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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, ping said:


Speaking of dogs, I did not expect political commentary in the fricking Peanuts. There was some light jab at the presidental candidates earlier that year (1988 - "Abraham Lincoln would have won easy..." - Sally) already, but I did not expect this open a statement. Well, technically only implied, but pretty obvious nonetheless. Although, come to think of it, back when Schulz introduced Franklin, that in itself was considered to be a political statement.

Peanuts Packing Heat is not what I'd expect from any of the kids.

I'd buy Snoopy having a rifle though, he consistently imagines he's off to shoot the Red Baron and these are detailed imaginings/hallucinations in the movie. I'd expect him to arm himself.

Black characters existing being political is pretty sad, then as now.

5 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


That was off one search.

Dublin is stupid expensive, studio apartments over 2k expensive. I'm looking here at an apartment that's 3 Bath, 2 Bed and it's 10k a month. Like, it's an extreme example, penthouse shit. But 120k a year. Someone in Kennedy Wilson's making a mint. And that's the thing, the stuff that's pushed is the stupid expensive stuff that's obviously being paid for advertising. You see that the pricier placers are getting pushed first.

As for buying there, you're not buying near the centre without handing over a hefty price either.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm fine with any terms that aren't "Savage"

.......People still use that don't they?

It's rather telling that dehumaninsing was a constant tactic from expansionist nations.

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I still remember talking with my dad about the whole apartment stuff and he told me his first apartment was like 150 DM/Month


6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's a scary thought, but like I said, oftentimes it's unavoidable

Yeah i know

Thankfully i still have my brother for now xD

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The world is fucked.

And we didn't even bring Climate to the mix yet

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, the point stands. For the privilege of crashing that couch for a couple years, you'd be burning enough money to get an apartment that would belong to you forever. Heck, a pretty good one too, 8000 * 24 is almost 200 friggin k

An apartment for 200k Ü

Good one!

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Communism would never work because it relies on people being generous and selfless expecting nothing in return, which is not true"

Capitalism relies on the elite being kind and selfless enough to let the money flow

It's not like i want full on communism. Never wanted and never will

I just don't think stuff necessary for living should be anywhere near capitalism. Stuff people need to live (Place to live, Infrastructure stuff, etc.) shouldn't be there for the profit of the few.

Other stuff? Yeah, sure, go on ahead full capitalism. 

4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Black characters existing being political is pretty sad, then as now.

Imagine Rush Hour getting released today ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ

5 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

As for buying there, you're not buying near the centre without handing over a hefty price either.


2015 here prices were around 50-60k or so

Right now it's more 300k ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ

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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

8000...a month??????


Vancouver is hilarious because it's ranked as the fifth most livable city in the world, while also being the 3rd most expensive in North America.

It is a really beautiful city, but zoinks...

12 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Yeah pretty much.

I must say, it is a little weird for me as a Canadian, since, at least in my province, "Indian" is considered to be a racist term. It's not quite a slur, but it's certainly considered to be really disrespectful. Well, unless referring to someone who's from India. I think it varies from province to province, though, or maybe even region to region since a lot of cultural groups are still officially known as "XYZ Indian Band". I don't know if that's just the government being cringe, though, since White Canada's history with our indigenous peoples is really damn terrible.

16 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Non family roommates would be hell for me ngl

Inb4 the Shrimpfather moves to Canada and we rent the 8k/month apartment together

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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

2015 here prices were around 50-60k or so

Right now it's more 300k ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ

Dublin's not been that low for decades lol ;_;

Just now, Benice said:

Inb4 the Shrimpfather moves to Canada and we rent the 8k/month apartment together

A boy and his shrimp

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9 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

An apartment for 200k Ü

Good one!

...Wow. Things really ARE that bad in Berlin, are they...

9 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

It's not like i want full on communism. Never wanted and never will

I just don't think stuff necessary for living should be anywhere near capitalism. Stuff people need to live (Place to live, Infrastructure stuff, etc.) shouldn't be there for the profit of the few.

Other stuff? Yeah, sure, go on ahead full capitalism. 

Haha, I suppose that did come off as rather Comrade Ruben, didn't it. I just thought it was funny that, the way Acacia put it, capitalism seems to suffer from one of the exact same faults that its defenders deride communism for.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Honestly, one of the main problems is that money is being hoarded at the top. The economy is stimulated if the money is allowed to flow freely. But that means giving the "peasants" more money so the "elite" would rather just keep it to themselves than let it go down even if it'd come back up again. Because that means they'd only have the money part-time, instead of all the time.

And then they deflect deflect deflect with the "it's socialism/communism!" card.

An interesting point that was brought to me recently is that in the States, and I imagine abroad, a lot of rural folks typically lean left economically but lean right socially. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard a rancher or farmer describe an ideal of the economy that's literally just communism but they wouldn't call it communism because to them communism is a buzz word for anything that's bad.

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's basically an accessory that gives Canto. You needed for Reyson, Janaff, or Ulki to talk with Naesala. This will turn the ravens to green units who would then leave the map. The ravens all need to survive too, if I recall. Then you get the Knight Ring

Oh yeah, I killed all the crows before I could get to Naesala.

Big sad.

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And they have a son and daughter combo too.

Don't believe your eyes when you saw that cutscene. By the end of the game you will see the Black Knight take off its helmet... and it will be Greil.

Titania never told you what happened to your father.

She told me enough! She told me you killed him!

No, Ike, I am your father!

11 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Peanuts Packing Heat is not what I'd expect from any of the kids.

Me and family watched the Halloween special recently and while it wasn't politically charged at all, it had a few quips and jokes that were political.

12 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

.......People still use that don't they?

I haven't been called it for three weeks, I'm shooting for a month.

Anyways, everyone listen to this Haudenosaunee song.

If you can't see it, try this link even though it has cringy image slides.

6 minutes ago, Benice said:

I must say, it is a little weird for me as a Canadian, since, at least in my province, "Indian" is considered to be a racist term. It's not quite a slur, but it's certainly considered to be really disrespectful. Well, unless referring to someone who's from India. I think it varies from province to province, though, or maybe even region to region since a lot of cultural groups are still officially known as "XYZ Indian Band". I don't know if that's just the government being cringe, though, since White Canada's history with our indigenous peoples is really damn terrible.

Yeah the opinions differ a lot depending on where you are. I know an opinion of many in the states that "Native American" or "American Indian" is dismissive, and they'd rather just be called American or Indian.

And yeah, this isn't even bringing up the people who are actually from India.

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

We should all just pool together. The TeeHee sitcom no one asked for.

I'm planning on just buying a van and living in that for the rest of my life if anyone wants to join me.

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13 minutes ago, Benice said:

Inb4 the Shrimpfather moves to Canada and we rent the 8k/month apartment together

Unless i get a 900k/year job in Canada that's not gonna happen xD

12 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

A boy and his shrimp

Who's the Shrimp in this case

13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

We should all just pool together. The TeeHee sitcom no one asked for.

OMG Can you imagine the comedy XD

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Wow. Things really ARE that bad in Berlin, are they..

I just took a quick look

There're stuff available around 200k...

But they have people living in them with a rent contract, and it's not gonna be easy to kick em out, nor do i want to a be monster who does something like this, even if it's for "Own use", which is a valid reason to end the contract.

But then you go 250k and above, up to 700k for 2 rooms

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3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I just took a quick look

There're stuff available around 200k...

But they have people living in them with a rent contract, and it's not gonna be easy to kick em out, nor do i want to a be monster who does something like this, even if it's for "Own use", which is a valid reason to end the contract.

But then you go 250k and above, up to 700k for 2 rooms

This is a bad time to mention my parents and I are going to buy a four room, two bathroom, kitchen and living room apartment, fully furbished, for 145k, is it

Jesus fucking Christ Berlin...

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

We should all just pool together. The TeeHee sitcom no one asked for.

TeeHeers the sitcom was cancelled after 2 episodes. Due to riots breaking out from FE discourse

Take your bets which one.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

I haven't been called it for three weeks, I'm shooting for a month.

Man, that sucks. I feel for you.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Anyways, everyone listen to this Haudenosaunee song.

Listened away to it, for itself, but of course me being me I try to look into it.

Trying to find context with this song was pretty much impossible, got nothing from searches, I think I learned my lesson.

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm planning on just buying a van and living in that for the rest of my life if anyone wants to join me.

Probably for the best I don't, no way I wouldn't cramp on the whole thing.

One of my cousins has converted a van into his surfer van so he can travel with boards easier to catch waves. No, he's not much of the surfer bro stereotype at all.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is a bad time to mention my parents and I are going to buy a four room, two bathroom, kitchen and living room apartment, fully furbished, for 145k, is it

What kind of dumpster fire is it?

8 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Who's the Shrimp in this case

You as Benice is still legally not an adult.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is a bad time to mention my parents and I are going to buy a four room, two bathroom, kitchen and living room apartment, fully furbished, for 145k, is it

Why would it be a bad time XD

It's only fair considering wages in Spain are also generally lower tan here, and with that taken into consideration 145k sounds pretty high ngl

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jesus fucking Christ Berlin...

It's all in the last few years, a decade max

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1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

What kind of dumpster fire is it?

Great, actually. Didn't even have to clean up that much. Crazy, I know.

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Why would it be a bad time XD

It's only fair considering wages in Spain are also generally lower tan here, and with that taken into consideration 145k sounds pretty high ngl

Eh, it's fine. The place is in great shape and while compact, it makes great use of the space and as such has a ton of room. And rooms.

Plus, it's a "rent with right to purchase" deal. I dunno how common that is, but basically, I live here for a couple years on rent, and if I decide to buy all that rent goes to the purchase price. Pretty nice deal, all things considered. Gives us leeway to cover the gap, as it was a tiny bit above our possibilities. If worse comes to worst my grandmother's willing to help, but it'd be nice if it didn't come to that.

So anyway, tl;dr: why is something so basic as a place to live treated as a fucking luxury

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1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Berlin is transforming economically and competitvely, for the better...

It's just, for the people of the/living in the city....

It's gonna suck major ass.

Isn't that the issue with gentrification as a whole? -Not even including the infamous luxury high-rises that the richest live in maybe 3 days out of a year and bought mostly b/c conspicuous consumption.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

We even have a "Long Night of the Museums" every year, for one ticket you can visit all museums in Berlin on that night.


I'm not a coffee drinker at all, but I'd guzzle expresso by the liter if that's what I needed to stay awake the whole time. And find an electric wheelchair to keep my feet from aching as they always do during a museum trip (in Washington DC, I could do three museums on the National Mall in a single day and that's my utmost limit (National Mall museums are almost all forever free if you ever visit DC BTW)). Gotta maximize what I'd get out of that ticket.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Although next on the plan i wanna visit Samurai museum. Heard lotsa good stuff about it!

By the Great Unifiers, I hope it's good! I have a liking for Asian art.😄

Check this site's various tabs for some information on samurai armor, clothes, and a few other things. It's detailed, but hopefully not too overwhelming, it's not like you're being quizzed on any of it, you can forget the jargon without repercussions.:


Also, from what I read once in college, plus other info...

  • The feudal "Samurai" class was in its infancy during the Heian period (794-1185 AD) of Japanese history.
  • This landlord-warrior class began weak, the Heian period was marked by a decline of central imperial authority from the capital at Kyoto (aka "Heian-kyo" at the time).
    • However, the decline of the imperial court and its noble class and the rise of the samurai class took centuries.
      • Although Kyoto panicked at first when confronted by the rebellious samurai Taira no Masakado, it managed to kill him in 940. Masakado didn't control the territory, vassals, and resources needed to seriously overthrow the imperial court. Later rebels were subdued just the same.
  • Fast-foward to the Genpei War, after which the general Minamoto no Yoritomo established in 1185 the first bakufu (aka "shogunate"), the Kamakura Bakufu.
    • Yoritomo had done what Masakado hadn't, the samurai had matured and one bigwig had accrued enough power and resources to seize the country for himself.
    • This is when "Medieval/Feudal" Japan begins. And so marks the political rise of the samurai as we're familiar with it.
      • This is apart from the generic concept of a distinctively Japanese warrior, which predate the concept of the samurai.
  • The very short-lived Kenmu Restoration overthrows the Kamakura lasts for three years, ending in 1336.
    • The Ashikaga Bakufu/Muromachi Period follows. It's very weak, basically powerless outside of Kyoto after the Onin War that begins in 1467.
  • The Ashikaga continue to rule on paper until 1573, when Nobunaga Oda of whom I'm sure you know, begins reuniting everything and Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu follow. Ending in the Tokugawa Bakufu/Edo Period in 1600.
    • The Tokugawa/Edo provides over 2 & 1/2 centuries of peace to Japan until 1867. This is Japan's version of the Early Modern Period. And with complete internal peace, the end comes for the samurai as a warrior, well before the Meiji Restoration abolishes the samurai as a socio-political class.

Thus, when you'd be looking at samurai swords and armor and whatnot, you'd be primarily focusing in on the roughly four centuries between 1185 and 1600, possibly a few centuries earlier, and mostly decoratively up to two later. Although I'd expect some pre-Heian stuff equipment to slip in too.

Historical context for you before you visit!🤓

15 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

OMG Can you imagine the comedy XD

Aspie here, good luck with me living with anyone not my family.

I'll do the vacuuming and bedsheets. You need never return home to messy sheets with me around!🛏️

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So anyway, tl;dr: why is something so basic as a place to live treated as a fucking luxury

My state of Oregon has some of the highest homeless rates in the country, and even when I was a kid I noticed the clear class segregation of the big cities such as Portland. You can visibly see where all the poor and homeless live compared to the rich.

When I was a kid and still to this day, my mother lead our community in helping the poor and homeless, we created food bags and gave them out en mass, as well as gave away clothing, shelter and anything else that helped.

I didn't really understand it as a kid but growing I came to realize just how dystopian it all was and is.

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17 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Take your bets which one.



11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Plus, it's a "rent with right to purchase" deal. I dunno how common that is, but basically, I live here for a couple years on rent, and if I decide to buy all that rent goes to the purchase price. Pretty nice deal, all things considered.

 Oh yeah that sounds pretty damn good

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So anyway, tl;dr: why is something so basic as a place to live treated as a fucking luxury


the crux of the discussion

Ya know what else is becoming luxury: Cheese

Damn it yesterday i was shopping and when i saw cheese for 3.5€ i was like "NOPE"

10 minutes ago, Green06 said:



7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Not even including the infamous luxury high-rises that the richest live in maybe 3 days out of a year and bought mostly b/c conspicuous consumption

OH yeah don't let me get started on those

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

'm not a coffee drinker at all, but I'd guzzle expresso by the liter if that's what I needed to stay awake the whole time

It's usually from 6pm until 1am, so no coffee really needed...

I think. Depends on person. 1 am for me is usually still early enough xD


11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Historical context for you before you visit!

Haha thanks 😄

I think you're now expecting lotsa pics when i go there xD


9 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I came to realize just how dystopian it all was and is.


Many just say "It's how it is and maybe even should be" while all i could think about is "how can anyone even believe this?"

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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Many just say "It's how it is and maybe even should be" while all i could think about is "how can anyone even believe this?"

*insert bootstraps meme here*

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Speaking of, it's my first night in the new home. I am super grateful to my aunt and uncle for letting me live at their place for over five months, but... Yeah I appreciate the heating here. Their place was cold.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

My state of Oregon has some of the highest homeless rates in the country, and even when I was a kid I noticed the clear class segregation of the big cities such as Portland. You can visibly see where all the poor and homeless live compared to the rich.

When I was a kid and still to this day, my mother lead our community in helping the poor and homeless, we created food bags and gave them out en mass, as well as gave away clothing, shelter and anything else that helped.

I didn't really understand it as a kid but growing I came to realize just how dystopian it all was and is.

If this was a book it'd be passed by and forgotten for being too generic and cliché. Sheesh...

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Oh yeah that sounds pretty damn good

Problem is, it's not nearly as convenient for agencies so most don't want nothing to do with it. I guess that's why it's rare. 

Of course, I'm ommitting the months of searching it took to find this. I'm extremely lucky my parents helped me out there, I wouldn't have know where to start. I'm extremely lucky in general, honestly. I've been blessed with a wonderful family.

3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

the crux of the discussion

Ya know what else is becoming luxury: Cheese

Damn it yesterday i was shopping and when i saw cheese for 3.5€ i was like "NOPE"

Oh God and I'm just this year starting to really get into it too...

It's great, I've found I legitimately enjoy cheaper cheeses more than expensive ones. Or at least this one expensive one I had, it crumbles easy and tastes a lot worse.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Speaking of, it's my first night in the new home.

Good luck and enjoy 😄

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If this was a book it'd be passed by and forgotten for being too generic and cliché. Sheesh...

Me when i first played Fates: Garon is such a shit villain

Me after real life 2nd half of 2010s and early 2020s: Garon is a better human than some of these peeps lmao

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm extremely lucky in general, honestly. I've been blessed with a wonderful family

Same here honestly. Can't complain that much in that regard.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh God and I'm just this year starting to really get into it too...


Cheese has always been a mainstay for me. I LOVE it.

Now we are seriusly thinking about phasing it out...

Or atleast reducing the amount we eat of it quire a bit lol

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's great, I've found I legitimately enjoy cheaper cheeses more than expensive ones. Or at least this one expensive one I had, it crumbles easy and tastes a lot worse.

Depends for me.

My fav. is usually Irish cheddar. Love that stuff

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Does he also doggedly pursue you around the house until you seize the chair and then it joins your party?

She will definitely pursue everybody in the house and poke them. Seizing chairs has not worked thus far. I suspect that my brother accidentally installed the 20x!Sacae throne randomiser and we just haven't been able to find the correct chair yet.

56 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'd buy Snoopy having a rifle though, he consistently imagines he's off to shoot the Red Baron and these are detailed imaginings/hallucinations in the movie. I'd expect him to arm himself.

In the comics, Snoopy is storing a lot of possessions inside his dog house, including a billard table and a Van Gogh, although iirc the latter was destroyed in a fire. Clearly he needs to protect what's his from the peasant rabble.

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