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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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Clarus gets a very different light cast on him in Freddie's route. I recommend you check it out at some point.

Tenebris just looks pretty mysterious, like there's more to him... there just isn't lol. Probably by design too, his surname in Japan is straight up just Enigma and in English it's only a few letters off Mystery. He's a joke.



The plan is to do every ending… eventually.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Not surprising but boooo

Also, Dragan in 8th lmao.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's an even bigger spoiler lol

Well it’s actually just the red herring because everyone’s name IS the name the game initially starts with however they’ve all been brainwashed into thinking they’re each a different member of the cast. Which leads to Miura’s famous “my real name… is Juro” line even tho he’s completely delirious. Powerful stuff.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's more or less what it's supposed to look like. It's just that emulators don't have the physical constraints the GBA did, so unless you apply a shader to replicate them, they show the games in their purest state - which, as it turns out, is not necessarily the best.

Apparently I could’ve had GBA fe look so much better.

11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The quiz door reveals his real name and thus the correct backstory iirc

Welp, time to dive into the Trails wiki

11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Lolivier tho

Is being friends with someone else really a character trait?

Edited by Sooks
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2 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Well it’s pretty obvious what kind of plot Shrimp-kun likes to engage with in his free time.


1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Is being friends with someone else really a character trait?

Better than having no Traits at all!

Thus she's above most of OG7

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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Better than having no Traits at all!

Thus she's above most of OG7

Music, sword, wind, nobles > “Besties with the princess!!! Also, we both want to fuck my brother” Elise bad

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Just now, Sooks said:

Music, sword, wind, nobles > “Besties with the princess!!! Also, we both want to fuck my brother” Elise bad

Nah i'd take the besties with princess here.

Yeah she bad, but so is everyone else 😛 

Atleast her interactions with Lolivier were fun

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Nah i'd take the besties with princess here.

Maybe if the princess wasn’t annoying as hell

Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yeah she bad, but so is everyone else 😛 

Because Rean, HOWEVER everyone else’s Reanness feels less forced and unnecessary plus Rean good isn’t their entire character and is less cringey there, albeit slightly in some cases.

Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Atleast her interactions with Lolivier were fun

Honestly, I don’t remember them talking about ANYTHING except Rean (98% Alfin teasing Elise about him which is just… omega cringe. The max cringe fiction has ever attained) and fetishizing male same sex relationships, which incidentally is another Japanese trope I hate… dammit these characters

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Because Rean, HOWEVER everyone else’s Reanness feels less forced and unnecessar

if anything being his sister it's only case where it's not super forced

If we ignore the romantic parts

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

dammit these characters

Should i dig out my old CS2 rewrite

If i can even find it lol

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

if anything being his sister it's only case where it's not super forced

If we ignore the romantic parts

The whole thing is romantic tho, that’s why everything is cringe. If it wasn’t she’d be… fine I guess, even if their whole conflict is horribly written in CS1, but that’s more of Rean’s problem.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Should i dig out my old CS2 rewrite

If i can even find it lol

You rewrote CS2?

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>Leafy boy Map

>No Byleth

>No Miccy yet

Rip me.

Maybe i should wait until i get Miccy atleast so i can warp snipe the ballista?

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

but that’s more of Rean’s problem


what isn't

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You rewrote CS2?

You think with how much i simp'd, lived and breathed Trails i atleast didn't try? XD

You never saw the depths of how down bad i was on Trails lawl

Here's some leftover notes from a discussion with a friend of mine


You know how they could've made CS2 good?
don't let class 7 come together
instead, have each chapter focus on a group
then all of them converging to the infernal castle
would've atleast developed the Class instead of making them potatoes


that could have been fantastic and there would be enough time to flesh out potatoes. ACTUALLY, that would serve perfect as the role of Class VII being a team for once


So you would've had
Group 1: Rean, Elise, Toby
Group 2: Fie, Machias, Musicboy
Group 3: Millium, Alisa, Gaius
Group 4: Laura, Emma, Jusis

or something like that

>ACTUALLY, that would serve perfect as the role of Class VII being a team for once

and make the groups face each other due to different alliances, and then coming to an understanding
Class 7 never felt close to me


Rean-sama, it all comes to Rean-sama



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49 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


what isn't


…oh god the curse

49 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You think with how much i simp'd, lived and breathed Trails i atleast didn't try? XD

You never saw the depths of how down bad i was on Trails lawl

Fair, og Trails based

49 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You know how they could've made CS2 good?
don't let class 7 come together
instead, have each chapter focus on a group
then all of them converging to the infernal castle
would've atleast developed the Class instead of making them potatoes

Oh hey, I had an idea like this for a better version of CS3 with OG class 7. And the Calvard arc I made in my head. But CS2… that’s sick. Nice job.

49 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




So you would've had
Group 1: Rean, Elise, Toby
Group 2: Fie, Machias, Musicboy
Group 3: Millium, Alisa, Gaius
Group 4: Laura, Emma, Jusis

or something like that

>ACTUALLY, that would serve perfect as the role of Class VII being a team for once

and make the groups face each other due to different alliances, and then coming to an understanding
Class 7 never felt close to me



Holy shit this could be sick.


Especially if you ditch the groups they put them into in CS2 and just go ham.

Group 1 neutral faction: Actually neutral and trying to end the war according to Olivert’s way. Features Rean, Elise, playable Mueller, and playable Olivier. Alfin could be a guest character.

Group 2 commoners: Full on support for commoner side. We get to see what life is like for commoners during the war (I don’t think this happens during CS2?), why common people would actually support Osborne and how he’s viewed by the common person in Erebonia. Protag is Machias who’s full drunk on Osbro propaganda but eventually learns the error of ways when he finds out everything, brining him to the infernal castle. Party includes Elliot (his dad hard pressured him into joining the war effort for his side, the commoners’ side. “What a real Erebonian man should be like” + “music? Get a real hobby” except the game doesn’t back pedal on this IMMEDIATELY and we explore how military culture is ingrained into society for men. His dad disproves of how Elliot prefers to heal and help the wounded then fight in battle), Laura (serves as the odd one out noble of the group, but she believes in honor and justice which she can’t see the current system supporting with its oppression + the noble alliance works with terrorists, so she breaks away from her family and joins the commoners (or maybe Viscount Arseid still doesn’t support the nobles here, idk), and Millium (Osborne’s orders, but she begins to learn Osborne bad actually). Claire and Altina could even be guest characters toward the beginning.

Group 3 nobles: We get to see why anyone who’s not evil would actually side with them, so viewpoints on why people, especially some commoners, would actually like them, including like classist propaganda or something. Protagonist is Jusis who full on supports the nobility but after enough fighting/working for the noble alliance and seeing some atrocities from his dad he does the whole “it’s your fault father” thing and dips to the infernal castle. We also get to see more of his relationship with Jusis. Party includes Alisa (noble alliance is paying big bucks for new Reinford war tech + research, which is all Irina cares about, and Alisa is doing field testing and stuff… plus she’s pretty privileged even if not being a noble), Sharon (also part of Irina’s orders, plus she wants to support Alisa and it would be nice to have the perspective of someone who serves the nobility or in her case, a noble adjacent family. Additionally, Ouroboros still opposes Osborne at this point, so she has a bit of a hidden motivation), and Gaius (odd one out foreign commoner, but Nord thinks they can get a better relationship with Erebonia by supporting its government in the civil war, so they over the young men they can spare, including Gaius. He has his reservations (still doesn’t “get” nobility) but his home is still his main priority so be puts them aside to help the nobles). Guest characters could be Rufus and maybe even Crow, depending on how things shake out (but Crow remains the only character who doesn’t see the error of his ways and dies for good at the end).

Group 4: bracers and co, who are primarily investigating Ourorboros’ movements while all this is going on and get involved in the more strange supernatural stuff going on, like the witches, divine knights, cryptids, etc. Protagonist is probably Sara, who also has a foreigner’s perspective, and Trails could use an older MC. Party includes Toval, Fie (who’s a junior bracer after joining thanks to Sara and is looking to get her recommendations by helping out during the war, while also using the investigation as an excuse to figure out what her old jaegar corp is up to… maybe she could be protag too), and Emma (finds out about the bracer guild getting a liiiittle close to the truth about witches and wants to stop them from figuring out too much. Plus she has an in to the group through Fie. Remember how some people became official helpers of the braver guild in Sky? She does that. She’s also looking for info on Vita). Sky bracers as guest characters could have been sick, if unlikely.

And that’s just the beginning, maybe Rean “recruits” Elliot and Alisa to the neutral side or something. And noble and commoner groups definitely face off. Neutral faction might actually face them both.



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56 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


If you look close enough, you can see Lyon crying in the background.

54 minutes ago, Sooks said:
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The plan is to do every ending… eventually.


Of course. It's not like I'm hurrying, myself. Too long a game to just play it over and over in a row. Sadly I can't be as dedicated as Three Houses fans.

54 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Not surprising but boooo

See, the thing is, I know and acknowledge the main characters are all superbly written. But I have weird tastes and a preference for underdogs. Benedict beat my negative main character bias by being literally perfect, but the other two weren't so fortunate.

Still, I do want to do this again after I've done the Golden Route (and thus, all four routes). See how it ends up looking by the end.

54 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Also, Dragan in 8th lmao.

You shouldn't be so surprised. That's not just me, Dragan is incredibly popular.


He was one of the most fanarted characters at the start and he's the first pick for NPCs people wanted as playables. There was an elimination game at the subreddit a while back (all the threads seem to have vanished now, for some reason) which encompassed the entire cast and focused primarily on strength of writing. Dragan made it to the top 10, 8th or 7th if I recall. Of everyone. Heck, there had been a more gameplay-focused elimination game before that one, and the first thing that popped up after its end was a joke post claiming Dragan won, even though he didn't even participate.

And I'd say, rightfully so. Thing is, yes, he dies in chapter 4. But that still means he has more screentime than every tertiary playable and a bunch of fellow NPCs. And what little time he has, he uses with extreme efficiency. In his five or six scenes, his personality and his goals are clearly outlined, he endears himself to the player by getting shitfaced and proving to be far kinder to Frederica than anybody else from Aesfrost (his own dad aside - which arguably also works to his benefit, they're the "cool Aesfrosti family"), he acts shady so that the player suspects him, then promptly dies so the player feels bad for suspecting him, concluding his little arc of being blinded by ambition and paying for it. He becomes a more rounded character in his four chapters of living than fuckin' Hughette of the Main Seven!

His death marks the end of the prologue and the start of the real game, which already is a pretty big part to play, but despite his early demise and unlike other early jobbers like Frani and Regna, his presence is felt through the entire game. Primarily through Svarog, but his inventions also keep popping up, and the mystery of what the discovery that killed him was spans almost the entire game. Heck, in Benedict's route he ends up getting the last laugh over Gustadolph in a way, when Benedict makes Gustadolph realize he fucked himself by refusing to give Dragan what he wanted.

He's just an incredibly well crafted character that makes the most of his small (in size, not importance, as he's arguably one of the most important characters) role without overstaying his welcome, and all of the scenes with him or even just to do with him (Svarog being informed his body has been retrieved, Gustadolph realizing he done goofed) are some of the best in the game.

Also, his voice actor is one of the best in a game that otherwise has rather middling voice acting. He really benefits from that as well.


54 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well it’s actually just the red herring because everyone’s name IS the name the game initially starts with however they’ve all been brainwashed into thinking they’re each a different member of the cast. Which leads to Miura’s famous “my real name… is Juro” line even tho he’s completely delirious. Powerful stuff.

You keep piling on the spoilers. Next you'll tell me there are more than 12 sentinels but less than 14.

54 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Apparently I could’ve had GBA fe look so much better

You really could've.

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12 minutes ago, Sooks said:


…oh god the curse


Did you really have to remind me of that XD

12 minutes ago, Sooks said:





I would change some stuff here and there, like i think Laura and her father fit more with the natural faction, and changing stuff a bit to balance the numbers with that change

And yes, Crow should've stayed dead for good.

Man...the potential was there for pure raw kino


 And noble and commoner groups definitely face off. Neutral faction might actually face them both.

All of my fucking yes

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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5 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

We had a whole game about how incest brings upon the antichrist and the end of the world.

Never stopped fanartists

Not to mention it was only one of many incest pairing that brought on the end of the world ok

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You shouldn't be so surprised. That's not just me, Dragan is incredibly popular.

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He was one of the most fanarted characters at the start and he's the first pick for NPCs people wanted as playables. There was an elimination game at the subreddit a while back (all the threads seem to have vanished now, for some reason) which encompassed the entire cast and focused primarily on strength of writing. Dragan made it to the top 10, 8th or 7th if I recall. Of everyone. Heck, there had been a more gameplay-focused elimination game before that one, and the first thing that popped up after its end was a joke post claiming Dragan won, even though he didn't even participate.

And I'd say, rightfully so. Thing is, yes, he dies in chapter 4. But that still means he has more screentime than every tertiary playable and a bunch of fellow NPCs. And what little time he has, he uses with extreme efficiency. In his five or six scenes, his personality and his goals are clearly outlined, he endears himself to the player by getting shitfaced and proving to be far kinder to Frederica than anybody else from Aesfrost (his own dad aside - which arguably also works to his benefit, they're the "cool Aesfrosti family"), he acts shady so that the player suspects him, then promptly dies so the player feels bad for suspecting him, concluding his little arc of being blinded by ambition and paying for it. He becomes a more rounded character in his four chapters of living than fuckin' Hughette of the Main Seven!

His death marks the end of the prologue and the start of the real game, which already is a pretty big part to play, but despite his early demise and unlike other early jobbers like Frani and Regna, his presence is felt through the entire game. Primarily through Svarog, but his inventions also keep popping up, and the mystery of what the discovery that killed him was spans almost the entire game. Heck, in Benedict's route he ends up getting the last laugh over Gustadolph in a way, when Benedict makes Gustadolph realize he fucked himself by refusing to give Dragan what he wanted.

He's just an incredibly well crafted character that makes the most of his small (in size, not importance, as he's arguably one of the most important characters) role without overstaying his welcome, and all of the scenes with him or even just to do with him (Svarog being informed his body has been retrieved, Gustadolph realizing he done goofed) are some of the best in the game.

Also, his voice actor is one of the best in a game that otherwise has rather middling voice acting. He really benefits from that as well.

Lol I like how you knew the exact essay to write to everything I would’ve wondered.


Like I kinda get it in relation to the whole cast just because so many of them are not developed (I mean maybe in this little event things but I never figured out how they worked), but in general idk, his 5 or 6 scenes did not resonate with me anywhere near that much. Plus dying being a character’s biggest contribution to the plot doesn’t usually make them lovable, I mean that was the whole meme with Cedric Harry Potter.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You keep piling on the spoilers. Next you'll tell me there are more than 12 sentinels but less than 14.

How’d you know that there were 13.576932 sentinels

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You really could've.

So, what filter(s) did you use?

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Did you really have to remind me of that XD

Being a Trails fan is suffering

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


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I would change some stuff here and there, like i think Laura and her father fit more with the natural faction, and changing stuff a bit to balance the numbers with that change

And yes, Crow should've stayed dead for good.

Man...the potential was there for pure raw kino

All of my fucking yes


Initially I had Laura and Gaius switched but I couldn’t come up with any possible reason for her to be with nobles beyond just herself being a noble (Laura is such a nothing character huh). I also tried to give every group a core party of 4 just for gameplay reasons (hence Sharon being a main party member), while your initial suggestion had 3 for them all. I kinda toyed with the idea of having Crow sabotaging the neutral faction from within, while you get to see him and Rean bonding in the neutral faction and their relationship actually make sense. Then it isn’t revealed until the end that he is C and shot Osborne, and then the whole face off happens. But honestly if you rewrite all of Cold Steel you could just give them an actual relationship in CS1 lol. Also you could totally stick Elise with the nobles (to help her character being away from Rean, but maybe he “recruits” her), although with the way I had Alisa and Sharon switching her out for one of them (Alisa) would’ve been weird and Gaius in the neutral faction feels pretty out there.

Playable Mueller and Olivier may have been a little out there, but I feel like they were slightly abandoned in CS. I’m curious, what would you have changed to balance the numbers? Yes, potential was there for pure raw kino, which is ironic because we got… Trails of Cold Steel II lmao


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12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Lol I like how you knew the exact essay to write to everything I would’ve wondered.

I do like how easily it came to me, too. I really do like the guy, don't I.

12 minutes ago, Sooks said:


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Like I kinda get it in relation to the whole cast just because so many of them are not developed (I mean maybe in this little event things but I never figured out how they worked), but in general idk, his 5 or 6 scenes did not resonate with me anywhere near that much. Plus dying being a character’s biggest contribution to the plot doesn’t usually make them lovable, I mean that was the whole meme with Cedric Harry Potter.



That's why he's so popular, his actual biggest contribution is getting shitfaced!

Nah but seriously, his actual actual biggest contribution is discovering the salt vein in the Grand Norzelian Mines, then trying to blackmail Gustadolph with it. This kickstarts the entire plot of the game and its biggest mystery until... well, you discover the salt vein in the Grand Norzelian Mines in chapter 14.

As for the "little event things", every playable character gets two events after they are recruited. They're kind of like supports, but even worse lol


12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

How’d you know that there were 13.576932 sentinels

I looked it up, "how many sentinels in 13 sentinels". Unfortunately I also stumbled into a Youtube video showing the Truest Ending, so now I've no reason to play the game. Them's the breaks.

12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So, what filter(s) did you use?

mGBA comes packed with a few shaders. I simply went into shaders and selected the "gba_color.shader" folder. Boom, there you go, OG GBA colors.

It becomes so obvious how tailored to this color palette the GBAFE games were. They go from having yellow faces to having... well, actual flesh-colored faces, and 7 and 6's brighter colors look great here. It's just super weird to look at after years of playing these games with the default colors, but still.

Now you can play my hack to test out the colors!

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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That's why he's so popular, his actual biggest contribution is getting shitfaced!

Nah but seriously, his actual actual biggest contribution is discovering the salt vein in the Grand Norzelian Mines, then trying to blackmail Gustadolph with it. This kickstarts the entire plot of the game and its biggest mystery until... well, you discover the salt vein in the Grand Norzelian Mines in chapter 14.

As for the "little event things", every playable character gets two events after they are recruited. They're kind of like supports, but even worse lol



I mean the salt reveal might just be my favorite part of the game, but it doesn’t really feel like an extension of his character. Then again, it was his ambition that led him to blackmailing Gustadolph and the whole cover up… hmm…

Yeah I think I’ve only seen a couple of events but most of them were boring.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I looked it up, "how many sentinels in 13 sentinels". Unfortunately I also stumbled into a Youtube video showing the Truest Ending, so now I've no reason to play the game. Them's the breaks.

I did think it was clever how they made you need to have 13 different tvs/monitors to actually see the true ending so every character’s POV could be seen simultaneously. A shame you got spoiled on that.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


oh no

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now you can play my hack to test out the colors!

You know I actually did start a casual run if fe6 HM the other day. 50-70 hit on axes with WTA is big rip.

Anyway I’m not sure if I’m the best person to give feedback on it since I played fe6 once 1-2 years ago on normal mode. Plus presumably Fir isn’t playable anymore, so what’s the point?

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Jesus, I didn’t know this was a thing.

Although I’m a little confused why there are quotes mourning Celica since she can’t die.

I'd assume they play before you get the Game Over screen.

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32 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I did think it was clever how they made you need to have 13 different tvs/monitors to actually see the true ending so every character’s POV could be seen simultaneously. A shame you got spoiled on that.

It's okay. I don't think I would've gotten that far if I'd played the game, anyway. Too many words, Ruben don't like read.

31 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You know I actually did start a casual run if fe6 HM the other day. 50-70 hit on axes with WTA is big rip.

Classic FE6.

Yeah, I changed that.

31 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Anyway I’m not sure if I’m the best person to give feedback on it since I played fe6 once 1-2 years ago on normal mode. Plus presumably Fir isn’t playable anymore, so what’s the point?

Well, any feedback's better than no feedback. Only if you feel like it though.

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78% story completion. Really is a short game. I've wrapped up I dunno, five or six plot lines?

So many events, yet so little catharsis.

I could play more tonight, I have some desire to, but I think I'll hold off and save it for tomorrow. I could very reasonably have this game done before the weekend, although knowing me I'd delay and give it another day.

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I can't believe it took four games for Rean to get an ending that isn't terrible. I also appreciate that the English voice actors are credited this time. Wait, Jona was Alear all along?


For the true final boss, everyone is here. If fact, everyone who has been playable in the Cold Steel arc is either playable here or has their Brave Order usable. Except Rixia. The battle was suitably climactic but I'm not sure if it felt too long or not...

Well boys, we did it. The Curse is no more. Which was Osborne's plan all along, apparently. With that, Crow's time is up... except we have two Sept-Terrions now, and he's not allowed to get another death scene. Not that everyone gets to stick around, though.



Also Franz happened to prepare a backup body for Millium, so she's back too. Erebonia still has problems in the future, but we can worry about that later because Olivert and Schera finally tied the knot! It's a nice note to end the arc on, Schera got to accomplish her dream of becoming a princess and everyone gets to hang out in peace for once. And Rixia was there too! Afterwards Rean returns to teaching at Thors' branching campus, finally being able to look forward to the future.

I like how Cedric chooses to join Ouroboros basically to go on vacation. A surprise to be sure, but an interesting one. They only have three active Enforcers (that have been properly introduced) left at the moment, they could probably use the extra manpower.

For some reason, you have to replay the ending to get more Ouroboros goodness of Campanella and Mariabell meeting with the First Anguis. He sounds like Nielsen, it's pretty suspicious how he knows basically everything and just happened to have the last Black Records... It could just be a coincidence though. Weissmann has been dead for years and he still continues to get zero respect.

Even the Grandmaster finally appears in the flesh and oh no, she's hot! No wonder everyone is Ouroboros is so dedicated to her. Where can I get the society's merchandise? Technically I knew what she looked like before I played Sky FC, though I didn't know it was her at the time. I was wondering who the lady on Trails into Reverie's boxart was... Anyway, with the Phantasmal Blaze Plan complete, the arc ends on the Grandmaster's prediction for the future and the announcement of the next phase of Ouroboros's plot:


Eternal Recurrence? Takahashi can't keep getting away with it!

I am content. Basically

On 12/21/2022 at 12:59 PM, Sooks said:

Cold Steel 4 is peak fiction. And this time I’m sure.


On 8/9/2023 at 4:17 PM, Sooks said:

Finally, you’ll have the ability to spoil me.

When last we met I was but a learner, now I am the master. Though you can still spoil me on Tears of the Kingdom.

23 hours ago, Hanes said:

This is pretty fun.

I like how different enemies have different explanations for why they have jumbo versions, majoring in biology for two years paid off.

23 hours ago, Hanes said:

😠 Rean can go screw himself.

If you complain about Cold Steel backwards three times, Rean will visit you 72 hours later and give you headpats.

21 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ouroboros failed to reach the heights again, even if McBurn and Duvalie are good.

True! But those two are almost half of the Ouroboros members in the Cold Steel arc.

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3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Has Bleublabc even gotten an explanation outside that one star door that’s like “lol 3 possible backstories”

Three possible back stories and we basically know which one it is (but I forgor) and it isn't very interesting.

5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

If you complain about Cold Steel backwards three times, Rean will visit you 72 hours later and give you headpats.


He's the worst.

Also, Nintendo Switch Pro controller arrived!

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43 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Jesus, I didn’t know this was a thing.


Engage has something similar as well, although for some reason without voice acting...

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

what would you have changed to balance the numbers?



Honestly...Dunno much

I just think Laura would fit neutral more as that was her father's stance as well

Or wait, Actually

Move her to Bracer Gang since wasn't her place the only one with the guild in Erebonia?


Neutral: Rean, Elise, Toby and Alfin. Olivier when/if Alfin get's kidannped

Bracer:  Sara, Emma, Laura and Fie. 

Bracer and Neutral kinda work together, but neutral focuses more on the war and Bracer on society and supernatural bs, like you said. Laura and Toby could switch places, maybe. Or have certain points in the story where they meet and can swap Team members in a limited capacity. Bracer can't take part in the war except to save civilians.

Commoner scrubs could be the same as you said, but with Claire as a full time member.

Noble assholes the same as you said.

Commoners and Nobles don'T get along and until meetup at infernal Castle, fight each other and the Neutral party. 

How bout that?

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