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6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

tbf what doesn't

Trails Spoilers for Sky and Crossbell, I guess.


Estelle, Joshua, Renne, strictly from Sky.

And all of Zero and Azure is peak kino raw goated so that doesn't fall off either.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

the start of the coldsteelfication

Only in Azure with dumb sexualization and harem shit and the "Bear" (you know what I mean). Zero is literally 10/10 and Azure would be too were it not for how its scenes are less consistently well written and great.

5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm not sure about that. The economic instability caused by WW1 in Germany most definitely had an effect on the Nazi party's ability to get in power, and in general the post war shame inflicted upon Germany gave a rising sense of ethno-nationalism and return to "The good old Prussian glory days."

I think the treaty imposed upon Germany made sense, and was not too uncommon from everything else that's ever been applied to a country proportionate to their destruction. In this war, the deaths were so high that it made sense for the losing party to be punished harshly. The "harsh conditions" thing is true, but it was also a Nazi talking point.

I still stand by the fact that the war was caused by the other European countries being too chickenshit to stop Hitler.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wish I could pull one of those off, myself. Alas, I have the stache of a Mexican soap opera protagonist.


3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Reverie probably assumes you've played Cold Steel III and IV... but the idea of you playing Reverie before them amuses me, so you can do it if you want.

Lol I didn't say I was skipping CS3 and 4. Chronological order is the only correct order, after all.

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Man, I was on a role writing that new story, but I was also supposed to write Chapter 5 of TDatP. I think I can write the remainder of it now that I feel I can again. Finish that, and get to write again the other stuff, and other other stuff too.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Germany didn't even start the war tho.

True, but after the war you kind of want peace and for a conflict as large to not happen so rather than do a balance of powers thing, you want to make sure such a war doesn't happen again by not letting two countries stalemate each other.

At least, that was the idea.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Never underestimate France's 47-year revenge lust.

Yeah, for Alsace-Lorraine.

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4 hours ago, Hanes said:

I think the treaty imposed upon Germany made sense, and was not too uncommon from everything else that's ever been applied to a country proportionate to their destruction. In this war, the deaths were so high that it made sense for the losing party to be punished harshly. The "harsh conditions" thing is true, but it was also a Nazi talking point.

It's an interesting side node that the Versailles treaty was, in no small part, a response to the punitive peace treaty that Bismarck forced upon the French in the war that led to the German unification. While Bismarck, Prussian nationalist that he was, made the peace treaty so punishing in response to Napoléon forcing a punishing peace treaty upon the Prussians (I wanna say Bismarck even made a point to make the war reparations equal to Napoléon's treaty, but don't quote me on that).

So basically, Napoléon caused WW2

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Germany didn't even start the war tho.

Germany still was one of the primary instigators by giving Austria unconditional backing for whatever course of action they would choose, which led to Austria to crank up the bellicose and uncompromising sliders to 11. Germany certainly wasn't the cause for WW1 like they inarguably were for the sequel, but they still played a central role in the escalation of the july crisis.

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Is SF acting up for anyone else? It has been very freezy and not-fully-loading for me since like noon US EST of yesterday.


3 hours ago, Hanes said:

Yeah, for Alsace-Lorraine.

To be fair to the Germans, Alsace and Lorraine were very German, until the Protestant Reformation. The Thirty Years' War pitting the Holy Roman Empire's Protestants against its Catholics allowed the French to take advantage of the situation and take Alsace, while more gradually easing its way into eventual control of Lorraine, as in like *checks when exactly* ...1766? Later than expected. Although that would make sense being so late, the Habsburg dynasty became technically known as Habsburg-Lorraine when the direct male line died out and Maria Theresa's husband Francis Stephen Duke of Lorraine became Holy Roman Emperor (although this was more a formality, Maria Theresa should've been sitting on the throne, but there was no such thing as an official Holy Roman Empress regnant).

Although, the origins of Alsace and Lorraine being contentious goes back to this.:


843AD -Alsace is Alsace, southern Lotharingia is where Lorraine is, its name a corruption of the former.

Louis the Pious, son of Charles the Great -Charlemagne- decided to split the Frankish Empire amongst his three surviving sons rather than leave it all in the hands of the eldest alone. He kinda got them to agree, kinda. But then he took a new wife after the first died, and she bore him another son, and Louis began piously trying to fit this newborn into the schema. Problem was, the three adults sons were already only grudgingly accepting of what they had been given, and there was no way they were going to let some toothless drooling self-defecating brat take from THEIR inheritance! Multiple civil wars followed, Louis was temporarily dethroned for a short while, the eldest son died, yet Louis was able to die peacefully after so much infighting. The three surviving brothers were soon back at it again, and ultimately settled on the above split, the Treaty of Verdun.

Obviously, Middle Francia wouldn't last being sandwiched between two rivals who didn't share a single point of contact each other. The Italians possessions over the Alps were wholly impractical too, really terrible planning here, like grade school level. On the other hand, West and East Francia have survived as France and Germany + Austria. North-central Middle Francia was stuck becoming the contested border region, with the coastal north becoming modern Belgium and the Netherlands, and West Francia took the south. Yet, there was almost a successful Middle Francia successor 600 years later/:


However, the last Duke of Burgundy, Charles the Bold, died in battle without a male heir. And with his death died his forebears' dream of making Burgundy not merely a dukedom in service of France, but an independent and significant European country. Burgundy's possessions then through succession and ambition were gobbled up France and the Habsburgs.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Wikipedia probably doesn't have the nitty gritty of it but it seems to be that Europeans blame the Romani for everything

They are pretty much  the lowest on the food chain, yes.


9 hours ago, Armagon said:

This gets worse the further east you go cause like why are we having segregated schools in 2023? 

TBH eastern europe is special

And i don't mean that in a good way

The whole segregation thing however kinda goes both ways. Many Romani actively segregate themselves from society.

Doesn't excuse the blatant racism going on everywhere tho, that then affects those who want to part of Society

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think they also deny dual citizenship if you weren't already a Japanese citizen to begin with

*innocent whistling*

It's similar over here. Not just foreigners getting naturalized have to give up their old citizenship, even Germans getting naturalized elsewhere gotta give up their german citizenship.

It's an outdated law honestly, especially with how many fucking excuses there are to be allowed to hold dual citizenship. Just allow it for everyone.

Infact the current government is planning to, last i checked. Although many people want it to stay the way it currently is and disallow dual citizenship

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

True. Although it wasn't permanent, it was there for a while.

It's all fascinating to me. How you can just.....skip over an entire continent by going though this particular body of water.

Water OP

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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5 hours ago, gnip said:

Germany still was one of the primary instigators by giving Austria unconditional backing for whatever course of action they would choose, which led to Austria to crank up the bellicose and uncompromising sliders to 11. Germany certainly wasn't the cause for WW1 like they inarguably were for the sequel, but they still played a central role in the escalation of the july crisis

However, the alliance system as a whole meant the whole of Europe would be drawn into war anyways. 

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The whole segregation thing however kinda goes both ways. Many Romani actively segregate themselves from society.

I think there's a difference between actively choosing to segregate and being forced into it. 

It's like the Amish.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's similar over here. Not just foreigners getting naturalized have to give up their old citizenship, even Germans getting naturalized elsewhere gotta give up their german citizenship.

It's an outdated law honestly, especially with how many fucking excuses there are to be allowed to hold dual citizenship. Just allow it for everyone.

Infact the current government is planning to, last i checked. Although many people want it to stay the way it currently is and disallow dual citizenship

Germany when depopulation becomes enough of an issue


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Water OP

This is how the French were able to bypass the English when colonizing the Americas. Go through a river in Canada to end up at the Great Lakes, colonize that region.

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My Reverie tier list. SPOILERS for those who don't want to know who all the playable characters are!



For anyone who cares. XD This is only who i feel is best/worst, not bias involved. 

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Ch.17 even with DLC is a bitch (and i mean that in a good way)

The bosses in this game, too scary

And since i am doing the whole "DLC replace main game counterpart" shtick....

So no Byleth, no Corn...

Yeah this is harder than without DLC lol

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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So i've mentioned this mod before, and i recently played it again:


As you can see at the top it says "insane difficulty", so this is meant to be a very hard like mod. Tbh... i had about 12 gameovers throughout the game which... really isn't too bad honestly. At the end of the day, it IS FFT, so luck can easily mess up any good strategy and just force a loss.

But in spite of the 100% Enemy team revival skills, the annoying infinite use Elixer's the enemy gets, the superior class/stat options, the ability to usually be immune to most status effects for boss enemies. And worst of all, the -50 Brave skill that is simply unavoidable: i really pushed through the game with little resistance this time. I guess i'm improving? XD

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Ah, FFT. Arithmeticians are one of the coolest concepts ever. Screw arcane incantations, let's math up some spells!

FE should do this too, at least once.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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12 hours ago, Hanes said:

And all of Zero and Azure is peak kino raw goated so that doesn't fall off either.

Ilya, Shirley, and Zero being the first heavily filler game where you spend the first 60 - 80% chasing shadows and it doesn’t matter. Of course, it’s not CS1 being 99.9% filler where they made a 100 hour JRPG just to set up a sequel game, but it was the beginning. Also our protagonist isn’t as good.

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Just discovered, with the help of someone at the FEUniverse discord, why the Sommie animation was bugged all this time.

It was Sommie's attack item. Something about it caused the animation to glitch on EP. Had to move it to replace the poison sword instead of... whatever unused item I employed before instead. Now it works good.

Why, FE6.

6 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So TH has sold over 4 million copies and Echoes has sold over a million. Not bad, not bad.

A very fun fact, yes. Here's another fun fact: Orion is a prominent constellation during winter in the northern celestial hemisphere. It is one of the 88 modern constellations; it was among the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy. It is named for a mythological hunter in Greek mythology.

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Read Tsukihime

13 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So TH has sold over 4 million copies and Echoes has sold over a million. Not bad, not bad.

Engage truly has flopped, there aren't even that many fanarts on the internet...

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A very fun fact, yes. Here's another fun fact: Orion is a prominent constellation during winter in the northern celestial hemisphere. It is one of the 88 modern constellations; it was among the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy. It is named for a mythological hunter in Greek mythology.


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Ch. 17 without Corn...


Anyway, purple truly makes everything hotter


24 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So TH has sold over 4 million copies

If i didn't trust in IS to fuck around and find out, i would've said the series is doomed to personafication

7 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

there aren't even that many fanarts on the internet


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