use a legendary, with zerker Charlotte, it wasn't even the best option for her.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I thought you said Tiki sucked?

And she does. This is the only thing she's useful for, and even then, the optimal thing is to kill her so you can get Nagi instead.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean, I leveled her to 21 anyway and she became insanely good but still. If you care about optimization or whatever and are boring like that.

Oh yeah, she's fun to train... probably. I can't say I've ever bothered, I've other memes I'm fonder of than the dragon loli.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, well, I’m tougher. Hopefully.

We'll see.

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