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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Just as an aside, FE5 already had a dedicated prep theme. It's actually the only Kaga game to have a prep theme, as Kaga ditched the idea in his later games and simply had the prep menus use the corresponding map music. Unless you're willing to count Navarron's theme as a prepscreen theme haha.

Anyway, I can't particularly agree with this because Fates has my favorite soundtrack in the series. Probably. Doesn't exactly extend to prep themes because SD just popped off there; but then, when this starts playing in the endgame s it does get me pretty pumped.

Oh yeah, FE5 actually did have one. I suppose the fact that I didn't even remember speaks to my indifference towards that one.

And I wasn't trying to make a statement on the Fates soundtrack. I have literally no opinion on it. Never stuck out to me for either good or bad and I can't say I remember anything about it.

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Shoutouts to Garon's theme for being such a perfect piece of music for the character.

It's all over the place, grating on the ears, sneaks notes similar to the mocking sing-song every kid's spewed out at some point before they turned 6 and I fucking love it in spite of it being a crime. Thanks, Garon.

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Oh yeah, it actually did. I suppose the fact that I didn't even remember speaks to my indifference towards this one.

No yeah, it's incredibly average, like most of them until Shadow Dragon proved just how good prep themes could really be.

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2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

The nicest thing that can be said about any facet of the game is that the soundtrack doesn't make the game even worse, if only because it's so unremarkable as to be essentially elevator music. Although at least it's kinda funny how the soundtrack during the maps is at least trying to be dramatic while the characters act like they don't take anything seriously. That is sorta a positive, I guess.
But how we went from this...

...to this...

...is still beyond my comprehension.

Soundtracks did a lot of heavy lifting in games that were otherwise unremarkable. Case in point the Shadow Dragon DS battle prep theme. But you don't have that benefit with Awakening. The soundtrack is just as dull as the gameplay itself.

Speaking of soundtracks, it's amazing how both previous games with a world map had the idea to have the map theme change after each act of the story to fit the mood of the tale, while Awakening just plays the same nondescript song throughout the whole game.
It's like they were really worried a player might accidentally get exited about something. Can't have that.

Me personally so far in playing through this franchise, I've felt like the music has only really gotten, I don't know, memorable to me from Awakening onward? I haven't played FE12 and I'm still going through RD but that's how I've felt so far. Normally I would just chalk it up to nostalgia and exposure since Awakening and Fates are games I've played a lot and have been listening to the music of for a while but when I played SoV and Three Houses for the first time just in the past two years, I definitely found that music just as memorable and still listen to the tracks often while almost never returning to listen to music before Awakening.

Sure I found some previous tracks really good but I never seemed to return to them. Though that could be in part just because Awakening is the first game where the music doesn't sound like the file's been thrown into the shredder several times over just so the music could actually fit in the old game cartridges. Like for example I never got the hype for FE7s "Truth, Despair, and Hope" track until I found a fanmade orchestral remake of it.

That Shadow Dragon preparation theme may be catchy but when I listen to it I feel like sandpaper is being rubbed in my ears. IS needs to remake that a third time for me to start liking the music.

That being said I do agree with you that Awakening in particular doesn't have that much standout music. A lot of it is good for background ambience which I appreciate for relaxing but not many songs I'd snap my fingers to. In fact the song I listen to the most from Awakening is probably "You have power like mine" Which is just a remake of a Shadow Dragon song, a good remake and the one I prefer because again, sandpaper, but it doesn't really count as an Awakening song even though it does throw in some unique elements.

There are some songs though I'd like to point out. Mastermind is the only boss theme in the entire franchise so far that I actually remember and actively enjoy.

Most other boss themes I can kind of recall, either I straight up just disliked the sound of because they were so overly bombastic that they ended up sounding like nothing, or they were just sort of generic and boring. This one strikes a good balance. Shame you'll only hear it for two seconds.

The song Conquest is really nice to listen to. I like my relaxing music and since it's hard to convey that with digital sound fonts Pre-Gamecube, it's so far been Awakening onward where I've been scratching that itch.

And Awakening's Id Purpose, which is probably my least favorite final map theme out of the four major ones between it and God Shattering Star, but I definitely prefer it over Apex of the World and actually remember it compared to previous final map themes before Awakening. That choir part is incredible.

I guess there's Twilight of the Gods. Only existing in Gaiden at the time of Awakening's release so it was in a sound font that makes it feel like my ears are being punched and poked with needles and it's only 45 seconds long. But good melody is good melody and SoV gave it a place to shine.

There's also the tracks Chaos and Annihilation, which are a bit of an acquired taste but I still really like. Chaos is the catchiest song in the game in my opinion as I love the harpsichord, and it's descend into madness with the heavy organs is really fun. And Annihilation I appreciate for actually making me feel anxious which pretty much all enemy phase themes in previous games I've played have failed to do which the music alone. The mix of strings and odd shifts between time signatures make it sound uncomfortable and amazing.



But other than those songs, I agree. It's only until Fates where the soundtrack is actually something I listen to on a daily basis.

But who knows, I haven't played the Jugdral games or FE6 yet so maybe their 16 bit soundtracks have something incredible in them that I will fall in love with...and hopefully find orchestral remixes of online so that it actually sounds good.

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3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Me personally so far in playing through this franchise, I've felt like the music has only really gotten, I don't know, memorable to me from Awakening onward?

Nah I'm in the same boat. While there was the occasional memorable track here and there, it didn't get consistent until Awakening.

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Like for example I never got the hype for FE7s "Truth, Despair, and Hope" track until I found a fanmade orchestral remake of it.

You mean FE8.

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

But who knows, I haven't played the Jugdral games

Judgral has like one good song (Disturbance in Agustria).


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8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It like watching a mirror of my former self talking about Trails

Nah because at least you only brought it up when it's relevant. Brightbow would write a normal post and then insert a 10 page essay about how Awakening is worse than Hitler and it's devs should be tried at Nuremberg.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

What do you mean "one", chief?

I don't recall any others.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Nah because at least you only brought it up when it's relevant.

And i generally stopped talking about it unless someone added me to the convo or i noticed something xD

Just now, Armagon said:

I don't recall any others.

Doors of Destiny is good

...and that's about it

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Well, i wouldn't call any FE ost bad either. But the ones i'd call amazing are Fates', Engage, 3H and SoV. And Berwick Saga.

Other games usually have some standout tracks i love, but mostly feeling indifferent

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

There's no FE soundtrack that has disappointed me in an overall level.

Oh yeah, same. I'm just saying that they didn't consistently stand out to me either until Awakening.

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FE6 I find funny because it goes from dreadful earlygame theme to kick fucking ass Western Isles theme, then goes back to the dreadful earlygame theme for a minute for some undiscernible reason, then goes to kick fucking ass Ilia/Sacae theme, then gets oddly chipper for what's meant to be the bloodiest battle in Elibe's history.

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On 10/25/2023 at 10:16 AM, Armagon said:

Could you even return the land without creating a massive displacement crisis? At this stage in the game?

Holy shit I forgot to respond to this ages ago.

So if you believe that to give the land back to Indigenous hands means Instilling a racial native regime with no non-natives allowed then no, you probably couldn't do that without a massive displacement crisis, but that's not what landback is about.

Right now, the land we are on has historically been stolen away from the people who have lived there for the explicit purpose of exploiting the land's natural resources to increase the power and influence of the white men in charge. And to this day, middle and upper-class white people are benefiting from that invasion and genocide. The landback movement is about ending that centuries long exploitation and let land be cultivated and taken care of by the communities that live within it and work in service to their land and community. This includes non-natives.

That's what landback is about...or at least that's what it should be about. I've seen self-proclaimed leftisft white people on twitter claim that they would be totally fine with Native Americans rising up and killing them because of their imperialist perception of what landback means. And I have also seen some Native Americans unironically say white people should just "Go back to Europe" which is pretty sus.






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1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

But none of that addresses the fact that the games difficulty is very low.

It wasn't meant to. Low difficulty is not something I said anything about.
What I complained about is that the game's strategic depth begins and ends with powergaming. With all maps being open to all sides and a consistent amount of pressure from all directions until every single enemy is dead, every turn plays the same and any difference between the different maps comes entirely from how your numbers develop relative to the enemies'.

I mean, Advance Wars is more of a strategy series than Fire Emblem ever was. And that game does not even have a level system. But you are not going to win there by letting enemies suicide themselves against your big numbers.

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