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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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About two months ago I was clocking in 200 pounds.

I put in the work three weeks ago and now I'm at around 194. Just 9 more pounds to lose before I reach my goal and stop being overweight.

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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

About two months ago I was clocking in 200 pounds.

I put in the work three weeks ago and now I'm at around 194. Just 9 more pounds to lose before I reach my goal and stop being overweight.

Good job!

I have lost alooooooooooooooooooot lately as well, but still need to lose quite a bit more

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Ok, Atelier fans

Ayesha, Sophie 2 or Ryza?

I am leaning most towards Ayesha and least towards Ryza atm, but still undecided.

Only played Lulua so far fyi

inb4 i get Fate/SR, but tbh i've been playing only tactics and action games lately and i am in the mood for something different

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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4 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

have lost alooooooooooooooooooot lately as well, but still need to lose quite a bit more

Me too... I've lost 17 lbs since getting home from Uni but I still have another 10 to go before I'm in the healthy range 😅

But I have confidence in you, dad! And I'm really glad you've already made big progress.

 Plus you can always blame me for giving you a dad bod since I call you "dad"


I kinda wanna switch to a Miquella profile picture because I'm almost done Shadow of thr Erdtree, but I also just switched to this one, and it's cute...

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Sometime in the early ninth century AD in the Mayan city of Ucanal, capital of the K'anwitznal Kingdom, King Papmalil (r. ~810-859 AD) held a public ceremony. He disinterred the remains of previous K'anwitznal royalty, burial decorations intact, set them on a pyre, and burned them at temperatures approaching 1500F/815C. He then threw the soot, cracked & warped bones, and stones & bead accessories, in a filler deposit between structural stones used in a temple.

There are no written records of this event, but archaeologists sound pretty confident that is what happened. And that the desecration of the dead was to provide a dramatic announcement- New Regime In Charge, The Old One Is Gone.

Papmalil's exact origins are unclear, but evidence indicates he was a foreigner to the Mayan home region. Despite his vindictive start, he seems to have been a very good king, more egalitarian too. In the ninth century, most of classical Mayan civilization was collapsing, yet Ucanal under Papmalil and his successors was flourishing. K'anwitznal was once a tributary kingdom to Caracol, now, Caracol paid tribute to K'anwitznal.


Why I'd feel like sharing this? Well, we have a scorching hot modern political climate, I suppose I found an faint echo of poli-heat in this.😛


5 hours ago, Armagon said:

About two months ago I was clocking in 200 pounds.

I put in the work three weeks ago and now I'm at around 194. Just 9 more pounds to lose before I reach my goal and stop being overweight.

4 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Good job!

I have lost alooooooooooooooooooot lately as well, but still need to lose quite a bit more

33 minutes ago, Benice said:

Me too... I've lost 17 lbs since getting home from Uni but I still have another 10 to go before I'm in the healthy range 😅


Good for all three of you.😃

...I fell off the wagon months ago.😐 You're both well aware enough of how I'm already inconsistent with the things I enjoy, exercising I do not.😑

The most I did in the past few months was read in Smithsonian about this lady.:


Lulu Hunt Peters.

The woman whose Diet and Health With Key to the Calories in 1918, was responsible for America (and thus the world's) obsession with calorie-counting. She was also vociferous and unapologetic in her fat-shaming, righteously and evangelically so (she herself lost 70 pounds).🤨

Prior to Mrs. Peters, calories had been considered in nutrition solely as a good thing- to help the hunger and malnourished. -Although the concept of calories was invented in the 1820s by a French chemist named Nicholas Clement, who used the Latin calor- "heat" as the term for the measure of heat that could be converted into energy. Clement's focus was on how to measure the steam energy needed to power steam engines, coal & machines, not food & bodies.

Sine Germans physiologists began applying the calorie to food, and in the late 1860s and 80s, an American named Wilbur O. Atwater the "Father of American Nutrition Science", visited Germany and picked up on the calorie science. Atwater in the 1890s invented the original formulae by which the calories in food could be calculated, and while his calculations have been replaced, Wilbur Atwater is the man whose analytical work is indirectly responsible for the nutrition labels found on food packaging today. Atwater is the one who extolled the calorie as a good thing, and that focusing on the calorie to make sure Americans are well-fed and thus productive citizens. The United States Department of Agriculture published his nutritional guides -they first they ever did- in 1894 ...and soon corporations were advertising how positively rich in calories their products were.😐

Atwater died in 1907, and then those eleven years later, Lulu Hunt Peters (who held a doctorate of medicine from the University of California) inverted the message- The Calorie Is Bad, Restrict Them. By 1922 her aforementioned book was on the best-seller list and stayed there for four years, and she remained as she had in the decade prior, constant in her crusade against calories and the chubby. During World War I, she accused fat people -assumed to be hoarding food the war effort needs- of being unmoral/unpatriotic/treasonous, and claimed fat people were always a joke. She even proposed the idea of having wartime neighborhood watch groups that would monitor the weights of the overweight. An idea, which long after she died and without the involuntary patriotic spin, would be resurrected and used by Weight Watchers starting in the 1960s. If you want someone to blame for every product on store shelves that advertise their low/reduced calories, it's her.

...Unfortunately, despite calorie-counting for weight loss & general health becoming ingrained in modern minds, Mrs. Peters had it wrong.🤨 Nutritionist conferences have apparently become contentious nowadays over the role -or lack thereof- of the calorie in weight loss and health. Despite the generations of calorie-counting, the obesity rate in the USA has gone up from 13.4% in 1962, to 42% presently.

The simple biological problem- humans are not steam engines, food isn't coal. Cutting calories and the burning of calories are interlinked, reducing caloric intake will trigger reactions that make it more difficult to lose weight. Hormones, metabolism, the microbiomes in our digestive tracts, the complicated chemical composition of foods themselves ("good fat" vs. "bad fat", certain (unnamed in the article) nuts have less calories in practice than lab tests indicate, raw food has less calories than cooked). All these complications were unknown a little over 100 years ago when the calorie became the villain. Although, Lulu Hunt Peters herself would've realized her messianic message was flawed- she yearned to reach 150 pounds, but despite a highly restrictive daily 1200 calorie diet + exercise, she never reached her personal goal. (If daily calories spent > daily calories added was factually all that mattered, it simply should've been a matter of time before she her hit target.)

TL;DR I'm jealous of you three, and parroted pages of printed text to excuse my own lack of health-related willpower by saying "WEIGHT LOSS IS COMPLICATED!". And now I'll go grab some dessert to make myself feel better.😝

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Randomly watching RCT videos when...

> Guests are treated as vehicles while in the Mini Golf and thus can explode if gone off-track

Wow, the stuff you learn even twenty years later of having played...

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8 hours ago, Benice said:

but I still have another 10 to go before I'm in the healthy range 😅

Good luck!

8 hours ago, Benice said:

Plus you can always blame me for giving you a dad bod since I call you "dad"

Til i was dad before you were even born xD

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

exercising I do not.

Exercise doesn't do dhit when it comes to weight - it's all the kitchen - the food you eat. 100x as important as exercise

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

intake will trigger reactions that make it more difficult to lose weight.

That's what the cheat day is for!

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I tried so often and failed even more lol, but gotta try again

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What even would be Biden's palace?

21 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

They wasted no time. lol


Taking the endorsement of such a weak emperor to the bank for succession, his authority should be questioned in doing this - Duke Ludwig von Aegir, 1180

Yeah, the meming was inevitable

21 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Become a parent with three kids and then reassess.

As one of those three kids, I wouldn't have noticed before a certain age 😛

21 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

We did invent the electric waffle iron (1911) and the frozen toaster waffle (1953), so yes.😉 The inventor of the frozen waffles originally called them "fraffles", but thank heavens that name didn't stick (sounds dirty to me 😆), and instead, these 🥶🧇 were renamed after the part of the company which made mayonnaise with fresh eggs- Eggo.

Look, as a kid I only knew about potato waffles, so all this waffle talk in the US didn't make sense to me.

And RIP Fraffle, a term that would have been in the Urban Dictionary immediately if it had been the name.

18 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

While i would be thankful for that, it's just a temporary reprieve from me going down that spiral again which i have been trying to evade the last few months

  Shit man, here's hoping for you.

15 hours ago, Armagon said:

About two months ago I was clocking in 200 pounds.

I put in the work three weeks ago and now I'm at around 194. Just 9 more pounds to lose before I reach my goal and stop being overweight.

15 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

I have lost alooooooooooooooooooot lately as well, but still need to lose quite a bit more

11 hours ago, Benice said:

Me too... I've lost 17 lbs since getting home from Uni but I still have another 10 to go before I'm in the healthy range 😅

But I have confidence in you, dad! And I'm really glad you've already made big progress.

 Plus you can always blame me for giving you a dad bod since I call you "dad"

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...I fell off the wagon months ago.😐 You're both well aware enough of how I'm already inconsistent with the things I enjoy, exercising I do not.😑

3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Exercise doesn't do dhit when it comes to weight - it's all the kitchen - the food you eat. 100x as important as exercise

Mmmmmmm, not having done well on this lately. I suspect there'll be more reason to focus coming and that'll give more impetus to deal with the very real issues I have on the food front.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sometime in the early ninth century AD in the Mayan city of Ucanal, capital of the K'anwitznal Kingdom, King Papmalil (r. ~810-859 AD) held a public ceremony. He disinterred the remains of previous K'anwitznal royalty, burial decorations intact, set them on a pyre, and burned them at temperatures approaching 1500F/815C. He then threw the soot, cracked & warped bones, and stones & bead accessories, in a filler deposit between structural stones used in a temple.

There are no written records of this event, but archaeologists sound pretty confident that is what happened. And that the desecration of the dead was to provide a dramatic announcement- New Regime In Charge, The Old One Is Gone.

Papmalil's exact origins are unclear, but evidence indicates he was a foreigner to the Mayan home region. Despite his vindictive start, he seems to have been a very good king, more egalitarian too. In the ninth century, most of classical Mayan civilization was collapsing, yet Ucanal under Papmalil and his successors was flourishing. K'anwitznal was once a tributary kingdom to Caracol, now, Caracol paid tribute to K'anwitznal.


Why I'd feel like sharing this? Well, we have a scorching hot modern political climate, I suppose I found an faint echo of poli-heat in this.😛

Using that kind of regime change imagery is easy when you're at the top and nobody's around to challenge it I suppose, desecration though it may be that.

It crosses my mind that using the remains of your predecessors to form part of a temple is arguably a different image if you frame it right, as their foundation to build higher upon in your time. Maybe there was something of that idea lost to time?

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The most I did in the past few months was read in Smithsonian about this lady.:


Lulu Hunt Peters.

The woman whose Diet and Health With Key to the Calories in 1918, was responsible for America (and thus the world's) obsession with calorie-counting. She was also vociferous and unapologetic in her fat-shaming, righteously and evangelically so (she herself lost 70 pounds).🤨

Prior to Mrs. Peters, calories had been considered in nutrition solely as a good thing- to help the hunger and malnourished. -Although the concept of calories was invented in the 1820s by a French chemist named Nicholas Clement, who used the Latin calor- "heat" as the term for the measure of heat that could be converted into energy. Clement's focus was on how to measure the steam energy needed to power steam engines, coal & machines, not food & bodies.

Sine Germans physiologists began applying the calorie to food, and in the late 1860s and 80s, an American named Wilbur O. Atwater the "Father of American Nutrition Science", visited Germany and picked up on the calorie science. Atwater in the 1890s invented the original formulae by which the calories in food could be calculated, and while his calculations have been replaced, Wilbur Atwater is the man whose analytical work is indirectly responsible for the nutrition labels found on food packaging today. Atwater is the one who extolled the calorie as a good thing, and that focusing on the calorie to make sure Americans are well-fed and thus productive citizens. The United States Department of Agriculture published his nutritional guides -they first they ever did- in 1894 ...and soon corporations were advertising how positively rich in calories their products were.😐

Atwater died in 1907, and then those eleven years later, Lulu Hunt Peters (who held a doctorate of medicine from the University of California) inverted the message- The Calorie Is Bad, Restrict Them. By 1922 her aforementioned book was on the best-seller list and stayed there for four years, and she remained as she had in the decade prior, constant in her crusade against calories and the chubby. During World War I, she accused fat people -assumed to be hoarding food the war effort needs- of being unmoral/unpatriotic/treasonous, and claimed fat people were always a joke. She even proposed the idea of having wartime neighborhood watch groups that would monitor the weights of the overweight. An idea, which long after she died and without the involuntary patriotic spin, would be resurrected and used by Weight Watchers starting in the 1960s. If you want someone to blame for every product on store shelves that advertise their low/reduced calories, it's her.

...Unfortunately, despite calorie-counting for weight loss & general health becoming ingrained in modern minds, Mrs. Peters had it wrong.🤨 Nutritionist conferences have apparently become contentious nowadays over the role -or lack thereof- of the calorie in weight loss and health. Despite the generations of calorie-counting, the obesity rate in the USA has gone up from 13.4% in 1962, to 42% presently.

The simple biological problem- humans are not steam engines, food isn't coal. Cutting calories and the burning of calories are interlinked, reducing caloric intake will trigger reactions that make it more difficult to lose weight. Hormones, metabolism, the microbiomes in our digestive tracts, the complicated chemical composition of foods themselves ("good fat" vs. "bad fat", certain (unnamed in the article) nuts have less calories in practice than lab tests indicate, raw food has less calories than cooked). All these complications were unknown a little over 100 years ago when the calorie became the villain. Although, Lulu Hunt Peters herself would've realized her messianic message was flawed- she yearned to reach 150 pounds, but despite a highly restrictive daily 1200 calorie diet + exercise, she never reached her personal goal. (If daily calories spent > daily calories added was factually all that mattered, it simply should've been a matter of time before she her hit target.)

I would love to do a response and comment on this but I am just too dumb at the minute to give something, nothing's really coming to mind.

Thank you for the spiel.

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Back in my day, these were our Backrooms...


Ah yeah, I remember that save screen too. Something captivating about it back then.

Modern screensavers ain't got jack on it.

Edited by Dayni
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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

not having done well on this lately. I suspect there'll be more reason to focus coming and that'll give more impetus to deal with the very real issues I have on the food front

my LPT: Vegan alternatives. They taste good nowadays and aren't as fatty or full of calories

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I've seen some weird setups for data in games, but Dark Cloud 2 might take it:


weapon stat layouts are... strange, lol

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I am now 24 years old


18 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Ayesha, Sophie 2 or Ryza?

Ayesha doesn't tell you shit 80% of the time, which is pretty bad when it's a game with a time-limit.

Sophie 2 you could jump in and it's very good but you'll get a bit more out of it after playing Sophie 1. The problem is playing Sophie 1.

Ryza 1 is the weakest of the trilogy but it's solid.

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The woman whose Diet and Health With Key to the Calories in 1918, was responsible for America (and thus the world's) obsession with calorie-counting. She was also vociferous and unapologetic in her fat-shaming, righteously and evangelically so (she herself lost 70 pounds).🤨

So for once America has a unit of measurement that the rest of the world follows.

7 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Exercise doesn't do dhit when it comes to weight - it's all the kitchen - the food you eat. 100x as important as exercise

You should of course still exercise anyways. A guy who sits in a chair all day burns roughly the same amount of calories as a tribal hunter gatherer, the difference is that the hunter gatherer is burning up energy for something, while the guy who sits in a chair all day burns up the energy for nothing.

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

my LPT: Vegan alternatives. They taste good nowadays and aren't as fatty or full of calories

Of course i hate most veggies so my solution is to simply reduce my portions.

I've also been eating more fish. Tuna i've always eaten but i'm eating salmon and i think cod too.


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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I am now 24 years old

Happy birthday 😄

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Of course i hate most veggies so my solution is to simply reduce my portions.

I meant the like meat and like chicken stuff, on veggie base. Are really good nowadays, unlike a decade ago.


9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I've also been eating more fish.


9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The problem is playing Sophie 1.

That's why if i Sophie i will jump to Sophie 2 lol

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

, while the guy who sits in a chair all day burns up the energy for nothing

Well, i am working!

...you are  right, it's nothing lol

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1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Happy birthday 😄


54 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Happy Birthday!

Thanks y'all

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

meant the like meat and like chicken stuff, on veggie base. Are really good nowadays, unlike a decade ago.

I can also do veggie sauce.

The trick is for me to not notice the texture.


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7 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

You ever have a moment where you want to say something, but you have no idea what?


9 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Til i was dad before you were even born xD

Retroactive debuff xD

16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Good for all three of you.😃

Eating less hasn't been fun, but the desire to look good in a maid outfit is stronger 😆

...Well, most days haha

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

am now 24 years old

Congrats on making it to 4! years old, and happy borthday!

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7 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

So how is everyone?

Alright for the most part. Trying to save the poor souls on this thread from Teehee, reading and burning Engage in effigy every night, you know, the usual. 

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I am now 24 years old

Happy birthday!🎂


13 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Back in my day, these were our Backrooms...

Remember seeing one of these where family worked as a child, just once or twice, but it's still ingrained in my memory.😆


10 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Exercise doesn't do dhit when it comes to weight - it's all the kitchen - the food you eat. 100x as important as exercise

I do eat better than when I was younger. I never would've imagined I would enjoy tomato petals.🍅😆 ...But I won't get rid of the ice cream and gelato in the freezer.🍨 Nor will I switch over to natural sugar-free peanut butter.🥜😝


7 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

So how is everyone?

I hope you're well.

I'm fine right now. In a state of blissful normalcy at the moment.


6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Using that kind of regime change imagery is easy when you're at the top and nobody's around to challenge it I suppose, desecration though it may be that.

It crosses my mind that using the remains of your predecessors to form part of a temple is arguably a different image if you frame it right, as their foundation to build higher upon in your time. Maybe there was something of that idea lost to time?

I presume the archaeologists ruled out that possibility. Likely I would imagine from where they were reburied and how the bones and such were treated. I don't think as a community they'd rush to speculative conclusions without hesitation as they used to.

7 hours ago, Dayni said:

I would love to do a response and comment on this but I am just too dumb at the minute to give something, nothing's really coming to mind.

Thank you for the spiel.

You're welcome.🙃

...I found it fascinating that we've a specific individual to whom we can tie the origins of something so ingrained in the modern mindset. A mental orientation pervasive among us as both individuals and collectives (government labeling, food corporations) that is barely 100 years old.🤓

Reminded me that scientists didn't discover the specific compound known as "(ethyl) alcohol" until the early 1800s, and the term "alcoholism" was not invented until 1849. Knowing the specific combination of molecules that made people drunk, having a term more clinical than mere drunkenness to describe the delirious condition, not yet two centuries have passed since alcoholism's coinage, but how it defines modern society's perception of the matter (...I think?).


1 hour ago, Benice said:

Eating less hasn't been fun, but the desire to look good in a maid outfit is stronger 😆

...Well, most days haha

Anyone can look good in a maid outfit- all they need is CONFIDENCE!🤪

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