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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah this map.

....you uh, didn't recruit Stefan did you?

I mean I wouldn't blame you, he's a Kaga-tier recruitment but he would've been really good.

Yeah I didn't catch him, but I did learn of his existence when checking the item data of the next map.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's ok, he'll walk it off in time for Radiant Dawn.

Oh yeah that'll be fun to see all the units I watched die in this run magically return in RD.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nope. Irene in Binding Blade. And that's playable, I mean.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not really, there's Igrene and Hawkeye from Elibe. And also Garret, but Garret is easy to forget.

Those feel on the more tanned side of things though.

27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Brom is great. You better have some Brom in your team. What's it looking like, by the way?


Oh I do, don't worry.

...Sometimes, not all the time.

My team as a whole isn't very consistent but I'll post about it next session because I can't be bothered to remember all their names right now.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, more than anything else, I've been waiting for your thoughts on this man.

Well my first impressions aren't great as his way of speech puts me in mind of the "African speaks like a caveman" trope but I'll give IS the benefit of the doubt as Devdan is not the only character to have spoken in the third person like that in FE.

27 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm pretty sure that was Malice. Even if not, there's still Garret from Binding Blade.

Malice didn't exist until New Mystery though, right?

28 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's becomes something of a mind-boggle that they'd truly believe the Herons could kill the Apostle...

Replace a couple words there and it could apply to a lot of beliefs that lead to tragedies.

33 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

The first who you definitely can't put the question of "Are they just really tanned?" to.

Armagon and Ruben mentioned some others who'd count.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.


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1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Malice didn't exist until New Mystery though, right?

No, she's from the Satellaview FE. The Archanean Chronicles chapters that were added to New Mystery. So she's been around for a while now.


Replace a couple words there and it could apply to a lot of beliefs that lead to tragedies.

Well, I did added right after it wasn't logical.

Ultimately, we're still animals. Rational thought isn't exactly gonna be used 100%.


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Once it has been defeated, Hayato comments this felt like a class reunion, though Ryoma adds they never graduated. This is what they do, and it won't change. Though Koji and Tetsuya comment they do have new paths to follow. Still, they start hearing the cheers of the civilians. They still remember them, and are glad they've protecting them even now after all those years. Thus, the party leaves on a high note.

Back at the Arcadia, Ryoma is glad to see Koji hasn't lost his edge, though Koji says he has simply refined his technique. Though his research has helped his battles. Ryoma is impressed, but Koji is too to see Ryoma still in prime fighting shape, which the latter attributes to being in an A-Class Prison. Despite their paths having separated, they've come together again, just like old times. Meryl is at a loss of words to see them buddy buddy now after the near scuffle earlier, and Shiro simply comments he was right. They just needed to be left alone. Still, Meryl is impressed, it's what to expect about the heroes who saved the Earth. Though Tetsuya comments they never saw each other that way. They just fought against whatever threat showed up. Only when they realized they were protecting something by doing that, they took pride of what they were doing. Still, they inspired the next generations to follow that same sense of justice. Although Rami doesn't quite feel the same, and upon being asked about why, she gets a little evasive about it. Hmm... Anyway, Meryl wants to take a commemorative picture, but apparently it's too late. Ryoma and Hayato are once again fighting... again over Ryoma's imprisonment. Haha. Still, that's just how they are. Thus the stage ends.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Telling me "idk" helps nobody.

Including themselves.

Though I was mentioning about some clothes not actually being consistent on size (Some line's XL is more like an L for instance), not having any clue is unhelpful.

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Those feel on the more tanned side of things though.

Looking at them I think they look pretty distinct from their casts they're a part of.

Not as much as Devdan, but still.

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Wow, nine favorites now. That one-shot is really doing well. Still, would be nice to get an actual comment. Still, nice to know people did liked it.

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I'd say, Tryder and Shuttle's combination attack is so amusing:

It's a good thing that combination attacks no longer need for all units to be deployed, even if that carries an attack penalty.

Though it makes me think. Shuttle wouldn't need to be playable in earlier SRW games for the attack to still exist. Heck, T itself has a few attacks like that, like Ryoko's Buttercup Formation attack, as Hikaru and Izumi aren't playable, but show up for the attack animation.

Also, the mention of Takeo General Company being small comes quite poignant since it's mentioned the Shuttle houses the entire company crew. So wait, does that means they leave their actual Headquarters building empty when deploying in the Shuttle? Huh... hmm...

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I get to choose a member of Old Class VII to bring on this next segment of the game. So who should I choose? Meaning, who here has the most interesting dialogue/scenes/relevance to where we go and who we meet?


I’d assume Sara but just checking.


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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, thought that was too in her Satellaview FE portrait.


Ok yeah she doesn't look white here but it feels like it could just be a tan. Or Hispanic.


She definitely is lighter-skinned here. Not white but not dark either. Looks a little darker in the DS portraits but only because DS FE's artstyle is so washed out


and of course, she's actually darkskinned here.

And here's Cipher


yeah idk what's going on with Malice's skin tone.

It's ok, she's still hot.

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Yeah I didn't catch him, but I did learn of his existence when checking the item data of the next map.

His recruitment in Radiant Dawn is also Kaga-tier but you won't have to worry about that for a good long while.

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Those feel on the more tanned side of things though.



Igrene isn't black but it doesn't feel like a tan either.

Her father Hawkeye



*inhales* Guardian, since this is probably around your area of expertise and the discussion we had a few days ago is still fresh on the mind, tell me: does Hawkeye play into any Native stereotypes with his design. Particularly with the Heroes design because of the feathers and usually slapping on feather accessories plays into Native stereotypes but i don't know in this case. Because the feathers are not there in his original design.

Anyways in the case of Garret (this man does not have any Cipher or Heroes designs to look at)


Maybe a tan idk? Like above, he's not black....but like he ain't white either, at least he doesn't look like it.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

get to choose a member of Old Class VII to bring on this next segment of the game. So who should I choose? Meaning, who here has the most interesting dialogue/scenes/relevance to where we go and who we meet?


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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I get to choose a member of Old Class VII to bring on this next segment of the game. So who should I choose? Meaning, who here has the most interesting dialogue/scenes/relevance to where we go and who we meet?

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I’d assume Sara but just checking.




Fie gets the ability to fish if you choose her, and the dialogue seems equal basically otherwise.


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It's incredibly interesting how the Second Doctor's companions were not from the "present day" as pretty much all the other companions were. The Second Doctor travelled with a guy from the 1700s, a girl from the 1800s and another girl from the late 21st Century. We almost got this again with the Eleventh Doctor and Victorian!Clara but alas...

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28 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Lamare, and you get to bring Fie, Sara, or Elliot.

24 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I would have to take a look at the script to say for certain, assuming you want no spoilers.

Yeah, I don’t want any spoilers, but tell me who to bring if anything interesting pops up.

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27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

*inhales* Guardian, since this is probably around your area of expertise and the discussion we had a few days ago is still fresh on the mind, tell me: does Hawkeye play into any Native stereotypes with his design. Particularly with the Heroes design because of the feathers and usually slapping on feather accessories plays into Native stereotypes but i don't know in this case. Because the feathers are not there in his original design.

I'll be honest, even with his slightly darker skin tone, he always gave me white surfer guy who visited a Pow Wow once vibes.

Other than that, I've never met the character in his game so whether or not he plays into stereotypes I'll have to see when I play the game he's in.

I mean like I said, you'll see several white and mixed race guys that look like him in South Cal or Hawaii so if they were going for that then sure that's authentic. If he's meant to be an actual native character...eh. I mean feathers are a big part of Native American fashion so it's not really a stereotype, or rather not a negative stereotype I should say. He doesn't really look Native American, especially in his original artwork.

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Watching Classic Doctor Who is so funny because you get shit like this


It's like what Back to the Future thought 2015 would look like.

The BBC was like "yeah in 2018 they have hovercraft cars and also Australia is occupied or some shit", idk what's going on in this story arc yet.

This is even funnier because Jamie and Victoria don't know what the fuck a helicopter is (they were born like three and two hundred years ago respectively).

26 minutes ago, Sooks said:
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Lamare, and you get to bring Fie, Sara, or Elliot.


Idr but i think i brought Fie with me.

14 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'll be honest, even with his slightly darker skin tone, he always gave me white surfer guy who visited a Pow Wow once vibes.

Other than that, I've never met the character in his game so whether or not he plays into stereotypes I'll have to see when I play the game he's in.

I mean like I said, you'll see several white and mixed race guys that look like him in South Cal or Hawaii so if they were going for that then sure that's authentic. If he's meant to be an actual native character...eh. I mean feathers are a big part of Native American fashion so it's not really a stereotype, or rather not a negative stereotype I should say. He doesn't really look Native American, especially in his original artwork.

I see.

Well i wasn't sure and the discussion was still fresh on the mind so i got curious.

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Caeda with 12 votes…

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Idr but i think i brought Fie with me.

But what about the exclusive scenes!?

Nah, unless I missed something, it seems like they stopped making entire character development scenes missable based on who is in your party after SC, so this choice probably doesn’t matter much since I’m probably not gonna use who I bring that much.

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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Besides I'm sure you can find at least one or two votes of mine to agree with. I even voted for the loli once! Sure, it was entirely so I could make an InfanGaron gag, but hey, take it.

Your justifications are flimsy at best. Seliph would destroy her with Sigurd's inheritance and Tyrfing.

7 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

1998 final?

Didn't that happen before you were born?

Doesn't matter. The French deserve to suffer.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Lamare, and you get to bring Fie, Sara, or Elliot.

I chose Sara the first time.

17 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Caeda with 12 votes…


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