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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Sooks said:

It’s a sign, Shrimpy. Do it


It's a kino idea, but i don't wanna go down that rabbit hole

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

But you literally said “hey guys, does anyone actually LIKE Rean?”

It’s like if I went to a family gathering and said “hey guys, does anyone actually LIKE Trump?”

I approve this comparison.

The consequences from the two to the human race are around the same.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Maybe this really is a cursed series.


2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Ah yes, Shrimp-kun's bane.


1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Does anyone remember Skype for that matter?

Well, that was still alive until discord came and killed it xD

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


It's a kino idea, but i don't wanna go down that rabbit hole

A rabbit hole for the black rabbit is the best of rabbit holes

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I could've sold the things for proper money, but it'd have gotten me less. There's the trick, I guess.

That's how they get ya y'see

Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Well, that was still alive until discord came and killed it xD

I felt like it was dead for years before Discord.

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On 12/27/2022 at 11:12 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

The entire laguz thing really was lightning in a bottle for Tellius. Everything else about the story is pretty unremarkably average, but the laguz gives it an edge. I must thank you for providing your unique perspective on this matter. I was never quite so wowed by the laguz shenanigans, but then, I don't have the experience with this stuff that you do.

...Funnily enough, if I recall correctly, there were interviews where the writers were asked about the story and they went on and on about family values and vengeance and stuff, never bringing up the laguz at all. Almost as if they didn't even intend for it to be the main focus, it just sorta ended up that way. Let me see if I can find it...

Yeah, here it is. Doesn't bring up vengeance after all, but it very much doesn't mention racism at all.


NOM: What is the theme of the game this time?

Kaneda: In retrospect, I get a strong impression of it being about love between parents and children. There are various forms of family relationships, and various forms of affection. When you look at the recent news, there are many saddening cases [related to this]. I think the basis of human relations are familial ones… and when faced with life and death in a war, the rawest and most unfiltered emotions are the ones that come to the forefront.

It's absolutely about family. But that does not mean that this whole Beorc x Laguz thing was just random happenstance. "Various forms of family relationships". Blood relationships are only one of them. Another one is how Beorc, Laguz with their mother the goddess are all part of a big family.
I do really hate that for whatever reason the localization rewrote the entire script of the Radiant Dawn epilogue cutscene into some random nonsense that had nothing to do with that came before. It's all over those games but I suppose it helps spelling it out at the very end. If only to give those that missed it some additional context when reviewing the story.

Like, Greil calls his small group a family. Then Ike later uses the exact same speech on a much larger scale towards his combined Beorc & Laguz allies.
Ike lived a very sheltered life that left him ignorant about virtually EVERYTHING about the world he lives in. Extremely contrived, but it a contrivance that I'd say actually serves the story well. It means that when he faces the realities of his world, be it classism or racism, he does so without any bias except the family values instilled to him by his father.
So when he sees a guy that can transform into a tiger, he sees a fellow human. He sees a Begnion senator, he sees a petty asshole who sees no value in the lives of his fellow human beings and will happily exploit them for his own benefit.
It's his family values (and purity, I suppose) what allows him to become the hero that can bridge the gap between Beorc and Laguz. And the rest of the family, though that goes a bit too much into Radiant Dawn. Btw, Part 4 is the best part of Radiant Dawn. Everyone saying otherwise is wrong.

And I have to imagine the way revenge relates to the Beorc & Laguz relationship is obviously. Slavery, genocide... Plenty of reason for resentment and desires for retribution.

Besides, considering the obvious parallels to Berwick Saga, the idea of two people that once were one people must have always been fundamental to the stories of those games.

Edited by BrightBow
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13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


¡Más ágil que una tortuga,
más fuerte que un ratón,
más noble que una lechuga,
su escudo es un corazón!
¡Es...! ¿La Mecánica Colorada?

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12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, ain't the inter-series interactions nice? Truly shows SRW's soul.

Agreed. The individual stories are enjoyable, but there is something very charming, and sometimes quite funny, in how the crossover situations work out.

Sure is different from 30. Mitsuba and the Drei ofc moved Bright et al out of the commandeering center, but even then, the five captains' personalities didn't have this level of clashing. They were distinct don't get me wrong, yet they were more harmonious than not. Here, we have the Londo vs. Nadesico initial tension, almost-instantaneous shift to allies, Bright's initial disapproval of Yurika's behavior, and yet he comes accepts her antics and she falls into his cult of command. I like it.

12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Don't know if it still applies here, but enemies in SRW don't tend to use their MAP weapons if it incurs Friendly Fire. So a good strategy is to use enemies as cover for MAP weapons. Though of course, how easy that can be depends on the MAP weapon itself.

While Gato's MAPW is supposed to be insane, part of the problem is certainly my reliance on EWAC to survive and kill. Clustering everyone around the EWAC units makes MAPWs especially effective.

12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If I had a nickel for every SRW A map that has something on a collision course on Earth with ten turns to finish the map, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but curious it happened twice.

Though seriously, it is curious. Perhaps a tease/preview or way to prepare... if not for the fact it's route split dependant.

Vindel was really angry that Stardust got stopped.😛 There's oddly no SM-involved equivalent on the Earth route. I do like Lammy for Space BTW because she does feel conflicted about what she is supposed to do here, I wouldn't get that with Silly A. Though I'm curious enough that if I ever do a third run, it'll probably be Ash Sabe/vior Axel and I'll pick Space to see how he reacts there.

Oh, and I did like seeing the Zeong. I recall Crazy White-Haired Narrative Dude using a Zeong II in 30, left me kinda wondering what the first one was. Nows I get why he was using it, plays into his "I'm Red Comet 2 Hahahaha!" madness. The Zeong looks rather... Vader-ish in the head -befitting a dark lord of the cosmos I mean.

12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

From my understanding, unlike future examples, Lalah's own time in a research institute wasn't bad, or at least not bad in comparison... and probably because of Char, probably. Most of the ones used as lab-rats tended to be Artificial Newtypes as well. But she was a natural one, and she was fine after the whole thing. So yeah.

I noticed that not Amuro, nor Quattro, nor Kamille reached Newtype level 9 in A Portable. Which seemed strange, and checking Akurasu, it looks like they decided to make Lalah the only playable character to hit level 9. -Which means absolutely nothing b/c games are gonna vary and don't necessarily agree with the canon, but I suppose they wanted to emphasize Lalah's powers and the fact she's a secret character in doing this. (And obviously, Newtype 7-8 maximum is still canonically very strong. I know 30 also denied Quattro level 9. And going to OG's Telekinesis, Aya has been consistently a uniquely-low level 7 max when everyone else is an 8 or 9, and yet she is the brain-battery of the SRX.)

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55 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Agreed. The individual stories are enjoyable, but there is something very charming, and sometimes quite funny, in how the crossover situations work out.

Sure is different from 30. Mitsuba and the Drei ofc moved Bright et al out of the commandeering center, but even then, the five captains' personalities didn't have this level of clashing. They were distinct don't get me wrong, yet they were more harmonious than not. Here, we have the Londo vs. Nadesico initial tension, almost-instantaneous shift to allies, Bright's initial disapproval of Yurika's behavior, and yet he comes accepts her antics and she falls into his cult of command. I like it.

Mhm. I also like the little banter during their first encounter. Where the Argama crew is surprised to see Yurika is Battleship Captain at 20, thinking that's too young... only for Ruri to bring up Bright was 19 during the One Year War. To which Bright is quick to say "That was different!" XD

Which is true, actually. The White Base upon leaving Side 7 at the beginning of Gundam lost most of its crew due to Char's attack on the space colony. While the actual captain did survived, he was injured during the fighting and died not long after, so with Bright as the surviving highest ranking officer (and yet he was still only an Ensign!), he was left effectively in command. Thus the White Base crew we see for most of the series was cobbled up from the surviving crew and civilians.


While Gato's MAPW is supposed to be insane, part of the problem is certainly my reliance on EWAC to survive and kill. Clustering everyone around the EWAC units makes MAPWs especially effective.

Yes, I can see why that can be a problem, heh.

Though what I said remains. Cluster around an enemy, and you don't have to fear the nuke. Though considering the Atomic Bazooka's range, Gato could still maneuver around that.


Vindel was really angry that Stardust got stopped.😛 There's oddly no SM-involved equivalent on the Earth route. I do like Lammy for Space BTW because she does feel conflicted about what she is supposed to do here, I wouldn't get that with Silly A. Though I'm curious enough that if I ever do a third run, it'll probably be Ash Sabe/vior Axel and I'll pick Space to see how he reacts there.

Oh yeah, I actually feel that for that split, Axel fits best for Earth and Lamia in Space. Mostly since, Amnesiac Silly Axel would be gung-ho enough to stay behind to protect the ship. While Lamia, who still remembers her actual orders, would stay inside to ensure Stardust can succeed... only to then doubt, yes.

I'd even say, not counting the last split, you took what would've been most likely Axel's path decision. Fits well specially if it's Soulgain!Axel. Since he'd find camaraderie with the likes of Domon and Kazuya (after being hit by both when trying to interfere in their spat of course, it's like classic shounen situation lol), thus going Earth-Guiana-DevilColony (okay, Axel/Lamia don't participate in this last one, but might as well stick to the theme).


Oh, and I did like seeing the Zeong. I recall Crazy White-Haired Narrative Dude using a Zeong II in 30, left me kinda wondering what the first one was. Nows I get why he was using it, plays into his "I'm Red Comet 2 Hahahaha!" madness. The Zeong looks rather... Vader-ish in the head -befitting a dark lord of the cosmos I mean.

Indeed. For all intents and purposes, the Zeong was basically the "final boss" of the original Gundam's Char vs Amuro bout.


I noticed that not Amuro, nor Quattro, nor Kamille reached Newtype level 9 in A Portable. Which seemed strange, and checking Akurasu, it looks like they decided to make Lalah the only playable character to hit level 9. -Which means absolutely nothing b/c games are gonna vary and don't necessarily agree with the canon, but I suppose they wanted to emphasize Lalah's powers and the fact she's a secret character in doing this. (And obviously, Newtype 7-8 maximum is still canonically very strong. I know 30 also denied Quattro level 9. And going to OG's Telekinesis, Aya has been consistently a uniquely-low level 7 max when everyone else is an 8 or 9, and yet she is the brain-battery of the SRX.)

Oh yes, NewType (and Enhanced Human) level 9 is quite reserved. Checking myself, Judau also can reach level 9 in A/AP, which also checks since he is meant to be quite a powerful Newtype story-wise. But yeah, usually they make everyone stop at either 7 or 8... and the lesser powerful Newtypes in the 4-6 range.

For the record, Axel and Lamia also reached only to 7 in the GBA version. Don't remember right now, but due to their boss status, I wouldn't be surprised if Lemon and Vindel were at 9. Maybe not Lemon, but definitely Vindel.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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39 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


They really mean it about how big a presence he was in his time. RIP

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Today at the store, guy comes in. "Estoy buscando una sudadera colorado". I show him. "No no, colorado". I ask him what he means by that.

....red. He meant red. He was looking for a red sweater. What country uses "colorado" to mean "red", i need to know so i can nuke them off the Earth for speaking Spanish incorrectly (the correct way to say "red" in Spanish is "rojo"). "Colorado" either means "colored" or the State of Colorado, i refuse to believe it means "red" in some countries.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, Iga being Iga, I would be more surprised if he didn't make sure to have this happen as a callback haha.

Well Iga isn't involved with this one at all. He was only involved with Curse of the Moon because he owns the Bloodstained IP overall (though it seems CotM is co-owned? If Inti can slap sales on them whenever they want).

But between Curse of the Moon and Blaster Master Zero, Inti has both sides of the Castlevania down pat. So it makes sense that they'd make a Classicvania that they fully own this time.

The hilarious thing about Grim Guardians is that it's technically a Gal*Gun spin-off and that's something you wouldn't know if you weren't already familiar with Inti's library lmao.

Edited by Armagon
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5 hours ago, Sooks said:

I mean some of the politics of Liberl comes up in Sky, but it’s loosely developed at best. And the most interesting politics of the series thus far is just what’s set up for Calvard in the 5th game, but we won’t get to see that until 2027. And after the 5th game it’s 2 games of “politics” that are horribly written, and then the politics take a complete back seat in CS3 and 4 again.

I see. But when you said "5th game" I thought you were talking about Trails into Reverie, so at first


In terms of actual advice Guardiansing should listen to, Star Fox Assault is a good game that's worth playing (unless Guardiansing just plans on playing Star Fox 64). Pikmin too, even if it has nothing to do with politics.

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Today at the store, guy comes in. "Estoy buscando una sudadera colorado". I show him. "No no, colorado". I ask him what he means by that.

....red. He meant red. He was looking for a red sweater. What country uses "colorado" to mean "red", i need to know so i can nuke them off the Earth for speaking Spanish incorrectly. "Colorado" either means "colored" or the State of Colorado, i refuse to believe it means "red" in some countries.

You poor sheltered child, far from your Hispanic roots.

Colorado IS Red. By the way, how do you think the Colorado River (and from there the State) got its name? Due to the red-tinted silt carried by the river from the mountains. The Spanish called it Colorado due to that since 1700, showing Colorado = Red has been a thing for centuries.

As a minor note, should be "sudadera colorada", since sudadera is female.

Colored is ColorEado, not Colorado.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You poor sheltered child, far from your Hispanic roots.

Colorado IS Red. By the way, how do you think the Colorado River (and from there the State) got its name? Due to the red-tinted silt carried by the river from the mountains. The Spanish called it Colorado due to that since 1700, showing Colorado = Red has been a thing for centuries.

As a minor note, should be "sudadera colorada", since sudadera is female.

I've never heard anybody say colorado before today. Not my family members, not my Hispanic friends, not the primarily Hispanic customers that come to the store as well as the employees.

This tells me that colorado is a more antiquated word cause literally everybody else has said rojo 

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Just now, Armagon said:

I've never heard anybody say colorado before today. Not my family members, not my Hispanic friends, not the primarily Hispanic customers that come to the store as well as the employees.

This tells me that colorado is a more antiquated word cause literally everybody else has said rojo 

Colorado is still used today. Maybe not in the US, but it is.

In case you didn't saw it: Colored would be Coloreado, not Colorado.

Colorado = Red

Coloreado = Colored

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Colorado is still used today. Maybe not in the US, but it is.

My family members outside of my parents all live in Venezuela and they don't say it. So if it's used outside of the US but not in Venezuela....well I suppose it's not the first Venezuelan quirk. Bananas in other countries are called.....bananas. But Venezuelans call them "cambur" and i think to the time when I confused the fuck out of my Puerto Rican co-workers when I said that.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

case you didn't saw it: Colored would be Coloreado, not Colorado.

Colorado = Red

Coloreado = Colored

I feel like the pronunciation may be the same.

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Just now, Armagon said:

My family members outside of my parents all live in Venezuela and they don't say it. So if it's used outside of the US but not in Venezuela....well I suppose it's not the first Venezuelan quirk. Bananas in other countries are called.....bananas. But Venezuelans call them "cambur" and i think to the time when I confused the fuck out of my Puerto Rican co-workers when I said that.

It's another Latin American quirk, as it were.

Over here we use Platano for Banana.

Just now, Armagon said:

I feel like the pronunciation may be the same.

Nope. That e is pronounced.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Today at the store, guy comes in. "Estoy buscando una sudadera colorado". I show him. "No no, colorado". I ask him what he means by that.

....red. He meant red. He was looking for a red sweater. What country uses "colorado" to mean "red", i need to know so i can nuke them off the Earth for speaking Spanish incorrectly (the correct way to say "red" in Spanish is "rojo"). "Colorado" either means "colored" or the State of Colorado, i refuse to believe it means "red" in some countries.

Acacia has already told you everything relevant, but I will tell you again nonetheless: Colorado does indeed mean red. Where do you think the state of Colorado got its name? You know, reddish canyons and all? Well, I mean, I'm saying this, but I'm only assuming that's how it came to be. I would think it makes sense!

In Spain colorado is very much a common word, though I will say most people wouldn't go around asking for a red sweater using that word. When referring to items colored red, rojo is usually employed. Colorado is reserved for more colloquial contexts, such as someone becoming red from embarrassment or heat, things like that. This person you met probably wasn't aware of these little intricacies and simply used whatever word came up on google.

And of course, colored is coloreado. Colorado does not mean colored under any circumstance. One of them false friends.

...Hey, if it serves as any consolation, the idea of rosado being a common adjective for pink-colored stuff didn't even cross my mind before the FE character came to be and you told me. Rosado isn't used at all in Spain. Rosa means rose, pink and also pink things, and that's it. So now you know how I felt then!

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well Iga isn't involved with this one at all. He was only involved with Curse of the Moon because he owns the Bloodstained IP overall (though it seems CotM is co-owned? If Inti can slap sales on them whenever they want).

But between Curse of the Moon and Blaster Master Zero, Inti has both sides of the Castlevania down pat. So it makes sense that they'd make a Classicvania that they fully own this time.

Iga's an evil man. That's all I have to add.

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The hilarious thing about Grim Guardians is that it's technically a Gal*Gun spin-off and that's something you wouldn't know if you weren't already familiar with Inti's library lmao.

I saw Vinesauce Vincent play that one once.

...It's uh... it's something, all right.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Acacia has already told you everything relevant, but I will tell you again nonetheless: Colorado does indeed mean red. Where do you think the state of Colorado got its name? You know, reddish canyons and all? Well, I mean, I'm saying this, but I'm only assuming that's how it came to be. I would think it makes sense!

Yes, it was due to the red.

Colorado, from the same people who brought you Nevada.

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