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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Siegel's down to and... nice, got Saizo to become an Ace! First one to get. Siegel seems to be in denial he was defeated and... the E-Phas blows up. Amies is definitely not mourning, but Saizo notes he managed to escape. Amasaki says they should retrieve the escape pod and interrogate him.

Alright, two enemies left, but it's only turn four. I have plenty of wiggle room here.

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  • Codename Shrimp


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  • Armagon


18 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Obviously you don't have to play it if you don't want to... but it would be funny.

Would it, though? Last time, I hated every character except for three, got lost in a forest and blamed the lightning and camera angle, then got bored of gameplay and story both and quit roughly 56 hours before It Got Good. How could it go this time?

18 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

There's a decent chance it will do better than Three Houses, since Scarlet/Violet had a bigger launch than Sword/Shield and Kirby and the Forgotten Land outsold Star Allies.

It would be SO funny to me if this game turned out to have a terribad story (not a total guarantee yet - bad designs distract, but do not ensure a bad story. Just ask Xenoblade lololololol) and then went on to outsell Three Houses. It would be beyond cathartic. The validation of my preferred FE type.

I wouldn't have too high hopes, but that's because I don't want a repeat of Three Houses. Best be wary.

21 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Monday is coming


18 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Remember, Malos was right.

I'm surprised you worked for so long with your faith in humanity still intact. I think things will be better when you get a non-retail job... not that I would know, granted.

18 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Non retail worker here. Just 2 days and i lost faith in everything and if i don't turn off my mind from Monday to Friday i think i would've done something to myself

Every day I thank God for the (mostly) heavenly job I landed.

...For one year. I'm likely to end up here still, later on. I don't have an uncle that works for the government, only one that works at Nintendo.

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Tfw Haitaka first casuality

Piece of shit. They've gotta restart. Can't go on without Haitaka.

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And with Rakan down, it's a rout! Got the SR Point. He flees, but not before gloating the colony drop can't be stopped now. Kamille inwardly remembers he was the one who had the info on Haman's location and wanted the party to kill her, and is quick to realize Haman didn't planned this. Now with the enemies taken care of, the plan is to bombard the colony and annilihate it before it can hit the planet. Just then, a fleet arrives, but it's not the Federation nor Neo Zeon. They fire at the colony... but instead accelerate its descent! Too late, it's now caught in the gravity well. T3 starts firing hoping to make it break apart and the impact not be severe, but they barely dent it. Kamille declares he'll get in and destroy it from the inside, and Bright orders every mech capable to do the same. The unknown ships depart, their purpose seemingly done. They can only guess they might've been Company ships. Just then, a transmission from Mikoto comes in. She tells Guy to take ChoRyuJin and head to the surface. They may have a plan to stop the colony, if they can damage it and break it apart enough first.

Back on Earth, Guy is now in position. The colony will hit in three minutes. T3 was able to divert it from populated areas, but it's still falling. In any case, the plan is to use the Dividing Drive to create a spatial distortion between the colony and the surface. The distortion will basically slow down the colony and reduce the force of impact. It's impossible to reduce it to nothing, but they don't know by how much it will be. Still, that's what the Eraser Head will be for, to eliminate any remaining energy, though it hasn't been tested yet. In fact, ChoRyuJin might not survive... but he's willing to do it. Just then, GekiRyuJin shows up, wondering why ChoRyuJin is going through with this. ChoRyuJin simply says because he's brave. He asks him why he fights, other than being built for that purpose. GekiRyuJin says it's his mission, but ChoRyuJin instead says it's to protect. Everyone fights to protect something, and having imparted these words, he has no regrets now. And now the colony comes. As expected, the Dividing Driver won't be enough, and ChoRyuJin can't take the full brunt of the Eraser Head. But then, GekiRyuJin jumps in too...

Well, the end result is... the colony crashed, but disaster was averted. No shockwave to wreck havoc, or aftermath tsunamis either. The four separate Super AI's contemplate things, with EnRyu and HyoRyu thanking FuRyu and RaiRyu for having lent their support. The odds were still 40% at best for all to survive, so they wonder what made them change their mind. Was it because it was their mission? Fu and Rai say it wasn't. Rather, En and Hyo's determination and refusal to give up triggered a want to figure the deeper meaning of such actions. Combined with the Getter Team saying that some things can only be seen when hearts are joined as one. Which gets compared to Symmetrical Docking. Before that, Fu and Rai were only combined via mechanical help, but it was doing an actual Symmetrical Docking that made them overcome the odds of failure. Thus, their reason to fight, and the thing to protect, is the reason they're alive. Guy comments this is the birth of new brave heroes. T3 will soon come up to pick them up. They'll all be regrouping at the Orbit Base. Stopped the disaster or not, a colony drop was enacted. Earth won't stay paralyzed for long...

At the VTX Union, Presbund congratulates Taiga, though the latter says it was basically a group effort. To which Presbund notes it was the cooperation between many that served to stop a catastrophe. Still, the people are still going to be filled with fear, anxiety... and anger. Another concerning thing is The Company. Still, they believe in T3 to be able to take care of things...

And stage ends.

Two more DLC stages have unlocked. Hmm, should I go on and make a stop for today...

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3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

FE4 Remake with good gameplay when

My uncle at Nintendo only gets me Nintendo PCs and completely legit copies of games I ask him for. He cannot give me details on future releases. Too risky he says.

...Though I did think it was weird that out of the blue he told me to start brushing my teeth with Colgate...

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Bonus Scenario: Today is Bonus Day!

This scenario happens shortly after stopping the colony drop... and in June, apparently. Interesting. So, the SS3 girls are celebrating they've received their cash bonuses... which prompts the Takeo General Company guys to wish they could get one too. Unfortunately, it seems the company has never granted any, due to their small size. Watta overhears and it gets him down, considering that as CEO it makes him responsible for that... and gets him fired up to ensure they do get a bonus, apparently this having bothered him for quite some time. He goes on to Maito for advice, who is more than happy to help by... having Senpuji Concern acquire Takeo General Company. The employees would get stuff like stable incomes and the like, and Watta is even invited to join the Brave Express Corps... complete with Tryder needing a Train Mode, pft... and possible renaming to Tryder G8. Wow. Watta naturally protests, not wanting to part with the company. But Maito holds nothing back, pointing out that since the company can't afford handing out bonuses to their employees and having a CEO with little confidence that he seeks help from others... he doesn't consider the company to have a future. Though before this conversation goes on, the alarm sounds. To which Watta considers this his chance...

Over in a nearby town, it's being under attack by the Phantom Thief Pink Cat, Vuitton, who is taking advantage the Brave Express Corps are dealing with the aftermath of the colony drop to enact her scheme... wait, I thought Mightgaine was post-script, but if Vuitton is still up to shenanigans... well anyway, Aubrey detects an approaching mech, and shortly after Watta shows up. Vuitton isn't quite impressed to see it's Watta and not Maito. This only serves to anger Watta, who gets fired up and ready to prove her wrong! TGC may be not be a megacorporation and starts listing its faults... but, he plans to change that, and first step for that, is stopping her on his own.

So, stage begins! Enemies are Fromages and Vuitton in her Snooby. The Fromages have actual pilots... cat girls? lololol Not actual catgirls, that's just the theme uniform. Vuitton is the Pink Cat, after all. Anyway, no points to worry about... let's go!

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I expanded the drawing.


Now aside from the Pope of Anime's confrontation with Long-haired Lancer, there's also Purple Knight facing Archer Pal. And... I'm just now realizing that's totally Bart Simpson hanging from the ceiling. That's not what I had in mind, but okay, sure.

I also drew this other thing below it.


That really went from this to this really fast. Their fault for using bright yellow Future Guns instead of something that hurts

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A few turns in, Vuitton mocks Watta that he's alone and thus he'll never beat her. Watta says no cat burglar will defeat him, which Vuitton takes offense. Stating she's a Phantom Thief. As she says, beauty begets beauty, so everything beautiful belongs to her. Watta says it's not logical. If she wants something, she should work and buy it fair and square, and calls her a disgrace. Vuitton gets mad, but before anything else, Aubrey reports the Brave Express Corps have arrived. Sure enough, it's them plus the Shuttle and Tyranado. Maito is ready to stop her, but Watta tells him to not butt in. Kakikoji states he already spoke with Taiga, about TGC getting the commission from this battle. Watta tries to downplay, but they understand he's doing it for the company, not the money. Still, Watta knows he had been losing sight of what's really important. So he won't deny their help in stopping Vuitton. Still, the SS3 guys also had something in the works, a subcontractor contract for the battle's duration, so anything they do will be attributed to TGC. Interestingly enough, they bring up the Tryder and Shuttle were the tactical model behind the creation of the Tyranado and Carriax, so this gesture is also kinda payback for that. Nice lore welding there. Likewise, the BEC will give credit to TGC for this too. This show of camaraderie surprises Vuitton, and Aubrey suggests if perhaps she should give up thievery and get a job.

"Only a sucker works a 9 to 5."

I guess that's a no. XD ... Wish I could work a 9 to 5, not 8 to 5:30/6.

Though Saizo takes this chance to comment she just doesn't want to earn income via work... and she'll regret looking down on them once they get their bonuses. Haha, he's getting int that Super Robot Shounen Pilot spirit. XD

And stage resumes.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


that's pretty normal tho?

Perspective my friend. A few years ago, I wouldn't have given a shit but you have no idea how annoying it is whenever someone asks me to help them find an outfit and when I ask them their sizes, they tell me they don't know.

Help me help you damn it. I don't like playing the guessing game.

As for giving up after looking at two pieces of clothing that aren't your size....idk what to tell you there. Like at least try to look for it, come on bro.

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:
2 hours ago, Armagon said:


Usually by that they mean to ask where it is

Then they should ask where it is and not if we have it.

Because there have been people who've done exchanges because the clothes didn't fit (they weren't aware we had fitting rooms).

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I don't know about where you live, but over here there are some clothing stores without fitting rooms. One even just said the bathroom was the fitting room.

Yeah idk about other countries. But at least here in the US, most stores that sell clothes have fitting rooms somewhere and the ones that don't are usually just souvenir shops that are too small to have one anyways.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

surprised you worked for so long with your faith in humanity still intact

I lose it every time I tell someone "we're closing in eight minutes" and they use that as an invitation to walk in anyways.

I lose it even more when they tell me "I'm just browsing" afterwards because now not only do they not have empathy but now they are actively wasting our time.

And the worst part is that people who do this don't even realize what they're doing sucks shit. 


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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I wouldn't have given a shit but you have no idea how annoying it is whenever someone asks me to help them find an outfit and when I ask them their sizes, they tell me they don't know.

Measure up the waist/length/etc. to get their sizes


8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because there have been people who've done exchanges because the clothes didn't fit (they weren't aware we had fitting rooms)

Some Also might be buying for family/friends who weren't there

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I lose it every time I tell someone "we're closing in eight minutes" and they use that as an invitation to walk in anyways.

Yeah that's asshole behavior if they do that and don't walk out in exactly 8 minutes. 

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I'm ready to fire some emblems!


Oh god. This is like when people used to call Indian territory "Savage land"


Must be one of those Indians who sided with the Confederacy during the Civil War.




In a cast usually filled with young teens and adults it's always great to see that one character who has kids back home.


"You're not gay are you?" Titania asks Rhys in their A support.


It's kind of interesting how in Fire Emblem they'll usually have a Goddess as the highest authority but still have their empires be ruled under a patriarchal society with the men leading and the women staying behind. Most real patriarchal societies have it span all the way up to the top with an explicitly stated male god or creator, it's why in churches you'll have nuns (Who are supposed to be the wives of god himself by the way in case you were ever curious) be referred to as just sisters while priests (Who are only allowed to be male) get to be fathers.

Now China comes to mind as a patriarchal society that actually tried to erase goddess in their mythology as leading figures and keep the males as the creators and most powerful.

Granted Begnion does have a female apostle leader who as far as I'm aware has to be female, as well as a female lead military, but even still they have a mostly male filled council that clearly have a lot of sway and power over what they get to do.


Girl do I have a story for you.


Hm... a desert region that has issues with slavery being invaded by a group of government hired mercenaries...

...Nope, I was trying to make an Iraq war allegory but I couldn't do it. The Material was all there but they didn't fall into the right place.



Fun fact, my state of Oregon only recently just fully outlawed inmate slavery this midterm and is still one of the only states to have done so

Oh and of course


Pretty sure that's just cursive, Naesala.


It's a true fact that European settlers held the belief that the world existed for humans to exploit, a philosophy that continues to hurt our world to this day, while the indigenous belief was that humans were just one part of the larger ecosystem.


Mr steal-your-girl selling the kid he used to babysit into slavery is up there as one of the more darker parts of the franchise.


Please tell me we get to be slave freeing vigilantes, John Brown style.


Wait, so the Apostle knows about the neo-slavery practices of her council members but refuses to tell the public about it?

That's some Ba Sing Se shit right there.


First promotion baby.



Says the dude who immediately inherited his father's company after he died.


So Devdan's the first person of color in a Fire Emblem game, correct?


You ever play through a map and then you realize "shit I forgot to deploy my thief to get the chests"


Astrid update.


Ike may very well not need the strength booster.


In a game filled with explicit mentions and moments of slavery, the game is terrified to actually use it for the one black character.


Dammit, I really liked him.

Welp, at least I have a spot for Devdan now.


Racist populace still engages in racial hate crimes after emancipation, that checks out.


It's almost uncomfortable how close this game gets to real world tragedies.



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I see Black Mightgaine is here. I wonder if he wouldn't if I hadn't unlocked him.

Anyway, once defeated, Vuitton and Aubrey get a little meta, stating they were just here as bonus cameo... sending Vuitton to hysterical comment anything but that. lol So I guess this is postscript after all. Anyway, they retreat. Mightgaine wonders why she just can't abandon the life of thievery, to which Maito guesses it might be what she thinks is the best she can do, and without an alternative, she'll just keep resorting to crime. In any case, Ikue brings up the entire thing brought a T$50,000 profit.

Back at the Ra Cailum, the SS3 talks again about how they spend their bonuses, with Amies saying she'd go on vacation. Saizo brings up what's her opinion on company retreats, to which she states unless it's with likeable coworkers, it's just another business trip. Meanwhile with the TGC guys... turns out they won't be getting the bonuses after all. Watta comments this wasn't extra profit, just a stopgap. Kakikoji comments focusing only on short-term profit is just setting up for long-term failure. Still, Watta do promise to give them year-end bonuses... and that's why they'll exceed the yearly estimates so they can get those. Not just him, but everyone will work hard to make that a reality. Watta then thanks Maito, as his earlier words were him trying to point him in the right direction. Though Maito still jokes that he better watch out or he might still buy out TGC, heh. Watta vows his company will one day overtake all others, and Maito welcomes the challenge. And Saizo declares he'll use his bonus to treat them all to a party. Thus the stage ends...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Hm... a desert region that has issues with slavery being invaded by a group of government hired mercenaries

Ah this map.

....you uh, didn't recruit Stefan did you?

I mean I wouldn't blame you, he's a Kaga-tier recruitment but he would've been really good.

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fun fact, my state of Oregon only recently just fully outlawed inmate slavery this midterm and is still one of the only states to have done so

Tennessee also did but the headlines just read "Tennessee bans slavery" which made it sound funnier than it should've been.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So Devdan's the first person of color in a Fire Emblem game, correct?

Nope. Irene in Binding Blade. And that's playable, I mean.

9 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Dammit, I really liked him.

It's ok, he'll walk it off in time for Radiant Dawn.

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10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Must be one of those Indians who sided with the Confederacy during the Civil War.


That... Does fit Naesala. Guy's a two-faced snake with wings.

10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


In a cast usually filled with young teens and adults it's always great to see that one character who has kids back home

Brom is great. You better have some Brom in your team. What's it looking like, by the way?

10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Mr steal-your-girl selling the kid he used to babysit into slavery is up there as one of the more darker parts of the franchise

To be fair, it does spawn a pretty great scene. Reyson is so fragile Oliver could break him in two even though he's... Well, Oliver. But still Reyson stands up for himself and lashes out at Bizarro Obelix. Because he has balls made of titanium.

12 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


So Devdan's the first person of color in a Fire Emblem game, correct?

Not really, there's Igrene and Hawkeye from Elibe. And also Garret, but Garret is easy to forget.

Still, more than anything else, I've been waiting for your thoughts on this man.

12 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Dammit, I really liked him.


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nope. Irene in Binding Blade. And that's playable, I mean.

Igrene. Haha you fail Armagon


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18 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Measure up the waist/length/etc. to get their sizes

(SF didn't notify me of this) nah, we have try on clothes at that point.

19 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Some Also might be buying for family/friends who weren't there

That's different tho. I'm talking about the people who bought for themselves and didn't try it on.

19 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Yeah that's asshole behavior if they do that and don't walk out in exactly 8 minutes. 

It's asshole behavior walking in at all. The last ten minutes is supposed to be cleaning up and prepping for tomorrow but a lot of people think that the last ten minutes is fair game.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Igrene. Haha you fail Armagon

I swear I keep forgetting there's a G in there.

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21 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


*Insert Sith and absolutes meme here.*


In a cast usually filled with young teens and adults it's always great to see that one character who has kids back home.

Truly a tragedy when the "everyone supports with everyone with marriage" model became prevalent in the 3DS era.


Granted Begnion does have a female apostle leader who as far as I'm aware has to be female, as well as a female lead military, but even still they have a mostly male filled council that clearly have a lot of sway and power over what they get to do.

We're not exactly told how the senate handles succession, but the game ain't exactly being subtle there. Since yes, the Senate is currently entirely male, and you have the Empress/Apostle at the top.

You'll see soon enough in RD, but this distinction won't go unnoticed when Begnion goes all


Good Tsar Bad Boyars

 on you.


Hm... a desert region that has issues with slavery being invaded by a group of government hired mercenaries...

...Nope, I was trying to make an Iraq war allegory but I couldn't do it. The Material was all there but they didn't fall into the right place.

Bring back to mind about Ike's words regarding mercenaries compared to soldiers, huh.


Fun fact, my state of Oregon only recently just fully outlawed inmate slavery this midterm and is still one of the only states to have done so

Oh and of course

Even the thirteenth amendment had its loophole, sad to say.


Mr steal-your-girl selling the kid he used to babysit into slavery is up there as one of the more darker parts of the franchise.

Just wait for RD...


Wait, so the Apostle knows about the neo-slavery practices of her council members but refuses to tell the public about it?

That's some Ba Sing Se shit right there.

You've been invited to Lake Laogai...

I mean, there's some logic to prevent the council from finding out she wants to stop them. But if it goes public, then they'd know for sure. Hence the clandestine work via mercenaries.


Says the dude who immediately inherited his father's company after he died.

Hey, he's still learning the ropes here.


So Devdan's the first person of color in a Fire Emblem game, correct?

I'm pretty sure that was Malice. Even if not, there's still Garret from Binding Blade.


Ike may very well not need the strength booster.

Close call there, eh.


Racist populace still engages in racial hate crimes after emancipation, that checks out.

It's becomes something of a mind-boggle that they'd truly believe the Herons could kill the Apostle... then again, racism ain't operating on logic. And then... well, you'll see.


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh god. This is like when people used to call Indian territory "Savage land"

Also inaccurate in universe!

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Mr steal-your-girl selling the kid he used to babysit into slavery is up there as one of the more darker parts of the franchise.

Yeah, Naesala's kinda fucked up.

Some make comparisons with him and Tibarn with certain people in Genealogy

7 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Wait, so the Apostle knows about the neo-slavery practices of her council members but refuses to tell the public about it?

That's some Ba Sing Se shit right there

Sadly, we'll be seeing some of why she might feel like getting that info out there mightn't work in time

7 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


So Devdan's the first person of color in a Fire Emblem game, correct?

The first who you definitely can't put the question of "Are they just really tanned?" to.

Armagon and Ruben mentioned some others who'd count.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


In a game filled with explicit mentions and moments of slavery, the game is terrified to actually use it for the one black character.

Pretty much just doesn't use the word here, but that's some slavery, even if some would be quick to call it "indentured servitude" (and yeah, that's some fucking yikes to even use that term here)

Let me check his other recruiters, he has quite a few.

Don't see any of them call it slavery.

.....Mist's line raises a question. How does Devdan never see enslaved Laguz in Tanas's estate? I mean, Reyson is a recent arrival being hidden away, so I can buy that he didn't see Reyson and we also don't know how long he's been there, but the idea he's missed it entirely seems a little off if he's not recent himself. Even if his role is as security.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Dammit, I really liked him.

Welp, at least I have a spot for Devdan now.

  Aw man, Zihark got got.

I ended up benching mine because Stefan. Alongside how many units I was using.

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Bonus Scenario: Dynamic Reunion

The stage begins with Ryoma and Hayato fighting, and once again bringing up the topic of Ryoma's incarceration. Musashi comments to the onlookers that this is no big deal. Still, it spiraled from an argument about their combination timing. Musashi inwardly comments that Michiru dying from one such combination test still weights heavily on them. Tetsuya comments how some things never change, to which Ryoma and Hayato retort like he's one to talk. But Tetsuya has changed. Still, they still note how he and Kouji didn't quite got along, due to Tetsuya's inferiority complex, which took years to patch up their differences. Koji and Tetsuya comment they simply grew up, and then commenting the Getter Team teaming up makes them think they said they can't amount to anything unless they join up. The two teams seem ready to throw at each other's throats, with Shiro commenting not even the Great General of Darkness could stop them. Meryl points out the younger members of T3 might get disillusioned to see their heroes like this... though Shiro wonders if she might just be projecting there. Still, something must be done, and Shiro simply thinks it's to just let them vent in peace. Still, he says as someone who has seen them fight since Day One, perhaps it might not be best to idolize them too much. Just then, the alarm blares out. Both the Getters and Mazingers are among the few units ready to deploy, so they do, withholding their fight for afterwards.

A nearby town is under attack by Kikaiju! After a bit more bickering, they consider what hasn't changed since ten years ago is that they fight evil, even if they won't be champions of justice. Still, Koji calls for a little challenge. Whoever beats more Kikaiju, is the winner of their earlier fight. Shiro isn't quite sure on this, but Koji tells him to not interfere... and Shiro comments how this is how things used to be. Fighting side by side... and against each other. Okay, let's go!

Enemies are a group of Garasect V2's. Onward!

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Aw shit, I forgot the prior replies I had.

2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Do you think it'll do better TH's roughly 4 million copies sold?

Wait, where did you hear 4M?

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Don't even get me started on the people who don't know their size. Or the ones who ask "you got a fitting room", seemingly forgetting that this a clothing store.

The first one, some people can be incredibly naive or adjusting to a size change, but that doesn't mean having zero clue. Unless they're dealing with size label differences across regions or something, that shit does catch people, me as well.

Also, out of curiosity is there signage where you work pointing to the fitting rooms or is it a small enough place that it's pretty easy to spot anyway? Because if so, I'd say no excuse. I can think of places that mightn't have allowed people to try on in the store and in the Covid times more than a few not using them at all, but now? Fewer reasons for that.

As to the arrives within 10 minutes crowd, it's certainly a bit less justified for a clothes store because the absolute emergencies requiring that assistance I don't see coming at 5.55pm, but I can hear bosses already argue that you should be ready at all times for customers. To which I say Pay for it.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because there have been people who've done exchanges because the clothes didn't fit (they weren't aware we had fitting rooms).

This is why you don't buy clothes as a present.

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Ah, just noticed. Shin Getter has an attack called Getter Laser in the UI... but the battle quote calls it Getter Razor, and indeed, uses its elbow-mounted razor blades. I'm guessing the katakana is the same for Laser and Razor, but still, how did they missed that?

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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

The first one, some people can be incredibly naive or adjusting to a size change, but that doesn't mean having zero clue. Unless they're dealing with size label differences across regions or something, that shit does catch people, me as well.

It's ok if you don't have an exact number, but surely you can be like "oh I'm a medium" or something. Because that's something I can work with and convert.

Telling me "idk" helps nobody.

25 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm pretty sure that was Malice.

Malice is weird because she's only dark-skinned in Heroes. She looks more white in the DS games. And BS FE I think.

6 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

or is it a small enough place that it's pretty easy to spot anyway?


6 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

but I can hear bosses already argue that you should be ready at all times for customers. To which I say Pay for it.

The bosses hate it too! It's a local store, we don't have to deal with corporate bullshit thankfully.

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Upon routing them, the game does keep track, since the Getter Team comment they've won. Shiro wonders if the score should be divided by three, but Koji tells him to not be like that. It's their blessing... and curse. Ryoma tells them to stop before another argument erupts. Just then, another Kikaiju shows up. Bigger and stronger... but the team is non-plussed. They will still take it down! They've become stronger too, not just the Kikaiju. Reviving ghosts of the past is just dumb stubbornness. And we go!

The Kikaiju is a Damdam L2. Indeed, has boss stats. Let's go!

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Malice is weird because she's only dark-skinned in Heroes. She looks more white in the DS games. And BS FE I think.

Oh, thought that was too in her Satellaview FE portrait.

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