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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The beatings will continue until morale improves you say?

For Alear, yes and yes.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Seems like there's always somebody in Japan who does the "what if otome spinoff?" schtick every year. Which is a little funny I admit, yet also perhaps slightly demeaning the female-catering VN subgenre by treating it as a joke and not a legitimate genre of game/VN. -Not to be a killjoy, as I don't intend to be by saying this.

As for Koei's funny this year- I know they haven't forgotten ManaK exists.😛 Which makes it feel a little odd they're chose this jest at all, since it really isn't all that out-there. MK2 even had playable Punis.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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The Khan's almost wiped out. The endgame period is soon upon me. I wonder what Endgame Crisis will trigger. Either way, I finally unlocked Titans and Ion Cannons, so... I'll be ready... I'll be ready...

Why can't I research something like weaponizing dark holes. I want to be able to Black Hole Cluster and Degenerancy Cannon in my Stellaris, dammit!

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Did the rest of the Lu Bu storyline today. I surprisingly liked it by the end.😄 They actually kept it in line with history (though a hypothetical split does exist), which means it ended at Xiapi with Lu Bu's execution, delivered by Cao Cao himself (with help from Xu Zhu).

There was way less Diaochan than expected, she just ups and disappears after Dong Zhuo is slain. And Lu Lingqi -maybe having his daughter around is why Lu Bu wasn't allowed to have his lover- was just there for another playable (only five playable characters total in this story) and a female. She barely had any characterization and didn't do much to humanize Lu Bu, a tall order in itself. Rather pitiful, given what little of this fictitious fighting female's characterization exists seems to be "became a warrior to be useful to my father".

This said, the Lu Bu storyline didn't exactly heroize its titular main character. Though it did try to put some positive spin on him in the unvoiced text given over the map of Han China, it was never denied that, while powerful, Lu Bu wasn't exactly a good guy. A man who begins his journey of less than ten years murdering two adoptive fathers, and the narrative calls him an outright tyrant by the start of his last stand at Xiapi. Any losses he suffers aren't exactly portrayed as poignant tragedies the way they are with the Three Kingdoms + Jin.

Add to this Chen Gong, a very interesting portrayal for Koei of a strategist in sharp contrast to all the other ones in Dynasty and Samurai Warriors. You can feel the oiliness of his words, a charlatan who betrayed Wei who is clearly in it for glorious self-gain that he's only barely hiding. Lu Bu only barely listens to Chen Gong when he joins, and by the end he has basically stopped talking to him at all. The most brawny brutish barbaric of warlords with the sketchiest of tacticians and they've no sincere appreciation of each other, it's beautifully dysfunctional.*

Truly, it came to feel like I was playing as villains. Loser villains, since it's a historical fact that Lu Bu was consigned to the Mass Grave of Failed Three Kingdoms Warlords.** Cao Cao, Liu Bei, the Sun and Sima families, they represent those who "won" what began as chaos where nobody could possibly have known in advance who would come out on top. Lu Bu and his story is the embodiment of the chaff, the vermin that failed to attain the heights of power, he is a textbook example of "How Not to Warlord", and oh how that brainless berserker of Dynasty Warriors would be foaming at the mouth hearing me call him what he is.😝

Again, for a few hours of mindless action and cheesy story that I wasn't expecting to get much out of, not half-bad.😃

*On Zhang Liao, the fifth playable of this route, he was very quiet and submissive. And yet, being the one with morals even if he speaks of them not, he would end up being the one to survive and find new glory under a truly-worthy master. -Speaking of the manly Zhang Liao as the pure-hearted one in the trio of him, Lu Bu, and Chen Gong, sounds bizarre when I think of how he would almost single-handedly later scare the s*** out of Sun Quan and every man, woman, and child in Wu.

**Technically, all warlords are villains, probably? Also, luck/circumstances certainly played a major role in determining how things worked out in the I Wanna Rule China competition, as luck/circumstances does in all competitions in life. -But I'm simplifying things and running with the established narrative of Wei-Wu-Shu-Jin being filled with righteous genius and stuff.


51 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Either way, I finally unlocked Titans and Ion Cannons, so... I'll be ready... I'll be ready...

Massive lategame superweapons? Endless Space 2 looked in a thesaurus and went with "Behemoths" for their special big ships, the "Juggernaut" specialization being the one with the fleet-destroying... Ion Cannon.😆 Alternatively, you can make a Behemoth into an Obliterator and blow up systems of planets if you prefer scorched earth. (Although, a Behemoth specialized as a Citadel can provide some anti-Obliterator protection on your most vital star systems.)

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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For some reason I can still research the Psionic techs. At least Psionic Theory showed up (though since my nation is Materialistic, I had to put a Psionic Leader in the Council for it to potentially show up, which thankfully I did had one). Would be funny if I can end up with Psychic Synths, with Brain Slugs. That's gonna be a wicked combination...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Freedom Planet 2... Vestaria Saga I+... So close, yet so far.

Jamulan got some buffs. Multichance (?) and Axe Guard are whatever, but it seems he now also gets a skill that makes all his attacks against armored enemies deal effective damage. Nice to see that it looks like the K-man managed to implement even more genuinely interesting skills.
The remaining skill also seems to be new. Wish I could read the descriptive text.

Also chapter 19 now has both battle preps and the ability to take items from Zade's side. Interesting to see even Eddard listed here.


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We also have the episode names for the season.

  1. Space Babies
  2. The Devil's Chord
  3. Boom
  4. 73 Yards
  5. Dot and Bubble
  6. Rogue
  7. The Legend of Ruby Sunday
  8. Empire of Death

Two things here: The Devil's Chord is the Beatles episode a.k.a the one where The Doctor wears the hardest of fits


and 2, Empire of Death is like the first time since the 70s a Doctor Who episode has had "death" in the title.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But those same comments say Inti did file a trademark actually, so maybe this is an actual game, perhaps a lesser, sillier project, and these would be early-development stage images shown for the sake of making it look like a joke.

Yeah it wouldn't make sense to trademark what is essentially a level. It'd be like trademarking World 1-1.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


These are just real-ass images of cars huh.

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9 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Freedom Planet 2... Vestaria Saga I+... So close, yet so far.

Jamulan got some buffs. Multichance (?) and Axe Guard are whatever, but it seems he now also gets a skill that makes all his attacks against armored enemies deal effective damage. Nice to see that it looks like the K-man managed to implement even more genuinely interesting skills.
The remaining skill also seems to be new. Wish I could read the descriptive text.

Also chapter 19 now has both battle preps and the ability to take items from Zade's side. Interesting to see even Eddard listed here.


Jamulan becoming a dedicated armor killer is neat. Sadly it's probably not as valuable as it would've been in Berwick, but it's something interesting, at least. Jamulan was in a dire need of that.

Being able to warp items from the other side of the continent is super janky but, eh, preferable to just getting screwed, I guess.

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Interesting how standard shields seem to have a whooping 20 durability.

I mean, TRS shields were only 4 or less. Berwick Saga shields were not much better, and most would break after the 6th hit.

This also puts them at a durability where they are a good fit for Tallan's new and improved repair skills.

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28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

10/10 April Fools' parody.😄 The actual game releases internationally on the 25th of this month BTW.


Counting the Inti thing as a joke (even if it's real), that's three mecha-related ones in a single year.

Heh, nice.

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3 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I really dont get the humor behind it. Its just an excuse to be cruel to others.

Might be apocryphal, but supposedly the original purpose was to mock people who still celebrated New Year's Eve on April 1, since it got moved to January 1 during the Middle Ages or so.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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55 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I have seen the dark universe yawning,
Where the black planets roll without aim;
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.

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I'd been sitting on this for a while. Never had a good opportunity to share anywhere.

But, today seems like a good opportunity for it. You see... I've improved the cast of everyone's favorite FE game, Berwick Saga.

Check it out.




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