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Now I have to deal with news in the US too nooooo

I don't wanna have to think about serious thingssssss

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It's so joever....

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Looks like I gotta prepare to fuck off to Spain...

be prepare for that stay to be only for a few years because the alt right is rising everywhere in Europe and Trump wining will galvanize them more

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The memes are fast.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They're not mountains, they're an earthen wall Africans will build to keep the stinky Americans out.

Hard to blame them.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Donald Trump got shot but they missed....


Just, wew.

I slept through the news cycle for this, though it apparently happened before I was asleep? To the extent this is how I first got an inkling of what happened.

Learning the shooter was Republican and 20 and of course died so any profile will be limited, that's rough. The accusations will be flying.

Let's be honest, more than a few people wouldn't be sad if he'd actually been killed.

7 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Then be the better person, don't stoop to others' levels of low.

Fair enough to say when you don't think you're at risk.

I don't blame anyone for being fearful, the man's given enough reason and shown enough willingness to just roll with policy like the stuff he said he's going to implement this time to cause alarm.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Well the fear of a very bleak future ahead is motivating me to resume looking for a new psyche after what I thought would be an easy second attempt fell through. Because the terror of this moment is such that nothing enjoyable can possibly be enjoyed for the rest of this evening.

Though much of it is lamenting what will be the fates of the impersonal collective humanity beyond myself, I admit to a self-centered element. Namely, s/s marriage being repealed before I ever have a boyfriend.

...Now back to Googling names.

Here's hoping it works out well for you.

6 hours ago, Benice said:


Fucking Suarez biting into a Canadian victory

6 hours ago, Hrothgar777 said:

Whichever idiot really tried it did the man a solid. They made him look sympathetic 2 days ahead of his nomination. People who otherwise hate his guts, past Presidents even, have phoned in messages of support for him. Whether he wins or loses, the 15th will be remembered as the moment in time when he was at the top of the world and had the singular best chance of becoming Potus again.

  Yeah, that's all true, watch the guns be clawed back all week in Milwaukee, I think it's where they're doing the RNC?

5 hours ago, Hrothgar777 said:

And of course, my condolences for the family of the innocent bystander who lost their life.

Rest in peace

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The news ain't all bad.

Seeing someone causing violence get hit back is an interesting exception to out "please no violence" rules in a social sense.

20 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Oh jeez where's this coming from?

That's such an obvious edit too, can't even make the gun look like it was on the table smh

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If the democrats had a bit of backbone, I think they actually could use this incident against Trump.
They could frame this as part of a larger issue about a violent political climate that Trump went out of his way to cultivate.
Not like prominent Democrats weren't the victims of politically motivated violence before, like Pelosi's husband. So they could treat the fact that Trump himself was the target this time as somewhat incidental to a larger problem that he himself caused.

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Fair enough to say when you don't think you're at risk.

I don't blame anyone for being fearful, the man's given enough reason and shown enough willingness to just roll with policy like the stuff he said he's going to implement this time to cause alarm.

I dont think that excuses that? Ive been down that path, it doesnt work.

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Here's hoping it works out well for you.

I ran through enough potential names last night, dozens, now I just need to email a few of them. 

Afterwards, I tried to get my skull into silly things that one wishes they could unsee, because the pungent smell of a rafflesia numbs one to other odors. -It didn't stop me from waking up with an elevated heartbeat, no more than a week after existential dread had had me doing that for about seven consecutive days.

Which makes me realize- I am petty, I am weak. Think upon the innumerable who throughout humanity's existence have had their lives cut short, and the countless who have lived through dark ages of civilizations -because remember, people have and still do. Try to conceive of the inconceivable many who spent their entire lives in squalor, and the unimaginable numbers who never knew a day where they lived not afraid. My circumstances aren't really all that bad, compared to what others have and still deal with. I can ask myself "Why am I only me? Why am I only now?", in the sci-fi genre of which I enjoy, I can visualize a future where things are better -why do I not exist then? Where is the fairness in being? ...If only these thoughts actually shook me to my core right now, as is, it's me trying, and failing, to shift to the existential when earthly matters are what gives me worry. Just as others are far more hardened than I on accepting the end inevitable, so I too think I may be as lacking for thick skin on the horrible affairs of this world.

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8 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

be prepare for that stay to be only for a few years because the alt right is rising everywhere in Europe and Trump wining will galvanize them more

Tbf France did just hand Le Pen a massive L. And Spain's been bucking the trend on the alt right for a while now unless things have changed.

And of course, UK kicked the Tories to the curb.

4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:




"Official act".

4 hours ago, Dayni said:

Learning the shooter was Republican and 20 and of course died so any profile will be limited, that's rough

Mad that Trump wasn't racist enough.


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The plot thickens......

(/s before anyone thinks this isn't just a phrasing goof)

Also apparently Trump's injury might have been caused by glass from something that got shot nearby? I mean, considering how bad a shot the would be president killer was it's possible? Not sure that's the case off the wound, but I'm no expert in that.

1 minute ago, Lightcosmo said:

I dont think that excuses that? Ive been down that path, it doesnt work.

  Whatever about excusing it, acting like people being frustrated by someone in a prominent position where they aim to cause harm and not wishing them well where they won't act on it I'm willing to argue can come across as being on a high horse.

I've had shifts away from thinking like that myself, but I don't blame someone for seeing a person who will act in their worst interests (if not outright attack them) and not wanting them to do well.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

If the democrats had a bit of backbone, I think they actually could use this incident against Trump.
They could frame this as part of a larger issue about a violent political climate that Trump went out of his way to cultivate.
Not like prominent Democrats weren't the victims of politically motivated violence before, like Pelosi's husband. So they could treat the fact that Trump himself was the target this time as somewhat incidental to a larger problem that he himself caused.

Whether the Dems will respond to it like that, not sure. This does involve someone who has been a president and in the context of the US, that plays different to any other political figure, once you've been one you're still framed as such and people don't tend to respond harshly when one's life has been threatened. I'd doubt it'd happen.

Just to compare over here on a tangent, we've had several politicians getting far right groups standing outside their houses to intimidate them these last few years, with a state response only coming after there was a group standing outside Harris (Simon)'s house there a few months ago. There was a decent amount of minimsing the risks of that shit before and nobody had been brought in when they were draping stuff on a minister's house recently enough before the act over the line. None of the framing was taken seriously before then, especially for opposition TDs, where you could read some taking a bit of joy in it or at least not caring.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

I ran through enough potential names last night, dozens, now I just need to email a few of them. 

Afterwards, I tried to get my skull into silly things that one wishes they could unsee, because the pungent smell of a rafflesia numbs one to other odors. -It didn't stop me from waking up with an elevated heartbeat, no more than a week after existential dread had had me doing that for about seven consecutive days.

Which makes me realize- I am petty, I am weak. Think upon the innumerable who throughout humanity's existence have had their lives cut short, and the countless who have lived through dark ages of civilizations -because remember, people have and still do. Try to conceive of the inconceivable many who spent their entire lives in squalor, and the unimaginable numbers who never knew a day where they lived not afraid. My circumstances aren't really all that bad, compared to what others have and still deal with. I can ask myself "Why am I only me? Why am I only now?", in the sci-fi genre of which I enjoy, I can visualize a future where things are better -why do I not exist then? Where is the fairness in being? ...If only these thoughts actually shook me to my core right now, as is, it's me trying, and failing, to shift to the existential when earthly matters are what gives me worry. Just as others are far more hardened than I on accepting the end inevitable, so I too think I may be as lacking for thick skin on the horrible affairs of this world.

Part of me is curious about what horrors were viewed, but I don't know that I'd take it well.

And then there's the "Life's going on with all that's happening?". For so many, there's the reality that they just have to. Whatever about strength, pushing on through rough times is kinda expected in our societies, whatever about how okay that is. Arming oneself to realise that we have to be able to get up again, much as when it's in your head it can weigh like a ton of bricks while dancing on a few neurons and feel all encompassing. I'm not saying you'll be ready immediately, get it right all the time or even that you'll see it when you're in a mental quagmire. But life goes on, and we should too, for the time we have.

And I write this next sentence knowing it reads pretty fucked up but I do want to make a point with it: "You're already in that position of privilege, what can you do from there?" What I want to get it with it is that we're in positions of privilege in terms of the world as a whole whatever about our relative privilege where we are. There's places to do stuff close by I hope. Look at what you can do from where you are, as much as you can.

Just now, Armagon said:

Tbf France did just hand Le Pen a massive L. And Spain's been bucking the trend on the alt right for a while now unless things have changed.

Curious to see if recent Far Right merging will lead somewhere with an incoming General election here. Decent chance, but I'd also argue they're really not bringing the best forward and you kinda need that in a political system so embedded in the past parties, but a general election will be the real test.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Mad that Trump wasn't racist enough.

I first thought that was about the race of the shooter being white, but then I realised it was, for different reasons.

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9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Whether the Dems will respond to it like that, not sure. This does involve someone who has been a president and in the context of the US, that plays different to any other political figure, once you've been one you're still framed as such and people don't tend to respond harshly when one's life has been threatened. I'd doubt it'd happen.

Dems should put out a gun control bill, call it something like "Save Trump from Guns Act" or something and just dare Republicans to try and block it.


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28 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Whatever about excusing it, acting like people being frustrated by someone in a prominent position where they aim to cause harm and not wishing them well where they won't act on it I'm willing to argue can come across as being on a high horse.

I've had shifts away from thinking like that myself, but I don't blame someone for seeing a person who will act in their worst interests (if not outright attack them) and not wanting them to do well.

And your just doing the same thing, on the opposite end. So... what are you really getting out of it? I don't think that makes it right, personally.

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1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

And your just doing the same thing, on the opposite end. So... what are you really getting out of it? I don't think that makes it right, personally.

You can't just keep getting attacked and your rights stripped away and do/feel nothing.

Someone like that asshole Trump will ruin alot of lives, and not just in the US. And for no reason than "These people are different" Where different is your flavor of minority, whether ethnic, sexual, political, cultural, religious, ideological or anything that comes to mind. Half of which people don't get to choose anyway.

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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I don't know who needs to read this, but take a chill pill dude. If 45 gets elected again, he's not going to kill or imprison you. Or anyone you know. Or strip away your human rights, or those of any US citizen. Sheesh. If he had the power to do that he'd still be President today.

Edited by Hrothgar777
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Talking about Endless Space 2 a few days ago put me in the mood to play it again.😆 And I needed something to play when the TV wasn't free for Megaton Musashi. Loaded up ES2 on Friday, spent the day frustratingly resetting dozens and dozens of times until I got an incredible map -as in three high-quality Slumbering Ruins locations- for the faction I had chosen, the Nakalim. Played until 2:00AM, continued it yesterday, was going to finish the run last night, but 😱 got in the way.


...The general idea of the Nakalim would possibly be a good fit for Fire Emblem?🤔 Their backstory is that one of the Lost, the ancient superbeings who preceded the ancient Endless supercivilization, blessed the Nakalim with its power and wisdom. The Nakalim named their home planet after the Lost, Sobra, and created a flourishing empire within their corner of the galaxy. Since the bodies of the Lost were comprised of the powerful sci-fi substance known as Dust, however, the Endless eventually slaughtered them all, including Sobra. The death of Sobra was the demise of the Nakalim Empire, as they were entirely dependent on their god for the knowledge that allowed them to become an interstellar species well before they should've been without its assistance. The empire collapsed, and the Nakalim, obeying prophecy, chose to go into stasis until the day arrived that the Nakalim civilization would be reborn. -With a fellow Lost-venerating individual awakening them from their thousands of years of sleep, the Nakalim believe the prophesied time has come.

(Confusingly, a second account of the Nakalim provided in the game's menus say they did well while the Endless fought their civil wars. And that they continued to do well via the ruins the Endless left behind, in an intermediate period before other galactic civilizations rose up, but eventually the Nakalim declined into hibernation all the same. The two stories aren't incompatible, perhaps Sobra was among the last Lost slain, perhaps the Endless ruins delayed the decline from Sobra's death. But the game itself doesn't provide reconciliation for the backstories.)

Replace "Lost" and "Endless" with "dragon" and "beast people dragon" and the Nakalim are already humans. I think the concept could work? Do the 3H mole people already kinda touch on this idea ever so slightly?


2 hours ago, Dayni said:

And then there's the "Life's going on with all that's happening?". For so many, there's the reality that they just have to. Whatever about strength, pushing on through rough times is kinda expected in our societies, whatever about how okay that is. Arming oneself to realise that we have to be able to get up again, much as when it's in your head it can weigh like a ton of bricks while dancing on a few neurons and feel all encompassing. I'm not saying you'll be ready immediately, get it right all the time or even that you'll see it when you're in a mental quagmire. But life goes on, and we should too, for the time we have.

Bolded- a simple somber phrase like that is what can often get me 😰 when I'm full-out MDD (even the stone-cold classic shorthand "R.I.P." hits me). Not right now, though I will admit to an initial pang of fright reading that.😅

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

And I write this next sentence knowing it reads pretty fucked up but I do want to make a point with it: "You're already in that position of privilege, what can you do from there?" What I want to get it with it is that we're in positions of privilege in terms of the world as a whole whatever about our relative privilege where we are. There's places to do stuff close by I hope. Look at what you can do from where you are, as much as you can.

True. There's the old idea of "If you can't change the world, change yourself" (which fails to address the rebuttal "But what if the world doesn't want you in it?"). Or, if one wishes to change what is without regardless, to focus on what's close, not far away (despite what's far being able to have a huge impact on what's close).

Certainly, the modern world encourages us with privilege to be aware of it and acknowledge others don't have it as good. Given the enormity of their material wealth, the rich are often criticized for not doing remotely enough for those without privilege. Yet, without sounding uncaring and selfish, one should enjoy their good fortune, whatever it be. And for us lower in the hierarchy, the non-saintly (if you want to be saintly, good for you!) balance of humility to partaking of one's luck, is... not sure if it is the exact same ratio only the acts on both sides are less BIG, or if there are indeed different ratios for broadly-defined middle class and the truly affluent.😅

-And thanks for the words.😀

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"Goddamm brokes" - Barron Petrov, industrialist

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Dems should put out a gun control bill, call it something like "Save Trump from Guns Act" or something and just dare Republicans to try and block it.

I can see someone suggesting that name, but no way will they vote for it.

2 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

And your just doing the same thing, on the opposite end. So... what are you really getting out of it? I don't think that makes it right, personally.

Did I claim I was getting anything out of it? I'm not.

Giving people grief for having negative thoughts about someone who has been acting badly and aiming it at them in some form had bothered me in the sense that it felt like a bit righteous for it's own sake. The point had been on not stooping to the worst kind of people's level, which had not gone on here anyways.

How we feel isn't the same as how we act. Not wanting to see someone who has done us harm do well isn't doing something that would damage them, from getting them called out to physical harm.

In that sense, I could have been better. Not all of us are in the position to be able to act "correctly", but I put it in a way that was brusque and mean. Apologies.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Bolded- a simple somber phrase like that is what can often get me 😰 when I'm full-out MDD (even the stone-cold classic shorthand "R.I.P." hits me). Not right now, though I will admit to an initial pang of fright reading that.😅

Hate the idea myself, probably would take the immortality pill despite it probably being a cosmic horror idea.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

True. There's the old idea of "If you can't change the world, change yourself" (which fails to address the rebuttal "But what if the world doesn't want you in it?"). Or, if one wishes to change what is without regardless, to focus on what's close, not far away (despite what's far being able to have a huge impact on what's close).

Certainly, the modern world encourages us with privilege to be aware of it and acknowledge others don't have it as good. Given the enormity of their material wealth, the rich are often criticized for not doing remotely enough for those without privilege. Yet, without sounding uncaring and selfish, one should enjoy their good fortune, whatever it be. And for us lower in the hierarchy, the non-saintly (if you want to be saintly, good for you!) balance of humility to partaking of one's luck, is... not sure if it is the exact same ratio only the acts on both sides are less BIG, or if there are indeed different ratios for broadly-defined middle class and the truly affluent.😅

-And thanks for the words.😀

Starting small is as much about practicality in access as is practicality in succeeding. I'm not going to be able to waltz up to national departments and get my suggested changes in, because that's not happening like that because I could be claimed to be somewhat detached with reality as is, I'm not on that level. And changing yourself? I suppose it's a "change your mind" kind of deal it's going for, but we already know certain movements would use it in bad faith.

Ultimately, acknowledgement should be one part of the whole, with further action taken. If I were perfectly aligned on certain goals I'd be doing a fair amount differently, so I know I ain't there yet. But it's something.

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Siren was both surprisingly tougher and easier to defeat than previous Rune Prana bosses. Alright, reached Rune Prana 6. I can't believe I'm so close now!

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I'm making a collection if anyone wants to add.

Seriously though, if any center-left folks want to get up an arms about wishing violence on a political figure, know that tolerance as an agreement only applies to people who also have signed that agreement. Trump and his cult of personality are based around the intolerance of others in society and so the rules of tolerance do not apply to them.

And don't make the mistake that wishing for his death is based off of a pure personal hatred for him as a person, when what's really important here is how his death would've guaranteed the loss of the Republican party this election and his greater influence on alt-right movements across the globe.

3 hours ago, Hrothgar777 said:

I don't know who needs to read this, but take a chill pill dude. If 45 gets elected again, he's not going to kill or imprison you. Or anyone you know. Or strip away your human rights, or those of any US citizen. Sheesh. If he had the power to do that he'd still be President today.

Me as a Latino watching people shrug off Trump's presidency like it was nothing when meanwhile my family is still trying to piece itself back together after several family members were deported back to El Salvador.



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Was maybe thinking of seeing Ellis Island... in a few months. Too hot and busy this time of year. I apparently saw it when I visited the Statue of Liberty ...but that was before the Twin Towers fell, so I remember it not.😅 Feels odd that I haven't really been to that historic tourist destination, and the tickets include Liberty Island too.

$25 for the ferry that takes you to the two islands is fine, it includes everything on the islands themselves. However, if one wants to see the half of Ellis where the unrestored medical facilities (keeping the terribly ill out of America was one of Ellis Island's jobs) are, you need a $75 ticket.😐 I love history yes, but paying triple simply for that makes me queasy. *Checks why this might be* It's called the Hard Hat tour b/c you have to wear a hard hat? How is it that structures of the famed hub of immigration right to NYC have fallen into such disrepair?🤨 I guess wards for the sick simply aren't tourist-sexy like the Great Hall.


29 minutes ago, Dayni said:

"Goddamm brokes" - Barron Petrov, industrialist

Bring back barter!

It worked for the Egyptians, Egypt didn't have money until the Ptolemies. Those pyramids are peak anti-capitalism. 

22 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And changing yourself? I suppose it's a "change your mind" kind of deal it's going for, but we already know certain movements would use it in bad faith.

Precisely what I meant. And yeah I already visualized the deeply problematic version of that phrase. The thing Roman Stoics and Buddhists alike would probably tell you to do.

Alas, escaping into the wilderness to live as a hermit unaffected by the vagaries of society, is not the most comfortable nor viable of lifestyles.


1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Siren was both surprisingly tougher and easier to defeat than previous Rune Prana bosses.

The old RF1 mermaid boss? Definitely was a step down from the prior bosses in that game, since you have to wait until Winter to fight it.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

The old RF1 mermaid boss? Definitely was a step down from the prior bosses in that game, since you have to wait until Winter to fight it.

Well, Rune Prana is all about reusing bosses from the series, heh.

Easier in that it's not that hard to dodge its attacks. Just put on an Aquamarine Brooch and use a long-distance weapon.

Tougher in that you can't just relentlessly attack since it's constantly diving and resurfacing from the pool of water it dwells. And also since for some reason its musical attack was able to one-shot me like twice over, and I still have no idea why.

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15 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

And don't make the mistake that wishing for his death is based off of a pure personal hatred for him as a person, when what's really important here is how his death would've guaranteed the loss of the Republican party this election and his greater influence on alt-right movements across the globe.

Well multiple things can be true at once. Yes Trump's death would've decapitated the GOP. But also he would be seen as a martyr by his supporters and violence could escalate drastically, even more so than right now.

15 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Me as a Latino watching people shrug off Trump's presidency like it was nothing when meanwhile my family is still trying to piece itself back together after several family members were deported back to El Salvador.

Trump-supporting Latinos are the biggest group of hypocrites in a group filled with hypocrites.

Edited by Armagon
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