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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Holy shit, that song is good!

And I agree. That is not French XD I actually can't recognize any French sounds being a French native speaker XP I can recognize they're actually using repeating words, despite the words sounding like a jazz singer going nuts in their solo XD But I really like when a game goes to this length, and it gives a nice flavor to the song.

6 minutes ago, TheChoZenOne said:

Hol up!! "Continue to be wrong?" Bruh You think Moeka is better than Makise? (I mean I appreciate the Shining Finger appreciation but) Idk what part you are in but Makise is far from a generic tsundere. Huh? If anything, I didn't even know she was a tsundere until I heard she was technically classified as one 💀 Then again.... I will preface that out of all the characters, she was the most different to me in the visual novel compared to her anime counterpart imo. So then again, she might seem more tsun tsun in the VN LOL 

As a weeb, I agree that Moeka is more interesting than Makise and that Makise is a semi-generic Tsundere. I mean, I think I remember some things being more interesting way later on, but for the most part, the characters apart from Okarin are single tropes 85% of the run time. Which is sad because I saw potential for them in at least one scene, but then they shafted them to the side forever. Their relationship is also pretty much what you would expect from a downplayed tsundere relationship. It's not as intense as other animes, but at its core, it's the same thing. I must say she can be more in the right than most tsundere for her levels of annoyance though. That also comes from someone who liked Zero no Tsukaima with the tsundere that literally casts explosion spells on the object of her affection.

12 minutes ago, TheChoZenOne said:

 Regardless, part of me feels like we experienced a different story. Because its mostly agreed by the majority that Makise is like one of the best anime girls and incredibly charming.

Probably due to waifu blindness lololol

Nah, seriously, I can see why people might like her and I can understand she's not as overplayed as other tsunderes which can be a point in her favor, she's just not in the right setting as I feel characters aren't exploited well in S;G, and its hype doesn't help the character at all. I feel certain animes are able to build on tropes to make great characters, like in Given, but here, I feel like the trope was more added on top to try and rocket the character's popularity than anything else.

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1 minute ago, Lorneus said:

Holy shit, that song is good!

And I agree. That is not French XD I actually can't recognize any French sounds being a French native speaker XP I can recognize they're actually using repeating words, despite the words sounding like a jazz singer going nuts in their solo XD But I really like when a game goes to this length, and it gives a nice flavor to the song.

As a weeb, I agree that Moeka is more interesting than Makise and that Makise is a semi-generic Tsundere. I mean, I think I remember some things being more interesting way later on, but for the most part, the characters apart from Okarin are single tropes 85% of the run time. Which is sad because I saw potential for them in at least one scene, but then they shafted them to the side forever. Their relationship is also pretty much what you would expect from a downplayed tsundere relationship. It's not as intense as other animes, but at its core, it's the same thing. I must say she can be more in the right than most tsundere for her levels of annoyance though. That also comes from someone who liked Zero no Tsukaima with the tsundere that literally casts explosion spells on the object of her affection.

Probably due to waifu blindness lololol

Nah, seriously, I can see why people might like her and I can understand she's not as overplayed as other tsunderes which can be a point in her favor, she's just not in the right setting as I feel characters aren't exploited well in S;G, and its hype doesn't help the character at all. I feel certain animes are able to build on tropes to make great characters, like in Given, but here, I feel like the trope was more added on top to try and rocket the character's popularity than anything else.

Makise Kurisu is best girl, fite me!! 💀 (yes that's my response xD. The Chosen One doesn't need a reason or rebuttal, just pure determination 😤)

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

You are supposed to be there.

Alternatively, you can sequence break and get Cross Bombs in Ghavoran. Or if you're really bold, sequence break to get Gravity Suit (there is a teleporter). Although for a first run, you'd want the Space Jump you get in Ferenia.

Yeah, I am way too slow to be that bold.

Then what breaks the green blocks?

TIL this is the first Metroid game to mention parkour.

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Just now, TheChoZenOne said:

Makise Kurisu is best girl, fite me!! 💀 (yes that's my response xD. The Chosen One doesn't need a reason or rebuttal, just pure determination 😤)

Lol, to be fair, anime MCs do need only determination to defy every rule of logic and worldbuilding and become an unstoppable force of nature. Chosen ones are often generic anime MCs.

Only problem is... life is not an anime. You're on!

No girl is best girl! They're all as bland as the other! Fite me!

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7 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Lol, to be fair, anime MCs do need only determination to defy every rule of logic and worldbuilding and become an unstoppable force of nature. Chosen ones are often generic anime MCs.

Only problem is... life is not an anime. You're on!

No girl is best girl! They're all as bland as the other! Fite me!

Owain will like to fight that claim!! 😤

(Also I counteract that. ALL GIRLS are best girl!! Equality for the girls. Let them all be the BESTest with the breastest.... I mean what?)

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6 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Holy shit, that song is good!

It's the best part of the first game because sadly, Gravity Rush 1 is not that good. Gravity Rush 2, on the other hand, is genuianly amazing and blew away all expectations I had going in. One of the best games I've played this year.

7 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

That is not French XD I actually can't recognize any French sounds being a French native speaker

Oh well look at that haha.

You do at least hear the influence, right? I know they said it was inspired by French but I'm curious to know if a French speaker actually hears that influence. 

12 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

I can recognize they're actually using repeating words,

There is a translation too and the lyrics are surprisingly dark.

14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Shoot i forgot: 

Now that Scwarzer is back, this can happen!

See the source image

Dread it.

Run from it.

Rean still arrives.

13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Yeah, I am way too slow to be that bold.

It's not hard actually but you'd have to Bomb Jump to get back after getting Gravity Suit.

13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Then what breaks the green blocks?

Green blocks? What green blocks?

Oh the locks. That's  for the Storm Missile. Ordinarily, you'd get it before Space Jump (also in Ferenia).

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4 minutes ago, TheChoZenOne said:

Owain will like to fight that claim!! 😤

(Also I counteract that. ALL GIRLS are best girl!! Equality for the girls. Let them all be the BESTest with the breastest.... I mean what?)

What do you mean? Owain WANTS to be a generic anime MC. As much as I love him, that's like his only wish in life.

Lol, shall I counteract you with your own quote? I think I shall.

2 hours ago, TheChoZenOne said:

 the main two overshadow the rest, especially Faris, Lukako, Shining Finger lol, by a LARGE margin


4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's the best part of the first game because sadly, Gravity Rush 1 is not that good. Gravity Rush 2, on the other hand, is genuianly amazing and blew away all expectations I had going in. One of the best games I've played this year.

Would you say it's a game that needs 1 to be well experienced, or could I take out everything from 2 despite not having played 1?

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You do at least hear the influence, right? I know they said it was inspired by French but I'm curious to know if a French speaker actually hears that influence. 

Honestly, it sound closer to Austrian than French too me. The style of song however does seem like something you'd hear in French culture a lot. I see more japanese influence in the language than French, in all honesty XD Wait, let me try to translate the lyrics in French to showcase it better. I'll also try to change up the words here and there when I have inspiration to show other possibilities.

Tous les jours, des choses variées arrivent

Mais nul n'est besoin de s'inquiéter

Après tout, vous êtes mourant.

Les bonnes choses comme les mauvaises

être heureux ou inquiet

Tout cela va disparaître éventuellement

Et nous ne puvons faire quoi que ce soit pour le changer

C'est futile de le combattre

C'est inutile de soupirer pour cela

La destination est la même

C'est assez facile après une explication, n'est-ce pas?

Tous les jours, des choses variées arrivent

Mais nul n'est besoin de s'inquiéter

Après tout, vous allez mourir.

Vous pouvez vous morfondre pour cette tragédie

Ou essayer de vous distraire

Mais nous mourrons de toute façon

Étant tourmentés par cette tragédie

Fuyant pour nos précieuses vies

Tout cela va s'évaporer au final

C'est ainsi que ça fonctionne, c'est juste naturel

C'est inutile de résister

C'est inutile de chercher pour un abrit

La destination est toujours la même

(Mais de toute manière, j'ai entendu dire que l'amour en valait la peine au final...

Vous pouvez vous morfondre pour cette tragédie

Ou essayer de vous distraire

Vous serez en train de mourir de toute façon

Cette bonne personne va aussi mourir

Cette mauvaise personne va aussi mourir

De la même manière, la même mani``ere, tout le monde va mourir

La ville mourra de la même manière

Vos dieux vont mourir de la même manière

Ils mourront jusqu'au dernier!

Chacun d'eux mourra

Et toi aussi, tu va mourir (alors abandonne, d'accord?).

Tous les jours, des choses variées arrivent

Mais tu n'as pas besoin de t'inquiéter

Après tout, vous êtes mourant.

Les bonnes choses comme les mauvaises

être heureux ou inquiet

Tout cela va disparaître éventuellement

Ce n'est pas comme si nous pouvons changer quoi que ce soit, non?

C'est futile de  le combattre

Il n'y a pas de but à soupirer pour cela

La destination est la même

(Mais on m'a dit que l'amour n'était pas si mauvais...)

Tous les jours, des choses variées arrivent

Mais pas besoin de s'inquiéter

Après tout, vous êtes mourant.


So yeah, the lyrics are surprisingly dark indeed XD But I really don't see any influence from French there in the official lyrics. They use very short words and sentence compositions, no accents, sounds that are more akin to eastern Europe or even asian languages. Maybe it's more just the music score and setting that is inspired by French culture?

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8 minutes ago, Lorneus said:


What do you mean? Owain WANTS to be a generic anime MC. As much as I love him, that's like his only wish in life.

Lol, shall I counteract you with your own quote? I think I shall.


Would you say it's a game that needs 1 to be well experienced, or could I take out everything from 2 despite not having played 1?

Honestly, it sound closer to Austrian than French too me. The style of song however does seem like something you'd hear in French culture a lot. I see more japanese influence in the language than French, in all honesty XD Wait, let me try to translate the lyrics in French to showcase it better. I'll also try to change up the words here and there when I have inspiration to show other possibilities.

Tous les jours, des choses variées arrivent

Mais nul n'est besoin de s'inquiéter

Après tout, vous êtes mourant.

Les bonnes choses comme les mauvaises

être heureux ou inquiet

Tout cela va disparaître éventuellement

Et nous ne puvons faire quoi que ce soit pour le changer

C'est futile de le combattre

C'est inutile de soupirer pour cela

La destination est la même

C'est assez facile après une explication, n'est-ce pas?

Tous les jours, des choses variées arrivent

Mais nul n'est besoin de s'inquiéter

Après tout, vous allez mourir.

Vous pouvez vous morfondre pour cette tragédie

Ou essayer de vous distraire

Mais nous mourrons de toute façon

Étant tourmentés par cette tragédie

Fuyant pour nos précieuses vies

Tout cela va s'évaporer au final

C'est ainsi que ça fonctionne, c'est juste naturel

C'est inutile de résister

C'est inutile de chercher pour un abrit

La destination est toujours la même

(Mais de toute manière, j'ai entendu dire que l'amour en valait la peine au final...

Vous pouvez vous morfondre pour cette tragédie

Ou essayer de vous distraire

Vous serez en train de mourir de toute façon

Cette bonne personne va aussi mourir

Cette mauvaise personne va aussi mourir

De la même manière, la même mani``ere, tout le monde va mourir

La ville mourra de la même manière

Vos dieux vont mourir de la même manière

Ils mourront jusqu'au dernier!

Chacun d'eux mourra

Et toi aussi, tu va mourir (alors abandonne, d'accord?).

Tous les jours, des choses variées arrivent

Mais tu n'as pas besoin de t'inquiéter

Après tout, vous êtes mourant.

Les bonnes choses comme les mauvaises

être heureux ou inquiet

Tout cela va disparaître éventuellement

Ce n'est pas comme si nous pouvons changer quoi que ce soit, non?

C'est futile de  le combattre

Il n'y a pas de but à soupirer pour cela

La destination est la même

(Mais on m'a dit que l'amour n'était pas si mauvais...)

Tous les jours, des choses variées arrivent

Mais pas besoin de s'inquiéter

Après tout, vous êtes mourant.


So yeah, the lyrics are surprisingly dark indeed XD But I really don't see any influence from French there in the official lyrics. They use very short words and sentence compositions, no accents, sounds that are more akin to eastern Europe or even asian languages. Maybe it's more just the music score and setting that is inspired by French culture?

I think all Steins Gate girls have their charm ahem. They are all best girl. But Makise is bestest best girl 😶

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2 minutes ago, TheChoZenOne said:

I think all Steins Gate girls have their charm ahem. They are all best girl. But Makise is bestest best girl 😶

But tell me, if all girls are best girls, then what are they better than to become best? When you say "best girl" you usually say they are the best one among the girls of their work. Or are you saying ALL girls of S;G beat ANY girl in ANY work of fiction whatsoever, because they have their charm? Also, being bestest best girl means she beats the "best" ones and thus is only best girl in other scenarios 😉 

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4 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

But tell me, if all girls are best girls, then what are they better than to become best? When you say "best girl" you usually say they are the best one among the girls of their work. Or are you saying ALL girls of S;G beat ANY girl in ANY work of fiction whatsoever, because they have their charm? Also, being bestest best girl means she beats the "best" ones and thus is only best girl in other scenarios 😉 

This is the funniest conversation I think I ever had on here 💀

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Just now, TheChoZenOne said:

This is the funniest conversation I think I ever had on here 💀

Well, glad to entertain! I'm pretty into it too =P

And don't think this dodge lets you crawl out of the hole you dug for yourself.


8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I clearly have a lot to add.

Having completely forgotten the existence of Nae and her dad before reading this thread, I would take them out of my rankings. I mean, even if I forgot Luka's face, I remembered the vegetable plot point at least. Mayuri and Luka would descend to C for being boring and the S girls would go to A in this context for having potential, though it was mostly unused in the anime, imo. I don't think Daru and Okarin would budge. Oh right, Kurisu exists too. She's fine where she is too.

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7 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Well, glad to entertain! I'm pretty into it too =P

And don't think this dodge lets you crawl out of the hole you dug for yourself.


Having completely forgotten the existence of Nae and her dad before reading this thread, I would take them out of my rankings. I mean, even if I forgot Luka's face, I remembered the vegetable plot point at least. Mayuri and Luka would descend to C for being boring and the S girls would go to A in this context for having potential, though it was mostly unused in the anime, imo. I don't think Daru and Okarin would budge. Oh right, Kurisu exists too. She's fine where she is too.

What hole? Nani? I'm a bit sleepy..Chosen ones need divine naps too you know? See you all tommorrow *yawn* 😴😴😴😴

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4 hours ago, Dayni said:

At least they didn't reference Crab Rave right?

I actually wouldn't have minded if they did. I distinctly remember Luminous Arc 2 making an early, unavoidable reference to the Giant Enemy Crab meme in its script (must've been a localization addition, much like "Die monster, you don't belong in this world!").

4 hours ago, Dayni said:

Pete sounds like an absolute troll.

I might have a liking for beast-eared bois. So you can understand why I'd be disappoint. And the trolling is certainly unintentional, which makes it all the worse.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I fucking hate Serenes

Five minutes away from having to leave and I press ctrl+z without thinking and it irreversibly erases half the post.

Why the fuck does that happen. I've been on this site for years and from day one this shitty ass bug has been here.

Goddamnit. And the post was so long, too. Excuse any mistakes I might make, I don't have the fucking time to check.

And then sometimes when I hop to the next page, anything I had typed for a new comment on the prior one turns out to not have been saved. I've lost lengthy posts myself before. Sometimes my error, other times to random glitches.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How could you say such a thing, Observer?

Because I cite reality. Chronicles have since given way to telling histories in a more free-flowing narrative format, every wannabe historian learns that.

And, a lame title and very plain artwork (although, given the excesses of... excess, I don't truly mind the choice of aesthetic) won't stop me from enjoying the gameplay and whatever else there is to potentially delight in. I've eyeballing on the game for years and are intentionally delaying on it right now, I can look past the cover, and stare at the game's hexiness instead.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

God, why did PxZ1 have to drop the ball on the gameplay so hard?

And this is why cheats are a blessing, to counteract the "good script stuck in bad gameplay" curse.😀

Assuming one can even input them in the first place.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Oh well look at that haha.

If you want a Japanese video game song with actual French lyrics....


Just felt it was on topic.😜

Though some commenters said they couldn't quite tell it was French at first. Having someone whose native tongue is Japanese singing it is likely the reason. Reminding me of how actual Germans can't recognize Wir Fliegen as German. And it wouldn't surprise me if I learned Le Ali Del Principio was Italian with a terrible accent.

But then, the choice of song language is more for style than anything else in these contexts. When a game is intended for an international audience, many are guaranteed to be unable to understand it regardless. The lyrics reflect the aspirations of the instruments and the game/moment-in-the-game itself.


30 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

So, uh.

That boss was quite the difficulty spike.

The one with the plants that can stun it or something? Yes, that one is infamously difficult. Unusually so.

47 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Rita is pretty heccin' fun to main.

Not usually into using casters, but she fun.

As someone who has played Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Graces, and Xillia, I can say that Bamco gradually got better with mages as the 3D games progressed. Raine and Genis had nothing except spells. Yet by Graces -although I never used them- IIRC, the offensive casters in that game actually have shortened casting times if you use some of their physical Artes first.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Just now, TheChoZenOne said:

What hole? Nani? I'm a bit sleepy..Chosen ones need divine naps too you know? See you all tommorrow *yawn* 😴😴😴😴

Haha, well good nap!

Be careful for dirt rain, though. The spot you chose to sleep in might not be the safest.

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If you want a Japanese video game song with actual French lyrics....


Just felt it was on topic.😜

Though some commenters said they couldn't quite tell it was French at first. Having someone whose native tongue is Japanese singing it is likely the reason. Reminding me of how actual Germans can't recognize Wir Fliegen as German. And it wouldn't surprise me if I learned Le Ali Del Principio was Italian with a terrible accent.

But then, the choice of song language is more for style than anything else in these contexts. When a game is intended for an international audience, many are guaranteed to be unable to understand it regardless. The lyrics reflect the aspirations of the instruments and the game/moment-in-the-game itself.

Yeah, if you don't look at the lyrics it's not all that noticeable at first, except for some places. I think it's the style of singing that is mostly at fault for that. When she "talks" you can clearly hear the French, but the opera-like voice kinda muddles the lyrics. The sounds are so open and exaggerated that it becomes hard to discern what it is despite a nice sound. Honestly, she pronounces very well for a japanese speaker, and very beautifully too. It's quite a nice song!

Edit: also the music is louder than the voice and drowns the lyrics. And rather than opera, I'd mostly say a whimsical, airy voice, maybe? I'm not quite sure how to properly describe it, but I was definitely way off the mark when saying opera.

Reedit: gods, makes me think of Chrome Shelled Regios with their absolutely awful english parts. Worst thing is that they WEREN'T SUBTITLED! I'm not sure if anyone understood anything of that honestly, it was a magnificent mess XD

Edited by Lorneus
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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The one with the plants that can stun it or something? Yes, that one is infamously difficult. Unusually so.

Yep, that one.

Ah, well, at least it's not just me sucking at the game then. 😛

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As someone who has played Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Graces, and Xillia, I can say that Bamco gradually got better with mages as the 3D games progressed. Raine and Genis had nothing except spells. Yet by Graces -although I never used them- IIRC, the offensive casters in that game actually have shortened casting times if you use some of their physical Artes first.

Interesting to know.

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