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9 hours ago, Green06 said:

Trails through Darkness would perfectly fit the game, both in and out universe

Trails through Time would also work if they want to keep the Chrono Kiseki pun, sept-terrion of time shenanigans and all

...So you're saying there is a Japanese wordplay reason for the second Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's versions being the seemingly-unrelated concepts of time and darkness?

Edit: Now I see- Kuro no Kiseki. Kuro no > Kurono > Krono > Crono> Chrono.

BTW, do these Septies of Trails have individualized names besides the power they represent?


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

That and also gacha games become an Endless Now because it keeps going and they have to keep making excuses as to why the plot hasn't conclude yet.

Like Dragalia Lost actually finished it's storyline and then they shut it down but usually either the plot goes on forever or it ends prematurely.

Some gachas are apparently leaving behind story and character viewers, so at least those aspects of the games survive.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I know, i was taking a jab at Ninty for my own fun, no need to be so negative. XD

Yeah but like it'd make more sense if it was directed at stuff like Miitomo or.....Dragalia Lost cause that's a Nintendo property.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Some gachas are apparently leaving behind story and character viewers, so at least those aspects of the games survive.

That's a Godsend for gachas that don't have well developed Wikis.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

That's a Godsend for gachas that don't have well developed Wikis.

And for Kingdom Hearts, b/c you know any gacha they put out will have some measure of canon importance.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

or.....Dragalia Lost cause that's a Nintendo property.

I like the ellipsis here.😛 Because, barring the twice Fire Emblem crossover, Ninty never really endorsed it. TBF, it was developed by Cygames, but I don't get why Nintendo bothered with this little side venture if they were going to be so tepid about it. You can rather easily forget Ninty ever had anything to do with it.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

I like the ellipsis here.😛 Because, barring the twice Fire Emblem crossover, Ninty never really endorsed it. TBF, it was developed by Cygames, but I don't get why Nintendo bothered with this little side venture if they were going to be so tepid about it. You can rather easily forget Ninty ever had anything to do with it.

It gets worse because like, the reason Dragalia Lost was so free-to-play friendly (they be giving out tenfold tickets like how NSMB2 gave out coins) is because Cygames wanted it to be that way. But because Nintendo co-owned it (and it seems they have the bigger share or something idk), they wanted it to make more money, which would mean removing free-to-play features (wouldn't surprise me if they wanted it to implement it's own season pass like FEH). Cygames didn't do that and the game didn't make enough money for Nintendo and they canned it. But at least they still finished the storyline, most gacha games don't even get that.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It gets worse because like, the reason Dragalia Lost was so free-to-play friendly (they be giving out tenfold tickets like how NSMB2 gave out coins) is because Cygames wanted it to be that way.

Still wasn't enough for me. I don't have the long-term patience for gachas to eventually give me what I want (which I must remember shall eventually go goodbye when the game dies), and I really disliked "gambler's lows" when the dealer keeps giving you losing hands. More than outweighs the "gambler's highs" when the roulette stops on your magic number.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But because Nintendo co-owned it (and it seems they have the bigger share or something idk), they wanted it to make more money, which would mean removing free-to-play features (wouldn't surprise me if they wanted it to implement it's own season pass like FEH). Cygames didn't do that and the game didn't make enough money for Nintendo and they canned it. But at least they still finished the storyline, most gacha games don't even get that.


Nintendo usually isn't a company that I think obsessed with profit margins. Obviously not always supportive of the little projects of love that wouldn't bring in the big bucks *Cough* a new F-Zero *Cough*, but not brutally focused on what sells.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But at least they still finished the storyline, most gacha games don't even get that.

Dragalia Found

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15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nintendo usually isn't a company that I think obsessed with profit margins. Obviously not always supportive of the little projects of love that wouldn't bring in the big bucks *Cough* a new F-Zero *Cough*, but not brutally focused on what sells.

I think Nintendo's mindset is a little different when it comes to mobile games. Remember, they charged $10 for Super Mario Run. Charging that much money for a mobile game is unthinkable.

But the ones that have been earning less seem to get the axe. Dr. Mario World got axed because it was making even less than Dragalia. Super Mario Run also made less but, again, that's a fully-paid product.

To compare, Mario Kart Tour and Animal Crossing Pocket Camp made roughly $100 million more than Dragalia this year (also Tour is axing the gacha, so expect the game to be shut down within a year or tw-oh that's why they're porting all the tracks to 8 Deluxe isn't it). And of course, Fire Emblem Heroes is an incomprehensible being compared to everybody else in terms of revenue.

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You know, now that I think about it, I have no idea where the hell Pocket Camp is getting that much money.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

A guy who fell in part 1 of Lonely Mirror returned in part 2 with his level reset. He is now a level 3 armor knight in chapter 19.

...Fair enough. Est armor! This is gonna suck.

"I thought you died"

"My death was.... greatly exaggerated".

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One of the cool new additions to Lonely Mirror 4.0 is that, early on in the game, you can influence the class of a later recruit. Shaman or monk are the options. Pretty nifty.

I told him to go shaman because I'd never used him before and I needed a shaman. Then early shaman girl decided "you know what, no, you're using me again" and became my most broken unit. So now I find myself wishing I'd told him to go monk, because the other monk is underlevelled and her few levels sucked ass.

...I could do some magic with my hacking knowledge, but... eh. He's just a boring kid anyway.

18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

"I thought you died"

"My death was.... greatly exaggerated".

Like the five or six deaths he's already suffered since he rejoined lol

16 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

what happened to your avatar my friend

I have evolved. Ascended.

Hey, could ask you the same question! Where'd Wolf go? Wait was it Wolf or was it Fox? Crud now I don't remember which of the two it was. Could swear it was Wolf but now I'm not so sure...

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10 hours ago, Green06 said:

Trails through Darkness would perfectly fit the game, both in and out universe

I think “Trails Beyond Darkness” would be catchy, or “Trails Before Dawn” if that has significant symbolism.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

BTW, do these Septies of Trails have individualized names besides the power they represent?

They do… or at least, the one I know about does.

29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think Nintendo's mindset is a little different when it comes to mobile games. Remember, they charged $10 for Super Mario Run. Charging that much money for a mobile game is unthinkable.

That’s because Nintendo wanted to give mobile players a “normal” gaming experience—but it didn’t do great and we’ve been paying for it ever since.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

He got engaged.

That's an L we take.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have evolved. Ascended.

Hey, could ask you the same question! Where'd Wolf go? Wait was it Wolf or was it Fox? Crud now I don't remember which of the two it was. Could swear it was Wolf but now I'm not so sure...

Is that what they call it these days?

It felt fitting to change my avatar on my streaming face. And yes, it was a wolf. Specifically, Wolf O'Donnel from hit series Super Smash Bros.

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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, even that's stupid. If the farmers starve then they can't work. And replacing people is a lengthy process.

Land owners don't care if the farmers don't have enough food, hell, keeping them hungry was and still is a legitimate strategy to keep the working class from being healthy enough to start an uprising, and if some of them die than that's no sweat off their back.

And you might say that Fire Emblem nobles would never do that, and you may be right, but it's clear they aren't rushing to get them out of poverty either.

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, isn't a leader's duty to serve their people, including seeing to their safety? If that's "propaganda" I don't want to know what you consider as "normal ruler behavior"...

What it really is is a classic example of the savoir complex and victimization that so many in this franchise love to have. The propaganda believing that the peasants are being subjugated "for their own good" And they could not possibly defend themselves even if giving the tools and money to do so. It is something that continues to place power in the nobles while leaving the peasants up to fate whether or not that noble will actually care about their plight.

Just the fact that there are renowned mercenaries and thieves implies that the knights and nobles are doing a pretty shit job at protecting the peasants. Lorenz is a case where he believes he is the "savior" of the workers when in reality if he really cared he would be, I don't know, funding reconstruction projects, proper defense buildings for villages, funding libraries, clean water and food, making the those of the peasantry more equal in standing as the nobles, and so on and so fourth.

And you might argue "Well maybe they are doing those things and we just aren't told" but every evidence points to the nobles keeping the villages poor and only doing things as far as a reaction to something else. They'll indiscriminately kill thieves and criminals without ever addressing what creates those thieves in the first place, and we know the villages are poor because Leonie is a commoner who required the funding of literally her entire village just to get into the Monastery.

In short, peasants shouldn't be "protected" they should be fighting for themselves alongside their communities, and if a noble wants to help then they help by fighting with them, not fighting for them.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The problem of acknowledging how weird the series's love for child soldiers is, is that there's only two ways to go about it: Make you face the very grim fact that you're giving children lifelong trauma, or make the waifus and husbandos look like horrible psychopaths. And then never bring it up again because that doesn't leave you much room to write these characters into lovable goofballs.

That's one big issue with Fire Emblem. It wants to have it both ways where on hand it may briefly acknowledge the killing in a realistic sense but then literally the next battle over, the cast has nothing but witty one liners to say after they just murdered someone.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One thing I found really funny was the suggestion box, where the correct option was not to tell people good advice, it was to tell them what they wanted to hear. Even if it was terrible advice. Byleth's a great teacher.

Me and Blindcoco were talking about this the other day, about how Gales of Nayeli is aiming to avoid right and wrong choices and just have it be based on player personality and getting different outcomes depending on your choice.

5 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

With your fist.

I mean have you seen those spikes? They could definitely spear through your neck instantly.


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11 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

In short, peasants shouldn't be "protected" they should be fighting for themselves alongside their communities, and if a noble wants to help then they help by fighting with them, not fighting for them.

We tend to get that too. Many a knight or soldier in these games talks about enlisting or the such precisely to help protect themselves and those they care about. With the "state" providing them with the weapons, armor, mounts, etc. Should there not be an indication they paid for it out of their own pocket or owned them already.

After all, how do you know the "responsibility to protect them" doesn't entail being the ones to provide them with the equipment, training, etc? Since as you say, most of the peasants wouldn't be able to get them on their own. But the nobles are the ones with the money and resources. That's how they raise armies to begin with. The people willing to fight to defend their homeland, families, etc. Only if we ever get word of local militia being completely self-made do we get an indication there was no help from the upper echelons.

Whether or not is executed as intended, but it's something we continue to do to this day. Just replace Kings with Presidents, since they too are responsible to see to the citizens, and that too includes their safety. Replace knighthoods with police forces, and we pretty much have changed little over the centuries.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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