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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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31 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Now that I think about it, Lythos is like the only country in Elyos not following a name theme, right? I mean, there's only like three native Lythians to begin with, but even so their names don't have much relation between each other, right? Or more like, between Vander and the twins.

I like that it makes thinking up names for OC's much easier when you just need to tick the corresponding checkbox.

They had kind of a theme going with Clanne and Framme, but then they gave up with Vandad lol

30 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Ruben... It's not FFT. XD

You can tell because people have noses. Erador's nose is a work of art!

30 minutes ago, joevar said:

hmm alright let see some pointer i can spot

+ the good

  • grounded take on war drama. (taking it too high will just make it stumble harder, war drama is unlike adventure drama usually)
  • varied and well designed. (yes)
  • environmental manipulation (good)
  • challenging (nice)

- the bad

  • branch path dont have massive impact. (if saving private ryan not worth saving, theres no way they would save him. decision in war must have impact)
  • less story character, more random mook. (i dropped Tactics Ogre with this reason being one of them)

? the divider

  • lots of text. (dont mind long text, doubt it will be as long as some CRPGs out there anyway. quality and quantity not mutually exclusive nor contradict each other)
  • mock battles (mock battle either for grinding or other reasons can be tedious instead of cathcing your breath, we'll see)
  • long pause between actions (highly situational, this could break or make it. but it tends to be good since FE short pause always bad)


Nice work putting my ramblings into a tidy, orderly list! A couple corrections, though:

  • As someone who has also played Tactics Ogre (and also dropped it lol), the random mooks aren't quite like the ones in TO. The closest comparison would be minor playable characters in FE. You know, the kinds that you just grab from a village. They don't have much of an impact on the overall plot, but they each have their own character stories exploring their backstory, personality and even giving them a teensy bit of development.
    Also, unlike minor FE characters, a lot of these tend to have cute little "blink and you miss it" cameos before they join the team, and a few have some interesting involvement in lore, which is nice.
  • From personal experience, the mock battles feel less "you grind here" and more "we couldn't fit these map concepts into the main story, go crazy here." The first handful of them are simple stuff, but they slowly ramp up until they rival the story maps in complexity. They are limited in quantity and don't scale with your level, so the clear intention is that you do them as they pop up, like they were more story battles.

Otherwise, I'd say you've got it. At least, what constitutes my opinion and experience. Goes without saying that anyone else's mileage with the game might vary.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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30 minutes ago, joevar said:

less story character, more random mook. (i dropped Tactics Ogre with this reason being one of them)

The player has all unique characters, though.

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19 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

The player has all unique characters, though.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

don't have much of an impact on the overall plot, but they each have their own character stories exploring their backstory, personality and even giving them a teensy bit of development.

Oh, more of tag-along char then. Like suikoden perhaps?

I think i get it

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

A positive for me tbh

could even be shorter tbh

Then please kindly explain engage chapter 10>11 transition

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FE might not even have pauses most of the time it always just hop into one map into another map. Only occasionally featuring another scenes that feature another future map


That means a lot of stuff or details or chance to shine for side character become potentially skipped


Migjt as well play rogue-like, so its non stop action with ever changing setting

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16 minutes ago, joevar said:

Then please kindly explain engage chapter 10>11 transition

What is there to explain? Characters ran away!

13 minutes ago, joevar said:

FE might not even have pauses most of the time it always just hop into one map into another map. Only occasionally featuring another scenes that feature another future map


Yeah, that's a positive. That's why i play and what i want from FE

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4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Hopefully Maddening will give that!

A finger curls on the monkey's paw

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There's a joke to be found here somewhere...

2 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I wonder what happens if I burn her at the stake

It'll make her a martyr, which would be bad news for you.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Glenbrook's probably the nicest to be at, and even that one's got a pretty massive issue with corruption running rampant in the background.

Honestly, are there any JRPG settings that would be good places to live? Certainly not any of the Xenoblade settings. I guess Liberl hasn't been too bad so far, barring the society shenanigans in SC. Pokémon too, since every world-threatening event can be resolved by a ten year old.

Edited by Lightchao42
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4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

While I knew all along that Trails had an interconnected narrative, as it was one of the reasons I played it, the West Zemuria Trade Conference starting is the first time it actually felt like one. Though oddly, some of the games referenced here were released after this one.

Erebonia was in development since the 3rd. Ironically, this part only shows Falcon's poor planning.


The fact they casually reveal some of early Cold Steel's biggest plot point is hilarious. Though it also sheds light on some CS2 stuff if you already played it


1 hour ago, joevar said:

i dont know which to compliment, RE engine being very moddable, or modder having found way to mod RE engine very seamlessly

maybe a little bit of both in the end. (since many games had extensive list of modders but spent way longer to do what they did in Resident evil remake)


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It was amusing, since location does change their title, so they were the Merry Band of Toledo. XD

But how are they going to fit King John into this story?

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or in other words, the midgame, pft.


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The real Jeanne didn't deserve it

Vouyhi1r o

Ihtpnz78 o

Zardechz o

Just now, Lightchao42 said:

It'll make her a martyr, which would be bad news for you.

Jokes on you, I'm playing as France

At least you don't have to go through it

Qaoxkkbs o

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2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Honestly, are there any JRPG settings that would be good places to live? Certainly not any of the Xenoblade settings. I guess Liberl hasn't been too bad so far, barring the society shenanigans in SC. Pokémon too, since every world-threatening event can be resolved by a ten year old.

The Rune Factory world? Personally, I would certainly love to live there if I could.

2 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

But how are they going to fit King John into this story?

You can play that role, depending on the choices, from what I recall.

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This battle.

I regret my decisions. Democracy, why didn't you stop me from fucking up like this?

23 minutes ago, joevar said:

Oh, more of tag-along char then. Like suikoden perhaps?

More or less, yeah.

21 minutes ago, joevar said:

FE might not even have pauses most of the time it always just hop into one map into another map. Only occasionally featuring another scenes that feature another future map


That means a lot of stuff or details or chance to shine for side character become potentially skipped


Migjt as well play rogue-like, so its non stop action with ever changing setting

FE's lesser focus on story also has its strengths. It's a "cozy" sort of game. I can just pick it up, play some strategy goodness and have some fun. For gameplay primarily, it can be enjoyable. Of course, while I enjoy FE stories, if I want a really good story, I'll look elsewhere.

34 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What is there to explain? Characters ran away!

I mean, look, you've got to admit it's pretty dumb that they "ran away" when the exit was blocked by the Hounds--

Oh wait, I almost forgot. The Hounds are utterly pathetic, so it makes sense that we just ran straight through them. Gameplay-story integration!

16 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:



There's a joke to be found here somewhere...

What is there to joke about? These are simply girls of high intellect.

16 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Honestly, are there any JRPG settings that would be good places to live?

Precious few, to be sure. It seems all of them have to be attacked by some world-ending menace at one point or another.

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Well that's another 20 minutes, fucking hell this map. All afternoon on this map. I fucking hate you Hyzante, you fucking useless sacks of--

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And the corridor has been 100%. It didn't really had a lot to it.

The game says they're Gorgons, but they look like just regular bulls... they can still petrify with their... breath.

Okay, off to Chapel Tower.

Okay, farmed for the Mars Card and reached the first Save Room. Stopping for now.

Time to do some fanfic writing...

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All right, that did it. Turns out the solution was to not listen to basic instincts nor to the game's default positioning, and instead throw the entire team together on one side. Then the boss is apparently scripted to dash forward on her first move, so I used a single unit to keep her far away while her army got chokepointed by mine.

...Man, that was tough as nails, though. Hard mode does not mess around, I don't recall having nearly this amount of trouble in my first run.

On an unrelated note, my life has not been the same since I noticed Benedict is balding.


Dude just has a really weird combover that only works because of the angle. I guess this is what war crimes do to a person. Oh, fuck wait what does that mean for me--

...Either that or he just has a strangely colored strand of hair, but c'mon that can't just be me, can it? That looks like part of his head. The color is different from the surrounding hair. And yet the more I look at it, the more wrong it looks. Jesus Christ, man...

18 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Look at this absolute thing of beauty (Engage last recruit)

  Hide contents



Oh right, I almost forgot.



Cuter, if you ask me.


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Of course, while I enjoy FE stories, if I want a really good story, I'll look elsewhere


36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh right, I almost forgot.

So Physcial version of my magical monster XD

Well, both of them have like the highest bases in the game. Makes sense since they are the last recruits, they better be good XD

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