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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Maybe I was worrying for nothing about the score requirement. Koji is just racking up the kills here, heh. Sheesh, the Z's EN is so low. Same for HP, but it is enduring. Nothing can topple this Fortress of Iron, you hear me, Olympians! But finally, after a few turns, the Warriors ask why Koji fights. They compare him with Zeus, who... huh, interesting. According to his library entry, Zeus got his right arm severed by Hades. Said arm ended up buried in Bardos Island, and is what became Japanium which led to the Supper Alloy Z and Photonic Generators. Anyway, the warriors call Zeus a traitor, revealing they're Hades' men. Then Garadabla and some Kedora show up. Garadabla saying that Ashura, or rather Tristan and Isolde, the couple whose bodies Dr. Hell used to make Ashura, their ritual which brought Koji to Al-Warth... which Garadabla calls their Holy Land!

Surprise, in this game, Olyumpus is on Al-Warth. They crossed worlds to invade Earth, but were defeated by Zeus and Koji (Shin Mazinger apparently had a time travel episode; which led to the crazy awesome scene of Zeus watching Koji fire the Z's Rocket Punch, inspiring him to fling his own hand as one). They returned to Al-Warth and went to slumber. Tristan and Isolde were meant to awaken them... and now that has come to pass. Koji was sent to Al-Warth so his soul would be given to Hades, to bring back their resurrection and resume their invasion. They relentlessly attack Koji, but he won't give up! Then out of nowhere, they get attacked. It's Tetsuya! Who destroys some of the Mechanical Beast bodies. Ooh, neat, Koji and Tetsuya's talk is voiced. And now the party finally arrives. Turns out the Olympians were the one who were disrupting communications earlier.

Testusya is the other one whom the kill count secret is involved. Both his and Koji's kill count must add to 80. Koji is at 48, and Tetsuya begins with 24. So close!

Now, there's another secret that begins here. Either of Koji or Tetsuya must defeat Garadabla. However, there's a second step later on that can be done if this one was missed. Still, I'm not going to take my chances. Let's go!

Interesting. Ange and Salamandinay sense some familiarity with the Olympians. Considering things... they were definitely involved in the ancient war. Let's see, it'd be the Olympians, the Dragon Gods and the first Savior, the Ancient Humans, Embryo, Doakdar too wasn't it... who else would be involved here, hmm...

Yeah, even the Olympians are the stuff of Al-Warth legend, as Ryujinmaru tells Wataru.

Huh, Garadabla calls the Great Mazinger as Zeus' left hand. Apparently he also lost it like his right arm? I see why he considers the Mazingers as holders of Zeus' will. If his right arm became Mazinger Z, and the left one became the Great.

Alright, got Tetsuya to defeat him! I've secured the secret, I hope. Though there's also a second thing that also needs this to be unlocked. And unlike the first one, it's not an either off with the other condition later on. I think. Anyway, Garadabla retreats. Tetsuya is the to explain about the Olympians. Considering they demanded worship of the humans of the Mycenae region... huh, is Shin Mazinger making it that this is how the ancient Greeks built their religion? Anyway, Koji has figure out Tetsuya is his uncle on his own. But Tetsuya Tsurugi is suppose to be dead. Before he can explain, the Dark General appears, with some Mycenae in tow. Before he can attack, the Keepers of Order show up, attacking him with a powerful Dogma. They're led by the same guy who opened the gate in the Buddy Complex world, who now has a name and full portrait, Celric. The Mycenaeans withdraw.

Celric introduces himself, as a Priest, who lead the Sorcerers. He doesn't come here with hostile intentions, instead wanting to talk with X-Cross about the Olympians, Doakdar, and Misurugi. The group accepts. Though Celric also seems intent to talk with the OG...

That settled, Tetsuya finally explains himself. How Kenzo Kabuto found out about the Mycenae's return, and thus he revived Tetsuya and put him to cryogenic hibernation, as well build the Great Mazinger. I'm guessing this is what happens in Shin Mazinger proper, and not the literal time skip Tetsuya does in SRW V, as that one took cues from what happened to Ryoma Nagare. Anyway, he followed after Koji and company when Ashura made the ritual, and now he's here. Meanwhile, the group worries about the OG, since they did deserted the Keepers, though overall they're in good spirits on finally having the Keepers to help out.

So the map ends...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Scenario 25

The following two chapters vary depending on which OG protagonist was chosen. The group reach the Keeper's temple. They notice a giant tree growing within and out, which Celric calls the Holy Tree of Ende. Ende being the god they worship. It's said Ende loves nature, thus the Keepers reveer it all the same. It's not the only tree, apparently, growing on the ley lines of the world, and it's where the Keepers have built their temples. Celric has lead them to the one that serves as the Keeper's front line base against the Olympians... which apparently happens to be the one the OG and Spero fled from.

Though most are happy and in awe, Ange is quick to bring up why the Keepers seem to let Embryo do as he pleases. Though Celric brings up the point if it's worth unleashing chaos on Misurugi if they did interfere. Instead, they help keep Arzenal supplied and hope the people themselves take matters on their own hands. Though they do intend to help Jill once she starts another Libertus operation, apparently. Likewise, Lelouch also wants to pry just on what do the Keepers hope to gain out of their custodian role, though Celric doesn't reveal much beyond what seem to be standard answers.

Meanwhile, the OG is before the Archmage, Keeldin. Despite assurances, Keeldin outright calls it's an inquisition. ... No one expects the Al-Warth inquisition? Anyway, the OG is interrogated about their actions. They found servitude to Ende to be lacking, which of course Keeldin considers a depravity. Thus, he brands them an apostate, but gives them a chance to repent. The OG accepts, and inwardly start to question why they wanted to leave, feeling it as a bad dream. Hmm... They then ask about Spero, and are told he'll also return to the Keepers, where he'll be happiest. And they're forbidding from seeing him.

The OG then goes to say goodbye to Spero, but lets up they're doing it against the Archmage's wishes. This makes Spero to laugh hysterically, musing it means there's still hope. He then asks to merge consciousnesses, just as they did when they first met.

Then we cut to they in the Xelguard... on the run again it seems. Looks like Spero got the OG to see the truth about things, including about the Keepers and the summoning of the Otherworlders. So now the OG has deserted... again. They also reveal how they seem to tense up when they're before the Archmage, despite knowing him for years. Though they don't seem to remember their first day in the Keepers. Hmm...

But now Keeper mechs and golems show up, led by the other OG protagonist. Here with the intent of punishing them as decreed by Keeldin, though also with another offer of forgiveness. But the OG won't take it, aware things will just repeat themselves. Despite being outnumbered, they're fired up to ensure they keep their freedom. So we begin!

A few turns in, the Cygnus shows up, with everyone in tow. They're here to support the OG, even if it means making enemies of the Keepers. They're mostly Otherworlders, anyway, so they don't hold the Keepers in high reverence anyway. Though the Al-Warth natives do voice their trepidation, but can be used for the map nonetheless.

Once defeated, the other OG flees, seemingly confused and angry as to why the protagonist is doing this. The protagonist is regretful it came down to this, despite Spero saying it couldn't be avoided. The group will rendezvous with the other battleships, wondering what will happen now. Just then Celric shows up, with more Sorcerers and Golems in tow. He then takes a shot at the protagonist, making Spero say they have no choice but to use their strongest Dogma... but does no damage. Displaying an actual 0, wow. I thought only Alpha 2 did that. And now Celric attacks again, downing the Xelguard. Celric intends to do more, but Spero announces his surrender, going over to him. This makes the OG snap, helpless to do anything as the golems surround them.

As for the rest of the party... the Keepers consider their current conduct a byproduct of the OG's actions. So they're willing to look past this and invite them back to the temple. The group complies... for now.

Back at Keeldin's chamber, he and Spero have a little chat. Despite his actions, the bird still has something up sleeve.

So the map ends...

Interesting, the intermission's Vault conversation is Spero wishing to confide something with Nemo and Lelouch. Hmm, that sounds it will be relevant soon enough...

Ah, Koji and Tetsuya have 79 combined kills. Just one away from the threshold! Well, that will be done next map...

As a last thing, if I had the FirstPrint/Preorder bonuses, this would be the point where Cybuster receives a stat boost as well gain Cosmo Nova. Stuff it will already have once I do get it, but it's here to accommodate if it joined much earlier, pretty much. Just like with the Huckebein and Grungust of V.


Phew, all done for today. Will resume tomorrow.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

>Edelgard pic

>Gets unreasonably angry about Three Houses

What did he mean by this?

Characters are great

They just deserved a better game, I'm sorry.

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Context intentionally withheld

9 hours ago, Armagon said:


NASA themselves reporting on the possibility that they may have found fossilized microbial life.

Interesting, there's still a lot to prove to say this is a result of microbes and arguably there's evidence to suggest it could have been abiotic, but it's something to actually investigate.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know I saw an article on Shining Soul II when I was a child. Never played it, but it did look interesting. Hopefully that was better than what you're saying of the first.

You'd hope, considering it has the chance to learn from the first game.

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4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Characters are great

They just deserved a better game, I'm sorry.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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Scenario 26

The OG is once again before the Archmage. They reveal out what they've discovered. That their memories with the Keepers were actually false. That it was the Keepers who were summoning the Otherworlders. Keeldin doesn't deny the latter, calling it a necessity for Al-Warth to survive. He declares the OG has been thrown into disarray by Spero, so he calls upon Ende's power to modify their mind...

Elsewhere, the battleship captains and Celric reach an accordance to help each other against Doakdar and Olympus, and so hopefully they can return to their worlds. Celric notes Captain Nemo isn't present, with Lelouch instead representing him. He asks for the OG's whereabouts, and the captains also ask if they can still accompany them, despite the current situation. Though Celric declines, saying it's a matter to be handled by the Keepers themselves. At this Lelouch lays it out. He declares the Keepers only believe in their own justice, and reveals he also knows about the Otherworlders being summoned by them. Celric asks for proof, and Lelouch reveals about Spero. Being asked if he believes Spero over him, Lelouch actually admits he believes neither. However, Celric has reminded him too much of Schneizel to figure out his line of thought. This, of course, leads Celric to declare them enemies. They won't act until the party actually leaves the temple, but once they do...

The group deploys. Just about only the members of 1st Squadron complain it has come up to this. Even Shibaraku, who so praised the Keepers before, has changed his tune over the way they act after the whole debacle with Kurama. At this Nemo reveals he deliberately sent Lelouch in his stead to rat Celric out. Kuramitsu wonders why Spero chose him, and if it's because he and the Nautilus have lots of secrets yet in hiding. Hmm...

The Keepers finally deploy, led by Celric. He doesn't care if this means weakening their efforts against their mutual foes, but he's too prideful to let this stand. The party state they only want the protagonist back, but then Celric says that's for they to decide. Well, turns out, the protagonist is among the forces deployed... and if the previous scene was an indication, definitely not sound of mind. Celric withdraws, and so the fight begins...

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My particular preferences -and some squandering of the appropriate time- for playing MMW:W I could move the Switch into my bedroom ...but the TV isn't as big and centered, means I'm proceeding with the game way slower than I would like.

Just another mid-battle upgrade screenshot:



Did we need this? -No. Do I like this? -Yes.😄

...But I am largely enjoying the game when I do play it.😀

-I know it could be too soon to judge (the story isn't over yet), but I've been thinking of this possibility -or perhaps certainty- for a while. That being- I prefer Megaton Musashi over 13 Sentinels. Not much of a surprise to me, given 13S was unfortunately, personally a letdown.

I'm comparing the two, because they share: 2D visual novel-ish story segments, a largely teenage cast, and sci-fi with mecha. Yet the similarities end there. 13S goes with with fairly drab, serious, sometimes philosophical sci-fi, with the mechs flavorless and I dare say almost unnecessary. Megaton Musashi's narrative goals aren't to be a grandiose or serious work in the canon of sci-fi literature/cinema, it's decidedly typical kinda-light mecha anime in tone. -But I think I prefer that?😅 Cast-wise, well I haven't done any of the Side Stories in Megaton, and I will say the crew feels a tad too big -but then Vanillaware ran out of time/resources to include casual life/bonding moments in 13S, so this could be no worse than a shared flaw between the two games. On gameplay, although it can be easy button-masher-ish in Megaton at times, I prefer that over the tower defense stuff my brain didn't gel with from the very start in 13S. Mech missions are also regularly spaced out in MMW:W's story, whereas the 13S battles can be entirely ignored until after you done a heaping quantity of story. 13S's chronology of when the battles take place is also peculiar and I don't think that helped.

I wanted to not type out this out until I was done with MMW:W, but I've become too impatient with my sluggish play pace.😆 -And no offense to 13S.🙂


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh lol, Linkle commanding Cucco armies is so hilarious. XD

Alas, I have not seen that. Twas a 3DS port addition. 🐔

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Ah yes, no doubt inspired by the Jabbers of Gundam:


Ride-able mobile platform for the MS's. Though these can fly and also used in space. For when you want to conserve the MS's energy when heading to the battlefield.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Alas, I have not seen that. Twas a 3DS port addition. 🐔

Yeah, it's so amusing to see. XD

Also, her double crossbow moveset makes my mind wander over to the Wing Zero's Twin Buster Rifles, pft. lol

3 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


I guess Truck-kun upgraded to Meteor-kun

The idea has crossed my mind, I won't deny. XD LOL

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@Interdimensional Observer Tried out Shining Soul II, turns out they actually had a better game in them.

Better control feel (not perfect, isometric combat can still have blindspots and areas where you miss when you think you hit), looks like it might have a bit more go to it (I admittedly tried a different class to the first one so that might be less so than I give it credit for), the map design had been more interesting (when they didn't have a sidequest reuse levels from the first game's dungeon), with the visual look better already and by the second dungeon they're doing a quest on the map that just starts up, you can choose to interact with or not, you get to interact with more in the castle (though it does have the issue of then running around the whole place to find stuff like the aforementioned quests), the economy in this game actually has things for the player to engage with from the off, the boss I did fight surprised me a little, I felt like the bosses in the first game were spongy and you just had to figure out their strats and it'd be easy peasy (when not BS like Michaela) but even this first boss made me think there'd be more to the fights and there's actual interactions for the enemies (Like the quest in the second dungeon I mentioned), even the music's better.

IMO, you're free to skip 1. 2 might be worth the trouble, I can say more about it in much less time imo.

4 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:


This is just the trick.


8 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Man, imagine just waking up to this.

Your planet suddenly entering a new system of planets with all their jazz to face, navigating dealing with, say a bunch of sky islands in one world our a waterworld in the next (because we all know it's happening), and not even a camera commonly available in HD to show off your dragon clips 😛

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Going to see Deadpool.

29 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


How does this affect the trout population?


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Don't know if it's turn-dependent as well, but once the OG is defeated the party try to reach them. But then Celric comes back, saying it's futile. He even taunts Lelouch if he'll resort to the Geass, but instead it's Wataru who rushes forward and uses the Mirror of Truth. Celric gloats it won't work, but it succeeding wasn't the plan. Rather, it was enough to "distract" Ende's power, as Spero now shows up with the Xelguard. It's him who gets the OG to snap out of their stupor, but the other OG then shows up, trying to interfere. But the protagonist is resolute. They aren't going back to the Keepers. The other OG is quite angry about the whole thing, as it were...

Now the protagonist returns to the Xelguard. Spero reveals more of the mech. It was considered a defect by the Keepers, but few knew exactly why. It required a lot of magical power to use, and Spero reveals he was created precisely to overcome that problem, by amplifying the user's power. So they do. This translates to Xelguard getting another stat boost, as well a new attack, the Soaring Twin Wings.

I suppose this is a good time as any. SRW X is one of the rare SRW games where the protagonist never switches/upgrades their mecha. However, unlike say, SRW A, the Xelguard does get several increases in its stats, as well a few more attacks, all throughout the game.

Okay, now to defeat Celric and his Warth Deenbell. Let's do this!

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39 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, her double crossbow moveset makes my mind wander over to the Wing Zero's Twin Buster Rifles, pft. lol

But does she brush against the friction of the atmosphere with every twin shot she takes?

That's as random a drift into mecha-thought as any, but I get it, that happens.😝

36 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Amuro after Axis Isekai's the Earth: "Damn you, Char!"

Can we be sure this doesn't explain why Amuro and Char were never found?🤔 

41 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah yes, no doubt inspired by the Jabbers of Gundam:


Ride-able mobile platform for the MS's. Though these can fly and also used in space. For when you want to conserve the MS's energy when heading to the battlefield.

Maxter aside, I wasn't aware Gundams could surf.🏄‍♂️😆 (-And GC does let the RX-78-2 (but not the 78-3) combine with the G-Fighter. But, likely owing to the challenges of 3D models, the 78-2 only rides atop the G-Fighter in GC, it doesn't actually fuse with it ala SRW A.)

...On this matter, I've been thinking about where Megaton Musashi falls- Super or Real.:

  • On height- the Megaton-class Rogues are stated to be at least 60 meters tall, so deep Super territory. (The smaller Diver class I haven't really seen but which the useless good guy generics use? At least 30 meters.)
  • The Special Moves? Also feel Super.
  • Yamato's hot blood? Totally Super.
  • The designs of the Megatons? A few could pass -if shrunk- in Gundam, I think. Yet the bulk of the titular Musashi in particular feels like a Super flex. And the general designs of other Megatons come off as aiming for Super, often with a gritty metallic finish.
  • The conventional weaponry? The game's choice in melee weapons might be a tad out of place in a Real, but as I run around the battlefield shooting a gun? That gives me a Real sensation.
  • Story? Earth vs. Aliens is Super-Real agnostic. Aliens sorta lean Super -but Layzner and Majestic Prince are Real. Apocalyptic setting? Also S-R ambiguous, I think?
  • The numeric size of the playable/Megaton-piloting cast? It's big enough to feel Real here too, by SRW standards.
  • Now, the choice of Level-5 to pick only classic Supers for licensed crossovers, that I think says a lot about what they created Megaton Musashi as being.

So Super, but I wouldn't say it's at the farthest point on that side of the mecha spectrum. Comes off as wanting to borrow an aspect or two of Real?


24 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Tried out Shining Soul II, turns out they actually had a better game in them.

Better control feel (not perfect, isometric combat can still have blindspots and areas where you miss when you think you hit), looks like it might have a bit more go to it (I admittedly tried a different class to the first one so that might be less so than I give it credit for), the map design had been more interesting (when they didn't have a sidequest reuse levels from the first game's dungeon), with the visual look better already and by the second dungeon they're doing a quest on the map that just starts up, you can choose to interact with or not, you get to interact with more in the castle (though it does have the issue of then running around the whole place to find stuff like the aforementioned quests), the economy in this game actually has things for the player to engage with from the off, the boss I did fight surprised me a little, I felt like the bosses in the first game were spongy and you just had to figure out their strats and it'd be easy peasy (when not BS like Michaela) but even this first boss made me think there'd be more to the fights and there's actual interactions for the enemies (Like the quest in the second dungeon I mentioned), even the music's better.

IMO, you're free to skip 1. 2 might be worth the trouble, I can say more about it in much less time imo.

Thanks for doing this!😃

I have all the time in the world, but I'm not sure when if ever I would've sated my curiosity on this obscure game.😅

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Once defeating Celric, the group promptly escapes. Celric... doesn't take the loss well.

He reports to Keeldin, who seems willing to let the group be for now, on the grounds they are fighting against Doakdar and Olympus. He even muses that, after what just happened with the Xelguard, the OG might be worth the Seat of the Founder, which has never been occupied since the Keeper's establishment. Celric doesn't seem content he can't pursue the OG to punish them, but lets the matter drop for now nevertheless. Keeldin muses he's still young... and even deems both Celric and the OG as candidates for the seat. Hmm, he seems to want to stoke a rivalry between them...

Back with the heroes, they're joyed to have the protagonist and Spero back. Though the mood sours a bit as they remember they're no enemies of the Keepers. Nevertheless, their resolve remains absolute. They'll save Al-Warth, and return everyone back to their worlds. So the map ends...

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But does she brush against the friction of the atmosphere with every twin shot she takes?

That's as random a drift into mecha-thought as any, but I get it, that happens.😝

Haha, for sure. Well, when one can see the similarity, even if small...

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Can we be sure this doesn't explain why Amuro and Char were never found?🤔 

SRW has certainly toyed with the idea. V and X alone do precisely that.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maxter aside, I wasn't aware Gundams could surf.🏄‍♂️😆 (-And GC does let the RX-78-2 (but not the 78-3) combine with the G-Fighter. But, likely owing to the challenges of 3D models, the 78-2 only rides atop the G-Fighter in GC, it doesn't actually fuse with it ala SRW A.)

It is certainly a thing there, yes. There are cases where they're used close to the ground, yes, but for the most part it is more versatile thanks to their capability of flight and space use.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...On this matter, I've been thinking about where Megaton Musashi falls- Super or Real.:

  • On height- the Megaton-class Rogues are stated to be at least 60 meters tall, so deep Super territory. (The smaller Diver class I haven't really seen but which the useless good guy generics use? At least 30 meters.)
  • The Special Moves? Also feel Super.
  • Yamato's hot blood? Totally Super.
  • The designs of the Megatons? A few could pass -if shrunk- in Gundam, I think. Yet the bulk of the titular Musashi in particular feels like a Super flex. And the general designs of other Megatons come off as aiming for Super, often with a gritty metallic finish.
  • The conventional weaponry? The game's choice in melee weapons might be a tad out of place in a Real, but as I run around the battlefield shooting a gun? That gives me a Real sensation.
  • Story? Earth vs. Aliens is Super-Real agnostic. Aliens sorta lean Super -but Layzner and Majestic Prince are Real. Apocalyptic setting? Also S-R ambiguous, I think?
  • The numeric size of the playable/Megaton-piloting cast? It's big enough to feel Real here too, by SRW standards.
  • Now, the choice of Level-5 to pick only classic Supers for licensed crossovers, that I think says a lot about what they created Megaton Musashi as being.

So Super, but I wouldn't say it's at the farthest point on that side of the mecha spectrum. Comes off as wanting to borrow an aspect or two of Real?

Yeah, gonna agree there. Bonafied Super Robot. Though having a little bit of Real elements wouldn't be unheard of. Even the original Gundam show still followed a few trappings of the Super Robot formula, despite being the codifier of the Real Robot genre. So some mix and match can be present.

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Two more DLC maps have unlocked.

The first one seems to be a repeat of V's "secondary characters get jealous of idolized heroes" DLC map. From the intro description, the cause here now stems from Wataru's worship of Koji and Maito. Though the stage itself actually begins with Professor Wolfgang, angry that Purple has been talking down his robots. He blames their performance against X-Cross on the pilots... so he fires his subordinates, to their shock.

Now we switch to the heroes, where indeed Wataru is going all fanboy mode. As with V, Boss, Nuke, and Mucha get jealous and storm off. The whole way, taking the Borot out. They come across Wolfgang's subordinates... oh, I see. Since they're three, and Boss and his goons are also three. As such, they end up bonding from their shared misery, and decide to band up together to prove their worth. Seems they don't realize they're normally enemies, haha. Well, until the subordinates do reveal it.

So now a fight ensues, with both sides hoping taking down the other will elevate their standing in their respective group. Okay then.

So, it's the Boss Borot against their three Teigel 5656. Huh, they actually are pilots here. I don't remember if I ever fought them off in V, but I would not be surprised if they were fightable somewhere. Still... oh wait! They technically fight with Wolfgang, but well, enemies don't employ sub-pilots. So I guess X is doing something new here by actually having them pilot stuff on their own.

Anyway, upon defeating one of them, now Koji, Sayaka, Maito, and Wataru show up. The subordinates express jealousy that Boss and his gang have friends ready to back them up, but still intend to not back down. And now the Kurogane Five show up to give Boss and his gang a pep talk. But now Wolfgang shows up, and even covers the trio from an attack. The subordinates want to repay the favor, even if their mechs are outclassed. Wolfgang is surprised, and even asks for them back, which they do. So now they board Wolfgang's mech, the quartet reunited again. Fun fact, those three in the original series, though indeed also left Wolfgang for a while, where the only subordinates that remained loyal to him to the end. Their names being Ich, Liebe, and Dich is perhaps not a coincidence, apparently.

Okay, scenario ends with Wolfgang's defeat. Let's do this!

He retreats once defeated. Boss and his gang are in good spirits to head back now... though it doesn't change the fact they still deserted. They get an earful from Electra, and get put on lots of duties as punishment. Still, the trio receive some praise from Wataru, who reveals the Borot is actually popular at his school. So now they're fired up... though on the side the Kurogane Five comment how it's expected that gradeschoolers prefer the funny over the cool, haha. So the map ends...

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Second DLC map. It begins with Spero being chased by... Salia. The protagonist bumps into both, and Salia considers this ideal, as she practically demands them to help her. Ahahaha, oh boy, it's gonna be X's take on Pretty Salian. This will be a hoot. XD

So, the OG has dragged Show and Lelouch on recon duty, it seems. But also Salia shows up... in her Pretty Salian getup, complete with voiced speech. AHAHAHAHAHA, Lelouch's face. XD LOL Oh, it gets better. The whole thing is a RP session... but Show and Lelouch were not given the memo, haha. At this the OG and Spero finally explain. Turns out Spero went to visit Salia for a strategy meeting... and stumbled in the middle of her cosplay session. Hence him frantically trying to get away. And now they were roped into this, using Dogmas so Salia could actually pretend to be a Magical Girl for real. And Show and Lelouch were dragged into this since... well, one is a Battler (though I suppose it's more due to the Japanese term, Holy Knight), and the other a prince (well, by this point former Emperor, but point is, he's royalty). So a Knight, a Prince, and a Sorcerer; the companions for the Magical Girl. And of course, any respectable adventuring group has to be composed of four members, absolutely. The group surmises this is Salia's way to vent the stress and frustration of leading 1st Squadron... and indeed, she seems to now be in her own little world. So they have little choice but to play along, for her sanity's sake.

Of course, the golems that suddenly show up are not part of the game. But Salia, still in her "trance", is ready to take them down all the same. And the rest... continue to play along, heh.

Oh man, and I thought Salia having a tea party with the Bonta-kun suit in SRW V was already hilarious... XD But this is even beter, since she is indeed fighting as Pretty Salian for this map, complete with the proper portrait and battle quotes, pft. This is like "Roy Focker fighting while drunk in Alpha 1" levels of hilarity. Well, let's dive in...

Soon more golems show up. Salia tries to take them all... only for 1st Squadron to show up. And see her in her current get-up. It actually sends Salia on a berserk charge that destroys some of the golems. Though fortunately, the OG and Spero were prepared. Using a Dogma, they change Salia's outfit back to her Para-Mail uniform, and start acting how this was all prank of theirs. It does work, at least, though of course Ange won't let the opportunity to still tease Salia about it, heh. Well, let's finish this...

The golems have been routed. The group plans to head back, though not before Salia tells the OG to meet them in their room. The others think they're in for a scolding... but of course, it's a thanks for the whole thing. But also, she wants them to keep using their clothes-changing Dogma for whenever she feels doing the Pretty Salian number again. This part is even funnier with the female protagonist since Salia also wants her to join in too. Spero saying he'll be the producer of the show is the icing on the cake. lol

So the map ends...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Scenario 27

The group discuss about the OG's fake memories. They wonder if it could apply to the entire Order too. There's still the matter of the Keepers summoning Otherworlders. As it is, they can only obtain answers from Keeldin, but for now they can't afford to instigate fights with them. They still have their reputation among the people of Al-Warth, and at least do seem genuine in their "fighting evil" spiel. So for now, X-Cross will keep focusing on those who definitely are fully evil, like Doakdar and Embryo. Though if the Order is the one that comes knocking... In any case, the group is returning to Aoto to resupply.

Elsewhere, the BD Alliance guys are all in sour moods, mostly due to Purple. Wolfgang thinks they should figure out how he got in contact with Doakdar. Meanwhile, Joe just watches the bickering. He's then approached by a kid, introducing himself as Toraoh. Hm? Wasn't that name mentioned before by Doakdar? Anyway, he's seeking out X-Cross. Joe is happy to oblige, but asks for a favor in return...

At Aoto, the group is ready to sit back and relax (and some get to tease Simon that Maito and Sally might tie the knot before he and Nia do, haha). Meanwhile, the youngsters are out playing tag, when Toraoh approaches. Whatever his intentions, he ends up roped into the game, pft. Once that's over, Toraoh is actually impressed with Himiko... and declares he'll make her his wife. How old are you again, kid? When Maito approaches announcing dinner is ready, upon learning his name Toraoh says he has a letter for him. It's from Joe, issuing a duel challenge.

The fated hour arrives. After a talk with Sally, Maito tries to convince Joe they should join forces to return home. Then they could have their fight. Though Joe doesn't care for that. He wants that battle, no matter where they are. So the stage begins, with just Maito and Joe to duke it out.

So, upon defeating him (or enough turns pass, I guess), Joe still doesn't give up. As they prepare to clash out again, suddenly Mightgaine is attacked! Then Joe delivers the final blow. Mightgaine is forced to separate, and they retreat. Joe is surprised as well, and then Purple shows up with BD Alliance mechs. Joe isn't happy for his interference, stating Maito is his to defeat alone. Purple simply laughs it off, while also dropping the fact Joe also seeks to avenge the death of his father. This surprises Wolfgang, as he didn't knew... and also wonders what Purple knows about that.

The party then deploys. Joe withdraws, still unhappy. Purple leaves as well, leaving things to Wolfgang. And nearby, Toraoh watches Ryujinmaru...

The turn after, Capital Army and Towasanga mechs show up, led by Mask. Also here are Rockpie, Barara, and Manny. So, a couple secret steps here. Two more Mask points. Bellri must defeat Mask and Manny for one each. Raraiya can also defeat Manny for the same point. Then, Raraiya and Ringo must fight Rockpie, and either has to defeat him as well. This is for a different secret, and it looks like it's the only step to do. Okay, simple enough, I hope.

Another turn in, the fight's intensity makes Sally lament things came to this, partly blaming herself. Though Nia is quick to console her and assures her Maito will be fine. Wolfgang also thinks he should finish this immediately, so he rushes towards the factory. His mech has a barrier protecting him from the party's attacks. Simon rushes in to pierce it through with his drill, but then a mech appears. It's Maito, in the Might Kaiser! Together, he and Simon drill through the barrier. DRILLS. But can Might Kaiser's also pierce the Heavens!? In any case, he cutscene defeats Wolfgang, forcing him back to his original position. Now this makes Joe come back, eager to have his duel again. So we're off!

Interesting, the Towasanga have Geara Dogas. They are indeed just using UC mechs and not their own, haha. And good, Mask makes a beeline for Bellri. That should be an easy point.

Defeating Joe, Maito still tries to make him see reason, but he won't budge. The Hiryu blows up, though Joe's not biting it just yet. Defeating Wolfgang also has his mech blow up, but they bail out too. They make a run for it, though not before coming across Jiro Osaka on the way, who recalls the time Wolfgang worked at the Senpuuji Concern. Well, he certainly did in the anime, so I guess that happened before the game's events here.

Okay, hopefully did got the Mask points properly. The Capital Army bosses withdraw. Also did the battle encounters with Rockpie, so hopefully that's settled too. Well, still need to defeat him with either of Raraiya or Ringo. I'll go for the former. The G-Lucifer also has a funnel attack and... woah, did it just pulled the Moonlight Butterfly too!? Damn...

Alright, got him! Rockpie also withdraws. And with that, I routed. Toraoh also calls it a day, satisfied with his observing. Maito tells the group that Gaine's Super AI is fine, but his body will take a while to be repaired. So, he's gonna stay in the Might Kaiser for a while. Just then, Purple sneaks up on Nia and Sally, and kidnaps them. Dammit. He tells the party it's what Doakdar wants, and who also has already in his clutches Queen Ciela and... Relena as well!? So Purple withdraws...

The party discusses why would Doakdar be interested in them all. With the failed attempts on Nadia, it was clearly due to the Blue Water, and with Ciela and Relena they get an inkling as to why. But with Sally and Nia they have no clue. Either way, they'll focus on rescuing them all. The guys at Senpuuji Concern already have a report on Doakdar's army's activity, so the group sets out. Thus the map ends...


Alright, enough for the weekend. Will resume next Saturday.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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