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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll be impressed the day you get Derrick to ORKO Vandal.

Ez, just kill twelve units

I was small brain and got Aegina killed by Ballistaman. RGH

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3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Yay, finally got Xenosaga 3 running perfect on PCSX2! Messing with the settings took a while, but not it's all buttery smooth! 

I should do that, although I will probably want to replay the first two Xenogears on emulator first (or find a way to transfer saves onto the computer) as I seem to remember those games having features tied to completed files of the earlier games. Actually its been so long that I probably should just replay them. Its a shame Xenosaga 3 has always been so hard to find in physical form...

56 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, played a bit more of CK2. Another Grand Conquest on the Byzantines, this time for their African holdings. De Jure Africa, though it was all they had left, save of a county or two.

The moment my character died... and OMG, how long was that Secret Sunni Society been around for!? My new character is a member... yikes... hmm...

Kinda makes me want to talk about the CK 2 game I have been playing. I started as Desiderius King of the Lombards, and started it with the plan of trying to get both the Iron Crown (of Lombardy) achievement, and the Smash the Patriarchy achievement, and it has been going well so far.


The big things about Desideius's reign was using strategic marriages to keep nearby rulers off my back while I consolidated power, by passing a basic revoke title law, and finding trumped up charges that let me take some of my vassal's lands. Marrying Adelchis to Gisela, a Frankish princess, and sister to Karl and Karloman, keep the Franks from crushing me (although I did have to deal with a rebellion or two that tried to put them on the throne anyway. At least the big scary Frankish armies couldn't get involved...). He also tried to make footholds into claims into the lands in southern Italy, which never seemed to pan out.

The Reign of Adelchis "The Traitor" (a villain if ever there was one) was instrumental in the foundation of Italian Empire. Dealing with succession proved a bit complicated, as Gisela only gave birth to daughter, he would eventually elevate the bastard he bore from some welsh ***** to become the heir of his dynasty. Soon after forcing the Duke of Benevetto back into a tributary relationship, the old patriarch would die with only daughters to claim, he then married his heir to the younger daughter, while working on the murder of the older. He would fail to prevent the older from producing an heir, but arranging the murder of said child was child's play, and in her desperate attempts to produce another heir, she would contract the Syphilis that would lead to her death. Before her ultimate end two major things should be noted, first internal strife in the Byzantine empire would give her the chance to claim the land she needed to declare herself Queen of Sicily, and an adventurous Viking would become a vassal of the Kingdom. In the wars of Adelchis's time, he would get an ill reputation for his willingness to see his commanders captured to prevent his own death or capture, which would earn him his name (and happen at least once per war he participated in...). His foul deeds would also lead to him being excommunicate thrice, after the first his declaration of repentance (where the pope forced him to make his sister to become a Nun) he decided to devote himself to the study of theology, and use it to justify his wars to end the secular power of the Popes, by claiming all of the lands he held (barring Rome itself), and usurping every title he could. Needless to say this earned him the second excommincation moments after the first repentance, which the Pope would then make him take a vow of celebacy to return to the church, but the Third would be dealt with by declaring a new Anti-Pope in Italy (there already was another somewhere in France already). The Vow of Celebacy would almost seem precient, as he would end up with testicular cancer, that would require the drastic act of surgery to fix. Now Adelchis was never on good terms with his son, Llywelyn of Peimonte, and after the birth of his grandson, the villainous Adelchis would tyrannically imprison his daughter-in-law, to ensure there were no extra sons to ruin the carefully planned succession that would see the Kingdom of Sicily joined to the realm (and allow for the formation of the Italian Empire). This would only strengthen the hatred between father and son, and shortly after his wife died in prison, the two would meet in a duel to the death, that would see Adelchis The Traitor beheading his son on the dueling grounds (and keeping the skull as a trophy). Needless to say this has been my favorite character of the run.

Gwydol of Italia would have a short reign, he would found the Emprire of Italia in 822, but the hate and resentment from Adelchis's reign would lead to civil wars that would see the young emperor fall in battle less than a year after the founding, which would result in the empire going to his only sister...

Creirwy "The Gentle" would start her reign in war, and would lead her armies personally (although there always seemed to be some knight in shining armor to keep her out of the battlefield duels she was so want to make). She would earn her name with how she treated the traitorous lords, but she always had a gentle hand. When the Pope over extended himself by joining some foolish defensive war against the Byzantines, all the holding of Rome would be beseiged, and after his defeat, while his lands had yet to recover, she would remove the  Papacy from its last secular holdings, like a pillow over a dying old man. This would also see some of the largest outbreaks of Heresy, and she with even the Duke of Verona being openly Cathar. Also in these time the adventurous Viking vassals would end up conquering parts of northern Africa, Brittany, and a few random counties in England and the Iberian peninsula, which sould lead to her founding the Kingdom of Brittany, and the Titular empress of Maghreb. Also thanks to careful planning, and her own popularity in the realm, she managed to get the understanding of legalism high enough to move toward a form of government that is more similar to the late medieval (in the 830-40s...), which then let her change the laws of inheritance to primogeniture. Although one of the greatest mistakes of her reign would involve marrying her first son, Unigild "the Loyal" to a Byzantine Countess. Also of note, she was the lover of multiple Popes in her reign...

Unigild "the Loyal" was the last Catholic ruler of the Italian Empire. Disaster struck before he even took the throne, as his Greek Orthodox wife manage to beguile his son, not only into accepting her cultural heritage and religion, but also Matrilinearly married him to another Byzantine Countess. Attempts to lure him into Unigild's court to break that betrothal, and talk some sense into the boy would end up failing, and while he would see the sense in trying to have the countess murdered before she gave birth Unigild would die before succeeding. Also of note Unigild would bring a bit more of the southern Italian lands that escaped Byzantine rule into the Empire, but also bring more of Northern Africa into the realm through holy wars (closer to the Algiers area this time). 

Raginpert "The Giant" was born with a genetic deformity that would make him tower over other men. His reign started out strange, with a race to see his wife dead before she could pop out an heir, it would end up being a close call, with the giant seeing her murdered while pregnant with what could have been a disaster. He would end up having to embrass the cultural heritage of his fore fathers, and be talked into joining Catholicism, but that wouldn't last long. His second wife was a daughter of the Cathar dukes of Verona, and he would secret join her faith. While professing this faith in secret, he started searching for reasons to imprison his most powerful vassals, and making as many close friends as he could among the nobles, before finally proclaiming his true faith to world, and offering many of his lords the choice between their faith and their freedom. Now this didn't get all of the great lords of the realm, but it was a strong start, but there ended being another succession problem to rear its ugly head. He only managed to give birth to daughters with second wife, and one of the Kingdoms was setup to only accept male heirs. As the progression of his Gigantism started to endanger his health, he was stuck in a sticky situation where he wasn't popular enough to get his succession laws changed, and he didn't manage to produce a legal male heir in time. Also of note the former Viking vassal (the family converted to christian faiths in an earlier generation) would continue his conquest to the point that he had the power to personally declare himself the vassal king of Maghreb (part of this is the amount of prestige that had to be squandered changing cultures and religions, and to deal with an excommunication he received while Catholic)

Ancelpern "The Temptress" is the current ruler I am controlling, although her ascension would make there be two vassal kings in the Empire. She is a seductress true to her name, that has managed to use her womanly wiles to convince the last holdout of her vassals to join her in the heresy of the Cathars, and was popular enough to uses these religious tenets to make her succession laws Cognatic Primogeniture (so it all goes to the firstborn regardless of gender). So far this tactics have resulted in her bearing 9 children by her current age of 27, with her naive husband, Duke Zuchilo the "Son of Satan" believes them all to be his.

As for future plans, she is planning to gobble up a larger realm that has split off from the Byzantines (once she has the means of granting a good claimant some land), and getting some more holywar leap frogging into the direction of Alexandria...


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24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I should do that, although I will probably want to replay the first two Xenogears on emulator first (or find a way to transfer saves onto the computer) as I seem to remember those games having features tied to completed files of the earlier games. Actually its been so long that I probably should just replay them. Its a shame Xenosaga 3 has always been so hard to find in physical form...


Oh I have a physical copy of the entire Xenosaga, I just want to mod the game for fun, really.

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24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I should do that, although I will probably want to replay the first two Xenogears on emulator first (or find a way to transfer saves onto the computer) as I seem to remember those games having features tied to completed files of the earlier games. Actually its been so long that I probably should just replay them. Its a shame Xenosaga 3 has always been so hard to find in physical form...

I wish Xenogears got more than two games haha.

Anyways, I believe the save transfer bonuses were probably just extra items? I don't remember but it was probably that.

You shouldn't replay Episode II, it's not worth it.

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I thought the story was pretty good, actually. I mean, it's at least very consistent with the first one, so that's a plus. 

One of my personal dislikes of that game, the dungeons. They are just... okay at best. The music isnt memorable either, better than the first one of course. Xd

The battle system: yeah that game crashes hard here. 

That's all I can tell, personally. But there has to be more to it than that to make it unworthy.

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9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It unlocked some optional bosses too (at least in Xenosaga 2 it did...)



The only optional boss i know of is Omega Id (a reference to Xenogears' Weltall-Id) in Episode III. It's also the strongest boss in the game.

Maybe there were some optional bosses in Episode II but i dropped the game before I could find out (I did watch all the cutscenes).

11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I thought the story was pretty good, actually. I mean, it's at least very consistent with the first one, so that's a plus. 

One of my personal dislikes of that game, the dungeons. They are just... okay at best. The music isnt memorable either, better than the first one of course. Xd

The battle system: yeah that game crashes hard here. 

That's all I can tell, personally. But there has to be more to it than that to make it unworthy.

The gameplay is too bad is the problem. If the gameplay was just mediocre, I would still criticize it but it wouldn't have ruined the game for me. 

Not to mention the horrendous combat makes other parts of the gameplay worse. As you've said, the dungeons are pretty bad, especially with them throwing puzzles at you every five minutes.

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17 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just stop, please.

Also, this ain't the first time I'm mentioning this. Go to the RP thread if you want to go all Imperator, fake drinking, or whatever...

I do also want to apologise for my dickish behaviour over the last few weeks to you Acacia Sgt. 

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

The gameplay is too bad is the problem. If the gameplay was just mediocre, I would still criticize it but it wouldn't have ruined the game for me. 

Not to mention the horrendous combat makes other parts of the gameplay worse. As you've said, the dungeons are pretty bad, especially with them throwing puzzles at you every five minutes.

The puzzles were questionable for sure. Like, the idea was good, but executed terribly. 

And yeah the gameplay is... dull.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say, most I could say of Xenosaga is that someone here on Serenes added Shion into a FE hack... she wasn't playable, though.

You MK404's FE7 hack? Ah, good times.


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Good morning!

6 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

....just finished Man in the high castle...

what a dissapointment...

S4 was filled with asspulls and unanswered questions

It's like seeing a Manga getting axed sigh

Well, the signs were there from S3 ngl


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Morning, everyone. *waves*

A little article listing each of the RF5 marriage candidates (as of now)

A succubus was certainly an interesting choice. But I've gotta say, she has my favorite design.

Priscilla and Lucy are cute too.

And to the disappointment of many, maid-chan and eye patch-chan aren't marriageable, haha.


Edited by twilitfalchion
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1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

Morning, everyone. *waves*

A little article listing each of the RF5 marriage candidates (as of now)

A succubus was certainly an interesting choice. But I've gotta say, she has my favorite design.

Priscilla and Lucy are cute too.

And to the disappointment of many, maid-chan and eye patch-chan aren't marriageable, haha.


Oh neat, they finally revealed the final one for each.

47 minutes ago, Shrow said:

Among the women I would chose Beatrice and Priscilla. 

Same. Just purely going off their designs and bio, those two would be my top picks. I'll have to wait until I actually play to see who'll be the lucky lady though of course.

If I had to rank the RF5 bachelorettes based on pre-release first impressions from most interested to least interested: 

Priscilla=Beatrice > Fuuka > Lucy >> Ludmilla > Scarlett.

Ludmilla and Scarlett are the only ones that I'm not too keen on at the moment. Ludmilla just seems like an "ara ara" character, a character trope that I don't actually care for that much (though benefit of the doubt, the last sentence in her bio could lead to something interesting). Scarlett just feels like Forte 2 and Forte ranked pretty low on my Rune Factory 4 bachelorette tier-list.

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5 hours ago, Wraith said:

I do also want to apologise for my dickish behaviour over the last few weeks to you Acacia Sgt. 

It's alright. I'm also sorry for snapping like that. Bad morning I guess.

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

You MK404's FE7 hack? Ah, good times.

Mhm. It's the thing that introduced me to Serenes, actually. And SRW. So forever the best.

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

Morning, everyone. *waves*

A little article listing each of the RF5 marriage candidates (as of now)

A succubus was certainly an interesting choice. But I've gotta say, she has my favorite design.

Priscilla and Lucy are cute too.

And to the disappointment of many, maid-chan and eye patch-chan aren't marriageable, haha.


Hmm, let's see here... from designs and the little blurbs of info...

Hard to decide which girl I'd choose, hahaha.

Well, that's par for the course for RF. Will always have those you'd wish were elegible. XD

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16 hours ago, Benice said:

Ez, just kill twelve units

The Konigswolf actually needs 16 deaths - 12 nets you the Vanish Charm, which just confers the Hide skill. Would be funny to see Derrick hidden in the forest and ambushing people, but he sadly can't use braces =(

Also, hey everybody!

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