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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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15 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I get unreasonably angry when I think about Three Houses so this isn't a great day for me

>Edelgard pic

>Gets unreasonably angry about Three Houses

What did he mean by this?

10 hours ago, Dayni said:

wild that false allegations might actually sink his chances.

Trump's sons swore on their lives to their dad that Vance was a great pick.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, having an itch again for a Musou, I got Hyrule Warriors. Ah, I missed this feeling of mowing down hundreds of mobs, hahaha...

I should start this.

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  • Codename Shrimp


  • Acacia Sgt


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  • Armagon


9 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Time for Nosferatu Sophie

Oh boy, will she be playing with the light switches?

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Okay, did the first stages of Legends Mode, and also some maps on Adventure Mode's first map. Game's really fun.

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Scenario 22

Something I forgot to mention. Koji is involved in a kill count related Secret. SRW X barely has those, and this is pretty much the one. Well, there's technically a second, but it's not as prominent. In any case, the kill goal is 80. For me, Koji began with 21, so that's 1/4th of the way. Well, it's not just Koji's kill count the games takes into account...

Anyway, despite her situation, Himiko is as Himiko does. Totally nonplussed and instead more in awe of Chilly Temple. Here are also Soiya Soiya, and Doktor Cosmo, the boss of the Fourth Tier. In their ransom note they called for only Wataru and Ange to come. Hmm...

The two arrive at a... well, lava and ice fields right next to each other. Created with both Flame and Frigid swords. Out come the usual, Burikintons, Beastmen, and BD Alliance grunts. Alright, let's go!

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Casually watching some of the Olympics, it's only every two-four years after all. The opening ceremony, the boats of the nations' athletes going down the Seine (which like a month ago tested positive for high levels of fecal bacteria) was lovely. -Though five seconds of a beheaded Marie Antionette was bizarre.🇫🇷

-And playing more EON. I'm starting to feel what other EO fans have criticized the game for- being loooooong.😆 I'm on the Ninth Labyrinth now, each minus the First being three floors deep, the Fifth was five floors deep, and I expect five in this one. Plus five smaller one-floor Mazes have been thrown in so far too. By contrast, prior EOs were 5 Labyrinths/Stratums of 3-5 floors each (for the maingame, the postgame being a 6th Labyrinth/Stratum). Although, the pace of proceeding through each EON dungeon is very smooth and fast now, it's not a slog in itself. -And still love EO.😄 


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, having an itch again for a Musou, I got Hyrule Warriors. Ah, I missed this feeling of mowing down hundreds of mobs, hahaha...


Whilst rigid in some ways gameplay-wise, I love it as glorious Zelda fanservice.😁 -If I already didn't own the original Wii U version, I'd unhesitatingly buy the Definite Edition. Maybe I will get HW:DE if Switch 2 is backwards-compatible ...unless Nintendo is hiding a sequel with the Oracles thrown in, my dream (although I'd rather Xenoblade Warriors [Featuring KOS-MOS] first).

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A turn in, and Salamandinay shows up, here to uphold an ancient pact to help the Savior. So, now she's finally an ally. She's not alone, as the other dragon generals are here, but well, as with V, they're only participant in one of Sala's attacks.

Defeating enough enemies, it's revealed the heroes had a plan to counter the "only Wataru and Ange can come". A diversion is caused by an assault group charging into the temple, with Wataru doing the same. But also in the temple are three of Doakdar's Four Generals... hmm... a Shitennou situation? Anyway, after a brief fight (where Kurama actually intercepts a blow meant for Shibaraku), the Doakdar people run away, but Kurama remains. He finally comes clean, and his remorse is genuine enough it at least earns him the chance to simply walk away. The bosses all board their Mashin as well reinforcements, and Zan Cook intends to kill Kurama for his betrayal, but Ange manages to intercept with a dimensional jump.

Finally the N-Nautilus show up and the party can deploy. Vivian has also finally woken up.

25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Whilst rigid in some ways gameplay-wise, I love it as glorious Zelda fanservice.😁 -If I already didn't own the original Wii U version, I'd unhesitatingly buy the Definite Edition. Maybe I will get HW:DE if Switch 2 is backwards-compatible ...unless Nintendo is hiding a sequel with the Oracles thrown in, my dream (although I'd rather Xenoblade Warriors [Featuring KOS-MOS] first).

Now wouldn't that be something, finally getting HW:DE, only to get the MK8Deluxe treatment, heh.

Man, now I got reminded how much of a missed potential that was. The Oracles would've been cool inclusions. Seeing Sheik attack with a harp of all things...

Also, on missing inclusions, I'm surprised also Malon didn't make the cut.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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So, the map now gains something of a gimmick. Zan Cook can't be defeated, he'll just have his mech go back to full HP. Instead, Soiya Soiya and Doktor Cosmo must be defeated first. Then can Zan Cook be defeated.

Oh lol, the TacP Bonus of the map is to have Ange get Support Attack with Salamandinay, but when I had set it up... Ange crits and kills the enemy on her own. But the conversation still triggers. Which makes it hilarious to see Ange telling Sala to not butt in... when she did not. XD

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31 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The two arrive at a... well, lava and ice fields right next to each other. Created with both Flame and Frigid swords.

My brain went to Symphonia/Phantasia.

22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Man, now I got reminded how much of a missed potential that was. The Oracles would've been cool inclusions. Seeing Sheik attack with a harp of all things...

I want Holodrum Village with the seasons visually amok, and Subrosia for two battlefields. Ages... it's not as visually striking, maybe Crescent Island, and the Black Tower?

Din would be dancing to the seasons with the Rod of Seasons, Nayru would be singing and strumming her harp with spacetime shenanigans. Farore... I was thinking she could get a hodgepodge of stuff. The five kinds of Mystical Seeds, with both the Hyper Slingshot and Seed Shooter, and Bombchus and the Biggoron Sword b/c those were Linked Game exclusives -everything magically popping out of her Book of Secrets. Onyx would bring a flail with a dragon form, kinda like Volga, Veran... how about a scythe as a newly-invented weapon for her? It'd suit her headdress. Twinrova would be able to split temporarily into Koume and Kotake (this would also expand OoT representation ...which makes me want Nabooru😆). -And I want Young Link to get a Strange Flute weapon that lets him summon the Animal Companions.

22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, on missing inclusions, I'm surprised also Malon didn't make the cut.

I had thought about her too. Maybe as another bow user b/c Romani? Zelda already has Light Arrows in her arsenal, and Link has his Horse moveset, but Musou knows how to make similar weapons feel different.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My brain went to Symphonia/Phantasia.

Gotta have that Water/Ice and Fire pairing, yep.

Reminds me that RF4 also has a Double Swords weapon which is also a flame and water/ice swords being used together.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I want Holodrum Village with the seasons visually amok, and Subrosia for two battlefields. Ages... it's not as visually striking, maybe Crescent Island, and the Black Tower?

Din would be dancing to the seasons with the Rod of Seasons, Nayru would be singing and strumming her harp with spacetime shenanigans. Farore... I was thinking she could get a hodgepodge of stuff. The five kinds of Mystical Seeds, with both the Hyper Slingshot and Seed Shooter, and Bombchus and the Biggoron Sword b/c those were Linked Game exclusives -everything magically popping out of her Book of Secrets. Onyx would bring a flail with a dragon form, kinda like Volga, Veran... how about a scythe as a newly-invented weapon for her? It'd suit her headdress. Twinrova would be able to split temporarily into Koume and Kotake (this would also expand OoT representation ...which makes me want Nabooru😆). -And I want Young Link to get a Strange Flute weapon that lets him summon the Animal Companions.

Those certainly aren't bad ideas. Having Farore summon stuff from the Book of Secrets does sound neat, heh. I guess a scythe is a good choice as any for Veran.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I had thought about her too. Maybe as another bow user b/c Romani? Zelda already has Light Arrows in her arsenal, and Link has his Horse moveset, but Musou knows how to make similar weapons feel different.

Yeah, was also thinking that too. A bow would suit her best due to Romani, yes. And sure, they can be made distinct enough. Maybe she can have the Fire and Ice Arrows?

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So, once defeated, Zan Cook intends to get away. Wataru plans to intercept, but Zan Cook once again recovers his mech's HP with... Black Dragunium, huh. Calling it Doakdar's blessing, it powers it up greatly and he sues it to lay waste on Wataru. But before he can finish him off, Kurama shows up and takes the blow instead, making his mech blow up, though he bails out in time. Himiko tosses the swords to Wataru, who uses them to overpower Zan Cook, forcing him to flee.

However, it seems it proved to be too much for Ryujinmaru. He vanishes into a ball of light...

Salamandinay mentions he can be revived, and then the Urara statue at the temple speaks telepathically with everyone, telling them to go to Selene's Forest. For want of an L/R. It holds the water of resurrection, and thus taking the orb there cold bring Ryujinmaru back. The two swords also merge with Wataru's own, making it stronger.

They receive word form the Megafauna. They will be regrouping shortly. So the map ends, and thus also the route split...

Let's see... oh, Tobia joined, and Amuro did as well! Tobia in his X-1 Kai Kai. X, unlike V, doesn't have Skull Heart, only Steel Seven. Though the Full Cloth is still from Steel Seven, so I expect he'll get it eventually. Amuro, as always, comes in the Nu Gundam. Raraiya is now playable in the G-Lucifer, with Noredo as sub-pilot. Also one of the Towasanga, Ringo, is also in the party now with the Moran (he was fought just before the route split, being among the grunts that Char was leading). Interesting. Let's see what else happened... I see Roux was put in the Zeta Gundam by default after all. The Cygnus now has A rank in Space (was B before), and the G-Self has Space Pack for good now, also gaining a new attack. So did the Vilkiss, by the way.

Alright, time to settle up some things, before continuing...

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Tried Shining Soul on the bean machine, I got more into it than I expected (Got to the 5th boss, at which point the freeze worms made it more tedious than I cared for), because it's a top down ARPG where you're pretty dang slow (admittedly not helped by me taking the biggest guy in the cast), you go through dungeons fighting generics for most of it picking up loot as you go until you find the boss  where you actually are incentivised to retreat from the dungeon, accuracy can be spotty as hell because it rolls to see if you hit and the music sucks.

Also, this is what they killed Shining Force for. That's kinda sad.

Meanwhile, some explanations for the boat scenes in Paris

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I think that's part of the reason the Link totem exists, where you stack all three. Besides having use in height based puzzles, it means you can just kind of carry the other two when you don't need to do anything else. Which is still really tedious, but less so than having to walk the same paths three times.
Experimentation is a double edged sword. Sometimes, you do something no one has dared to try before and revolutionize the industry, and other times you do something no one dared to try, only to become ensnared in the web of reasons they avoided it in the first place.

I suppose this makes sense, just having to realise how one handles a multiplayer game where the player mightn't have that option. Least this game has Download play as an option so multiple copies isn't necessary (Technically I have enough access to do three player, well barring two people willing to put up with my dumb interest in multiplayer games). The consequence of them designing the game to be possible with one player having to work around moving the others being that is unfortunate.

Also, the totem is one trenchcoat away from the world's most giant Link

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's tolerable, some tricky timings, but tolerable. I made it through the entire game ...except the final battle. There's your typical LoZ magical tennis match there, with the orb changing colors every time you hit it, so you need to quickly swap to the correct body and swing before you get struck. I recall failing that so many times, I once or twice eventually made it past that, but the fatigue made me always lose in the subsequent final phase of the boss battle.  

Now, doing the various bonus challenges -at least some of which are timed- that unlock after you clear each world? Solo on those might be very very nasty indeed.

Hmm, would have to see how that actually plays.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wouldn't be a problem if you didn't need all your bodies active at once. If you could find a room to have them securely sleep in for however long is necessary while another is active, it'd be fine. Alternatively, some very good AI that could stay awake, self-preserve and follow your specific plans could be workable. -I'm not speaking of Tri-Force Heroes here, just random creative writing thoughts of my own.😆

I mean, I was getting at having all these bodies that can only be effectively controlled one at a time (what effective AI? :P), imagine the chances that if you were alone doing it you'd likely be tracked as multiple people for tax purposes.

31 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ultimately, the point is that Al isn't really obscure. And the fact Hasha characters got into Cipher shows IS do consider them to be official characters to some capacity. Since no other non-game-originated characters were put there, that I'm aware of at least.

Thinking about other possible cases, there's nothing quite on the level of this hypothetical of adding HnT characters to to the base game and altering events due to it. Archanea Saga got attached to NMotE and that's probably the closest to that example there is, with the characters being recruitable in NMotE. Aside from that, what else, Suzuki's Genealogy novelisation (Apparently some original characters are in it)? Cornelius in the anime?

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Trump's sons swore on their lives to their dad that Vance was a great pick.

Billionaire hangers on advocating for another one?

Shocked Futurama GIF by MOODMAN

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31 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Having Farore summon stuff from the Book of Secrets does sound neat, heh.

I was thinking of little her go a little crazy.😝

...And on the topic of OoT, I was thinking for Nabooru we could invent a "Gerudo Switchblade". Gerudo grunts are usually depicted with a naginata (no doubt b/c female-only race and naginatas have a distinctly feminine association), but the Gerudo officers dual-wield scimitars. As a compromise, Nabooru would use a kind of double voulge, alluding to the naginata, but she could do a DW7-8 weapon swap attack of sorts and split it into dual scimitars at any time (which ofc could be reformed into a double voulge). -And yes I'd toss in an Iron Knuckle axe in like her Special Attack or something.😛

On the other missing OoT sages, give the existing Impa a "Shadow Knife", easy. Saria wishes Lana didn't have the Deku Spear (nothing a sequel can't "fix"), since that is almost perfect for her. Rauru... let him weaponize a medallion. His could be a "mage" moveset. As one particular move, I'd have him summon two brilliant lights to his left and right side, shooting magical projectiles -a reference to how the WISE OLD MEN in LoZ1 (whom Rauru visually resembles) have the flames beside them shoot fireballs if Link stabs them. And I'd have Rauru, for like his Focus Spirit Attack, summon the sword used to stab Ganondorf in Twilight Princess, as it fits him.

-I never thought about WW and the Wind Sage, sorry Makar!😅 (But prepare for heavy aerial seed bombardment from his fellow Koroks. The battlefield shall be filled with newly-dispersed saplings feeding on corpses!)

38 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, was also thinking that too. A bow would suit her best due to Romani, yes. And sure, they can be made distinct enough. Maybe she can have the Fire and Ice Arrows?

...There is a lack of cow in Hyrule Warriors. Yet, unlike the "self-defense means burning the world down in retaliation" Cuccos, the cows of LoZ are total doves.🐮🕊️ So I can't possibly see Malon weaponizing the third livestock pillar of the Lon Lon Ranch.

...And now I'm thinking how Rusl would be okay Twilight Princess representation. Maybe comically riding on an Ordon goat as a "joke" character with an ordinary sword and shield? -But the Hero's Spirit takes top priority! All the Hidden Skills he teaches and golden wolf form included. Talking Dead Hero of Time go! As my second choice for another TP representative- Hena. Because Animal Crossing has taught me fishing & insect-collecting (Agitha) go together.🎣


18 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Tried Shining Soul on the bean machine, I got more into it than I expected (Got to the 5th boss, at which point the freeze worms made it more tedious than I cared for), because it's a top down ARPG where you're pretty dang slow (admittedly not helped by me taking the biggest guy in the cast), you go through dungeons fighting generics for most of it picking up loot as you go until you find the boss  where you actually are incentivised to retreat from the dungeon, accuracy can be spotty as hell because it rolls to see if you hit and the music sucks.

I know I saw an article on Shining Soul II when I was a child. Never played it, but it did look interesting. Hopefully that was better than what you're saying of the first.

26 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Interesting. I mustn't have been paying attention or the broadcast cut that particular moment out of what it showed.

On random queer stuff, there is this one little game from earlier this year, which I read this blurb about from an interview.:


Azario Lopez: Slave Zero X’s narrative explores a relationship between the two male leads through flashbacks. Could you elaborate on how this relationship is integrated into the game and why you felt it was important to include this element?

Francine Bridge: I mentioned earlier that we decided to bring a more personal element to the narrative of Slave Zero X and to give our central character a more personal motivation. Providing context and meat to that required a secondary storytelling format for us to slowly reveal Shou’s relationship, framed as X probing his memories as they ascend, eventually culminating in his final admission to her of what he feels was his sin.

I think a queer relationship is still an inherently “rebellious” or “revolutionary” one in most popular contexts, and as a team with several queer members, cis and trans, we wanted to see something of ourselves reflected in the story. On a personal level, I’m a sucker for a good grand romantic tragedy, and I wanted players to feel keenly the sorrow that Shou feels over realizing that the only way he can still touch the man he loves is with the blade of his sword.

The concept of the “former loved one turned enemy” is actually fairly common in character action with “rival” type characters, but the most famous examples, such as Dante and Vergil, are familial or platonic relationships – I’ve always wanted a grand pulp tragedy that didn’t feel a need to moralize or equivocate about characters being incidentally gay. Being included means being included even in something as melodramatic and indulgent as a swordfight between two doomed lovers.

When I saw fanart depicting the imagined moment of Shou and Isamu confessing their love for the first time to each other (something we didn’t show in our flashbacks since they’re already lovers by the time the game shows us their past) but also the art of Atavaka coldly caressed by the hand of SovKhan, I felt a deep joy that we managed to connect with someone on that level. I would like to see more queer characters who don’t exist solely as didactic tools about our humanity, as important as education is. It was a joy to tell this story the way we wanted to, with no compromise.

Which confirmed to me that this article was no mere interpretation. -It's just a shame the reviews indicate this is too difficult an action game for me, so I won't see the story myself.


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:


NASA themselves reporting on the possibility that they may have found fossilized microbial life.



Possibly in my lifetime. -Not what I would've imagined.

...If only we could send people to Mars. How much faster would our scientific progress be?

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Scenario 23

Klim and Mick announce their return to the Amerian Army. As it turns out, the negotiations were short. Now even Towasanga has joined with Misurugi. So the Amerian Army will continue to focus on them while X-Cross keeps dealing with Doakdar. As a side note, I find this neat. What between the Amerians and Aoto, having not just the playable party being around doing stuff in Al-Warth. And of course, also the bad guys present too, I guess.

Anyway, as always, there's a choice to get a summary of the other route path. So, first things first, seems during the route split came out the revelation that Bellri and Aida were siblings all along. Somewhere Noredo is cheering. Also, just saying, but Bellri had a crush on Aida... yeah, he's over it now. Not just that, but they were the children of the previous Towasanga rulers, killed in a coup. Also... the heck, even one of the Towasanga space colonies was isekai'ed!? Raraiya has also recovered her memories. Also, I finally get it. Reconguista refers to the Towasanga's plan to return to Earth and, well, retake it since they descend from space immigrants. They and also a group called the Venus Globe from... well, no chances for guessing. Hmm, do they show up here in SRW X? Anyway, yeah, they see it as an act of reconquest, so the operation plan is the Reconguista. Even the Library entry mentions Reconguista derives from the Spanish word Reconquista. That's good and all but... why does it even have that G!? G from Gundam? "Reconguista in G" is still a weird title, hahaha. Now Ringo presents himself, who is here... sounds he disagrees with his people's plans, while Kerbes jokes it's because he has a crush on Rariaya, haha.

Now Tobia introduces himself. He had appeared in space, so he hanged out at the Towasanga's before finding the Megafauna his chance to leave. He claims to have amnesia, but considering he almost calls Seabook as Kincade... yeah, the UC guys do indeed come from all over the timeline. Though, hm? His inner monologue does reveal he had discussed with Amuro about not revealing he's from a future point than the rest of them. Speaking of the White Meteor himself, seems Char revealed to the party that he knows about the truth of the Regild Century as well.

On that subject, it comes next. Amuro first gives a small summary of the UC's history, ending with the Axis Drop, where indeed the Crossbone Vanguard joined forces with Char. Seems it was indeed in the middle of the battle when they all ended in Al-Warth. Tobia mentally adds he comes from ten years after that. I guess it checks the time skip between F91 and Crossbone, but the timeline is still compressed if the former was happening concurrently with Char's Counterattack. And now comes the big reveal:

The Regild Century is the far-flung future of the Universal Century

Shock aside, some of the G Reco guys find it easy to believe. The whole thing with the Jegan being proof enough, bringing up it might've come from the Rose of Hermes, a collection of recorded technologies of the past. Seems Char and Amuro also figure this out during their time with Towasanga. Seems learning their future lead to the collapse of civilization didn't sit well with Char, and the use of the Rose of Hermes could bring a repeat of that is maybe why he's still with the Towasanga. All in all, it makes the world once again being referred to as the World of War, which prompts the world with Mazinger and Might Gaine to be referred to as the World of Peace, if only due to the sheer comparison. Combined with the separate worlds the Nautilus and Cygnus crews come from... that's five so far.

Now comes the reveal about Salamandinay and the others to the rest of the group. As always, she won't say much, only they need to revive the dragon god (Ryujinmaru). Thus, they're off to Sere... Selene's Forest.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I was thinking of little her go a little crazy.😝

...And on the topic of OoT, I was thinking for Nabooru we could invent a "Gerudo Switchblade". Gerudo grunts are usually depicted with a naginata (no doubt b/c female-only race and naginatas have a distinctly feminine association), but the Gerudo officers dual-wield scimitars. As a compromise, Nabooru would use a kind of double voulge, alluding to the naginata, but she could do a DW7-8 weapon swap attack of sorts and split it into dual scimitars at any time (which ofc could be reformed into a double voulge). -And yes I'd toss in an Iron Knuckle axe in like her Special Attack or something.😛

Hmm, interesting.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

On the other missing OoT sages, give the existing Impa a "Shadow Knife", easy. Saria wishes Lana didn't have the Deku Spear (nothing a sequel can't "fix"), since that is almost perfect for her. Rauru... let him weaponize a medallion. His could be a "mage" moveset. As one particular move, I'd have him summon two brilliant lights to his left and right side, shooting magical projectiles -a reference to how the WISE OLD MEN in LoZ1 (whom Rauru visually resembles) have the flames beside them shoot fireballs if Link stabs them. And I'd have Rauru, for like his Focus Spirit Attack, summon the sword used to stab Ganondorf in Twilight Princess, as it fits him.

-I never thought about WW and the Wind Sage, sorry Makar!😅 (But prepare for heavy aerial seed bombardment from his fellow Koroks. The battlefield shall be filled with newly-dispersed saplings feeding on corpses!)

Having the rest of the sages too, huh. Yeah, certainly not a bad idea either if looking for more roster additions.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...There is a lack of cow in Hyrule Warriors. Yet, unlike the "self-defense means burning the world down in retaliation" Cuccos, the cows of LoZ are total doves.🐮🕊️ So I can't possibly see Malon weaponizing the third livestock pillar of the Lon Lon Ranch.

...And now I'm thinking how Rusl would be okay Twilight Princess representation. Maybe comically riding on an Ordon goat as a "joke" character with an ordinary sword and shield? -But the Hero's Spirit takes top priority! All the Hidden Skills he teaches and golden wolf form included. Talking Dead Hero of Time go! As my second choice for another TP representative- Hena. Because Animal Crossing has taught me fishing & insect-collecting (Agitha) go together.🎣

Cows as a weapon would be totally so out there, despite Cuccos being a thing. XD

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Possibly in my lifetime. -Not what I would've imagined.

...If only we could send people to Mars. How much faster would our scientific progress be?

Careful now. First it's this, next we'll be dealing with an invading alien army only a Super Robot can save us from...

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So, the group reaches the forest. Seems the water of resurrection is the few that comes from the Selene Flowers. Then enemies show up... uh oh, it's all the Doakdar Tier Bosses! Soiya and Cosmo also overheard Urara, so they're here to stop the resurrection of Ryujinmaru. But also, Count Brocken, Death God, and even Cruising Tom are here. I guess the last one didn't died after all. The party will fight them as Wataru, Himiko, and Kurama search the forest. Well, let's go!

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Careful now. First it's this, next we'll be dealing with an invading alien army only a Super Robot can save us from...

No, microbial life can only mean one thing- we terraform Mars and find those ruins there first.😜

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No, microbial life can only mean one thing- we terraform Mars and find those ruins there first.😜

But first, we need that energy fleet harvesting Helium-3 from Jupiter, pronto.

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On 7/25/2024 at 6:42 PM, Venger_06 said:

It started with a Fernão (The Terrible) and it ended with a Fernão (The Kind). For the first time ever, I completed a CK2 game from 1066 to 1453. Thanks, House of Bragança, Portugal, Aquitaine and the Maghreb are in good hands. I even destroyed the Roman larpers as a bonus, they survived for too long

Congrats, getting through a full game takes a while, and it is funny to start and end on the same name with such a stark contrast in moniker 😛 


On 7/25/2024 at 6:42 PM, Venger_06 said:

. I wonder if I should try to restore Rome next, and with whom. I tried once in 769, but the Iconoclast heresy is annoying

and the new Imperial Government sucks, vassals rebel every 5 minutes. I've heard the easy way is to follow Charlemagne events and swear fealty to the Bizzies as Charlie, and then get elected as emperor.

Good luck. I sorta accidented my way into restoring Rome when I got that achievement. I was planning on just doing a more basic Lombardy game and married a random Byzantine Princess at one point, and without my prompting the Byzantine Empire exploded to the point that a mass of succession wars and royal deaths occurred to make my wife the Empress. I had gotten plenty of experience jumping into wars I don't belong in to prop up regimes from powers bigger than both of us while stifling the Carolingian dream of a Holy Roman Empire, so I just ran with it. Now there still was a bit of work to get there, but when the game throws you an opportunity like that on an achievement run you roll with it. I also learned the fun little quirk that you don't have to control all three Empresses to get the Empressive achievement, as that wife counted as the first in the chain.


On 7/26/2024 at 11:38 AM, Codename Shrimp said:


@Eltosian Kadath might be interested as well.

Yup, that I am, and I guess that makes sense, that little flag acting as a way of gating certain features. It does seem odd to prevent them from using the sing command thanks to that flag considering there is no means to give a unit other than Azura access to it (while I think there was a DLC item to give people DV access)


11 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

They also let you play with two or three players instead of the full four, with any of the players being able to use the remaining Link, whereas Triforce heroes it's all for one, or one for all when it comes to Link distribution.

I am surprised that I never played Triforce Heroes after playing through both of the Four Swords game (both the GBA side game to the Link to the Past remake, and the Gamecube one).


I probably should have responded to things earlier, but I have been a bit distracted, first by playing a fair bit of the big 2.0 update to Pokemon Emerald Rogue, and also by starting (and getting too distracted and intimidated by how many images I actually took (I am culling them down) to finish so far) the final chapter update to the Linked ironman run. I did beat an Emerald Rogue run, but I am not proud of it. I finally cracked after both my Legendaries died in the Elite Four section, and became a potion trainer, and potions are so broken that I could push a barely functional cobbled together team of rejects over the finish line because of them. Really the 2.0 version has a lot a fun changes, clearly taking some interesting ideas from more modern games and adapting them to the older GBA style, although the difficulty spike when you hit the Elite Four is absurd (it killed basically every run where I didn't have multiple Legendaries going in, although if I were using items in battle back then it might have been different).


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Okay, this time the bosses are clearly retreating. Once enough of them are sent packing (or turn 5 is reached, I think), Wataru's group has reached the flowers, but the Zan brothers have been waiting. Zan Cook gives Kurama one last chance to return to them, but he refuses. And now Kurama reveals about his cursed state and that of his entire village, hence why he was working for Doakdar. A fight ensues, but Kurama is struck down. But then the mystery Mashin appears and interrupts the fight, forcing the Zan to leave, but not before saying the flowers actually never bloom. Now the mystery pilot finally reveals himself. Genryusai, Himiko's father... and also cursed like Kurama is. He looks like a monkey.

Now Zan Cook deploys with reinforcements. Genryusai tells Himiko to hop aboard, and finally his mech, the Genjinmaru, is playable. With Himiko as sub-pilot, of course. Genryusai reveals the flowers need a really strong sunlight to bloom. Sunlight, you say, eh?

Realm of Darkness: Muteki Koujin Daitarn 3

Why do I get the feeling they had Daitarn 3 in SRW X just for this. XD

Anyway, the flowers bloom, and the dew is used to bring Ryujinmaru back. Complete with anime clip. Or wait, I think it's the same one from when he first showed up. Ah well, heh. Now Ryujinmaru gains the Metamorphosize ability, as Kujinmaru was also brought back. Now, they can combine as Ryuohmaru once Wataru's Will is high enough. Okay, now we have an anime clip for Ryuohmaru forming.

Alright, time to finish this!

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35 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yup, that I am, and I guess that makes sense, that little flag acting as a way of gating certain features. It does seem odd to prevent them from using the sing command thanks to that flag considering there is no means to give a unit other than Azura access to it (while I think there was a DLC item to give people DV access)

If i have to guess the reason: People could recruit other people's units using online features, right? Most likely they didn't want a player to have access to more than once dancer in guess they recruit Azura, hence they disabled certain commands from "non story recruited" units

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1 minute ago, Codename Shrimp said:

If i have to guess the reason: People could recruit other people's units using online features, right? Most likely they didn't want a player to have access to more than once dancer in guess they recruit Azura, hence they disabled certain commands from "non story recruited" units

Ah, that makes a lot of sense, it just didn't click with me that the tag for generic recruits would be the same as the one used for recruits from other people's army online.

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Zan Cook's mech blows up... but Genryusai doesn't believe this killed them off. Wataru goes to check on Kurama, who looks close to death. Upon Shibaraku commenting on his righteous heart, Spero gets the idea to tell Wataru to use the Selene Flower dew on Kurama, which... turns him back human. Now that Ryujinmaru is back, Salamandinay is now willing to talk...

At Doakdar's, the last of the Four Generals, Don Goro, is reporting to the man himself. He pledges to field now, but Doakdar tells him it won't be necessary. He is to continue instructing Toraoh, however that is. Instead, there will be others to deal with Wataru and friends. Whoever are they, they were brought back from the darkness according to an ancient pact. Hmm...

So the map ends...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Scenario 24

Salamandinay begins her explanation. Some info is the same as in SRW V, mostly in regards to what dragons are. Of course, differences will abound here in SRW X. They still come another world, though unlike in V, it's not a world any of the party come from. This in turn is referred as the World of Aura. Long ago they fought war against each other, using Dragunium, and almost destroyed the world. Though now, instead of being related to Getter radiation, Dragunium here is now tied to the power of the sacred beasts of the many worlds. Aura and her people then traveled to Al-Warth, where she met the Seven Shinbe Dragon Gods and mastered the use of Dragunium, and thus she and her people could turn into dragons. Afterwards, they returned to their world and began to purify it. In return, Aura promised the dragons to help if they ever came in peril. Her people kept the oath, now leading to Salamandinay seeing it her duty to help Wataru. Naturally, not everybody returned all those centuries ago, instead remaining in Al-Warth. And one of them, Embryo, would use the Dragunium to establish Misurugi and the Mana system. He developed the Ragna-Mails during the war, of which Vilkiss is one. Interesting, here the Vilkiss is white as an honor to the first Savior, when the Ancient Humans stole it from Embryo and painted it so.

Now Tusk mentions the bit about Jill using it to fight off Embryo, the true meaning of the Libertus operation, which failed. Then Sala mentions the bit about Embryo capturing Aura and keeping her imprisoned in the Dawn Pillar. Thus, the dragons invading Al-Warth, and why Vivian ended in Arzenal. And, as a reminder, his ability to cross worlds is why some of the enemy factions are siding with him, hoping they could return home that way. Still, they wonder why he would be compelled to attack the Free Pact Alliance or Ameria as well. Regardless, the goal is set. He must be stopped. And lol, Ange and Sala don't shy away from admitting they're willing to bury the hatchet between each other if Wataru is telling them to, haha. Now the topic of the song is brought up. A means to control space-time, which Embryo turned into a melody, which then for this game, the Dragon Gods turned into a song to perfect it. Genryusai now takes over explaining things, since those events were recorded into legend. The song was given to Aura, but also to select maidens to pass the song down as well. These include Freyja, the name of Salamandinay's clan, and also Ikaruga, Ange's mother's family name. Also, the whole idea of Otherworlders coming to Al-Warth and joining together to fight evil is also the stuff of legend.

The topic shifting to present matters, Genryusai mentions of strange happenings to the east. About a dark figure descending from the sky. The group is set to investigate, all while Koji ruminates in how Ashura sending him to Al-Warth couldn't be a coincidence...

As he, Sayaka, and the OG are on patrol, they encounter Doakdar forces. They can't contact the rest of the team, so for now they're on their own. Let's go!

Count Brocken shows up not long after, but also a Mechanical Beast! It's the Ghostfire V9, which... attacks Brocken! And can speak. Seems Dr. Hell defiled its body? Thus Brocken deserved to be struck down. And... I think Brocken actually dies here? Welp. Anyway, the being declares himself a warrior of Olympus! The Talos Statues are quick to obey it. Well now...

Hmm, the being also knows of the Keepers of Order.

Alright, got Koji to 40 score. I'm halfway there...

Upon defeat, the warrior simply recovers its HP, and insists on dueling Koji. They do, but Koji loses. The being, referred as Warrior Soul, says that tomorrow it will slaughter everyone in the nearby village. Says it will be his punishment. Come nightfall, Koji tells Sayaka and the OG to go back and inform the party. He'll stay to protect the village. Though the Z is still in bad shape... but Koji won't give up.

Next day, the Warrior Soul is back, with more Talos Statues and more Warrior Souls in Mechanical Beasts. They chide Koji for wanting to take them all alone in his condition, and so will strike him down to show the futility of his actions. So we begin...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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