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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Forgot about the Septuagint.😅

Not gonna lie, had a double take when I saw this while skimming. You know why. XD

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Random question. You've been to Egypt several times you said, ever have the national dessert- Umm/Om Ali?

Yes 😄

Tasty little thing!

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I just happened to learn about it today.

Did you also learn that the name means "Ali's Mother"? I don't know the origin of the name tho


Oh. OH!

Well, didn't expect that xD

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4 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Yes 😄

Tasty little thing!


Doesn't sound difficult to make, I think I might try to throw one together myself.

4 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Did you also learn that the name means "Ali's Mother"? I don't know the origin of the name tho


Oh. OH!

Well, didn't expect that xD

The story that ends with concubine-turned-sultana-consort-turned-Egypt's-only-sultana-regnant getting imprisoned in a tower for murdering her second husband and then being beaten to death with shoes and her corpse thrown out of the tower? Which was then supposedly celebrated with a meal?

13th century politics.😄

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51 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Doesn't sound difficult to make, I think I might try to throw one together myself


Do tell me the results! I never tried to make it, but i really love it - I was so happy when i found a shop that could prepare it over here 😄

58 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

13th century politics.😄

Indeed xD

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I found just the shop for-


-of course he'd career-change into that.😆🌠



Picture is dark b/c I took it a little late, so it was starting to screen-transition into battle.

After spending the entirety of the story so far earthbound, the Megaton Musashi finale is going out of this world!😄

-I'm stopping in SF only for a quick breather. I've got a few precious hours of total gaming isolation as solitary as the deep ocean floor, I MUST continue with this!😊🍿


2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Do tell me the results! I never tried to make it, but i really love it - I was so happy when i found a shop that could prepare it over here 😄

-Not today, but sometime, maybe by the end of this month.😅 If you buy the bread (be it puff pastry or croissants, or whatever you're using), all you have to do is tear it to pieces and mix with the other ingredients, then throw it in the oven. Sounds easy.

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...I changed my mind, I WON'T finish Megaton Musashi today.😅

Reasons... I wrote them out here, but decided to transfer them off SF into my various writing logs.😛 However, the game gave me a mighty fine reason to take a breather. Though at the same time, it makes me really curious about the execution of what's left.

What I will say- things were good what I saw today. Except for the moments that didn't gel with me, though there was thankfully little that was abrasive. Overall it was epic and entertaining, that's good enough.😄 

-But how could anyone seriously call something "Cross Zeon Blaster"?🤣 That word is soooooooooooo already owned in MechaLand.😂

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  I did it again.

I need to stop heading up home on a dime.

21 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Water found on Mars!💧

...10-20km/6-12 miles underground. (Good luck drilling for it.) Found thanks to the studying of marsquakes.

Let's see Deep Riverrock get that water now, prove their name makes sense

Impressive they actually found more than hints of water but actual molecular proof though.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The story that ends with concubine-turned-sultana-consort-turned-Egypt's-only-sultana-regnant getting imprisoned in a tower for murdering her stepson a second time and then being beaten to death with shoes and her corpse thrown out of the tower? Which was then supposedly celebrated with a meal?

What, was the first stepson a gimme or did nobody like him?

 Course they decide to eat after they make the big decision, clearly they let the hanger get to them.

Probably should look that up.

2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

That must have been quite the showdown, goddamn.


My dumb ass looking for someone to blame

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22 minutes ago, Dayni said:

What, was the first stepson a gimme or did nobody like him?

 Course they decide to eat after they make the big decision, clearly they let the hanger get to them.

Probably should look that up.

-I got that wrong (I was typing it out too fast for my brain😅) and edited the above, she only killed one stepson.😆

Shajar al-Durr's first husband the Sultan (Ali-Salih Ayyub) dies suddenly -after an abscess amputation. She lets her first stepson (Turanshah) take power, but assassinates him and has his body chucked in the Nile (TBF, he angered her ...and the Mamluk military elite). Shajar takes power as Sultan of Egypt, but the religious authorities quickly tell her that women can't directly hold power, so she compromises and takes a new husband (Izz al-Din Aybak) from among among her generals. She lets him have the military, she keeps the rest of the power to herself.

The new hubby starts grumbling about the relationship, and while off fighting elsewhere, he realizes he needs the Emir of Mosul as an ally, so he marries his daughter, Aybak's third wife. Shajar isn't happy about this and has her second husband stabbed to death while he takes a bath. She claims it's natural causes ...but nobody believes her. Her second stepson (age 15 now) and his mother, the first wife of the general, whom Shajar forced into soft-exile, come back, they torture the truth out of those carried out the murder, and then arrest Shajar. Stepson No. 2 (Al-Mansur Ali) then becomes Sultan, and it's his mother who tells him "Shajar is too dangerous left alive".

My source. Skip to 5:55 to get to the history part.

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Watching Castlevania Nocturne


Did..... did they base their decisions for Juste on fans calling him the worst?

There's something funny about thinking that could be the case.

Also, I can see people getting pissed off about how the first half of the series is more about Annette, because they really frontload her arc.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Why does he has to look similar to Obi-Wan... I can't unsee it.

I can't really see it, though I realise with his hair styles this way why you are.

Could it be that because his head's a bit rounder than McGregor's? I think that's it for me.

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Nice morning, nice reading outside. A Neolithic man betwixt hunter-gathering and farming in Denmark, a relatively understanding and humbled conquistador, the origins of opera, and a French royal sex scandal kicked off by the mother of Edward III of England (the man who began the Hundred Years' War). Life feels good.☺️

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nice morning, nice reading outside. A Neolithic man betwixt hunter-gathering and farming in Denmark, a relatively understanding and humbled conquistador, the origins of opera, and a French royal sex scandal kicked off by the mother of Edward III of England (the man who began the Hundred Years' War). Life feels good.☺️

What are you reading?

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1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

What are you reading?

Merely the non-feature articles in National Geographic History.

  • The peat bog-preserved skeleton of Vittrup Man, who was born in from hunter-gatherer Norway or Sweden, then moved in his teenage years to agrarian Denmark. Whether he moved peacefully as a traded or involuntarily as a slave is uncertain. But we do know he died around 3300-3100 BC, from eight blows delivered by the club found next to him.
  • Alvar Nunez Cabez de Vaca, a man who came to the New World in the mid-1500s wanting to be a conquistador. He instead got stuck on an island (possibly Galveston Island) for six years, wholly dependent on the goodwill of Native Americans to survive. Of the 80 who got shipwrecked, only 15 survived when de Vaca and three others managed to get off the island.
    • When he eventually got back to Spain like two years afterwards, de Vaca wrote a popular memoir- his La Relacion. He did eventually got a colonial governor appointment in South America -but was sent back to Spain to be tried for arrogance and incompetence. He was to be exiled to North Africa as punishment were it not for the king's clemency. Cabez de Vaca died in old age and obscurity.
    • Cabez de Vaca's La Relacion is notable for de Vaca's fairly kind (though not perfect) treatment of the Native Americans, for the era. He described about 20 different indigenous groups, so he did good for the anthropological/historical record.
    • Cabez de Vaca's understanding towards Native Americans (no doubt stemming from his years of utter dependency on them in order to live) may have also been his undoing. His diplomatic and conciliatory approach when Governor of Rio de la Plata, angered Europeans who preferred a more aggressive and conquering stance. His criminal "incompetence", was being negotiatory.
    • TL;DR- Cabez de Vaca- failed conquistador, decent amateur anthropologist.
  • Opera- Invented in ~1600 in Italy in private elite homes. By 1641, the first purpose-built opera house was constructed in Venice, the original opera capital. By the 1660s, figuring out how to make opera financially solvent had been figured out. The cheapest tickets costing an average worker's daily wage.
  • The Tour de Nesle/Tower of Nesle Affair.
    • Isabella, daughter of King Philip IV of France, leaves her husband's (Edward II) England to make a visit to her home country. She spends time with her three sister-in-laws (Margaret, Blanche, and Joan, all noblewomen of Burgundy, Joan and Blanche being sisters), and notices two knights with them -brothers Philippe and Gautier d'Aunay- are wearing purses, a Medieval gift of affection from a woman to a knight.
    • In 1314, Isabella tells her father about the purses on the knights. Philip IV sends in spies to investigate, and discovers his daughter-in-laws have been meeting with the knights at the Tour de Nesle guardtower. After being tortured, on April 19th, 1314, the brothers d'Aunay confess to the affair.
      • The brothers are executed, though accounts differ as to how. Some say they were skinned alive and castrated, before being beheaded and their corpses put on display.
    • Margaret and Blanche (neither in a happy marriage it is recorded) are found guilty of adultery and sternly punished. Their heads are shaved and they spend all (Margaret)/most (Blanche) of the rest of their lives in underground cells at Chateau Gaillard.
      • Joan was found to be an accomplice, but did not commit adultery. She was placed under house arrest at a different chateau, and her husband forgave her (her marriage was happy). Whereas Margaret was possibly murdered by her husband once he became King of France, and Blanche's marriage got a papal annulment and what happened to her afterwards is unknown.
    • -While the article went on to explain how these women and their husbands and father(-in-law) would create the conditions that would allow for the Hundred Years' War to begin, it left out one thing that Wikipedia tells me. Isabella -the one who ratted out her sister-in-laws- would later herself have an affair with a powerful nobleman named Roger Mortimer (-or so it is said).
    • While some historians doubt the Tour de Nesle Affair happened, and the records of the event are sometimes contradictory, a majority of scholars do believe the sex scandal actually happened.

The richness of the past.😄

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Radfish made a whole thread about this.

Tl;dr acknowledges that it's impossible to please everyone. Game's still early in development but main thing they are looking at is:

  1. Less focus on timing
  2. Mandatory and optional dungeons, the latter of which will have the more difficult puzzles

They don't want to get rid of puzzles completely, it'll be a core component of the game, and they don't want to sacrifice the integrity of those puzzles but they also do understand that for some it's just a bit too much.

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Well that looks pretty cool actually.

Also, Nocturne again.


I had it racking in my brains about deviations from the games as I went through, just because you know there's stuff.

Then I remembered in Episode 7 Richter's GF was named Annette. After the show starts building on their growing rapport.

Man, the chuds must hate this show.

56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

TL;DR- Cabez de Vaca- failed conquistador, decent amateur anthropologist.

 The governor whose staff turned on him

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Tour de Nesle/Tower of Nesle Affair.

And people complain about maybe getting cancelled for affairs

What a messed up situation.

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CDN media

Behold, a reaction image.

Unrelated by the way, just wanted to show this.

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nocturne, huh. The shows never really gripped my attention, I'll admit.

I'll admit I tend to be a push through kind of guy (Wish ring a bell?) and while I think it's kinda lesser than the previous show (I think it has an overabundance of retreating sequences tied up in it's story for instance), It's at least fine as a show so far (knowing more's coming and not having finished this season yet).

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19 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Why does he has to look similar to Obi-Wan... I can't unsee it.

Although I just don't see Obi-Wan rambling about the "postmenopausal female".

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