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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Daoud is promoted and Christine is ready. Perceval is at 29 thunder rank, Kramer, Dean and Esteban are all at level 13 and I think Sherlock is 12? Either way, real close all of them.

Of the problem children, only Aegina and Adel remain. And it's Supply Base time. May be the right time to fill up Adel's inventory with slim spears and let him have a ball. Aegina's a bit further away but Adel might just be able to reach 30 spear level before chapter 10, which would make me extremely happy as it means I can change gears and start bringing the right units for the job instead of the units in need of training. Right on time for the hardest map in the game!

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The reason why mine was like only level 9 reaching C11.😅 Peanut butter boy needs his personal blade to be more than just an accuracy booster. If it were possible to give every personal weapon the durability regen and covert them to numerical uses like orbs, maybe I'd use them. I have no qualms firing off a Pallas or two.

Well, to be fair, Reese's level isn't a great gauge for his usage because the guy doesn't see kills that often lol. For the first 4 chapters he's basically going to kill nothing, and then he's only going to kill whatever problem you want him to erase. He's low on priority for experience, too, since he doesn't need any levels to promote and he has expert if he wants to diversify from Gram. So him having a lower level is not that odd.

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Ah, it's this scenario that reveals Marida is Ple Twelve.

Gauron also dies here, apparently. Perhaps for good this time around. More Federation forces show up, and Londo Bell signals the retreat. Unfortunately, Kaname isn't rescued in the end. Leonard managed to get to her enough to hesitate in escaping outright... and because she accidentally shot him, which rattled her too much. But of course, neither aren't expecting he won't save her in the end anyway, as they declare their love for each other. So not a bad note to end the chapter, but still bittersweet.

In any case, Amalgan suffered a big defeat at Dakar, so it's time to focus fully on Neo Zeon for now...

Oh, right, Sosuke is now an Ace. But due to him being removed from the party, the congratulatory cutscene is only playing now.

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8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

colonizing space

...also i should emulate that game, my current PC should be more than capable of doing that


We've been saying play XCX for how long now? Xd

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

NLA law is a surprising blindspot in the game's worldbuilding now that I think about it. All vehicles are state owned and Chausson seems to have more direct authority than elected officials irl (was Chausson even elected).

Presumably the NLA government is your typical modern representative democracy.

...In an IRL unthinkable situation. 

Earth is gone, the survivors on a ship, the majority asleep, the remainder (all adults) awake living in an unfinished city in temporary bodies. A ship that then gets attacked by aliens and crashes onto an untamed planet. It's a years-long crisis that, while chill during the wandering in space, was still very much an existential crisis for humanity.

IRL, yeah, there were emergency bunkers built during the Cold War where central governments would relocate in the event of a nuclear strike. (The US Congress had The Greenbrier hotel in West Virginia, the Scottish government had a facility built under an unassuming little "farm" near St. Andrew's.) -But how would one sustain a democracy in the middle of nuclear armageddon? How do you hold "normal" elections with "normal" executive-legislative-judicial processes? We thankfully don't know.

The one quest we get concerning the gov't is xeno-representative quest (which I liked, in a more-innocent era of Western politics), but that has nothing to with the longstanding all-human gov't it's getting attached to.

And, governmental structure and law are themselves two separate topics.😆

I would expect X2, with: the immediate crisis having subsided, Mira decently mapped-out, alien allies proven very trustworthy; we could see the beginnings of normal government, normal law, normal governance, normal economics, normal society, normal life. Not merely an attempt to create a calming semblance of normalcy in abnormal times. We could have quests focused on the law, boring familiar politics, perhaps some "shocking" government corruption for typical thrills. -Provided the Ghost don't swarm the planet by the millions.

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Scenario 32. The explanation why Ple Twelve is older is revealed here. Simply put, she was woken up from cryosleep much earlier than her sisters. I'm pretty sure this is made up for this game due to using both ZZ and Unicorn and having them happen much closer to each other timeline wise, since there was no cryosleep involved in the original anime. Ple was just a regular(?) ten-eleven year old who was used as the basis to create a bunch of clones.

Although, looking up, it seems production notes gave her an interesting backstory. In that she was conceived via in vitro fertilization... using Ghiren's DNA. Which would make her Ghiren's daughter, and cousin of Mineva. It's not canon... but just imagine what that would've meant...

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In any case, Alberto has contacted Banagher with Marida's whereabouts. She's in Spain, specifically at Morón Base. So now we're mounting a rescue of both Marida and Audrey, who is also here. The base is defended by G-Hound, who of course aren't gonna let them go.

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Hmm, the OG protagonist is force-deployed here... sounds Gardim will show up at some point.

Okay, so, this stage has three more Marida points to obtain. Two by having one of Ple, Ple Two, or Judau talk to her... wow, this must be the first time the Talk/Convince command is showing up here. The last point is for Banagher to do the same.

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Kamille shows up again. And now both he and Jerid are finally aware of each other. Riddhe also deploys... but as an enemy.

Kamille is in the Re-GZ, and actually playable here, unlike his previous appearance.

Oh, finally! My characters are starting to learn the Valor Spirit Command.

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Well... uh, partial success in reaching out to Marida. She went berserk again, but Banahger manages to rescue Audrey despite Riddhe trying to interfere. But it took Zinnerman's showing up to finally get Marida to snap out of it and get her back to her senses. She and Audrey will leave in the Garenceries, and Kamille is leaving with them. Figures he wouldn't be staying. Even the Federation forces seem to be at a loss of what happened... but this is finally where Gardim shows up, with Sonic Ghuli once again leading.

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The moment Sosuke fights Gauron, an event sequence happens

I read this as Sasuke fights Garon and I was incredibly confused.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

also i should emulate that game, my current PC should be more than capable of doing that

Yes you should.

Albeit you might be slightly nerfed without the gamepad screen. Having to pull up the map < constant map access at the bottom.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I would expect X2, with: the immediate crisis having subsided, Mira decently mapped-out, alien allies proven very trustworthy; we could see the beginnings of normal government, normal law, normal governance, normal economics, normal society, normal life. Not merely an attempt to create a calming semblance of normalcy in abnormal times. We could have quests focused on the law, boring familiar politics, perhaps some "shocking" government corruption for typical thrills. -Provided the Ghost don't swarm the planet by the millions.

I would also imagine the actual countries don't exist anymore. New LA and New New York would likely be different entities now.

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Welp, now Riddhe hops into the Banshee that Marida left behind, now full intent to be Banagher's enemy.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I read this as Sasuke fights Garon and I was incredibly confused.

Well, I mean, SRW is massive multi crossover, but still... XD

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I would also imagine the actual countries don't exist anymore. New LA and New New York would likely be different entities now.

Time for the good old City-State to make a comeback.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, to be fair, Reese's level isn't a great gauge for his usage because the guy doesn't see kills that often lol. For the first 4 chapters he's basically going to kill nothing, and then he's only going to kill whatever problem you want him to erase. He's low on priority for experience, too, since he doesn't need any levels to promote and he has expert if he wants to diversify from Gram. So him having a lower level is not that odd.

You really only want him to get his sword rank to 20 eventually, so he doesn't have to fear eating crossbow volleys to the face because he missed his initial strike.

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Aw yeah, Ryoma is now Ace.

Once everything is done, word has reached the group that the Nadesico has returned. This is also the end of the route split. Thanks to the game giving me a roster list of units coming back... or for the first time, I see that...

Mightgaine is now the Might Kaiser. This is what Maito started with in T, but then Mightgaine was post-script in T, but still withheld the Great Mightgaine for mid-game upgrade.

Black Mightgaine has finally joined the team. Yeah, if unlocked, he'd finally join during the route split, or at the end if you took the other route.

As I mentioned before, Prince of Darkness finally wrapped up during the route split. So now the Nadesico B was replaced with the C, has System Seizure, and unlike T since I didn't reached that far, Yurika is finally back and is now a sub-pilot. Some games let her and Ruri change who is Captain. I wonder if V is one such game...

Shinn finally re-unlocked his SEED skill. Wonder why he hadn't to begin with... but I guess it could be explained here. If not... well, until second playthrough then.

Lacus and her Eternal have joined the team. That's seven battleships now.

Lots of units got upgrades too. New attacks or abilities, as it were.

Tusk also joined, but also Salamandinay, who is... well, I'll get to that in a moment. But also... some Para-Mails are missing. Hmm...

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Okay, time for the recap.

So, as it turns out, Salamandinay is one of the dragons, princess of her tribe... wait. Dragon in human form, that of a girl, a princess...



No relation.

Anyway, she explains her people are actually native to the UC Dimension. They sealed part of the world away to live in seclusion, after the fall of the civilizations that existed at the time. As it turns out, Vivian had been a dragon too all along, but with amnesia.

Shinji: "Dragons can change into humans?"

Boy, do I have a series to introduce you...

Well, no, actually. These are humans who can turn into dragons, not the other way around. In any case, this came about after the old civilizations destroyed each other in a war. The survivors left the Earth... and traveled to the AD Dimension. They would form the Founding Nations, users of Mana. At this point it has already been revealed about Empryo and his role in all this. Being the one behind the whole Founding Nations and how he's been manipulating the AD Dimension from the shadows. In a bit of plot welding, it's revealed that measures to counter Embryo led to the creation of both Coordinators and Celestial Being. As for how Salamandinay's ancestors became able to turn into dragons, with the world so polluted, they had to adapt somehow and thus their god-ancestor Aura brought forth the decision to use Dragunium to change their bodies into a more suitable form.


*checks again*

No, still no relation.

In any case, Embryo kidnapped Aura, thus why the Dragons have crossed worlds all this time. To rescue her. It's her Dragunium that enables Mana to exist, as it turns out. But her Dragunium will run out one day... which is why it's being recharged with that of all the dragons Arzenal has killed.

Simply put... Cross Ange's setting is sooo messed up.

At this point Ryoma realizes that Dragunium and Getter Energy is the same thing, and muses if this is why Dr. Saotome called the Shin Getter Dragon as such. This is also why dragons could suppress them, as they purify and cristalice the energy. This is also how the Getter Radiation from fifteen years ago got cleared up fast enough. The dragons helped out, if covertly. And so, with these revelations come to light, the group is now in alliance with the dragons. Specially since... there's another Angel approaching Earth...

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So, Scenario 33. The Eighth Angel Sahaquiel (Tenth in the TV series... yeah, Rebuild skipped a couple there). Despite coming from space, the group is still going to intercept from Tokyo'3? Using the EVA's AT Fields as a catching net to neutralize Sahaquiel's dive-bombing... oh! I remember this part from Alpha 1! How to stop the Angel was the basis of a route split (the AT-Field plan with the EVAs, or shoot down the Angel with... I forgot what exactly was the proposal; the Macross main cannon, was it?), which despite the decision, the actual consequence was about the game going through the events of the Macross TV series or the Do You Remember Love? movie.

Anyway, here it seems both plans will be attempted. The Yamato will fire at the Angel, in order to slow it down, thus allowing the EVA's to have better changes to catch its descent without it exploding. But then a dimensional door is opening, from which... the Mightgaine baddies show up! Even they have little clue how they got here, but it was Embryo who did it, as he's here too but then leaves. Seems they fear Embryo more than the fact interrupting the heroes means they could die too as they're currently in the would-be impact area. On that subject, the map has a five turn limit. Fun.

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There's just something... amusing, to the Eternal. It's a battleship fully painted pink, captained by a teen girl with pink hair, and who has a pink Haro. It has an almost...

Vibe to it, pft.

Anyway, the Eternal has two sub-pilots, proving that just about anyone can have more than Bright. *grumble*

So, a few turns in, or maybe the turn after they fight, Maito and Joe have a back and forth. Tetsuya shows up, wanting to goad Joe to fight him instead. But Maito seems to be prepared. A Boson Jump dimensional portal opens and... Mightgaine comes out of it! Seems Uribatake planned this, for once Gaine had been repaired. Since the Super AI's are mechanical, they can make the Boson Jump safely without a Jumper. So simply put, the Brave Express Corps can dimensional jump between worlds as needed. Is it a sign the company is going multiversal? XD

Also, I was wrong. Might Kaiser isn't playable in T. Maito started with the Mightgaine there, with Might Kaiser doing something else before they combined back. And now, it's time for Great Mightgaine! At this Tetsuya leaves, since he's now without something to do... yeah, like helping us ensure the Angel is defeated was nothing he could bother with. lol

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Here we fucking go.

First- how many times did Aegina whiff against the fences?😛

Second- why Derrick do I spot? Favoritism? A map where he can be useful? -I can see either answer being true.😜

Once all the bothersome promos are over, it'll be practically a normal playthough, no? Perfect rankings is a front & mid-loaded ordeal?

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Huh. Upon defeat, Wolfgang is contacted by... Koros!? Who tells him to meet up. After he leaves, Banjo muses about the whole "working from the shadows" bit... and how even Embryo may even be have someone pulling strings on him.

Anyway, with the enemy routed, the Yamato is ready to use the WMG... but then they detect an intruder. Who by her appearance, is probably from Gardim... and also an android. She has apparently sabotaged the Yamato's power output, so no dice on the WMG. So it may be only up to the EVA's... or it is? Nope, Maito has a trick up his sleeve, and has Uribatake open up the portal again, from which emerges Might Gunner. They will fire at the Angel to slow it down, even if it might cost them their lives. But then Joe comes back, saying to use the Goryu's energy too. Even if it's so he can defeat Maito, Joe won't let him die just yet. The Angel comes and... success! It slows down, and the EVA's destroy the Angel.

Two more DLC maps have opened up... but I'll do them tomorrow. That's enough for today...

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

First- how many times did Aegina whiff against the fences?😛

You cannot miss structures. Just like with crippled units.

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