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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I wanted to not move on to any new games before beating the ones I already had playthroughs on, but fuck it, gaming is meant to be a stress reliever and I'll play what I want, when I want, completionist be damned.

All this to say, I'm playing Wind Waker.

33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Core memory: in the Fire Temple, there's that room with the big wooden bridge right? Well i got the key, went through the door that leads to the room with the big block you gotta push onto the fire geyser to rise up, i do that, get to the top and.....locked door. Like bro i just go here.

That was for me in the Forest Temple, mostly because of that stupid hidden key at the entrance.

In fairness, that's why the compass exists, but that only helps so much, especially when you can't tell if an item part of the map is only obtainable once you've done something else.

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28 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Perhaps I should try beating Ocarina of Time again. I have tries like three times, but I always grow boarded with it before I get to the end, I think the closest I ever got was the...the...Spirit Temple? Whatever the one in the well with the Lens of Truth nonsense was.

Either Spirit or Shadow. You need the Lens of Truth to access both but given that the well is in Kakariko, most people do Shadow by proximity.

18 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

The first Zelda would like to have a talk with you, then. 

The difference is keys in Zelda 1 are universal. They work in every dungeon and it actually was kinda neat seeing how much of the "optimal path" I could do while conserving key use. And then eventually you just get the Master key.

7 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

That was for me in the Forest Temple, mostly because of that stupid hidden key at the entrance

That one also drove me in circles.

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So there I am, browsing the Another Eden reddit. There's a thread asking about collaborations (as in, crossover events) one would want to see.... and someone mentions El Chapulín Colorado.

... dammit, I would so pay to see that, pft...

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God fucking dammit, the Wii U controller is out of power and I don't know where the charger is

This must be Ruben's doing since I said blasphemy against Sommie

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Just now, GuardianSing said:

God fucking dammit, the Wii U controller is out of power and I don't know where the charger is

This must be Ruben's doing since I said blasphemy against Sommie

Told ya.

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27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The difference is keys in Zelda 1 are universal. They work in every dungeon and it actually was kinda neat seeing how much of the "optimal path" I could do while conserving key use. And then eventually you just get the Master key

The argument of getting the master key isnt a good one since its a later get. 

They have plenty of dead ends where keys get wasted, though. Which is essentially the same thing.

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31 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

They have plenty of dead ends where keys get wasted, though. Which is essentially the same thing.

Well the keys being wasted is the main issue with A Link to the Past. Zelda 1 doesn't have that issue, because there are enough keys to go around.

And anyways, the Master Key is found in Dungeon 8, which you can do as soon as you clear Dungeon 4.


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Another day passed, more Celceta done. Completed the dungeon following the fifth character's recruitment.:


Silly dialogue options receded for a time I thought, but then they surged back in, before some tasteful pulling back once more. It comes and goes it seems, and that's fine.😄

When I first saw the Highland town, I thought it seemed visually out of place with the rest of the game, a little technologically ahead of medieval/renaissance fantasy. -And then the game gave me a good explanation why this might be the case. A “god” of “inspiration”, who also attempts to maintain proper balance in the world, benevolent, if perhaps questionable. A tad out of the norm for a deity. And I see they lack "balance" themselves.

Adol’s grave I ofc noticed during the game’s opening, an honest mistake and nothing more. Glad they didn’t dwell on this for a prolonged period of time. Arriving in the Highlands feels halfway-point-ish, but it doesn't seem proper to be halfway through. Not saying I need things to feel too drawn out with VIII did before Dana joined and the plot shifted, but the mystery of Celceta is being pulled back maybe too soon? The plot so far is serviceable, I don't expect amazingness.

Calilica is our second Strike playable, with a bludgeoning weapon as is expectable. Appearance seems somewhat incongruous with the other heroes, and her personality is only passable (but I don’t dislike her). I don’t love her name, her parents must’ve stuttered when they came up with it- the second “li” looks like a typo, doesn’t roll off the tongue as easily as “Calica” would’ve.

Enemies in the tower dungeon felt somewhat tough at times, their damage output isn't nil. Midboss fight had the attacks coming out at pace higher than I was fine with, but otherwise an improvement over some earlier encounters. The second boss fight of the tower didn't have any major issues, though I can see how it'd be easy for the hardcore Ys fans. The earlier lone boss in the underground ruins spent a few moments too many out of reach, yet otherwise wasn't bad.

Leeza, so this is the lacking lead heroine Shrimpy spoke of? Well, she has shown up rather late for a character in a lead role, that’s odd. First impressions, I don’t see her as a lead heroine, just a hero -no, NPC. One who happens to have obvious feelings for Adol yeah, and is in a technically important position (albeit Calilica isn’t that far behind her?), but that does not inherently a lead actress make. Worse than Aprilis? Well, events suggest Leeza won't be playable, as was Aprilis's case. Yet if she naught but a love interest for Adol, whose greater significance isn't too significant, then that wouldn't be too bad.

Aprilis's problems stemmed from in the limelight from the start, she knew so much, she forced the heroes to gather, she gave Adol his new cursed powers. Aprilis stood center stage and her chunibyou declarations made her dramatic. ...But endearing, enriching characterization behind her lead-worthy design -where Dana excelled- was lacking for Aprilis. She was left colder, less sympathetic, and more hollow than she should've been.

-Leeza could be dull, could be as underwritten as the black-hooded heroine. But as long as she doesn't try to occupy the spotlight beyond what she realistically can, Leeza could feel less flawed than Aprilis. Leeza would be relegated perhaps to Most Forgettable Ys Lead Heroine, but she wouldn't sting as much. -I'll have to play more to find out for myself.😜


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9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I don't recall it being much more linear than Ocarina of Time, especially when you have the entire sea to map out in Wind Waker and I found Ocarina's scattered key system more annoying than anything, but I guess I haven't played in a while.

It's like A Link to the Past in that the first 3 dungeons pretty much force you in a specific order, unless you do unintuitive stuff like leaving Dodongo's Cavern after getting the bombs to go to the Zoras. (Though Wind Waker doesn't even allow you to do that much.) But afterwards you are mostly only limited by your creativity.

You are directed towards the Forest Temple first, and clearing it is required to get back in time again which locks access to the Bottom of the Well and the Spirit Temple. But there is already plenty of stuff you can do. Instead of going to the Forest Temple you can instead go to the Fire Temple. Or the Ice Cave. Or get Epona and use her to reach Gerudo Fortress and clear that one.
The Shadow Temple stands out for being the only dungeon you flatout can't access without clearing 3 specific other dungeons first. Though you can at least do the Bottom of the Well at any point after clearing the Forest Temple. You can even skip the Bottom of the Well entirely if you are crazy enough to do the rest of the game without the Lenses of Truth.

Edited by BrightBow
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8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

All this Zelda talk is making me want to play Wind Waker again, this is fantastic.

Instead, play the best game in the series, Faces of Evil.

8 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Like I said, as drunk as a skunk.

You already commented on that, my dude. Dementia strikes?

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

All this to say, I'm playing Wind Waker

You should've played Feces of Evil instead.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

God fucking dammit, the Wii U controller is out of power and I don't know where the charger is

This must be Ruben's doing since I said blasphemy against Sommie

I hope you have learned your lesson.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:


Yeah, come to think of it, that's true. But that's just a side effect of gachas always having super bloated character designs, I'd say. You can't just wear a jacket, it has to have ultra elaborate patterns, a single pauldron, belts that serve no purpose and a hole for the boobies.

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, returned to Zeiss. That's it for tonight.

Don't forget to being Melady along to recruit him.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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(XBC3 Major Spoilers)



The consequences of Xenoblade 3 for the human race XD

He showed zero feelings for anyone not named Luka lol

I do support the Moeka ship, though.


Y'know, the utterly crackpot ship with the traitor. Moeka already got Okarin barking on command while acting like the most suspicious person on the planet, imagine of they got the secks on too. That's gonna end well.


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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

And anyways, the Master Key is found in Dungeon 8, which you can do as soon as you clear Dungeon 4

Not something you would know without reading it up, which many do not wish to do. 

Yes, Prior knowledge changes things, but you could argue this for basically any game.

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