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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sailing the skies is still sailing tho

But where's the sea? Checkmate.

Jokes aside, it's very curious to have Adol in a seafaring game. And it's the third game chronologically so they can't have him be like "I can't go on ships, I'll be shipwrecked". Then again Dogi isn't in sight (is this before he met him) and they did confirm that it's just Adol and the girl in this one so I suppose there isn't anyone to know about Adol's bad luck.

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7 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Ja, oh ja. The last couple of weeks Smogon was holding a suspect test to determine the fate of Terastallization. Uniquely, it's a two-parter: first off, does action need to be taken, and if that gets enough votes, they then go on to what action should be taken. Personally, I'm in favor of a ban, as in my book terastallization is at LEAST as bad as Dynamax in terms of being uncompetitive. That's also spurred on by me believing that none of the proposed restrictions are sufficient to deal with it.

  I'd say Dynamax is worse, considering what it mostly does can be mainly covered by "bulk up the pokemon it's used on and turn all moves into attacks". Not much diversification there.

1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

Personally, I liked megas and Z-Moves. They actually had an opportunity cost to them, unlike Dynamax and Terastallizaation.

I ask what opportunity cost to Megas beyond item slots (Unless you're Rayquaza, that changes to a moveslot)

The cost on Dynamax/Terastal not being as tightly bound does allow for some freedom with it, but Tera actually having type changing does give it some nuance, though it does have cases of some being objectively better choices over others, though it does vary from pokemon to pokemon.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hence why I said pre-resurrection before.

I was correcting my error.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Caravaggio's Baroque masterpiece on the conversion -clearly not showing us what Paul is seeing. 

Or not if he's already blinded.

His eyes are shut, shh he's sleeping /s

1 minute ago, Green06 said:


Elaborate, this is. Fun use of the GSC soundtrack too. And they imply a demake could happen? Jeez!

Is that Comic Sans on the cart text?

1 minute ago, Green06 said:

Ah yes, it's always good when you post something related to the conversation but everyone ignores it. Eh, fuck it

Didn't think of something to comment on the excerpt you quoted, apologies.

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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Unless you're Rayquaza, that changes to a moveslot)

Tera cost is also essentially a moveslot taken up. Because while you still get STAB from your original typings, there's no point in Tera if you don't have at least one move of the same Tera-Type.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Adol met's Dogi in Ys 1, but they start travelling together after Ys: Oath in Felghana (which is Ys 3)

Ah so he could still theoretically show up in this one.

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18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

A what now?

15 minutes ago, Armagon said:



7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Elaborate, this is. Fun use of the GSC soundtrack too. And they imply a demake could happen? Jeez!

Pretty much. There was also a project to demake X/Y, but I don't remember what happened to it.

8 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Is that Comic Sans on the cart text?


8 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Didn't think of something to comment on the excerpt you quoted, apologies.

Pffft. Don't worry, it was nothing serious. Humanity fucking up is nothing new, after all

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Tera cost is also essentially a moveslot taken up. Because while you still get STAB from your original typings, there's no point in Tera if you don't have at least one move of the same Tera-Type.

Less of a one if you're using it primarily/solely for defensive purposes imo.

I don't know if it's been made clear, but if you have a tera type that matches one of yours it doesn't stack weakness effectiveness like it does STAB right?

Just now, Green06 said:

Pretty much. There was also a project to demake X/Y, but I don't remember what happened to it.

I'm surprised I haven't heard of more demakes for Pokemon come to think of it.

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11 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

but if you have a tera type that matches one of yours it doesn't stack weakness effectiveness like it does STAB right?

I don't believe so no.

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46 minutes ago, Benice said:

I really hope they don't ban it; even if it is quite powerful, I think it adds such a unique dimension to the battles; as opposed to Dynamaxing just being "just get stronger idk", tera-typing adds a lot of new dimensions to the scene and allows for more viable 'mons.

I wouldn't mind if it couldn't be used to steal games by turning checks into setup fodder, which is likely what an offensive tera user is gonna use it for. Case in point: Dragonite. It loves normal tera to lose all its weaknesses and to become Ekiller.

36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Removal of a second typing to be locked into one type can be pretty damn big. It's a significant enough cost in my eyes that I wouldn't advocate against banning it.

When that one typing is whatever you want? That's a pretty good deal, especially when you still get STAB on your old type(s).

27 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

  I'd say Dynamax is worse, considering what it mostly does can be mainly covered by "bulk up the pokemon it's used on and turn all moves into attacks". Not much diversification there.

My issue with Dynamax is that it was just plain broken, giving a ton of pluses, like doubled HP, and allowing offensive mons to be setup sweepers with nuke-level moves (to put things into perspective, most attacking moves that also raised your stats tended to be weak). To their credit, GameFreak made Max Knuckle and Max Ooze weaker than other Max moves, but then we have Max Airstream, which raises speed. That's so busted that it was viable to use flying moves just to have access to that. Tera isn't on that level, but I'd say it's still uncompetitive as fuck.

27 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I ask what opportunity cost to Megas beyond item slots (Unless you're Rayquaza, that changes to a moveslot)

I'd say it's the item slot; you cannot get other helpful effects, like hazard immunity, if you want access to Z-moves or megas.

21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tera cost is also essentially a moveslot taken up. Because while you still get STAB from your original typings, there's no point in Tera if you don't have at least one move of the same Tera-Type.

Not necessarily - I'd usually see it used to set up on would-be checks.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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4 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

It loves normal tera to lose all its weaknesses and to become Ekiller.

The Fighting-Type looking at Normal-Tera Dragonite on the table


5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

When that one typing is whatever you want?

Protean Greninja got away with it. Hell Protean Greninja could change Typing on the fly, Terastal is one way.

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Scenario 29: Each of Their Prides

The stage begins with an old favorite:

The Nadesico What and Why!

Reactions varied, of course. XD Sadly, without Yurika, her role is being subbed in by Wendy, who isn't quite happy about it, heh. In any case, the Aestevalis girls muse that all this means you-know-who must be on board. Sure enough, Inez shows up. An A-Class Jumper, she was the one who allowed the Nadesico C to warp in. She was thought kidnapped or dead, but Nergal has kept her in secret, aiding the Secret Service all this time. Ruri asks if it was her who saved Chief Taiga and everyone back at the Bay Tower Base, which Inez confirms. After a small joke about her role as an Exposition Lady being useless if the group already knows what she's going to explain, heh, she gets on the heart of the matter.

Inez thinks it's the UND who currently have Yurika. Neo Zeon and the Jupiter Empire have showed no interest in the Boson Jump and the civilization ruins. The Calculation Unit isn't just connected to Boson Jump, but also to every ruin out there in the Sol System, which the UND has showed to make use of, as seen on the Moon. So to control the Calculation Unit is to control the ancient civilization ruins. As the power of thought is the only requirement to access the Unit, they don't need the Calculation Unit itself, just the A-Class Jumper. Hence, having Yurika in their custody. She then brings up about the Claw. The Original Seven armors also came from ruins. As the Claw seems to be gathering them all in one place, he must have some connection to the civilization that created them. Considering Van's armor could travel all the way to Astragius, then it means there must be more power tucked away within it. Also a thing the UND could be after. On the subject, they wonder if Presbund revealing their existence was a smart move. As it could cause a mass panic on the population. As it turns out, Inez is also ready to bring that topic up, and opens up a transmission channel with Goldwin.

He congratulates them first on defeating the Martian Successors, then brings up the situation on the Earth Sphere is mostly calm. Part of it is due to the news being delivered not unlike how the existence of the Space Monsters were kept under wraps. Also as a preemptive measure, since the UND will still try to recruit humans into their ranks. But mainly, it was deliberately made after the fall of the Martian Successors, to give people the evidence that T3 is willing to fight against the UND too. Thus, they can be seen as Earth's hope. It was a bet that paid off, as it were. The Dawn Assembly can gain more influence and use it easier to support them. He then ends the transmission. The group is a bit in awe of the whole thing. They note how they all have different backgrounds, but are here together fighting for the same cause. So yes, the idea is quite appealing.

Just then, another transmission arrives, this time from Rudi....

Asking T3 to gather... in some ruined town, but don't know exactly where, it seems she's issuing another combat challenge, as a way to use Presbund's strategy against him... should she win. Though of course, the group is ready to not let that come to pass. Akito takes this chance to ask Rudi about Yurika, but at least she herself has no clue... and Akito takes her reaction as genuine. Rudi then talks how her forces aren't just Earthlings... and more forces show up, including those of Autozam! Eagle introduces himself again. It seems they too got warped out of Cephiro, and it was the UND who found them. Rudi leaves Mr. Zone in charge, who says he and Geo will withdraw. Geo isn't happy to leave Eagle to fight alone, who tells him it's fine.

As a side note, I think in this game the Illumidas either don't exist or are a non-entity with no role in this game. So Mr. Zone is instead working for the UND instead of them.

Anyway, also among the newcomers is Masaki Heero Gridman Joe the Ace. Maito is surprised to see him, as he went MIA after the defeat of Black Noir. Looks like he's now with the UND too. He simply says he works for those who appreciate his talent, which makes Maito fired up to show him wrong. This makes Wolfgang and Vuitton comment they're being ignored, heh, though the rest of the Brave Express Corps make it clear those who side with the UND need to learn their lesson. Hikaru asks Eagle why they'd join the UND. He says he simply seeks to the safety of the people under his command, he's not much interest in the squabbles of another world. And with this it's the Magic Knights who get fired up. And stage begins!

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So, the main enemy force is composed of E-Bit α's and β's, but also a couple E-Phas and A-Pys, and Rudi in a E-Phas Σ. Then also there's Joe in his Goryu, Wolfgang in the Stark 4126, Vuitton in her Snooby, Wolfgang Subordinates in Megasonic 8823's, Pink Cats in Fromages, and Eagle in his FTO.

So, SR Point is to defeat Eagle within three turns. He'll flee once the FTO is below 10K HP. TacP Bonus requires for Hikaru to defeat him. Let's go!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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>Netflix releases a nonlinear drama the first day of the year

13 Sentinels confirmed?

Of course, it obviously wasn’t as good as 13 Sentinels, but it still had many


moments. It did have some flaws, but it was cool and a good way to spend a night.

Tv “critics” don’t seem fond of it but who cares what they think, they haven’t played 13 Sentinels.

I wonder if there’s any other nonlinear story goodness I can watch/play…

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The ending of the game is the one thing that kept me from giving it 10/10. Until the final dungeon this game was the only game i almost gave the mystical 5xS for


Why is it always the ending?


Bonding  Cancer is real

How much longer do I have left?


Was i Vandad all along?

Shrimpy x Ruben confirmed?


You are really tempting me to write THAT aren't you

Damn it, he’s on to me.

Not to worry, this was all part of the plan. Come, Campanella, we must withdraw for now and commence the next phase of the Shrimpy Altina Blaze Plan.


as expected of my grandson

Glad to make grandad proud!

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

I have half a mind to sell my copy because of sheer lack of motivation.

It's a shame because I love warriors, but the IP warriors games never quite do it for me. FE and Zelda don't mix well with Musou at least IMO. Guess I should learn my lesson by now.

I actually thought that Black Eagle story was pretty good for the first third of it, but then…

The worst part is the endings though. If the ending didn’t suck and the internet didn’t say all endings were the same, I would’ve played the other routes.

I still need to watch Golden Wildfire on YouTube…

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

When I said two/three, I was on about the before going after Rean, so from what I read correcly I was implying 2-3 or 1-3. Just want to make sure about that part.


Altina and company spend the first ~third of CS4 going after Rean. I meant that Altina is first introduced in Cold Steel 2 and develops from there.


Or me being Benice's Teehee twin apparently, which then leads to the question of explaining that age gap.

Reminds me that Draggy was my forum twin way back when.

Hope he’s doing well.

2 hours ago, Benice said:

I can't believe my son is so cringe

Damn it, I finally meet my dad and it turns out we have wildly differing political views.

Emancipation time.


And yes. Your Grandpa should really be the one giving you The Talk about this, though, since he's the one who found your mother.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Nope, your son, your duty

I was under the impression that organisms had to be of at least the same genus to reproduce. Benice, Squidmom, what are you hiding..?

Shrimpy does this mean you gave The Talk to Benice?

2 hours ago, Armagon said:



Weird to think someone finished Cold Steel 4 around the same time as me.



(He's talking about CS here, not Trails as a whole)

Nevermind, he does not know true suffering.


I really enjoyed CS4 as it was the *looks up* 12th best game i played in 2021. But it also came after a big Trails hiatus in which i did not play the series for over a few years whereas you played back-to-back so i'm curious if that had anything to do with it.

Maybe, but if anything you would expect less of a hiatus to make it more enjoyable.

And I did super enjoy parts of CS4, especially the parts with older characters, but the other parts…


Avengers Endgame.



At the same time, expecting a series to deliver the same consistent highs is a detriment to personal enjoyment. Not saying as an excuse for mediocrity but i'm saying that sometimes it takes a long time for those highs to be reached again, if they ever do.

Yeah. I wasn’t even looking at the game like that though, it was only now that I’ve finished every Trails game that’s been localized thus far that I took a step back and went “Huh, the series really peaked with Sky SC”. Which is weird for the peak to be so early in the series, cause I did enjoy these games, but it’s weird to think the quality was just sorta downhill.


It's why i prefer to judge the games as is instead of going "things were better back then" and holding it against the game. Even if i do think things were better back then.

True, but I’m not holding it against the game, I’m just now realizing how CS is in relation to Sky.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

No no, i'm not saying to accept mediocrity, my point was moreso, it's ok if the next game isn't as good as the previous one as long as you still enjoyed it.

We're Fire Emblem fans, we should all know this.

But you’re the resident Kaga hater, you should be the pinnacle of “Fire Emblem has only improved with every game”

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I agree with you there, and that's how i do rate my games.

However it's hard to not compare games in the same series. Especially when you don't enjoy a game.

So true.


You telling me Jesus wasn't a gun wielding CEO of racism?

Bullshit, the President of the United States said so, it has to be true!

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

I sense the beginning of a beautiful relationship…

Oh wow.

Oh wow.

Nice fins Lightchao.


You’ve heard of love triangles, but are you ready for a love tridecagon?


So who’s at the center of the 13 Sentinels’ harem? It’s definitely Ogata with his beautiful hair, right?


Speaking of rankings you should rank Rean’s romance options, I’m on mobile but pretend that was strikethroughed.

I need to come back to this.

54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But both Dynamax and Terastallization have been visually lame as fuck.

But that’s been everything in modern Pokémon games

Edited by Sooks
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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Why is it always the ending?

Well, this time it's because Ys 8 happens in the middle of the timeline, so they had to connect it with the games further on the timeline.

Yes, all Ys games all connected, unlike Trails tho, the overaching plot/lore takes a backseat and it works so much better imo

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Shrimpy x Ruben confirmed?


6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Shrimpy Altima Blaze Plan

Sooks the super chuuni XD

As expected of my grandson!

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I still need to watch Golden Wildfire on YouTube…


Don't do this to yourself.

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Which is weird for the peak to be so early in the series, cause I did enjoy these games, but it’s weird to think the quality was just sorta downhill

Not that weird when you consider how their priorities changed.

Trying to write one big story while changing the style of writing isn't exactly the best of decisions.

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29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Fighting-Type looking at Normal-Tera Dragonite on the table


Protean Greninja got away with it. Hell Protean Greninja could change Typing on the fly, Terastal is one way.

Did you forget about the trap card that I just played? Did you?? It's a little doodad called Extreme Speed. It allows me to preempt anything on the field. Also, Multiscale.

It got banned in gen 6 after ORAS came out. Same for Cinderace. Why do ya think Protean and Libero got the nerf bat?

Edited by Shadow Mir
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Jesus, why was that post so long?

9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Well, this time it's because Ys 8 happens in the middle of the timeline, so they had to connect it with the games further on the timeline.

Yes, all Ys games all connected, unlike Trails tho, the overaching plot/lore takes a backseat and it works so much better imo


9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sooks the super chuuni XD

As expected of my grandson!

9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Don't do this to yourself.

But that’s why I want to

9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Not that weird when you consider how their priorities changed.

Trying to write one big story while changing the style of writing isn't exactly the best of decisions.

Wdym priorities changed? Like the Persona stuff?

1 hour ago, Green06 said:


>Ash only in B

>Kurt in S


The way it should be.

Altina > Juna > Musse > Kurt > Ash

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:



Depends XD

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But that’s why I want to


Don't forget to play Fates afterwards to clean your mind.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wdym priorities changed? Like the Persona stuff?

Not really the persona stuff (although that's part of it), but aiming for different/younger/broad audiences. Kondo admitted as much.

Also the changing writers.

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9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Trying to write one big story while changing the style of writing isn't exactly the best of decisions.

Ya know, I agree with this. Sometimes we credit the creators of something for the success of a work, but the real mind behind it were the collaborators. An example is Metal Gear Solid: Kojima is widely praised for creating the series and regarded as a genius, but the person that made the first three games great was Tomokazu Fukushima. So much so that the series went downhill after he quit Konami (after Snake Eater).

This was not an excuse to slander Kojima, I swear.

11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Typical. The thought police is really unbearable these last few years. The Internet going mainstream was a mistake.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

I wonder if there’s any other nonlinear story goodness I can watch/play…

It's basically fantasy 13 Sentinels. It's a bit linear in the sense that you can't pick and choose which protagonist to follow but other than that, the general storytelling strat is the same. Multiple protagonists follow their own stories that intersect here and there. It's nowhere near as ambitious as 13 Sentinels but still a certified recommendation from me.



11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But you’re the resident Kaga hater, you should be the pinnacle of “Fire Emblem has only improved with every game”

Ehhhhhh even post-Kaga, FE has had it's ups and downs.

5 minutes ago, Green06 said:


Reminds me of Cosmonaut Marcus' take when he reviewed all the movies.

6 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

It's a little doodad called Extreme Speed. It allows me to preempt anything on the field.

Ghost and Steel-Type Pokemon: "allow us to introduce ourselves".

7 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Why do ya think Protean and Libero got the nerf bat?

Because Game Freak are cowards.

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