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30 minutes ago, gnip said:

*tu es :P: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the FREEDOM keyboard layout doesn't have accents.

(To be honest though, I wasn't sure if it was 'je vois' or 'je voie', so I had to look that up. I think I then remembered reciting that conjugation table in French lessons, but that's easy to claim after the fact)

Blah, more mistakes.

Yeah american keyboard doesn't have the accents, I ignore them.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Keep in mind this was a GBA game. The oGBA didn't have a back light and had an overall pretty dark screen. That's why so many GBA games look so bright

I actually like the brightness, bright games ftw.

>Playing Horror Game
>"Please turn up the brightness until you can barely see the symbol"
>Nope, I'm turning it all the way up haha. I don't want to strain my eyes loll

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't worry, I won't. I don't mind how FE6 looks.

If you change the brightness it might end up crashing the game, somehow, lol.

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2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Playing Horror Game
>"Please turn up the brightness until you can barely see the symbol"
>Nope, I'm turning it all the way up haha. I don't want to strain my eyes loll


5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Stop judging people for having and expressing opinions.

Hating is not a problem. It is a right.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sorry my having and expressing an opinion, then.

You are not forgiven.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I was not aware you wrote Berserk in 13 Sentinels.

Also I can't believe you said character names. That's a big spoiler, if you didn't know.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Over halfway in, and I'm still not wowed. Maybe I'm just not suited to true VNs, maybe the nonstop cryptic conversations (even if things might be becoming clearer) don't work for me. (And I'm still trying not think too much about things.) There are moments of mild amusement, nice concepts, but I don't think I've been floored into awe, that continues to elude me.

Oh dear. Let's see how it progresses, then.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What you should do is go super-monochromatic with every single map, but continually rotate the overwhelming color.🌈 It's up to you whether to have a rainbow-like setup where it's one color for a certain portion of the story and then you swap to another when it ends, or if you pick each map's color individually based on plot (blue for sad chapters, green for hopeful ones, red for critical moments, etc.) or map scenario (yellow for desert, green for vast open fields, brown for mountain maps, black for fog of war).

Hah! Brilliant idea. NES mode.

7 minutes ago, Hanes said:

>Playing Horror Game

>"Please turn up the brightness until you can barely see the symbol"
>Nope, I'm turning it all the way up haha. I don't want to strain my eyes loll

That's not liking brightness, that's being a coward.

...Nah but I understand. When a game is so dark I can't see shit, it becomes too disorienting. I was the kid that rose Minecraft's brightness all the way up so I could actually explore during the night lol

7 minutes ago, Hanes said:

If you change the brightness it might end up crashing the game, somehow, lol.

FE6 flashbang. Merlinus was right, it was a trap.

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Fine, I'll shut up then.

That's not what I'm saying either. I apologize if I was overly harsh earlier. I just don't think it's so wrong to dislike or criticise aspects of games. Heck, in the case of this specific conversation, we're discussing games I like. I can dislike parts of it without disliking the entire thing. It just happens sometimes. It's not something I want, but it's not something I can avoid, either.

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17 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:


Nah it actually just hurts to strain my eyes, and it makes seeing even the things I'm supposed to see a PAIN. It's an accessibility thing.

Also flashlights in videogames work like bright white dots when in reality they are more like, illuminate a whole room, thus, why I turn the brightness all the way up.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's not liking brightness, that's being a coward.

...Nah but I understand. When a game is so dark I can't see shit, it becomes too disorienting. I was the kid that rose Minecraft's brightness all the way up so I could actually explore during the night lol

Yeah this!

Then there's games like MK 10 X, it said "Turn up the brightness until you can barely see the dragon icon", but I turned it up all the way because otherwise I could not see the characters or the HUD or the attacks very well.

Also I'll be scared in a horror game no matter the brightness, so, lol.

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3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:


Comic spidey is over

Spidey fans claiming Peter needs to suffer and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Because we're really getting a sequel to the AU where Peter kills Mary Jane with his radioactive sperm.

41 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

basically following rotation order in the character selection wheel treating Juro as 13 o' clock and going clockwise with Iori as 1

This is what I did too.


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Right after all that smut talk...


I discovered this. A Pokemon plushie that, uh, is apparently getting noticed by the Internet. To cite how it was described on Destructoid:

It’s held up by a large, sack-like base. Its long, pale shaft will no doubt delight company when you display it for all to see. The store page notes that its body is bendable, so it should stay rigid and erect as you pose it into different configurations. Meanwhile, its soft body invites you to take it into bed with you so you can spend all night together.

What hath Nintendo approved?🤣


41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh dear. Let's see how it progresses, then.

It's not a bad game, I'll say that. It's competently-written for sure. (And none of those out-of-place-"funnies" so far I'd say.)

It's very possible I entered with the wrong mindset by shutting down my speculative faculties before I began. Perhaps I've disconnected from the characters themselves too much by withholding all serious judging of the stuff happening to them. (Not to say I haven't formed first impressions and whatnot, but I've continually reminded me myself to avoid unleashing an emotive fireball of castigation or praise on anyone until the story is totally finished.)

Or, perhaps it's merely I've discovered that I'm not truly a VN person, or at least one with this format of bouncing around between 13 different perspectives in an elaborate sci-fi scenario. (I did like Odin Sphere also by Vanillaware however, the difference between the two is the stories in Odin Sphere forces you to go one-by-one in a specific order with the characters, which only number 5, and OS has a simpler overall story.)

I also began the game well aware of its 85-90 rating, and while I try to avoid being hyped about anything b/c hype is bad, I might've let the score get to me. This isn't a AAA big-name game which might trigger accusations of "it's coasting by on the brand/reviewers got paid off", which makes the average ratings more credible. Also blame Armagon.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Spider-Man: Reign. I don't actually know what it's about other than at one point, Peter and MJ tried to have kids. In that universe, however, Peter's sperm is radioactive apparently so instead of MJ getting pregnant, she just gets cancer and she dies. Marvel has decided to do a sequel to this comic because having Peter be cucked by a self-insert and then breaking up with Felicia a.k.a Black Cat in the main universe wasn't enough.

Peter Parker is having a good time in everything but the comics.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I don't play em for porn 😛

99% of the time i skip.

You see Shrimp-kun just plays them for their plot, just like how I only read Playboy for the articles.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

n that universe, however, Peter's sperm is radioactive apparently so instead of MJ getting pregnant, she just gets cancer and she dies

and people say anime is weird


9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Marvel has decided to do a sequel to this comic because having Peter be cucked by a self-insert and then breaking up with Felicia a.k.a Black Cat in the main universe wasn't enough.


3 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

You see Shrimp-kun just plays them for their plot, just like how I only read Playboy for the articles.


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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


It's "the Parker Luck" and the editorial unironically thinks this makes Peter more relatable than the time he was married.

Yes you can find interviews from back then about how Peter and MJ being married is unrelatable. That's why One More Day was written, a story where Peter makes a deal with the literal devil to save Aunt May's life in exchange for deleting his marriage with MJ. The consequences are felt to this day narratively.

DC once split up Clark and Lois before bringing them back together and now their son is part of the main continuity (with some aged up shenanigans). Marvel editorial thinks that was a mistake.

If you want good Peter/MJ content, or just stories where Peter is living a better life, it's outside the comics (although some AUs like Renew Your Vows also work). So movies, shows, games.

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2 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

At least he’s being honest.


6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's "the Parker Luck" and the editorial unironically thinks this makes Peter more relatable than the time he was married.


....do many cucks read the comics or something xD

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yes you can find interviews from back then about how Peter and MJ being married is unrelatable. That's why One More Day was written, a story where Peter makes a deal with the literal devil to save Aunt May's life in exchange for deleting his marriage with MJ. The consequences are felt to this day narratively.


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Oh shit, Papers Please is less than 2 bucks for its 10th anniversary. That's an absolute steal for one of my favorite games ever. Dew it, everyone.

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

and people say anime is weird


Nobody said American superheroes aren't weird also. American superhero media's all about characters wearing their underwear over their stars-n-stripes-themed pants (because they all love America, God bless it), each with powers so broken and unbalanced they'd make the average self-insert fanfic protag blush in awe, but it's okay because they're always holding back because we need to have story lin-- because they're really nice boys that love America.

They must keep using the same five or six characters that were created 100 years ago because who needs creativity when you have nostalgia, but 100 years is a long time to run out of ideas for storylines with the same character, so eventually they're bound to do shit like making Superman Stalin's adoptive son, or doing a Victorian English Batman reskin or Edo Japan and make him go through the motions with Joker but it's different, or W H A T   I F   S O U P M A N   K E E L E D, or in this case, make Spiderman give his girlfriend cancer with his spiderpiss.

Thus, my well-informed take as somebody who does not watch, read or in any way consume American superhero media. God bless the United Motherfucking States of America.

...Harley Quinn does look like a pretty fun show, though.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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13 hours ago, Hanes said:

However Bleublanc also falls weak.

Has Bleublabc even gotten an explanation outside that one star door that’s like “lol 3 possible backstories”

11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Without Rean she would've been good

I still like her more than most of class 7....but that's not really a compliment lol

Rean’s her entire character tho. Like I could not tell you anything about her.

11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also had "Trails can do no wrong it will get good eventually with amazing payoff" mindset


11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Did you read the "what if crow was mc" post by Kurisupfp?

Yes. Cold Steel has a lot of room for improvement with its protagonist so anything goes, although I would be curious on the finer points (would we know he’s a terrorist the whole game or is that still an end reveal? Is he still the protagonist in CS2 + the rest of the games? If so he probably convinces the rest of Class VII “hey Osborne bad” but terrorism is a little much… maybe they meet in the middle.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

3H post time skip has some pretty great desgins - Ignatz comes to mind - though I feel it does suffer from a bit of excessive bloat at times.

Dimitri king

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

 Also, the game suffers from the characters spending two thirds of it in those dreadfully yawn-inducing uniforms

Because of that idk how I’d rate the character design as a whole but post time skip is based.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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Biggest example would be Dragan. With how they made a poitn of him being super ambitious and the way he looked, I fully expected him to be the kind of character that starts as a decent dude / non-threat and slowly rises up until he becomes the main, or at least a major, villain. Then he just died, jumpstarting the conflict with his death.

There's also Clarus, who looks like the most evil asshole in the world, but then turns out to just be... kinda just a guy? He runs some shady dealings and most notably an underground arena, but he does seem genuinely invested in figuring out Sorsley's corruption if you choose to expose him. Then in Freddie's route he selflessly helps out Wolffort, even though Hyzante being Hyzante it's likely to have caused his head to roll after he's last seen. He does all of this, despite being present when they talk about fleeing Norzelia, so he knows there's zero chance they'll repay him in any way. He just does it because he's a decent guy, despite looking like this.

Kamsell looks like an absolute barbarian but ends up being the more reasonable of Hyzante's Saintly Seven. His main fault is just that he's pretty much the only one of the Seven that actually, genuinely believes in the Teachings, which leads him to do bad things and ends up causing his demise every time. He's basically as much Idore's puppet as the rest of Hyzante's population, unlike someone like Sorsley. On the subject of the Seven, Lyla also looks like a pretty dangerous person but ends up being a conflicted individual who can be reasoned with.

By contrast, Tenebris looks like a pretty big deal and ends up being the world's most pathetic loser who never does anything.

That's not to say every character is subverted, I mean, Thalas and Erika, but the game does play with the first impressions a bit in a few places. It's neat.


Well Dragan dies pretty quickly for me to remember his portrait lol. But as far as Clarus, isn’t the whole consortium like super corrupt? I haven’t played Frederica’s ending so idk about that. I never thought Kamsell was cartoonishly evil like half the characters. Lyla’s cool tho.

Although I’m not sure why you think Tenebris looks like a big deal, man’s sprite doesn’t even have a face and he never gets a character.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, I did TS after my second run. Two guesses as to who ended up at the top.

I mean we know who number 1 was but top 3 were the main 3, right?

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do find it pretty hilarious that it has TS but not KagaSaga. Now there's some seriously avant-garde FE headcanoning.

Or whoever made it doesn’t know about KagaSaga. Considering TS is there I’d assume so.

7 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

If ive mentioned it once i have plenty of times, Crow was always his true love. 

That quote wasn’t mine lel

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah well it's a thematic thing. Only occurs in a couple of specific moments, it's just that those specific moments are very important.

Eh, it’s not like I hate it. It’ll be okay.

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

a hospital to find parts of his memory are missing and he can see glowing, pulsing red lines covering everything in his sight, from inanimate objects such as his bed to the living doctors and nurses treating him. Furthermore, he discovers that by tracing something along these lines, whatever they're on will fall apart with frightening ease.

Lol that’s such an unnecessarily convoluted ability. “Yes I have laser vision BUT”

So does he get his memory back after the time jump orrrr

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also I can't believe you said character names. That's a big spoiler, if you didn't know.

well it’s okay because it’s not his REAL name

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's just that nowadays everyone and their mom plays on emulator without filters, but if you apply these here shaders that bring it closer to the original GBA experience...


All of a sudden it makes sense.

Holy shit that looks so good.

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Just now, Sooks said:

Dimitri king

Post-skip Dimitri's the best design in the game, yes.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:
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Well Dragan dies pretty quickly for me to remember his portrait lol. But as far as Clarus, isn’t the whole consortium like super corrupt? I haven’t played Frederica’s ending so idk about that. I never thought Kamsell was cartoonishly evil like half the characters. Lyla’s cool tho.

Although I’m not sure why you think Tenebris looks like a big deal, man’s sprite doesn’t even have a face and he never gets a character.



Clarus gets a very different light cast on him in Freddie's route. I recommend you check it out at some point.

Tenebris just looks pretty mysterious, like there's more to him... there just isn't lol. Probably by design too, his surname in Japan is straight up just Enigma and in English it's only a few letters off Mystery. He's a joke.


2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean we know who number 1 was but top 3 were the main 3, right?



It's such a weird list. Even I don't know how Piccoletta got that far ahead. My mindset probably was "lol she's so bad it's funny, I'll give her the vote for being badly funny" and then she snuck her way to the top.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Or whoever made it doesn’t know about KagaSaga. Considering TS is there I’d assume so.

How can that be? Clearly we Kaga elitists aren't annoying enough.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

well it’s okay because it’s not his REAL name

That's an even bigger spoiler lol

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Holy shit that looks so good.

That's more or less what it's supposed to look like. It's just that emulators don't have the physical constraints the GBA did, so unless you apply a shader to replicate them, they show the games in their purest state - which, as it turns out, is not necessarily the best.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

because they're really nice boys that love America.

Murica, fuck yeah

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Has Bleublabc even gotten an explanation outside that one star door that’s like “lol 3 possible backstories”

The quiz door reveals his real name and thus the correct backstory iirc

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Rean’s her entire character tho. Like I could not tell you anything about her

Lolivier tho


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