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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

"Danger Mario" t

Oh yeah heard about and was able to theorize something myself, but something was missi...-

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

. He can even drop HP from its base value of 10 to the bare-minimum of 5.


3 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

True... but on the other hand... it's stylish animation! That's something!

Style the most important stat

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Never been one to do the Danger Mario build. Personally, far as level ups go, I would get HP and FP to 50 to mimic the Paper Mario 64 caps, then it was BP all the way.

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

America after the election probably

Did William Lloyd Garrison's "Let the North secede from the South" take hold? (Not that I have any real idea what in-depth logic that went into it, or how seriously he meant it.)

And Texas's ego is big enough that it deserves to be shrunk in exchange for independence.


20 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


I never ran Danger Mario myself. I didn't understand the concept of sophisticated builds as a child, and wouldn't have been good enough at any required measure of Superguarding it needs.😆

Not to say I'm entirely against extreme builds. Current avi had been used in EOV as a "four katanas, no armor; maximum damage, but OHKO'ed by everything" Blade Dancer. ...With a Shieldbearer spamming Divide Guard to redirect all the attacks my deadly sensitive Therian boy would've taken.😅

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42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did William Lloyd Garrison's "Let the North secede from the South" take hold? (Not that I have any real idea what in-depth logic that went into it, or how seriously he meant it.)

I remember it being a popular thing to add in Victoria 2 mods. Heck, many of the big mods have a complete imploding event chain, with like 7-8 nations able to be formed should the country completely fall apart.

42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Texas's ego is big enough that it deserves to be shrunk in exchange for independence.

I mean, those are its original borders when it was first created. XD

42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I never ran Danger Mario myself. I didn't understand the concept of sophisticated builds as a child, and wouldn't have been good enough at any required measure of Superguarding it needs.😆

To be fair, that's where the evasion-boosting badges come into play. Specially the ones that activate when under Danger. Beyond that, you have stuff like Koops' Shell Shield to avoid damage as well.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

any required measure of Superguarding it needs.

...do you even need superguardwith that much Attack power? Can'T you pretty much one shot everything you see, especially if you can do power bounce right?

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not to say I'm entirely against extreme builds. Current avi had been used in EOV as a "four katanas, no armor; maximum damage, but OHKO'ed by everything" Blade Dancer. ...With a Shieldbearer spamming Divide Guard to redirect all the attacks my deadly sensitive Therian boy would've taken.😅

Ayy Glass canon with needed support

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One thing i super appreciate in Paper Mario tho, and it's something i appreciate in FE as well (makes sense, same dev)...

Small numbers. Small easily calculable numbers.

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Looks like the announcement of Civilization VII got accidentally leaked early. Time to wait 3 years for all the expansions to be released and the entire package to go on sale.🥱 Then I'll log +100 hours in of it without even trying.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, those are its original borders when it was first created. XD

I thought the southwestern border along the Nueces was straighter than that? I think I remember once seeing a historical image of it?

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

To be fair, that's where the evasion-boosting badges come into play. Specially the ones that activate when under Danger. Beyond that, you have stuff like Koops' Shell Shield to avoid damage as well.

I completely forgot about that disposable shield. An actual use for Koops, the guy needs it, he is lower-tier among the partners even though Quick Change in practice fuses them into a hydra with its HP split amongst its heads. And with Mario so dangerously deadly, the partners being on support duty makes total sense.


10 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

...do you even need superguardwith that much Attack power? Can'T you pretty much one shot everything you see, especially if you can do power bounce right?

You're probably right. Again, I never tried Danger Mario and I've never seen a vid of that probably beautifully busted thing.😅

5 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

One thing i super appreciate in Paper Mario tho, and it's something i appreciate in FE as well (makes sense, same dev)...

Small numbers. Small easily calculable numbers.

You're certainly not the only one to say this yeah. And I do see it- when 10 is a MASSIVE damage number.🤩 

Just now, Codename Shrimp said:

Ayy Glass canon with needed support

As I've said before, Etrian Odyssey has lots of fun class combinations.😄 My next run (Nexus) for instance will use one of these:


An Imperial. The class is built around magic-infused strikes called Drives, which deal HUGE damage, so much so their mechanical swords overheat and Drives become unusable for several turns afterwards. And if that weren't enough, on the turn a Drive gets carried out, the Imperial takes massive action speed penalty and takes doubled damage until they act, so they become very fragile.

-Thus I intend to pair my Imperial with the designated tank class- the Protector, to assure the Imperial lives during Drive execution. I could use a Survivalist for Quick Step to force the Imperial to act immediately, or shut down the big baddy with binds & ailments, but I want the Protector. Partly because... it'll pair well with my Shogun, the Pro's Taunt + and Sho's Great General buffs will make it all but certain enemies target the Pro, which will make using the Shogun's Front Command counterattack skill on subsequent turns very reliable and fairly strong between the Imp-Sho-Pro front line. Front Command can be infused with a magical element applied via my Sovereign's Fire/Freeze/Shock Arms, and so can the Sho's strongest katana attack 5-Ring Sword, allowing the blows to cut through anything. Great Warrior applies not only an enemy aggro buff but also a very strong physical damage buff to the applicant, which means I'll use it on the Imperial during boss battles. Then on the turn immediately afterwards, it'll be time to go crazy and initiate Force Boosts- the Imp goes into Ignition for three back-to-back turns of Drives, the Shogun activates Unified Effort to increase the damage everyone deals and buff their max HP, if that isn't survivability enough for the three turns the Protector uses Shield Protect (otherwise, the Pro uses Shield Smite as I'm told shield attacks are unusually strong in Nexus). Somewhere in this, I have the Sovereign use Final Decree for another one-turn 40% damage boost, perhaps on the first turn of Ignition, in which case I have the Imperial use Charge Edge the turn before to add +125% damage to the first Drive, which mandates I use two other Edge skills before that, but I need time to set the buffs up anyhow. Last team slot... I'll throw in a Zodiac, even though it isn't so crazily synergistic, the optimizer in me shouts "Use a Harbinger to debuff enemy defense and get another one-time +65% damage boost via Miasma Tsunami!", but I really don't feel like a Harbinger on this team.😆 The Zodiac can take a Harbinger subclass in the lategame, that'll be good enough, it's damage I'm told falls off later. The Sovereign can take Ninja so it can create a clone of itself and apply buffs twice as fast. Heck, with the Zodiac's Etheric Gleam + the clone, during the Force Boost madness, I can Final Decree + Element Bomb II, reapply three buffs on the next turn, and Final Decree + Element Bomb II again.


...Still awake?😅 If only I put one-tenth of this planning into the important things in life.

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

the guy needs it, he is lower-tier among the partners


He was one of my more used ones, due to having cheap area attack (to clear mobs easily), shield and very easy action commands. Ofc he the downside of lower HP (altough one extra def, right?) and the fact that he can get toppled.

Lowest for me is Old man bomb. An attack that only is active next turn and hard to aim, and a 9 FP aoe attack is way too expensive, even if it has Luna.

Highest imo are Vivian and Yoshkid. Vivian has that super cheap one turn invincibility thing, and her attacks are really good, while Charged Yoshkid just destroys stuff with Ground Pound and Stampede. Egg and tongue are also great, and his commands are also on the easy side.

Goombella should be high as well, what's with being a dancer and all, but damn is dance really hard to pull off.

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I thought the southwestern border along the Nueces was straighter than that? I think I remember once seeing a historical image of it?

Well, the river does not extend all across the southwest border, if I recall. Or maybe the game tried but didn't got it accurate enough since it has to mind province shapes for game balance or something.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I completely forgot about that disposable shield. An actual use for Koops, the guy needs it, he is lower-tier among the partners even though Quick Change in practice fuses them into a hydra with its HP split amongst its heads. And with Mario so dangerously deadly, the partners being on support duty makes total sense.

It's practically mandatory with the superbosses, pft. What with they having multi-hit high power attacks.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You're certainly not the only one to say this yeah. And I do see it- when 10 is a MASSIVE damage number.🤩 


Can't say I ever had a problem not doing calculations in big number games. Unless it's like SRW where you need to avoid killing an enemy and the game has no Mercy, it's like... no big deal.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Still awake?

Paper Luigi telling story moment xD

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 If only I put one-tenth of this planning into the important things in life.

what's more important than having fun?

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

t's practically mandatory with the superbosses, pft. What with they having multi-hit high power attacks.

the only reason i was able to beat the new superboss was due to Koopster shield. Shield + charging Mario to high heaven

And Mouse-chan's Luna slap

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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3 hours ago, BrightBow said:


Perhaps the best video on the internet.

48 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

One thing i super appreciate in Paper Mario tho, and it's something i appreciate in FE as well (makes sense, same dev)...

Small numbers. Small easily calculable numbers.

They also did WarioWare, which is literally small games. I guess that's their whole shtick.

22 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Paper Luigi telling story moment xD

I always knew it wasn't going to happen but them going the route of the M&L remakes and having this become an actually playable campaign would've been, so amazing.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I guess that's their whole shtick.

Being small

Insert innuendo here

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I always knew it wasn't going to happen but them going the route of the M&L remakes and having this become an actually playable campaign would've been, so amazing.


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14 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Swiggity swooty, ceasey and desisty.

- Nintendo the moment this gets any traction

...I scrolled down and they have a twit where they claim that if it's not a remake it's in not as much danger. Here's hoping. I was thinking of Power Star Frenzy but I think that one was discontinued by the devs of their own volition so they could just make their own IP and not risk it.

On the other hand, Mario Royale, so really the trick is hope to God you don't accidentally toy with an idea that they're also considering. Which, in fairness, doesn't seem to be the case here or they'd already have done it.

If this does manage to come out it'll be the best Paper Mario game by default so let's cross our fingers

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:


He was one of my more used ones, due to having cheap area attack (to clear mobs easily), shield and very easy action commands. Ofc he the downside of lower HP (altough one extra def, right?) and the fact that he can get toppled.

Koops seemed kinda boring and weak to me -as a child that is.😅 He and Flurrie were the worst two. Maybe my adult eyes would see things differently.

...Actually, I must've completely ignored the Def-negation of Shell Slam when I younger, since I know I liked Ms. Mowz's Love Slap for having that property.😝

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Lowest for me is Old man bomb. An attack that only is active next turn and hard to aim, and a 9 FP aoe attack is way too expensive, even if it has Luna.

Maybe because I didn't spend FP all that much (HP was >> everything to me), but Bobbery was actually in the top two for me in my youth. His basic attack is like the best, minus the fact it can't hit anything airborne. And he has the highest HP of the partners?

Some of Bobbery non-basic attacks are also at least more interesting than his PM1 predecessor Bombette's. Her normal attack was a Body Slam, followed by a single-target Bomb, then an all-ground Power Bomb, and all-enemies Mega Bomb. IS seriously couldn't think of anything for a Bob-omb except BOOM! BOMB. Hold Fast and Bomb Squad tried to be different.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Highest imo are Vivian

Agreed. Veil is soooooo good, basically necessary on certain boss attacks. Fiery Jinx and her basic Shade Fist are both good too.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Yoshi Kid I would say is bad -without proper investment. The Ground Pound is useless against spiky enemies, and both it and Stampede are bad against any baddies with even 1 Def.

However! With Charge P, the Power Punch item, Power Lift, then Yoshi Kid gets good, IMO. Owing to the multi-hit nature of his attacks.

It's perhaps not intuitive to more casual/not-so-calculating players.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Goombella should be high as well, what's with being a dancer and all, but damn is dance really hard to pull off.

...I thought Rally Wink had a cost of 10 FP, but I see was mistaking it with Ms. Mowz's Smooch (10 HP for 10 FP, seems overpriced). -Although to make a Rally Wink worth it, Mario is going to have to spend some serious FP himself, probably, unless he's built stupid strong.

51 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Being small

Insert innuendo here

IS the True Developer behind One-inch Tactics?😛

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

IS the True Developer behind One-inch Tactics?😛


19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


main use: removing minions and mobs lol.

Against Cult-kun when he summoned the green triangle thingies to protect himself, i let her blow them away and then just jumped him lol

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Luna effect is a godsend against a certain superboss that has a whooping 6 DEF

Mouse-chan, Koopa shield and +20 Charged Mario ftw lol

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And he has the highest HP of the partners?

yh fully promoted 40 HP.

And he does have that one defensive ability as well - but honestly never used it lol.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

useless against spiky enemies

for spiky enemies it's either Bonk time well, they are literally horny or Koopster. Yoshi Eggs could work, but Spiky enemies are usually defensive as well, so...

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

However! With Charge P, the Power Punch item, Power Lift, then Yoshi Kid gets good, IMO. Owing to the multi-hit nature of his attacks.

yh. Honestly, the strongest one to receive buffs. Unbuffed he is a like a Myrmidon with 5% Str growth. But hit him with the buffs and he just melts enemies away. I had to ultra buff him while panicking yesterday and all life shrooms gone, hence why you saw the giant Yoshkid in the pic i posted xD

Also tongue for spike enemies to just kill them! No Buffs needed.

So i'd put Yoshi up up UP! xD

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although to make a Rally Wink worth it, Mario is going to have to spend some serious FP himself, probably, unless he's built stupid strong


And to get the damn dance right XD

I only pulled it off like once the whole game lmao.

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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22 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Just grind using Triple Triad and Card mod, then. Takes little time/effort provided you can understand the simple rules to begin with.

Yeah, I didn't get that far. All I did was the fire cave, lmao

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34 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

Yeah, I didn't get that far. All I did was the fire cave, lmao

Triple Triad is playable if you talk to the boy on 2F in Balamb Garden, he gives you a playing deck for free.

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Hmm, I don't think I dabbled much in Tripple Triad when I played FFVIII. Did went through the trouble of getting all the spells to junction high stats, and my go-to strategy was to pretty much spam Aura. XD

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm, I don't think I dabbled much in Tripple Triad when I played FFVIII. Did went through the trouble of getting all the spells to junction high stats, and my go-to strategy was to pretty much spam Aura. XD

Standard FFVIII strats!

Triple Triad is addictive as hell, lol. Card mod literally breaks the game.

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15 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Triple Triad is addictive as hell, lol.

-If one has any inclination towards card games. With Triple Triad, Tetra Masters, Shovel Knight's Joustus, all three of these I put zero effort into learning. I made entirely shortsighted moves hoping for the best and tried again every time I lost, for the handful of mandatory times I had to play these.😆 I likely would've placed the same amount of non-effort in FFX-2's Sphere Break minigame for the sake of winning that one Dressphere, had I played the game more than I did. My brain seems hardwired to not learn how to play/win these kinds of little games (I'm sure we're all this way on some things, if each of us with different things).😅

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

likely would've placed the same amount of non-effort in FFX-2's Sphere Break minigame for the sake of winning that one Dressphere,

Beating Shinra is satisfying though! Besides, that game is too complex. Xd

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