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I know I'm being a bit of a downer, but here's a silly article for today.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

That's because Ireland is letting transphobia be Britain's thing. They don't want it.

Knowing who's involved in the fires and the company they keep, I'd argue they would be more on that if this wasn't their ticket.

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Scenario 17

Both groups finally reunite. As with V, there's an optional choice to get a recap of the route not taken.

In some ways it also serves as one for the characters, since as previously mentioned, the Dunbine cast missed out the Mariemaria uprising. Which means the likes of Show still have a bone to pick with Zechs. Also, I see the Valiancer Combination getting a power boost is because they got another member to join in. Probably got isekai'd separately, I'm guessing. Also, seems Aoba and Dio are getting along even better post route split.

Next, Seabook introduces the Shangri-La gang. So as per the norm, the UC Gundam timeline is compressed. V certainly went wild in the other direction by putting F91 and Crossbone to happen a century after, haha. It's probably explained later, but I would not be surprised then if Iron Mask Carozzo had allied with Haman. That would explain the whole "final battle at Axis" bit Seabook mentioned. Anyway, interesting, Judau mentions Ple going missing after fighting Ple Two. In the ZZ anime, it is Ple Two who kills Ple, but... is it another case of "died in canon, gets revived isekai'd to Al-Warth in SRW X instead" in action? Or she just got whisked away without actually dying or coming close to it?

Anyway, elsewhere the captains are discussing the possibility of Misurugi and Doakdar being in cahoots. No tangible proof to be had yet, but it is clear they've both promised Otherwordlers that if they help then, they can return back home. Regardless, Misurugi seems intent to using them to expand and conquer. Still, Nemo has a hunch they are not working together.

Afterwards, as part of the recap the entire group start making the world count. So far, we have:

The world with Daitarn, Gundam Wing, and Dunbine. Seems they went through the events of Gundam Wing first, though the first half of Dunbine's were happening concurrently in Byston Well. However, there is one big change. Rather than an OZ vs White Fang conflict, it was OZ vs White Fang vs... the Holy Britannian Empire. Yep, Code Geass is also part of this world. Story-wise, X picks it up just after R2. Anyway, once the war in Byston Well got brought into the Overworld, Drake allied himself with Britannia. So as the final battle of Gundam Wing was happening in outer space, the Dunbine one was going on concurrently over the Pacific Ocean, with Britannian participation. With the heroes either exhausted or dead, it paved the way for the Zero Requiem. But sike! Here it fails since the Mariemaria launched their attack not long after. Interestingly, Zechs brings up part of his reason he changed his tune was due to meeting with Queen Ciela. Though it seems to help placate Show's enmity somewhat. Overall, these string of never endings conflicts gets this world the nickname of World of Revolution. Don't know if it's an actual official term used in-game like the NCC/UC/AD Worlds of V, but it's what it is called out of it at least, from what I see.

In any case, before Banjo gets to the next point, enemies come knocking...

The battleships get knocked down to the ground, and the nearby city... looks it got scrambled out. Out comes the one responsible, the Doakdar boss of Sokai's Second Tier, Death God. He commands the power of inversion, thanks to the Mirror of Truth. Another of Sokai's treasures. Well, time to rumble!

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The battleships can't move and are grounded, but I'd assume they can still fight back if needed. Not that I'll need it since I move my units away from them. The objective is to defeat Death God, who flees the moment his Skelebat receives even a single point of damage (impossible, since the least possible is ten, pft). Defeating him is the SR point of the map, so it makes it clear there's more to happen upon being attacked. For hilarity, he can sense that Duo feels similar... and considers Al-Warth ain't big enough for two of them around, hahaha.

In any case, Death God flees, though not before mentioning about reviving a Dark Lord. Huh. However, BD League mechs show up. Seems Hoi Kow Lou is frustrated that Purple has upstaged them (well, he is a rock star), and so wants to vent... fighting the party. Well, whatever works, I guess. The battleships are still grounded, however.

A turn after, who show up but Kallen and Suzaku, ready to help. Though also Anya and Orange Jeremiah show up too... but they have joined Doakdar instead. Hmm...

Anyway, with the enemy routed, they fall back. The problem of the ships and town still persist, so the party might not be leaving any time soon. And through it all, a figure in shadow has been watching things unfold. Though, I can easily recognize who it is, heh.

In any case, curiously Kallen mentions her Guren was destroyed but now it's back again once she found herself in Al-Warth. The people is one thing, but now even the mechs too? And Suzaku reveals his own role in the Zero Requiem. And now the group realizes that the Dark Lord that Death God was talking about could very well be Lelouch himself. Speaking of the devil, somewhere unknown the man himself is actually being confronted by Banjo. He... seems quite broken down...

And so the map ends.

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Also, going on a little tangent here, here's a fun fact. Code Geass originally received the sponsorship of Pizza Hut. Heavy sponsorship...

r/CodeGeass - Anyone else miss the Pizza Hut boxes?

Memes be had to the fact the brand existed in the anime and was popular among the main characters.

Eventually the partnership ended, and from my understanding, they actually had to scrub out every single logo and reference from the entire series (although, it seems there was an exception with a mascot they used in Japan, Cheese-kun, of which at least on plushie of it appeared in the anime as well; they just renamed him rather than take him out, probably since it was harder to do so than the logos on the boxes). So it's certainly now something of a hard to find media the version with the logos still present.

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I miss Reload

6 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Why Corrin is Marth?

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Scenario 18

The group is up searching Death God. Split up in groups, the one consisting of the OG, Wataru, Himiko, and Shibaraku end up coming across none other than Lelouch. They're quick to notice he seems down in the dumps. Wataru is quick in wanting to cheer him up, and upon bringing up how he'll change the world and save it from Doakdar, does seem to trigger something in him. I tell ya, this kid is gonna go places. And now Jeremiah and Anya show up, which... uh, makes Lelouch run away in fear. Yeah, gonna admit, watching this side of him is just so weird. Anyway, despite the previous scuffle, they two say to the party that Death God is preparing another attack, and after being told they can leave Doakdar and join forces, they part ways. Interestingly, Anya seems to find some curiosity with the OG, which Jeremiah attributes to they being a magic user...

The party deploys, and Death God comes back, with Jeremiah and Anya in tow. Seems they were ordered to find Lelouch. Death God withdraws from now, and the other two do intend to fight. So... here we go.

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So, as y'all know, from time to time i go and pick up a JP SRPG studio game to play. So i picked up Rondoria R (ロンドリア物語R) - A remake/remaster of Rondoria - to my knowledge, one of the more famous ones in the JP SRPG studio scene.

Was fun!

So, as usual, time for....


And you'll instantly see what caught my eye


The lord of the game - A witch, broom, magic and everything. A Flying magic user with a focus on speed that has a pretty broken ability - Sure evasion after defeating an enemy...that also works on enemy phase. And her PRF item (The necklace) nullifies effectiveness.


Well, she had trouble one rounding stuff early on as her Magic was not that high, but once she went online Mag boosting item included, she was unstoppable.  Running around with high evasion (She has 86 here) AND a sure evasion skill made her almost invincible.  There were flying archer monsters that kinda hard countered her (read: They had high resistance and 50+ hit on her, a rarity), but they weren't that common.

Tl;DR: World needs more Witch lords!


The other lord of the game - Sword Dude. His prf was effective against monsters and had no durability....but only 5 MT.


Myrmidon Myrmidon's.

Supporting Witch-chan is the main reason i deployed him tbh.


Thief that had good enough magic to make use of magical weapons - hence why i used her a lot early on, even if she later fell of.


Staff bot. Surprisingly had alot of crits - then again 22 SKL is quite good!


3 Flier ladies that can triangle attack. Pinky quite flied ahead of the rest XD


Probably my most broken unit - you see, her skill gives her magic boost when she defeats an enemy - which allowed her to hit OHKO thresholds quite easily, combined with her naturally high magic.

However what was more amazing is her class skill - No matter the weapon you use, it uses the higher between STR and MAG for ATK calculation.....yeah. You can imagine how wild that was. She could melt armors with a sword thanks to it using the MAG stat. Even had a phase where her STR was higher than MAG (after promotion i think?) and the tomes used her STR for a bit before Magic pushed ahead again xD



Wyvern dude with a support with Mage-chan above. Had a vantage against Cav skill, so i gave him a Ridersbane and watched the show lol. However, quite slow and magic just eats him...


Dancer....with a tome!


Your local amazing Manakete! Did have to stat boost her up a bit early on, but then she just went on a RAMPAGE. Variety of Dstones for variety of styles and situations. Current equipped one is probably her strongest one, offering high Magical damge and tankiness, and 1-2 range. Red one focused more on physical tankiness, and my most used one once she hit doubling thresholds. Purple one focuses more on SPD and evasion at the cost of defence. Last one is a weaker 1 range version of the current equipped one. Her personal skill was Miracle and she supports with Sword Lordy, so i often put them together with Staff bot-chan.


Witch-chan's mentor i think? An early prepromote before going the way of staff botting


and last but not least, Sniper with Luna and good enough magic for magic bows! She Luna Crit the final boss to make my life alot easier xD



47 minutes ago, Venger_06 said:

Why Corrin is Marth?

i am doing something funny again xD

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Okay, defeated the both of them, and... haha, Anya drops a Life-Sized Chum Doll. Would she be the type to have such a thing? Don't know, but it's funny either way. XD

They withdraw. Seems there's some kind of unspoken plan going on here... which Suzaku seems aware of. Now Death God comes back, who threatens to use the Mirror of Truth again... on Lelouch! He's in the Skelebat's clutches. Death God has heard of his deeds, and plans to use the Mirror to bring back that side of him. Of course, if he had known the fully story, he would've realized that would not be exactly a good idea for him. Now Lelouch is back to his old self... and for sure he's not joining Doakdar. Himiko takes advantage of Death God being stunned by this developemnt to pilfer the Mirror. Handing it over to Wataru, he reverses its effects on the area. Now the battleships can fly again and so the city is back to normal. Now enraged, Death God tries to kill Lelouch, but Jeremiah and Anya interrupt him. Turns out, hey never really were on Doakdar's side all along. And now C.C. reveals herself, bringing the Shinkiro for Lelouch to pilot. Haaa, he even dons the Zero outfit too.

Alright, time to end this. Death God is going down!

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Alright, Death God defeated. Unlike with Cruising Tom, they do mention he ejected. So not quite dead... for now. Regardless, we got the Mirror.

So, things between Lelouch and his fellows seem to have come to an understanding. Amusingly enough, the Para-Mail pilots keep comparing him with Ange, heh. And speaking of, news have reach them that Misurugi plans to execute her sister...

So the map ends.

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Scenario 19

The news reached them through Jill, who got word from Momoka. She also sent a video from Sylvia herself addressed to Ange. Ange herself is ready to return to Misurugi, and of course, she's not without help. Even if it's just ensuring she can get there. Well, all but Spero, who is actually going with her. Though I doubt they'd actually make him her sub-pilot even if for just one map? Most of the rest of 1st Squadron, however, aren't that keen to see her off. Though Hilda does sympathize, bringing up she actually deserted once as well when Ange and Vivian went AWOL, in order to meet her mother. In the end, Ange doesn't actually leave alone. There's now an official plan for X-Cross to head to Misurugi.

Cygnus has reached the imperial capital. The N-Nautilus stayed behind to keep the outer defenses pinned down. Hmm,what of Megafauna? Ah, they were also causing a diversion. And they already have an assault squad inside the palace. Anyway, the welcoming reception has come out. As with V, Misurugi has to rely mostly on other series mechs, but now that they have actual allies, they aren't AI controlled. Capital Army, Zogilian, and Mariemaia grunts all come out, commandeered by Julio, though he does not take to the battlefield himself. At the palace, Ange and Momoka reunite, and with her help they infiltrate inside.

For now, the battle begins!

With the enemy routed, the party remains at alert... ah, now got to wait for Turn 4 to arrive. I routed on Turn 3. Okay, then.

Now then, the assault squad are still fighting their way through the palace. Ange has reached where Sylvia is being held... wow, they even set up a gallows. But, as it turns out, it was all a ruse by Julio and even Sylvia herself to kill Ange. If not for Suzaku and Lelouch being there, the plan would've worked. Still, Julio had it set-up so the populace would get front row seats, and they all spew Norma hatred at Ange. But in the end, Julio just ends up way out of his league, as Lelouch had come prepared for them all to escape... and blow up the palace too? Well, there were still lots of explosions either way. Ange is still too shaken up, but Task shows up and she snaps out of it.

Elsewhere, Embryo has been witnessing all unfold, but then Captain Nemo shows up. Hm? The two know each other? As it is, Nemo only wanted to confirm he and Gargoyle joined forces. Embryo doesn't say much, but does admit to wanting the Blue Water.

The squad leaves the palace, and the N-Nautilus now shows up. Hm? Seems the crew also know Embryo. In any case, now more enemies including Neo Atlanteans show up, but now the party must leave. With a four minute/turn limit, both battleships much each reach the marked edge of the map. Okay, let's go!

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2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Myrmidon Myrmidon's.

That's the pedophile from Mushoko Tensei.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Me to ask where old people

They're in your dreams Ruben. In your dreams.

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Seems routing doesn't end the map outright. Must get the battleships to the map edge. Fortunately, just they and not the rest of the units.

So, Embryo is happy with these developments... and so does another shadowed figure with him. Now this one I can't recognize. Oh well.

Back with the party, they've reunited with the Megafauna. Despite expectations, Doakdar forces never showed up, confirming they are not allied with Misurugi after all. Meanwhile, Ange is just so done with Misurugi... and the ills of the world it seems. Oh lol, the memes were true, Ange is really a female Lelouch. XD In any case, Tusk reveals about Embryo to the party, and at this Ange seems to be making the connection involving Nemo, since he is the one who came up with the infiltration plan. She actually goes to confront him about it, but Nemo says nothing. Still, he is fine with her wanting to take Embryo down.

So the map ends...

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Scenario 20

Mask has received orders to go after X-Cross while they're still in the Land of Mana. Before that, he reveals to his men about being a Kuntala. Apparently a discriminated group in the Regild Century. As it is, his squadron are also Kuntala, so he rallies them about how achieving victory may make their position here in Al-Warth rise up. Considering they're working for Misurugi... heck, even he acknowledges they discriminate the Norma. Before departing, he mentions about having to partner with another squadron who are using... forbidden mecha, huh.

Oh, okay, the world terms are official. They do mention World of Revolution for the Wing/Dunbine/Daitarn/CG world. Meanwhile, the Univeral Century world is now called the World of War. Hm, Bellri seems to find the term UC familiar...

Mask's group finally reached the heroes. The other group hasn't yet... Time to fight!

Enemy reinforcements show up, which Mask refer to as new models. They're... Jegans? The UC guys are quick to say they are MS's from their world. Oh lol, Judau is so mad Mask is claiming they're "new models". XD

So, uh, yeah, this technically counts as cross-piloting, but at the same time, SRW X kinda cheats here. Simply put, the game itself doesn't have a lot of G Reco's own mechs present. Instead, they have them pilot UC mechs. So yeah.

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No MMW today, so I resumed EO Nexus after 😰 had interrupted it weeks ago. Insta-death pineapples and a few other nasties aside (the EO experience), it's good to be back in it. -Though not as good as the orange-flavored cake I experienced for the first time today.🍊🍰😋


12 hours ago, Dayni said:

I know I'm being a bit of a downer, but here's a silly article for today.

The stupid things we all put ourselves through.😛


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, going on a little tangent here, here's a fun fact. Code Geass originally received the sponsorship of Pizza Hut. Heavy sponsorship...

"Received" or "conceived of as".😝

Interesting tidbit, thanks for sharing!😀

...And that Not April Fool's joke mentioned the other day? I saw a few people on the web comparing it to Wataru.


2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

So, as y'all know, from time to time i go and pick up a JP SRPG studio game to play. So i picked up Rondoria R (ロンドリア物語R) - A remake/remaster of Rondoria - to my knowledge, one of the more famous ones in the JP SRPG studio scene.

Was fun!

Glad you enjoyed it.😀

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Tl;DR: World needs more Witch lords!

Ofc you'd say that.😛

The art style screams generic, befitting a Maker game. But it's a polished generic 😉, which seems befitting of a re-whatever.

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

The other lord of the game - Sword Dude. His prf was effective against monsters and had no durability....but only 5 MT.

Sooooo ...Chrom's Falchion? For like 90% of Awakening.

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

However what was more amazing is her class skill - No matter the weapon you use, it uses the higher between STR and MAG for ATK calculation.....yeah. You can imagine how wild that was. She could melt armors with a sword thanks to it using the MAG stat. Even had a phase where her STR was higher than MAG (after promotion i think?) and the tomes used her STR for a bit before Magic pushed ahead again xD

Interesting idea. I could see it being in need of being balanced carefully.

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Your local amazing Manakete! Did have to stat boost her up a bit early on, but then she just went on a RAMPAGE. Variety of Dstones for variety of styles and situations. Current equipped one is probably her strongest one, offering high Magical damge and tankiness, and 1-2 range. Red one focused more on physical tankiness, and my most used one once she hit doubling thresholds. Purple one focuses more on SPD and evasion at the cost of defence. Last one is a weaker 1 range version of the current equipped one. Her personal skill was Miracle and she supports with Sword Lordy, so i often put them together with Staff bot-chan.

Which is precisely how a dstone user should be, IMO. You're changing not simply a weapon, but one's entire form, could and should have bigger differences for a more unique gameplay niche.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

"Received" or "conceived of as".😝

Interesting tidbit, thanks for sharing!😀

...And that Not April Fool's joke mentioned the other day? I saw a few people on the web comparing it to Wataru.

Apparently not the only anime that Pizza Hut sponsored, heh.

Hm? That video game actually being made? Interesting...

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Apparently not the only anime that Pizza Hut sponsored, heh.

...Which leaves me curious then if it's just major corporations trying to product placement everywhere, or if Pizza Hut has a particularly strong Japanese costumer base (perhaps like Kentucky Fried Christmas).

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hm? That video game actually being made? Interesting...

I guess isekai fantasy + robot + the game being outright said in its announcement to take inspiration from 90s anime (Wataru is 88-89, close enough) made them think that. Though I've zero familiarity with Wataru yet, and I am aware of other isekai magical mecha yet IDK if those random commenters do.😆

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So, defeating Mask, and perhaps after another turn passes from the Jegans appearing, Mask has reinforcements come in. More Jegans, with a battleship (can't recognize which one is it) among them. Masks ask if their trump card is ready, and Kerbes says yes. So deployes... the ZZ Gundam!? Haa, Judau gets even more mad, since he recognizes it as his one and only. However, beams of light suddenly attack from above! More mechs show up, but they aren't Capital Army, and in fact they attack both sides. They actually descended from outer space. They're still Regild mechs, nonetheless.

Mask orders the ZZ Gundam to attack them, but whoever is piloting it is... quite bad at aiming, and now the Gundam is out of control too. Kerbes asks Bellri to come, and equips the G-Self with the High Torque Pack. Bellri uses it to keep the Gundam in place so the pilot can get it down to normal. And now Judau asks him to step out and let him pilot. Mask orders any remaining units of his to withdraw with the transport, and now he and Kerbes will join up with the heroes to stop the Spacenoids... for now.

Hmm, they're the Towasanga. Alright, two more Mask points can be obtained here. He must defeat two enemies. Each one means one point, so you can get up to two, just one... or none. Let's go!

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Which leaves me curious then if it's just major corporations trying to product placement everywhere, or if Pizza Hut has a particularly strong Japanese costumer base (perhaps like Kentucky Fried Christmas).

Hmm, I wonder too.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I guess isekai fantasy + robot + the game being outright said in its announcement to take inspiration from 90s anime (Wataru is 88-89, close enough) made them think that. Though I've zero familiarity with Wataru yet, and I am aware of other isekai magical mecha yet IDK if those random commenters do.😆

I guess it does have enough similarities for comparison. Even the protagonist kinda gives the vibe of an older Wataru. Just with brown hair, heh.

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