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A turn after, more Towasanga mechs show up, and... !!!

It's him, the Red Comet! Wait, so Iron Mask allied with Char then and not Haman? And Char has thrown his lot with Towasanga here in Al-Warth, it seems.


Curiously, Seabook recognizes the Sazabi, but not the ZZ guys it seems. They also don't speak of Char as if they fought him before but know he commands Neo Zeon. Hmm... so what's the timeline here, then...?

Oh damn, Char can act twice per turn!

I had Mask defeat three enemies, just in case...

Once defeated, or his Sazabi reaches 10K HP left, Char withdraws, saying nothing of his motives. Mask tells Kerbes they must be going, but Kerbes instead says he'll stay with the party. Mask then leaves alone.

Now with everyone back on the ships, they do confirm through Kerbes that the Jegan is being mass-produced by the Capital Army... and call it top-of-the-line. The ZZ Gundam, though, they did just stumble across it. The G Reco guys can't say much about the Towasanga, only that they're much more technologically advanced, and people on Earth feared they would one day invade. Hence why Ameria and Capital Territory began to militarize. Being Spacenoids, the UC guys think that may be mainly why Char has joined them. Bellri and Kerbes then talk about Dellensen and how the former killed him. Despite things, Kerbes isn't harsh on him, and ends with him getting the party to motivate Bellri out of feeling bad about it. So the map ends...

Despite Judau now having the ZZ, the Zeta remains pilot-less. No shuffling over done, huh. Thought Roux would move over for the time being. But nope, she's staying in the Re-GZ it seems.

In a change to formula, now three DLC maps open up. I'll do them tomorrow. Enough SRW for today.

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42 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Tl;DR: World needs more Witch lords!

The more things change, etc. 😛

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, going on a little tangent here, here's a fun fact. Code Geass originally received the sponsorship of Pizza Hut. Heavy sponsorship...

r/CodeGeass - Anyone else miss the Pizza Hut boxes?

Memes be had to the fact the brand existed in the anime and was popular among the main characters.

Eventually the partnership ended, and from my understanding, they actually had to scrub out every single logo and reference from the entire series (although, it seems there was an exception with a mascot they used in Japan, Cheese-kun, of which at least on plushie of it appeared in the anime as well; they just renamed him rather than take him out, probably since it was harder to do so than the logos on the boxes). So it's certainly now something of a hard to find media the version with the logos still present.

I see anime advertising has been blatant. Naturally, didn't know about this one. Eating it on the bed smh

The image of the fancy school having a pizza party is pretty silly in fairness.

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8 hours ago, Dayni said:

I see anime advertising has been blatant. Naturally, didn't know about this one. Eating it on the bed smh

The image of the fancy school having a pizza party is pretty silly in fairness.

Wait, what's so wrong of eating it on a bed? In case it spills out? But yeah, even with how pizza is prominent in the anime, from what I recall, C.C. (the green-haired girl eating it on the bed) is a pizza fanatic. She's even the one who owns the plushie I mentioned... OMG, I finally understood that line about wanting the Giant Sang-Yung in snuggle size in SRW 30! XD LOL

I guess... they're still teenagers? XD

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He's out. Of the race specifically, he's still gonna finish his term.

Ok but they have to go with Harris or else this was all for naught.

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I won't be surprised if some people now won't vote out of spite. Just like in 2016.


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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

won't be surprised if some people now won't vote out of spite. Just like in 2016.

A lot of people actually did want Biden to drop out.

But like the key here is to maintain Harris. Do not do a fucking open convention.

The upside now is that Trump's advantage is gone. He could talk circles around Biden. Harris or anyone else really would demolish him.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

A lot of people actually did want Biden to drop out.

But like the key here is to maintain Harris. Do not do a fucking open convention.

The upside now is that Trump's advantage is gone. He could talk circles around Biden. Harris or anyone else really would demolish him.

Yes, but as always, thanks to the Electoral College it comes down to what certain specific people vote.

I don't have my hopes up much it will change how they deal with Trump, unfortunately.

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Biden will be the first incumbent one-term President since LBJ not to be on the ticket again on election day. And LBJ simply didn't run, as opposed to dropping out with less than 4 months left. Couple this with Trump possibly going to jail in September, leaving two not well known running mates to hash it out and build a following at the last minute.

Screw 40 years. At least 50 or 60.

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Unless that by some miracle he gets disqualified (let alone be sent to jail), nothing stops Trump from simply running from jail.

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Ok he's officially endorsed Harris.

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

don't have my hopes up much it will change how they deal with Trump, unfortunately.

It does completely screw over Trump's plans however. His big advantage over Biden was that he talks circles around him. But now? Harris could easily blast him from orbit.

Additionally, consider that Republicans actually wanted Biden to stay in. They didn't want him to leave the race. Now, why would you want your opponent to stay in the fight unless you're convinced that you can win?

7 minutes ago, Hrothgar777 said:

And LBJ simply didn't run

He did but Vietnam fucked him in the primaries.

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Unless that by some miracle he gets disqualified (let alone be sent to jail), nothing stops Trump from simply running from jail.

It doesn't but if he wins while in jail, we'd have a constitutional crisis on our hands because it's never happened before.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It does completely screw over Trump's plans however. His big advantage over Biden was that he talks circles around him. But now? Harris could easily blast him from orbit.

Eh. From what I've heard VP Harris is herself rather gaffe-y. Of course, one can be intelligent without being able to speak articulately but the average voter might not perceive a huge difference between her and Biden, say, when it comes time for the next debate.


But I'll agree that Biden staying in the race was the best possible scenario for Trump and that's been taken from him. A part of me can respect the Dems for taking the L (2 or 3 weeks of a media circus that damages their reputation) in hopes of salvaging the wider race. If they win this, it'll be fair to say they did something to earn it. They took a step Republicans have been unwilling to take these last 8 years.

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5 minutes ago, Hrothgar777 said:

Eh. From what I've heard VP Harris is herself rather gaffe-y. Of course, one can be intelligent without being able to speak articulately but the average voter might not perceive a huge difference between her and Biden, say, when it comes time for the next debate.

It won't be to the extent of Biden's gaffes. The problem with that debate was that Trump was saying all these things and Biden couldn't even counter and his post-debate events didn't help. Even if Harris flubs here and there, she definitely would be able to fight back. And her post-debate events definitely have gotten more better received.

Let's also consider that Biden's age was a significant concern. But now Dem voters have an option that isn't an ancient fossil. 

I know Electoral College and all but I think it's all coming back to bite Trump. He was actually gained new support and his cockiness led to him picking JD Vance instead of someone who could attract moderates like Rubio.

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Just now, Armagon said:

It does completely screw over Trump's plans however. His big advantage over Biden was that he talks circles around him. But now? Harris could easily blast him from orbit.

Additionally, consider that Republicans actually wanted Biden to stay in. They didn't want him to leave the race. Now, why would you want your opponent to stay in the fight unless you're convinced that you can win?

We'll see.

Also since it's too late to setup a strong enough slander campaign to make much of a difference, perhaps.

Just now, Armagon said:

It doesn't but if he wins while in jail, we'd have a constitutional crisis on our hands because it's never happened before.

Likely how it's been done before. Claim it's not written anywhere it can't be done and let the GOP-controlled SCOTUS come up with an explanation as to why he can do it. And indeed, the wording about pardons is:

"... and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."

That's it. There's only one thing stated to be not allowed: pardons for impeachments. But everything else is fair game, including the possibility of self-pardon... so long it's not for an impeachment. At the very least, this is the "logic" they'll use should Trump actually win and attempt a self-pardon for any crime he wasn't impeached for. That it doesn't violate the Constitution because it doesn't prevent him from doing it.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

He was actually gained new support and his cockiness led to him picking JD Vance instead of someone who could attract moderates like Rubio.

I agree on this point. He should've gone with a moderate. Given Trump's own age, it would give reluctant Lincoln Project-style Republicans hope that they'd suddenly get a McCain 2.0 halfway through his term if they just hold their noses and vote the man into office. Though Marco Rubio specifically would've been a problem, since they're both Florida residents.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It won't be to the extent of Biden's gaffes. The problem with that debate was that Trump was saying all these things and Biden couldn't even counter and his post-debate events didn't help. Even if Harris flubs here and there, she definitely would be able to fight back. And her post-debate events definitely have gotten more better received.

I mean, you also have the issue that the debate moderator also allowed it. It's not just the Dem side that needs to step up.

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39 minutes ago, Hrothgar777 said:

Though Marco Rubio specifically would've been a problem, since they're both Florida residents.

Is Trump really seen as a Floridian tho? I know that's his registered address but he was a New Yorker for most of his life.

39 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



Wheels on the bus go round and round.

33 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, you also have the issue that the debate moderator also allowed it. It's not just the Dem side that needs to step up.

Yeah but it looks bad if one side can't even counter.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is Trump really seen as a Floridian tho? I know that's his registered address but he was a New Yorker for most of his life.

I believe it's a technical question. If both Trump and Rubio are "inhabitants" of Florida, the Constitution bars Florida electors from voting for them. This would cost Trump 30 electoral votes.

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...Why the Metroid veneer?🤔


I am being acutely reminded of one of Etrian Odyssey Nexus's biggest mistakes- the level-gating of two-thirds of the skill trees!🤨 Veteran isn't that long a wait (by the end of the 3rd Labyrinth), but I'm at the intended level (34-35) for fighting the boss of the 5th Labyrinth, and it would be really nice if I had Clearance available, but as a Master-rank skill, I arbitrarily have to wait another five levels to get it. Would also be crazy good if I had Accel Drive so my Imperial could unleash its BIG damage at last ...yet it too is five levels away. And there is one 5th Labyrinth FOE, which being me being overleveled to fight now, seems still unwinnable against without Fire Prophecy (or grinding for fire-resisting accessories), which, again, isn't available until level 40.😑

To grind five levels -wouldn't be difficult as my Shogun has maxed out Taunt Assassins for doubled EXP gains if I want that- and throw myself an entire Labyrinth ahead of team level expectations.... Well, I could then gradually fall back into the intended level progression by giving mission/quest reward EXP to my gathering team (would be nice to ditch the Memory Conch on my Shogun). -I think I'll do that then.😅

-Though first I want to do some reading, Archaeology or Nat Geo History?🤓

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Chiitan has my vote.

Just now, Hrothgar777 said:

I believe it's a technical question. If both Trump and Rubio are "inhabitants" of Florida, the Constitution bars Florida electors from voting for them. This would cost Trump 29 electoral votes.

Ohhh I didn't know that.

That's.... interesting. I suppose it's to stop the electors from playing favorites (there are other laws in place for that too) but what if Florida overwhelmingly votes for Trump/Rubio in that scenario?

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First of the recently unlocked DLC stages. This is another flashback map. This one actually depicts the Battle over the Pacific, or at least part of it. It begins depicting a group of Aura Battlers doing recon, led by Tod, Suzaku, and Jeremiah. Soon Show, Marvel, Kallen, and Anyu show up, and the clash begins.

Man, it is becoming strange to see the Billbine in its original colors, hahaha. I got so used to the Night Camo thanks to T and now X...

Downing a couple Drumlos, more show up. But then they're sniped from above out of nowhere, then Heero shows up. He's suppose to be heading to space to deal with Zechs, but he wanted to investigate something first. Hmm, he seems to be already suspecting about Zero Requiem. Then again, he has the Zero System...

Interesting, though logical. Since Tod is from Boston, that means here he would be a Brtiannian citizen. He is being depicted as quite supportive of Emperor Lelouch, as it were.

Once the skirmish is over, Heero departs to space. Despite confirming his suspicions, he doesn't speak about them to the others. The others simply brace themselves for the final battle... so the map ends.

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