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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I honestly don’t think I have the mental energy to hate any video game. I don’t like it but it’s whatever, I’ll just play something else.

I only will hate a game if it insults my intelligence or resents me play it.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Since you seem to have the same distaste for CS and Rean as i do....Yeah CS3-5 will scar you pretty hard Ü

A couple years ago i had an infamous Trails meltdown over here thanks to CS5 never forget

especially in Ao.

I liked Lloyd in Zero, in Ao he is like Beta Rean

did they ever happen after Sky XD

This i can't agree with. I put CS3 way below CS1 as it's just CS1 2.0 with extra oldies bloat.

And by oldies i mean OG class 7, the worst part of CS3

yup, exactly.

Zero is kinda Sky 4, Ao is CS 0.5

Loved that fight myself and trying to figure out how take em down with their different resistances.


CS3 has some high highs, but the fact that is just uses the same formula as CS1 again is super sucky. And then the bloat from OG class 7 (and them acting like CS1/2 are important keep calling back to it...STOP WASTING MY TIME), some characters returning that absolutely shouldn't have returned

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looking at you Crow

and then CS4 ruining everything...yeah...no xD


One of Falcom's bigger Problem with the games is they want to have both newbies and oldies, and their solution to that is bloaaaaaaaaaaaaat


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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wraith brings up sales figures at the most random times as a blatant attempt at a "gotcha" moment with Engage even when nobody's talking about it, and every time I make the same responses.

It was more about the confirmation that Echoes sold over a million units which I found interesting. 

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I honestly don’t think I have the mental energy to hate any video game. I don’t like it but it’s whatever, I’ll just play something else.

No yeah, I don't.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That one part was cool but many conclusions are reaches.

I don't remember most so I'll just agree to not reach a conclusion, then.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But it doesn’t make sense, DP or no DP.

I meant the specific instance where Lloyd says to order things like that, in that case it does feel earned on the player as well.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I thought the writing quality from Sky to Crossbell was pretty different and Sky to CS is 2 extremes but I also played the Geofront fan translation. The official ones might feel better.

Geofront fan translation is based, take for instance:


"So let's see. Which one of us will win? The delusion that has existed for over a thousand years, or yours which has existed for less than one"

That isn't entirely verbatim, but it's a raw-ass line.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

FC ending was the start of kino imo.

I love all of FC, FC ending and then SC start, like the immediate start, is awesome. Unfortunately SC Prologue is kinda meh, and gameplay wise it can kinda suck.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Lmao you’re going to love CS4 Ouroboros motivations.

Yeah, I know. Can't wait.

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It’s like a giant robot centaur thing.

Oh actually, yeah I remember now! It is really cool, I agree. I also like the cutscene afterwards where the two dorks argue about love. Then I love how a LITERAL NPC comes in to save the day. And it makes a lot of sense too, actually top-tier writing, Ch1.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You think Zero is the best Trails game? Wow I’ve never heard that one before.

Anyway CS4 act 1 is based. Surely there has to be a more fitting abyss of fiction like Trails into Reverie.

Yeah I'm a Zero Knight. I stand by Zero until the end of my days. Megaman Zero, and Trails Zero both are kino.

Also, I have actually heard good things about Reverie! Even REAN! (?!?!?!)

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Maybe take him to dinner first

I probably never will meet him irl and I've never seen his face even, 😞 I know he hides a lot, some pain I wish I could aid in relieving (but this is actually entirely platonic, I wish I could help more).



Since you seem to have the same distaste for CS and Rean as i do....Yeah CS3-5 will scar you pretty hard Ü

A couple years ago i had an infamous Trails meltdown over here thanks to CS5 never forget

No way double Reverie hate lol. I guess I'll see on CS3, 4, and Reverie for how bad or good they truly get rather than rely on other's opinions.

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I liked Lloyd in Zero, in Ao he is like Beta Rean

I don't think that's entirely fair, he's blander but everything in Zero still carries over. Like, the character writing gets worse but also the characters from the previous games are all good enough or awesome that they don't become bad by Azure and the future writing team's garbage.

COLD. STEEL. 1. On the other hand... nothing characters and nothing developments ESPECIALLY emma, Emma please stop talking you don't matter girl 🤣.

10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yup, exactly.

Zero is kinda Sky 4, Ao is CS 0.5

What if instead Sky is Zero 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75?

Sky is awesome but Zero trumps them.

Ao is CS 0.5, but also Zero 2.0. Give the game credit. The bear is stupid as hell but the other antagonists are awesome. And nobody cares about the Ouroboros anyways.

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Loved that fight myself and trying to figure out how take em down with their different resistances.

Right, but with the wrong team composition it can become near unwinnable, there's too many enemies that you can't hit hard enough and then they can even drain HP, that part sucks.

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Holy shit we got Shrimpy to respond

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

did they ever happen after Sky XD


Well I mean, Arianrhod was pretty cool in Azure. But CS4 Arianrhod… no……

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

This i can't agree with. I put CS3 way below CS1 as it's just CS1 2.0 with extra oldies bloat.

I just can’t fathom how they made an ENTIRE filler game in CS1. Like no plot just means I have to consider it the worst Trails. While the bad plot of later Trails is worse, at least there’s some merit. Like Altina.

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And by oldies i mean OG class 7, the worst part of CS3

Yes however they’re also the worst part of CS1.

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Zero is kinda Sky 4, Ao is CS 0.5

Renne hard carries

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

CS3 has some high highs, but the fact that is just uses the same formula as CS1 again is super sucky.

Which is the formula of Sky and Crossbell but worse. And it’s forced and stale by now[/s{

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And then the bloat from OG class 7 (and them acting like CS1/2 are important keep calling back to it...STOP WASTING MY TIME), some characters returning that absolutely shouldn't have returned

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looking at you Crow

and then CS4 ruining everything...yeah...no xD

Yooo based

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Rip Arianrhod again

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What the lack of Rean does to a game

Too true

4 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

I only will hate a game if it insults my intelligence or resents me play it.

I feel like this is about Engage.

Anyway the FEs that resent you for playing it are 6, 11, 12, and MY GOD 13. And why others with bad ambushes.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You hate FE4? And 7? And 8? and 9? And 13? And 15?

FE9 ok.
FE15 is KINO

Just now, Sooks said:

Well I mean, Arianrhod was pretty cool in Azure.

Also this:

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
6 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

only will hate a game if it insults my intelligence or resents me play it

You hate FE4? And 7? And 8? and 9? And 13? And 15?

Oh so we are the same page.

Just now, Hanes said:

FE9 ok.
FE15 is KINO

Oh so you've gone mad.

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Just now, Shaky Jones said:

Oh so you've gone mad.

FE7 based is a joke, I like ranked system because the gameplay becomes interesting here, actually. Very fun to optimize.

FE8 is actually cool, even if not gameplay wise I love the story and its themes, especially the ruination.

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11 minutes ago, Hanes said:

they don't become bad by Azure and the future writing team's garbage.


11 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Emma please stop talking you don't matter girl 


10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Holy shit we got Shrimpy to respond

Surprise Surprise!

My Trails Scars are healing. I can listen to Trails music again and actually talk without going full meltdown XD

Still, don't expect that Altina fic any time

Neither expect me to toucht the games ever again

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Renne hard carries

Sky gang carrying again


10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Which is the formula of Sky and Crossbell but worse. And it’s forced and stale by now[/s{

Atleast Sky is different by not having a hub - I hate hubs now. I don't play jrpgs for hubs

8 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Just Engage and the last 10 chapters of Revelations Shrimp-kun.

Engage > FE4,7,8,9,13 and 15 combined by virtue of having Gameplay


10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Anyway the FEs that resent you for playing it are 6, 11, 12, and MY GOD 13. And why others with bad ambushes.

I would add FE5 with it's surprise bullshit 


and this is a big but

Unlike the other games you mentioned FE5 actually compensates it's surprise bullshit with cool mechanics. 6, 11, 12 and 13 have no such thing

Also you forgot 3H maddening

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

I don't remember most so I'll just agree to not reach a conclusion, then.

Hanes being better than every fictional detective

5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Geofront fan translation is based, take for instance:

  Reveal hidden contents

"So let's see. Which one of us will win? The delusion that has existed for over a thousand years, or yours which has existed for less than one"

That isn't entirely verbatim, but it's a raw-ass line.

If this ain’t a bruh moment I don’t know what is

5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

I love all of FC, FC ending and then SC start, like the immediate start, is awesome.


5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Unfortunately SC Prologue is kinda meh, and gameplay wise it can kinda suck.

Nightmare NG SC prologue is funny because you just lose if you don’t import a max level Estelle save or grind. And you can’t win a boss fight for DP without a shit ton of grinding (thanks exp system) + luck.

5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Oh actually, yeah I remember now! It is really cool, I agree. I also like the cutscene afterwards where the two dorks argue about love. Then I love how a LITERAL NPC comes in to save the day. And it makes a lot of sense too, actually top-tier writing, Ch1.

Flashbacks to when I thought Dorothy was the grandmaster. Good times.

5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Yeah I'm a Zero Knight. I stand by Zero until the end of my days. Megaman Zero, and Trails Zero both are kino.

Thinking Zero is better than Azure alone seems to be an incredibly hot take. Good on you.

5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Also, I have actually heard good things about Reverie! Even REAN! (?!?!?!)

I mean same but it also caused Shrimpy to doom on the series and I tend to agree with him, even if I think I liked CS3 quite a bit more than him and CS4 for longer than him (but eventually..).

5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

I probably never will meet him irl and I've never seen his face even, 😞 I know he hides a lot, some pain I wish I could aid in relieving (but this is actually entirely platonic, I wish I could help more).

I don’t have like any information but if I were you, I would stand by them while gently encouraging professional help. That’s about all you can do.

5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

No way double Reverie hate lol. I guess I'll see on CS3, 4, and Reverie for how bad or good they truly get rather than rely on other's opinions.

I feel like I should clarify that I have not played Reverie.

5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

COLD. STEEL. 1. On the other hand... nothing characters and nothing developments ESPECIALLY emma, Emma please stop talking you don't matter girl 🤣.

Oh you’re gonna looooooove CS3 and 4. Laura is the worst example of this.

3 minutes ago, Hanes said:



3 minutes ago, Hanes said:

FE15 is KINO

Okay slightly less so but still

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You hate FE4? And 7? And 8? and 9? And 13? And 15?

Hey 7 just has a long tutorial for newbies…

1 minute ago, Hanes said:

FE7 based is a joke, I like ranked system because the gameplay becomes interesting here, actually. Very fun to optimize.

I mean your pfp is an fe7 unit.

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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:





But still, there's very few fanarts. If it was a 3H character, it would already have 10 pages


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, I keep hearing about this Suckyhim from you, but you've told me next to nothing about it. What's it about? Who is the protagonist?



9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There beards?

No, but there's old people



9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Much fanservice so I know to avoid it?

It's a porn game, so yes, but its only like, 1 h-scene per route


Akiha also has nice dialogue

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

C'mon, what did I do now? Don't look at me like that.

You have to continue playing Dragon Age to reach beard

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Right, Rean is the best protagonist.

Reverie bros, we won...

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

Okay supposing for a moment that this was a super popular VN that led to a big franchise it would have led to its own multi billion dollar gacha. And if this was like the first VN I guess it could have led to DDLC like that, but what the hell is when they cry, and did this VN get a fighting game spin off or something? What is the story here?

Writer Kinoko Nasu and artist Takashi Takeuchi teamed up and created TYPE-MOON, and published a series of light novels called Kara no Kyoukai. After the success of this work, they decided to create a Visual Novel to sell at Comiket. Visual Novels at the time were nothing more than excuses for pornography. Tsukihime changed that thanks to its comprehensive and expansive storyline and its unique style of storytelling. Tsukihime showed the world that Visual Novels could be more than excuses for porn, in the same way that Dragon Quest V and Final Fantasy IV showed the world that video game stories could be more than excuses for you to beat up enemies, and the industry changed from there. on. When they Cry, another VN that spawned a multimedia franchise and has a huge influence, owes it to Tsukihime. A least a bit.

Tsukihime spawned the Melty Blood fighting games. They're pretty popular among, uh, fighting game enthusiasts? Is that what they call it?



1 hour ago, Hanes said:

The protagonist is also a pretty good protagonist, he's an actually smart detective, he has a pretty strong motivation too. The cast also helps because they're all pretty good.

Only Randy and Tio are good, and Tio becomes a Mishy bot in Azure



Even playing badly we win! The title will be ours after 30 years, baby!

I'm kinda drunk rn, will need a good nights sleep after this. But its worth it

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3 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

But still, there's very few fanarts. If it was a 3H character, it would already have 10 pages

true 😞

3 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:


You think Ruben would like Tsukihime?

I think Shiki's...everything would turn him off hard XD

3 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Only Randy and Tio are good

For once we agree on something Trails related


3 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I'm kinda drunk rn, will need a good nights sleep after this

sleep well after partying hard 😄

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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14 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Like, the character writing gets worse but also the characters from the previous games are all good enough or awesome that they don't become bad by Azure and the future writing team's garbage.

Shout outs to Azure Randy btw.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Surprise Surprise!

Trails level plot twist.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I can listen to Trails music again

Truly the most important part.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Still, don't expect that Altina fic any time

I’m honestly never expecting it, I kinda thought I would have to write it

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Neither expect me to toucht the games ever again

The correct decision. At least for you, probably for me.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Atleast Sky is different by not having a hub - I hate hubs now. I don't play jrpgs for hubs

Oh yeah the school. Kinda forgot about it. Lucky me.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Engage > FE4,7,8,9,13 and 15 combined by virtue of having Gameplay

But Hector Hard Mode— wait I thought you liked PoR

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I would add FE5 with it's surprise bullshit 


and this is a big but

Unlike the other games you mentioned FE5 actually compensates it's surprise bullshit with cool mechanics. 6, 11, 12 and 13 have no such thing

11 and especially 12 have good map design enough to compensate. 6 I’m not really familiar with. 13 goes way too crazy with the ambushes though.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also you forgot 3H maddening

Yes but I like 3H maddening so it’s allowed to do what I complain about.

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13 minutes ago, Hanes said:

FE8 is actually cool, even if not gameplay wise

Ah, so you're admitting its bad. Nice nice.


Hey, if you want fe8 story with gameplay, just play Ruben's hack. 


There's your free damn advertisement you old beardman. I better receive compensation for my kindness to your kind.

11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Engage > FE4,7,8,9,13 and 15 combined by virtue of having Gameplay

I was gonna wait for Ruben to respond for what I probably would've said, but this works too.

11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
21 minutes ago, Sooks said:

nyway the FEs that resent you for playing it are 6, 11, 12, and MY GOD 13. And why others with bad ambushes.

I would add FE5 with it's surprise bullshit 


and this is a big but

Unlike the other games you mentioned FE5 actually compensates it's surprise bullshit with cool mechanics. 6, 11, 12 and 13 have no such thing

Also you forgot 3H maddening

Why do I seek toxic relationships? Its always the games that hate the player that I end up liking. This doesn't node well for my future.

Fe11 and Fe12 have Cord. Use him and all is fair.


I could go on for hours about 3H maddening, but my therapist advised against it.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yes but I like 3H maddening so it’s allowed to do what I complain about.

At least I'm not as gaslighted as the average 3H player.

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11 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:
Reverie bros, we won...

Woah cool background.

11 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:


Well nice job.

2 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

At least I'm not as gaslighted as the average 3H player.

But you seek toxic relationships

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Trails level plot twist.

"Teehee Thread is a Trails Thread in disguise"

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

kinda thought I would have to write it

Do it

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

probably for me.

Still stockholm syndrome'd eh?

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

wait I thought you liked PoR

I do

But it's also my 3rd FE that i never revisited and even back then it was very easy.

Not FE 4 easy, but still lower end. I think if i played it nowadays i would but it down with the Gba games lol.

Well, atleast it has a cool story...by FE standards

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

11 and especially 12 have good map design enough to compensate



Didn't find the maps particularly good, and the unit design was very unfun imo

Maybe Fates Shadow Dragon will change my mind

5 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I was gonna wait for Ruben to respond

3 am over here so you would've waited quite a bit for him

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NOOOO I LOST MY REPLIES DAMN IT. I am not gonna reply to as much as I did before. Ugh.

14 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Hanes being better than every fictional detective

Haha thanks.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I don’t have like any information but if I were you, I would stand by them while gently encouraging professional help. That’s about all you can do.

It's what I do. He's not very open about his feelings, but I've supported his creative endeavors (LITERAL GOLDMINES. EVERYONE ELSE IGNORED THEM BUT HIS JRPG INSPIRED STORIES ARE SO GOOD.) and I know it's made him happier. He's not like a depressed doomer btw, he's just told me about life being a pain in the ass in a neutral way.

Peak friend, 10/10. Also I agree with them on like every JRPG opinion.

16 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Oh you’re gonna looooooove CS3 and 4. Laura is the worst example of this.

I hated her character in CS1 too because the one conflict she has with another character is dumb and forced. It's a very pointless clash that becomes just worse. Funnily enough it started out as good.

I was gonna write a whole dissertation but nah idc.

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


What does U mean I don't speak bottom. (Kidding!)

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Shoutouts to her having a mental breakdown in CS2 when coming back from the castle in the lake, for NO reason. It comes out of NOWHERE. it makes NO sense and it was NEVER hinted at. Emma could keep the cat's lines and still know nothing.

Also, she supposedly knows sooo much, but doesn't ever reveal it and when she does: It was all obvious stuff even back then that doesn't explain anything.

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1 minute ago, Hanes said:

What does U mean I don't speak bottom.

Ü looks like a smiley, no?

2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

hated her character in CS1 too because the one conflict she has with another character is dumb and forced

That's every conflict in CS tho


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Translation: "skill issue lmao"

52 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

did they ever happen after Sky XD

Tbh even in Sky, there was the ever present issue of


it's just that that game also had Loewe and Renne. And Blueblanc.

Ouroboros failed to reach the heights again, even if McBurn and Duvalie are good.

52 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

One of Falcom's bigger Problem with the games is they want to have both newbies and oldies, and their solution to that is bloaaaaaaaaaaaaat

I think about how many of the games were meant to be shorter but oops, we put too much. Sky FC and SC were supposed to be one, CS 1 and 2 were supposed to be one, CS3 and 4 were supposed to be one. Actually kinda surprised it looks like Kuro didn't run into that yet.

41 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Yeah I'm a Zero Knight. I stand by Zero until the end of my days. Megaman Zero, and Trails Zero both are kino.

Play the Blaster Master Zero trilogy. And Metroid Zero Mission.

Speaking of Mega Man Zero: 4 > 3 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 is probably Inti Creates' worst game that isn't DMFD.

33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Atleast Sky is different by not having a hub - I hate hubs now. I don't play jrpgs for hubs

Aight well there goes 90% of Atelier.


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