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3 hours ago, Hrothgar777 said:

Okay, but can we at least agree that online censorship is bad whether a right-wing, left-wing, or centrist government is doing it?

I mean, Musk doesn't even allow you to say "cisgender" on Twitter anymore.

And one of the first things he did with the site was to block any links to other social media sites.

He will absolute limit "free speech" whenever he feels like it. So a principled stand against "online censorship" is obviously not a factor in any of this.

Besides, "online censorship" wouldn't even be on the table if he hadn't done everything in his power to dodge Brazilian law enforcement, to the point where this is the only recourse short of simply letting Musk get away with doing crimes. It's Musk who forced this situation.


Anyway, I remember it was so easy to perform this glitch in Portrait of Ruin back in the day. Have Charlotte cast Spirit of Light, cancel it midspell then have her cast Piercing Light, make sure Jonathan has a projectile out when Piercing Light comes out.
Very straightforward, but now I just can't pull it off.

Maybe it actually did get fixed. Considering it was apparently fixed in a Japanese revision, they could well have known about it and deemed it worthwhile to have it fixed for the other versions.

Edited by BrightBow
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1 hour ago, Hrothgar777 said:

But assuming you're willing to brave this, then there should be no legal consequences, since from a legal standpoint racist speech is simply speech, and a law which says otherwise is an illegitimate law. Being an asshole is not in itself a criminal offense.

The problem is that racist speech is very easily capable of inviting violence. Even if the speech didn't explicitly call for it, the tone of the speech does. And then someone or more take it too far.

Let's take a look at recent events: the anti-immigrant riots in the UK. How did it start? A black man killed two young girls. The man, originally thought to be an immigrant, was actually a UK citizen, born in Cardiff. Far-right groups didn't care for that though and so "concerned" citizens took the streets to protest the immigration wave and by protest, I mean setting fire to a hotel housing asylum seekers and blocking streets and only letting people through of their white.

Throughout all this, far-right groups and individuals kept pushing the lie that the killer was an immigrant, including Elon Musk. Ah, but the moment the UK government tried to take control of the situation, it suddenly becomes censorship.

Or if we take it further, transphobia and homophobia, of which the venn diagram between that and racism tends to be a flat circle. Muskrat was one of the many right-wing individuals pushing the lie that the Algerian boxer was trans, simply because she happened to have a masculine appearance. She sued him btw, along with JK Rowling and others, for defamation.

Thank goodness Algerians knew she was a woman because unfortunately transgenderism and homosexuality is a criminal offence in Algeria and all of these accusations could've put her in danger.

1 hour ago, Hrothgar777 said:

The state cannot use its influence over private companies to circumvent guardrails on its behavior affecting the constitutional rights of its citizens, or at least not if the country isn't a banana republic.

However, the state also has to ensure that private companies aren't breaking any laws, whether it's speech or anything else. At least, I think that's what you're trying to say there.

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Edited by Venger_06
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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

The problem is that racist speech is very easily capable of inviting violence.

Speech is an inherently risky business. There's a greater than 0% chance, however small, than one rude comment you made to someone is what pushed them over the edge of suicide or mass murder. You cannot judge speech based on speculative, very much hypothetical down-the-road consequences.

If I were to stand in front of an Elbonian restaurant, surrounded by a crowd of avid Elbonia haters, and said "Those subhumans don't deserve to live! Let's grab our rifles and exterminate every last one of the cockroaches hiding among us!", then this isn't speculative. I am unambiguously inciting violence and there's a good case to be made that I should be arrested, especially if anyone does indeed get hurt. Or if I were to use my speech to hire a hitman to shoot my wife's lover. But making general comments that minutely contribute to the negative reputation of a community doesn't qualify. And I say this as a member of several communities that are often maligned and slandered in the popular imagination.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Let's take a look at recent events: the anti-immigrant riots in the UK.

Misinformation sometimes contributes to riots. Okay, fine. We saw this after Ferguson, when people falsely claimed that Michael Brown (a black man who'd been shot by police) had his hands raised in surrender prior to being killed. This, of course, made the police look worse than they already did, and served to inflame the emotions of the crowd. But this is no justification for taking away freedom of speech, and especially not outside of a riot (not that it's okay during a riot either).

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah, but the moment the UK government tried to take control of the situation, it suddenly becomes censorship.

There were ways to "take control" outside of putting free speech into question. Namely, the way riots have always been handled: by policing the streets, as was done in 2011. Arresting looters and those guilty of assault. Containing further damage and letting the riot eventually run out of steam, as they always do.


8 hours ago, Armagon said:

However, the state also has to ensure that private companies aren't breaking any laws, whether it's speech or anything else.

If the state doesn't want private companies breaking laws that would trample on human rights, maybe it just shouldn't trample on human rights. Western companies are known for having rare moments of conscience and backbone. They should've known that a draconian rule would invite pushback from such.

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5 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

You guys talking about muskrat meanwhile here Nazis might get 2 states for themselves tomorrow :^)

What's happening tomorrow?

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Just now, Codename Shrimp said:

Some eastern states have elections over here, and the Nazis and tankies are soaring (especially the Nazis) in the polls

Are you talking about the US or another country?

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1 hour ago, Venger_06 said:

And Twitter has always been a shithole.

It's objectively gotten worse since Muskrat took over tho. Nobody wants to have their advertisements show up under AyranSavior88's post that talks about how Jews are to blame for everything.

1 hour ago, Venger_06 said:

our Supreme Court acts as both the Legislative and Executive branches and there is no way to confront them without suffering major consequences.

At the rate things are going, the same thing is happening here.

1 hour ago, Hrothgar777 said:

But this is no justification for taking away freedom of speech, and especially not outside of a riot (not that it's okay during a riot either).

My point was that laws like that exist for a reason. At least in the context of trying to prevent hate speech and violence.

It's the same reason why Germany bans pro-Nazi speech (in theory).

40 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Nazis and tankies

Far right *and* far left having a duel of the fates there it seems.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Far right *and* far left having a duel of the fates there it seems.

They already agreed to work together on some matters lol

and honestly BSW is far left in name only - but their leader originally came from the far left party, but aside from some economic policies, she ain't left at all

But yes, Horseshoe is very much real

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3 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Anyway, I remember it was so easy to perform this glitch in Portrait of Ruin back in the day. Have Charlotte cast Spirit of Light, cancel it midspell then have her cast Piercing Light, make sure Jonathan has a projectile out when Piercing Light comes out.
Very straightforward, but now I just can't pull it off.

I do believe they've fixed some things, and now that you mention it I think I've seen this specific thing mentioned as being fixed. They've also purportedly done changes to the scripts... For instance, replacing a perfectly fine line from Celia at the start of Dawn to a worse one that includes a typo.

Old: "You may call me Celia. But not for long..."

New: "You may call me Celia. And I am here to see your[sic] dead."

I don't know if it's true, I don't really feel like spending 25 bucks on games I've already played - multiple times in Ecclesia's case - right now, but if it is, that's very funny. Not that anyone plays these games for story, we've been over this, but still. Very funny.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

New: "You may call me Celia. And I am here to see your[sic] dead."

Well, I mean, all the souls that Soma absorbs are of now dead monsters/demons/etc.

She wants for a Dark Lord to exist, and having an army of the undead may be part of her qualifications.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not that anyone plays these games for story

Speak for yourself.

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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do believe they've fixed some things, and now that you mention it I think I've seen this specific thing mentioned as being fixed. They've also purportedly done changes to the scripts... For instance, replacing a perfectly fine line from Celia at the start of Dawn to a worse one that includes a typo.

Old: "You may call me Celia. But not for long..."

New: "You may call me Celia. And I am here to see your[sic] dead."

Actual translation changes? That is very interesting if true. I mean, to think this is something they even cared about, even if the proofreading was rushed.

Very fascinating release for sure.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know if it's true, I don't really feel like spending 25 bucks on games I've already played - multiple times in Ecclesia's case - right now, but if it is, that's very funny. Not that anyone plays these games for story, we've been over this, but still. Very funny.

Well, for some reason it also includes a new game.

By the same devs who did The Adventure Rebirth back on the Wii apparently. From all the games one could pick from the series to remake, it's an interesting approach to pick the shittiest ones.
Maybe the idea is that if the game is already considered to be bad, no one will care about the changes you made, as long as the game is good? Idk.

Though it seems to be shorter than The Adventure Rebirth. Probably the same number of stages, but I get the sense they don't have the same length. I suppose it makes sense that the game wouldn't quite have the same scope. It's insane enough that it exists at all.

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7 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Actual translation changes? That is very interesting if true. I mean, to think this is something they even cared about, even if the proofreading was rushed.

Very fascinating release for sure.

If this is accurate:


Then the line was actually translated to be more accurate to the original Japanese line.

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Maybe I should actually read it to see if Soma in Dawn of Sorrow is less of an uncaring asshole in this version.

Probably not, though. Since the story kinda relies on him being one. He really has no business being involved, what with Julius, Alucard and Yoko already on the case. And him being close to the cult's base only endangers everyone.

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43 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Maybe I should actually read it to see if Soma in Dawn of Sorrow is less of an uncaring asshole in this version.

Probably not, though. Since the story kinda relies on him being one. He really has no business being involved, what with Julius, Alucard and Yoko already on the case. And him being close to the cult's base only endangers everyone.

Well, there is a reason. As shown in the intro scene, Celia is targeting him directly already. At that point, best to just take the fight to her than to have her warp at wherever he would be at, and potentially risk bystanders. The fact Mina was with him when Celia showed up likely already spooked him to the possibility, as well.

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30 years ago, the Provisional IRA declared "a cessation of military operations". Course, this would not be the final step towards the end of Troubles, violence wasn't fully stopped that day and this ceasefire did get withdrawn, but a peace from paramilitaries (of green and orange hue) was clawed back, negotiations did conclude and that did see progress. Lot still to be done with the state of Northern Ireland as a whole, but a lifetime ago people were convinced the violence would never stop.

I do need to take a trip up north again.

3 hours ago, Venger_06 said:

I can still access it using my phone, Dickhead will never catch me

Suppose I'll say good luck, I'll make with the edits in advance on Hrothgar's recommendation because better safe than sorry.

3 hours ago, Venger_06 said:

I mean, yeah. The bitter pill to swallow is that no matter how much people pretend otherwise, everyone is first and foremost out for their own interests. Our roles could've easily been reversed. To prove my point, here's our ruling party opinion on Dickhead back in the day:

*sigh, keeping figures in the administration who would be considered problematic to you is a long term state issue, see it all over. And of course the using it now at a minimum is bad communication for posts that were planned to be put up, if not a "cheeky" last post or active hypocrisy.

Then again, can relate to judiciary being pretty damm difficult to replace even here for the limited consequences, but there's a point where acquiescence to problematic justices is of the brand of statecraft that seems to be compromise for it's own sake and shit consequences. A question I have then is where then does it actually align for Moraes? How much do they align on this if that's all it is? Judges after all are as capable of bias as near anyone else, arguably the question of are these branches possible to be immune to human error comes to mind but I'm just stopping myself there.

Also, "our roles" reads a little off to me here, not sure what you meant, but it's late.

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

You guys talking about muskrat meanwhile here Nazis might get 2 states for themselves tomorrow :^)

Oh what fun.

BSW going to bat for the authoritarian tendencies too, what a surprise /s

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, I mean, all the souls that Soma absorbs are of now dead monsters/demons/etc.

She wants for a Dark Lord to exist, and having an army of the undead may be part of her qualifications.

Celia apparently in the time between Aria and Dawn.

56 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Maybe the idea is that if the game is already considered to be bad, no one will care about the changes you made, as long as the game is good? Idk.

More 👏 remakes 👏 👏 for 👏 bad games 👏 👏

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20 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, there is a reason. As shown in the intro scene, Celia is targeting him directly already. At that point, best to just take the fight to her than to have her warp at wherever he would be at, and potentially risk bystanders. The fact Mina was with him when Celia showed up likely already spooked him to the possibility, as well.

Yeah, Mina. That's the other thing.
He didn't actually tell Mina what he was going to do and left her with no protection.
From her perspective, one day the two of them got attacked, then the next he was just gone. She had no way of knowing if he was even still alive or if he got killed in another attack.
No consideration at all for her emotional wellbeing and very concrete physical safety.

If Alucard didn't clean up after Soma, and made sure she was protected, the cult really would have captured and killed her instead of faking doing it with a shapeshifter.

And speaking of the shapeshifter, boy does Soma jump at the opportunity to become the demon king. No hesitation or struggle. Guy just turns evil instantly. Almost as if it wasn't much of a turn at all.

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I just saw someone dunk on FE Fates randomly on the internet. Like, they weren't even talking about FE, it just came up

3 hours ago, Hrothgar777 said:

I strongly recommend that you go back and scrub this whole conversation. Edit your posts that you've made over the past 24 hours. Ask anyone who's quoted your posts over the last few hours to do the same. And if you've had conversations to this effect on any other sites, then I suggest you do the same there. On my part, I will redact this post in a few hours.

Thanks for your concern.

55 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Then again, can relate to judiciary being pretty damm difficult to replace even here for the limited consequences, but there's a point where acquiescence to problematic justices is of the brand of statecraft that seems to be compromise for it's own sake and shit consequences. A question I have then is where then does it actually align for Moraes? How much do they align on this if that's all it is? Judges after all are as capable of bias as near anyone else, arguably the question of are these branches possible to be immune to human error comes to mind but I'm just stopping myself there.

Everyone here is corrupt. Before any kind of political ideology, all the big political figures just want power and to stay in power. Although they were at odds in the past, they are now helping each other to stay in power. That is why Moraes is stronger than ever, he has carte blanche from the higher ups to do whatever he wants as long as it benefits them. Congress and the Senate could theoretically do something, but those who want to do so have their hands tied by their opposing colleagues.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Also, "our roles" reads a little off to me here, not sure what you meant, but it's late.

It's about how opinions on the subject change depending on which perspective one comes from. Like in those tweets I sent, our ruling party was calling him names after Dilma Roussef's impeachment, and now they're kissing his shiny bald head because he's acting accordingly while the opposition fumes.

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4 minutes ago, Venger_06 said:

I just saw someone dunk on FE Fates randomly on the internet. Like, they weren't even talking about FE, it just came up

Every conversation topic can be improved by shitting on Fates or Awakening. It's always fun and deserved.

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20 minutes ago, Venger_06 said:

I just saw someone dunk on FE Fates randomly on the internet. Like, they weren't even talking about FE, it just came up

Fates and Engage hate you can just find on the most random of places.

But eh, FE fans and toxicity go hand in hand. They don't deserve fun games.

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