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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Though lately loneliness has started to become an issue. Since my contract ended, I've had too much time to think. I feel kind of stuck at this point of my life. Like, I can do anything, go to places, join things, meet people, and yet I can't bring myself to do anything. It's frustrating. First world problems, though. I am the last person that should be complaining about his life, I have a life many would kill to have.



37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Since my contract ended, I've had too much time to think. I feel kind of stuck at this point of my life.

Reminds me of when I was younger, I tended to get depressed late in the summer. Partly because of the approach of my birthday, that terrible marker of aging, but also because I had been out of school for months at that point, and the busywork of school tended to keep my mind away from depressive thoughts. Having no friends and little drive to do things, my summers were pretty quiet.

There is an old short story by the 18th century French philosopher Voltaire called "Story of a Good Brahmin", the summary- a group of philosophers think too much and are unhappy but wouldn't change their condition, while a poor old lady who asks for little lives content. Condescending for sure towards the lower classes, but one point being- humans shouldn't be allowed to think in solitude too much. We might not want to live to work, but life without some busywork -barring for the laziest and most hedonistic among us- is unhappy too.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like, I can do anything, go to places, join things, meet people, and yet I can't bring myself to do anything. It's frustrating.

How many times have I complained in this topic that I've wasted days, weeks, not playing games I've been intending to get to? Or that I want to book a psyche, but still haven't.

Do I have willpower? Nope!😝 I have next to none. The only drive I seem to have is the XXX kind. If I'm going to Hell, it'll be bodily death due to health complications from Gluttony, but Sloth is what shall condemn my immortal soul. I don't understand why I'm so intrinsically inert, I would seriously like to ask a professional about that.

You having this exact same issue... maybe it's an Aspie commonality? Not sure, I can't really determine that with just two points of data.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

First world problems, though. I am the last person that should be complaining about his life, I have a life many would kill to have.

A-men! -I could copy paste this sentence when I'm in a funk and I'd have to make zero revisions to it.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Right now I have no excuse, I should be well past having these problems.

Excuse me? You ain't less than two months from 30. You don't have the right to call yourself inexcusable here, I do.

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I interact fine when it's someone I know, or when I've gotten it started, but I have serious difficulty with the start. Especially if I think I know someone but I'm not sure. I am physically unable to walk there and go "hey are you X?" I just can't. I don't know why.

Feels like I'd probably be the same way.

Randomly bumping into possibly someone I know would probably have me behave initially-awkwardly-unintentionally-cold if they noticed me.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah I noticed that in the trailer. We might be getting some spaghetti for dinner.

Maybe a Koopa will lend us his, if we... persuade him.

I wonder if they'll reference I.M. Meen in some way. It's not a CDi game, but it had the same animators.

15 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Reject tsundere, embrace hot lady knight

What if we could have a tsundere and a lady knight?



6 hours ago, Armagon said:


I like how satisfied she looks, as if she's thinking "Heck yeah I'll be lucky if I get to graduate". And I'm guessing she loses credit with the teachers every day for not wearing a shirt.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do not fall into alcoholism. That's the pathway to a life of misery, hurting your loved ones and an early grave. And no abilities some would consider unnatural, to top it off.

Yeah, they even made a Sonic Sez about it.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do not fall into alcoholism. That's the pathway to a life of misery, hurting your loved ones and an early grave. And no abilities some would consider unnatural, to top it off.

But that's the best part

3 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

What if we could have a tsundere and a lady knight?

I can get behind that

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Go out, travel, play games

Hard to do any of that when you don't have any money

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Think I ran into an old classmate on the street. I say think, because I wasn't 100% sure and out of crippling fear of causing five seconds of awkwardness, I did not approach her. And just like that my night's ruined, because now I'm beating myself up over still being completely useless at interacting with other people. Goddammit.

I hear ya. Been the same way myself since long before you were born. It ain’t something that goes away unfortunately, until I get really pissed off

Interacting with other people is overrated

Thats the primary reason truckers do what we do

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Do not fall into alcoholism. That's the pathway to a life of misery, hurting your loved ones and an early grave. And no abilities some would consider unnatural, to top it off.

There’s a saying they used to use in my ex’s family. The man takes a drink, and then the drink takes the man

My dad was a pretty heavy drinker, but only after work. He still got up at 430 in the morning and went to work every day. He was a good role model at least in that sense. I had my issues years ago, but bein a functioning member of society and supporting yourself was always first in my mind. Therein lies the trap, when priorities start to get misplaced

Truth be told I’d rather smoke pot then drink. It takes effect faster, wears off faster, wont leave you sick in the morning, and wont make you choke on your own puke in your sleep if you overdo it. I just cant touch it tho with what I do for a livin

50 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Jokes aside, I...cannot relate. I hate interactions with people from the past, so avoiding those encounters are dodging a bullet. 

There was one I definitely dont regret, and that was 15 years ago at a high school reunion. I got a heluva satisfaction outta seein all the ones that thought I wouldnt amount to jack shit not doin any better than they assumed of me. Meanwhile Im pullin  down about $90K a year 

Let em choke on that 😎

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32 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You having this exact same issue... maybe it's an Aspie commonality? Not sure, I can't really determine that with just two points of data.

That would be my guess

The more @Saint Rubeniosays stuff like that the more I think Im lookin in a mirror. Hellos and goodbyes are the worst for me. Got a big problem with “breakin the ice” as it were. I’m content with simple head nods to serve that purpose

Thats one of the things that led to my divorce. The ex could never understand that

I personally think it comes from not wantin to assume being in the good graces of others, so best to avoid small talk unless someone else initiates it

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I'm sure if I ever come across someone I used to go to school with (even as late as College) my reaction would be...

"Who are you?"

So most likely outcome is they approach me. I'd still be confused, but it's much easier to be roped into conversations than start them.

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34 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Hard to do any of that when you don't have any money

And when you can get the money, you don't have time, energy or will.

That said, even when i had less money i could cook more fun than i have with money atm

Maybe because i was enjoying life more in general

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do not fall into alcoholism. That's the pathway to a life of misery, hurting your loved ones and an early grave. And no abilities some would consider unnatural, to top it off.

I'm looking forward to being able to drink just because I am endlessly curious on what it's like to be drunk.

But that's just for one life experience, on the other hand I am afraid I would become addicted to it because of how my brain will latch onto to anything to increase dopamine.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hopefully they get to you soon. Hang in there!

You too, mate!

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Odd, you interact just fine here.😛

-I guess that's in our neurodiverse nature, a digital interface alleviates some of our issues.

Too true, the difference between how I speak in text versus actual live conversation is staggering.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

First world problems, though. I am the last person that should be complaining about his life, I have a life many would kill to have.

Remember, acknowledging that you have privilege is significantly different from just ignoring your problems all together. You can be an activist for the impoverished of the world while still taking care of yourself.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You're right, maybe she does like Three Houses. Truly dodged a bullet there.

A Fire Emblem fan out in the wild? I thought we only existed on the internet and nowhere else!

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How many times have I complained in this topic that I've wasted days, weeks, not playing games I've been intending to get to? Or that I want to book a psyche, but still haven't.

Do I have willpower? Nope!😝 I have next to none. The only drive I seem to have is the XXX kind. If I'm going to Hell, it'll be bodily death due to health complications from Gluttony, but Sloth is what shall condemn my immortal soul. I don't understand why I'm so intrinsically inert, I would seriously like to ask a professional about that.

You having this exact same issue... maybe it's an Aspie commonality? Not sure, I can't really determine that with just two points of data.

Fecking tell me about it. The day I learned about my ADHD was both the happiest and saddest day of my life. You're telling me the decades of self-loathing for being unable to apply myself to do or finish anything was in fact a mental illness and not my personal fault and I just have to live with that now?


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Okay, I think I reached a limit to what I'm focusing on my current writing project. Time to move on to writing the next chapter of TDttP... and after that, I may finally continue writing more for CoS...

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I saw one review mention this, being able to see the requirements to trigger various events. There are games from yesteryear which I wish had had such a feature (I'm looking at you, certain old Tales).

It is a godsend for a game with a mandated time-limit. Reminds me of how Majora's Mask 3D expanded the notebook but this one has way more events going on than that and now i will once again obliterate Persona for not having the same time-saving mechanics.

I was able to confirm what the game meant by "not all events are available in Unlimited Mode". It turns out that there are certain events that cause certain party members to leave. Some depended on the outcome, for others, that's just how their storyline ends for this game. You didn't really have a way of knowing ahead of time and JP forums back in the day actually warned people against doing certain events if they wanted to keep their favorite characters.

Now you know me. You know how i feel about playable characters permanently leaving in a game if said leaving isn't blatantly foreshadowed. So playing Unlimited feels like the go. But this means that the event % will never be at a 100% and some characters' storylines are just going to arbitrarily stop. My guess is the sheer nature of those events just fall apart if you make time infinite.

It's definitely a surprise element to the game. Characters leaving forever in an Atelier game is unheard of now. It looks like this was just a quirky feature of the series' history.

On the bright side, none of the endings are locked. There's seven of them, none of them are character specific like in the modern series, but there is a hierarchy, the upper endings take priority (you can't choose). Given the game's short nature and the fact that the main objective is incredibly simple, the time-limit is probably even easier than Firis'.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, remake of the first game or not, it's still A25 (?),

Yeah it's considered A25. It's Fire Emblem rules.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Odd, you interact just fine here.😛

-I guess that's in our neurodiverse nature, a digital interface alleviates some of our issues.

Yeah it's way easier to interact online. Introvert moment.

It's why i've considered jumping into dating apps (but like the actually reputable ones, not Tinder).

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I will say

I am starting to understand wraith



4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I interact fine when it's someone I know, or when I've gotten it started, but I have serious difficulty with the start.


None of my irl friends was because i initiated the conversation. Well, there is one. My oldest friend from 5th grade, the mega Touhou fan. We met back when i wasn't introverted. Then years of middle school bullying turned me into the shy introverted guy of today. Awesome.

Anyways he's my only friend who predates that. Ironically, he's introverted, and still is, but that's just his nature and had nothing to do with bullying (that i know of).

3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

like how satisfied she looks, as if she's thinking "Heck yeah I'll be lucky if I get to graduate". And I'm guessing she loses credit with the teachers every day for not wearing a shirt.

Average American highschooler moment.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm looking forward to being able to drink just because I am endlessly curious on what it's like to be drunk.

Drink it to get a taste but as someone who tried it on my 21st birthday, i didn't get drunk on account that beer tastes like shit actually.

Like people willingly just drink rat poison i guess.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

The day I learned about my ADHD was both the happiest and saddest day of my life. You're telling me the decades of self-loathing for being unable to apply myself to do or finish anything was in fact a mental illness and not my personal fault and I just have to live with that now?

Reminds me of how i think i was diagnosed with ADHD but my mom didn't want to give me the pills so i just grew up like this. Do i actually have ADHD? Idk. Maybe. My mom told me the story and said she wouldn't mind taking the test again.

But like the pills wouldn't make difference at this point if i do have them also i can't swallow pills. I'm in for a rude awakening when i become a fossil and need pills to stay alive (please let me just age normally).

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah it's considered A25. It's Fire Emblem rules.

Oh, my confusion wasn't about that part. But rather which number was it exactly. I think since Interdimensional mentioned waiting for A27 for a non-remake so I was like, "Wait, was Marie Remake A25 or A26?"

I think he's expecting A26 will be another Salsburg game remade too?

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think he's expecting A26 will be another Salsburg game remade too?

Depends on which comes first. Between Lulua and Sophie 2, we got DX ports of Arland through Mysterious. But they ran out of DX ports for the time being so the next thing on the menu is logically remakes. A26 is either a brand new game or Elie (Salburg 2) remake. Whichever comes first, A27 is the other one, and so on.

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4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I like how satisfied she looks, as if she's thinking "Heck yeah I'll be lucky if I get to graduate".

I didn't realize Flay had a sister (the musclehead upperclassman who actually flunks a year in Mana Khemia (likely so he stays playable), and definitely doesn't belong in the alchemy school setting).


4 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

I personally think it comes from not wantin to assume being in the good graces of others, so best to avoid small talk unless someone else initiates it

Probably a lack of self-esteem in my case, and probably a fear of acting "too autistic" as I naturally can be. Because I'll later be criticizing myself for that for sure.


4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Don't think, just do. You have free time, enjoy it.

Easier said than done. Strange, but that's how it is.

I've spent like an hour thinking of what to play tonight, shooting down idea after idea, but never deciding on an answer. (At least I did play some Celceta earlier today, that's a sad figment of "purpose" or "accomplishment" in my drifting existence.)

In my case, it doesn't help that I sorta believe "To live is to think", I love thinking, too much so.😆

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And when you can get the money, you don't have time, energy or will.

That said, even when i had less money i could cook more fun than i have with money atm

As I heard it put once, having money isn't a solution. But not having money is a problem.


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Fecking tell me about it. The day I learned about my ADHD was both the happiest and saddest day of my life. You're telling me the decades of self-loathing for being unable to apply myself to do or finish anything was in fact a mental illness and not my personal fault and I just have to live with that now?

Congratulations, you aren't lazy! Your specific human nature is simply naturally attuned to lacking direction and focused effort!😑

Human nature is that one thing many of us are content to accept as impossible or at least difficult to change, knowing that... 😐. Like our fate has been preordained to difficulty. -Although I'm sure a great many humans would think fate has conspired against them for a whole litany of other reasons. 


52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Now you know me. You know how i feel about playable characters permanently leaving in a game if said leaving isn't blatantly foreshadowed. So playing Unlimited feels like the go. But this means that the event % will never be at a 100% and some characters' storylines are just going to arbitrarily stop. My guess is the sheer nature of those events just fall apart if you make time infinite.

Hmmm.... curious. Something that in a way justifies having a time limit.

52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's definitely a surprise element to the game. Characters leaving forever in an Atelier game is unheard of now. It looks like this was just a quirky feature of the series' history.

There was one instance of this in Iris 1, to an extent. One character does leave the group late into the game, and they never return. -Until after you defeat the final boss that is. If you load your clear data, you'll be back to before confronting the final boss and can head into the postgame dungeon, where said character rejoins right away, and if you go back to the final boss events happen slightly differently I read. -I never picked up Iris 1 after completing it, so I didn't see this myself.

52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's why i've considered jumping into dating apps (but like the actually reputable ones, not Tinder).

I would probably do the same. Except I am in absolutely no position to date.

I can hardly imagine myself going to a bar or something. I'd probably feel extremely awkward, shy, sit in a corner, politely turn down everyone who approaches me and respond "I'm okay", and after fifteen minutes start to cry from the internal unease.😅 Considering mine would be flying the flag, which means everyone present would be inherently non-"normal", such a venue would have to be quite welcoming I'd think. But that still wouldn't calm my nerves. I don't exactly fit the "usual" profile either, which I can imagine more than a few fellas who like fellas, particularly those in rural communities far from the metropolitan cliches, would completely understand.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

TIL Hyrule Warriors has a kickass Molgera theme

I've heard of this, but I've never heard it. 

Plays I think for the 3DS HWLegends-added Earth & Wind Temples battlefield. The other WW one it added I recall reading is "Windfall Island" -although it's actually several of the major islands thrown together. (Two battlefields for WW aligns with what OoT, TP, and SS got, which is sadly divide by zero error more than MM got.)


49 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, my confusion wasn't about that part. But rather which number was it exactly. I think since Interdimensional mentioned waiting for A27 so I was like, "Wait, was Marie Remake A25 or A26?"

I think he's expecting A26 will be another Salsburg game remade too?

I rechecked after I saw your question mark, I miscounted.😅 MaRiemake is 25. And maybe I thought 27 was a cooler number than 26.


43 minutes ago, Armagon said:

A26 is either a brand new game or Elie (Salburg 2) remake. Whichever comes first, A27 is the other one, and so on.

I'm guessing the next thing will be the start of a new trilogy. Then Eliemake. Then Next Trilogy Game 2. Then Ryza Game 4 because the new trilogy hasn't proven as popular and Gust gets a little desperate.

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hmmm.... curious. Something that in a way justifies having a time limit.

I'm aware of one of them. Marie's childhood friend Schea is very frail. In one event she falls very sick and you have to craft an Elixer. If you don't.......well she doesn't die. This is Atelier after all. But she's in no condition to help you out.

I was in Normal Mode, i'm going to boot up a save in Unlimited and see how the tutorial differs in this regard.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(Two battlefields for WW aligns with what OoT, TP, and SS got, which is sadly divide by zero error more than MM got.)

Game's biggest sin.


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Marie's childhood friend Schea is very frail. In one event she falls very sick and you have to craft an Elixer. If you don't.......well she doesn't die. This is Atelier after all.


4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Game's biggest sin.

Agreed. Clock Town could've been beautiful.🤩

Not sure what would've been a good second, I'd say no to the Moon. And for the four regions... I'm divided. It'd be nice to have all of them, it'd be possible to timespace magic to fit in more than one, but still, having all four seems unlikely. Ikana is fairly drab so I'd say no to that, which narrows it to three. Blending Southern Swamp and Snowhead seems feasible-ish, but Great Bay doesn't.

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Good. That's good. I went down the list, there's a total of three (3) events that are not available here. The review i read made it seem like it was rather significant but if it's literally just three characters who are affected (Schea is not one of them surprisingly), one of which is Marie herself so her storyline is being completed no matter what. And remember, all seven endings are available regardless.

Some character events are still time-dependent however so the events that aren't available isn't because it falls apart with unlimited time, but rather, it don't make sense if the character sticks around after leaving, you know.

The way i see it:

Normal Mode is like it was originally

Unlimited Mode is you still have to be mindful of when specific events are available but you can focus on that first and completing the main objective second, as opposed to the other way around.

But most events are not actually dependent on a date and very few are dependent on a specific year.


"Kill yourself and you become stronger"

The Gunvolt Anthem influence is strong with this one. I'm very curious as to how they're going to balance this. Anthem in Gunvolt was like Gold Tanuuki Mario, it was a comeback mechanic and you were rewarded for not using it. Here however.....it seems like this is the point. Interesting. Interesante. Omoshiroi.

29 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Laura has JP voice clips in the EN version of Reverie. 

Calling Trails playtesters! Lmao

This is like the most non-issue thing ever.

Like literally Zelda does this.

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not sure what would've been a good second, I'd say no to the Moon. And for the four regions... I'm divided. It'd be nice to have all of them, it'd be possible to timespace magic to fit in more than one, but still, having all four seems unlikely. Ikana is fairly drab so I'd say no to that, which narrows it to three. Blending Southern Swamp and Snowhead seems feasible-ish, but Great Bay doesn't.

They could've done what Age of Calamity did and just ripped the map layouts directly. Termina as a whole seems like it could be a good Musou map.

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30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

They could've done what Age of Calamity did and just ripped the map layouts directly. Termina as a whole seems like it could be a good Musou map.

I'm not exactly familiar with Age of Calamity and how it handled things.😅 I wasn't exactly interested in that, being none too drawn into BotW narratively.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:


For a game with an advertising point of "Cats can be great heroes!", the human form looks amazing. That it's the final life though would justify it, if in a peculiar way, since awesomeness usually isn't associated with being on one's final life. Unless you're a final boss.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm very curious as to how they're going to balance this.

One-hit KOs, nine lives total, seems scarily low to me. I'm afraid the game will be quite difficult as a result. Heavens know I'd lose them all against a boss without even trying, assuming the stage I'd be going through didn't already chew some/all of them up.

Sounds like this game could possibly use two difficulties. On Easy, stage checkpoints would replenish the lives total; on Normal, it wouldn't ever reset during a stage. That'd essentially grant infinite retries for noobs and turn the "lives" into HP, while hardcore gamers get finite lives that act as "lives" in the traditional gaming sense of the word.

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not exactly familiar with Age of Calamity and how it handled things

Age of Calamity basically ripped the BotW map (though engine downgraded) and divided it into Musou bases.

20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

One-hit KOs, nine lives total

That does seem to be the case now that i'm rewatching the footage closely.

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