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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

But to say whether or not someone thinks Ike is a deep character is indeed subjective. Some find him bland and one-note. Others think him to be well-developed and interesting. I fall somewhere in the middle, personally. But there is a distinction between provable fact and subjective interpretation. I'm not confusing the two with my statements.


My point is though is that to call him one-note is incorrect. If you don’t like him or find him boring then that is a matter of personal subjective taste. Cause he’s not a one note character. He gets depressed, makes mistakes, develops his own ideals and worldview based on his observations of the world. There are a lot of aspects to Ike that provably exist. Calling him “one note” is incorrect because by the definition of one note he is not one note because he does indeed have development as a character and different aspects to his character beyond just “meat loving shounen hero”. Calling him boring is a matter of opinion. Calling him one dimensional is not

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8 minutes ago, Spara said:



The dichotomy of man.


And, of course, the iconic "Yes" from Shirou. Feels bad for that guy.

Yes, Lord Lionheart!


The thing about Dean and Aegina is that they still have great interactions despite their admittedly poor arcs. Dean's recruitment event is wonderful, and any scene with Aegina/Rosalie/Sherpa is fun to watch. Too bad they just don't develop well at all. Heck, I got really bored a few days ago and wrote a one-page short story about Dean becoming the homicidal maniac we all love to watch when he bonks an enemy. Basically, there's a lot more they absolutely could've done with these two, though that scene in Chapter 12 for Aegina is just disjunct as all hell, and probably needed to be completely rethought, while Dean just needed an extra scene or two. 

You make some good points. Dean's first scene is great, it's just that he gets nothing afterwards. Aegina was just unfortunate, she deserved so much better.

Still, I'll take a couple of duds if it means also getting stuff like Axel, Owen, Sylvis, unironically Derrick, etc.

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

....what did we disagree on in the first place? Tressa’s story vs Therion’s when I don’t remember either that well?

...You have a point. I guess I'm just used to disagreeing with anyone who has Three Houses as their favorite FE.

But wait, that's not even true either, seeing how Shrimpy enjoys Berwick Saga! Damnit, how can I be an insufferable elitist if I agree with people!? I must find some way to make enemies of the entire thread...

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But wait, that's not even true either, seeing how Shrimpy enjoys Berwick Saga! Damnit, how can I be an insufferable elitist if I agree with people!? I must find some way to make enemies of the entire thread...

Just do what I do and tell people they’re wrong about stuff. Seems to work just fine for me

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

But wait, that's not even true either, seeing how Shrimpy enjoys Berwick Saga! Damnit, how can I be an insufferable elitist if I agree with people!? I must find some way to make enemies of the entire thread...

Skip all the story scenes and supports and then complain about everyone being one note, then play on casual mode but act like you had no choice in the matter and IS made you.

In other news, I love raging storm. So broken. So fun. Amyr needs to repaired now though...

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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

We also both like DSFE. 😛

Damn right we do. DSFE best FE. You cannot disagree with the objective facts.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Skip all the story scenes and supports and then complain about everyone being one note, then play on casual mode but act like you had no choice in the matter and IS made you.

This gave me a good laugh. Thanks.

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Skip all the story scenes and supports and then complain about everyone being one note, then play on casual mode but act like you had no choice in the matter and IS made you.

You see now that’s actually a good joke because it’s true

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You make some good points. Dean's first scene is great, it's just that he gets nothing afterwards. Aegina was just unfortunate, she deserved so much better.

With Dean, I think it's just that he's underwritten - he gets that wonderful intro scene, his recruitment event is really cool, and his promoted portrait even gets more resolute eyes to show that he's made this change and learns what it is he should fight for. It's just that these scenes feel like the major points of a character arc that leave out everything between. Aegina needed rewrites, though. 

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Damnit, how can I be an insufferable elitist if I agree with people!? I must find some way to make enemies of the entire thread...

You're not an elitist until you've played Vestaria Saga Gaiden: Holy Sword of Silvanister, with such classics as the canto thief, the dancing general, and the playable wyvern. 

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, I'll take a couple of duds if it means also getting stuff like Axel, Owen, Sylvis, unironically Derrick, etc.

Fair, they are fantastic. 


That Derrick reveal, in particular - I had my suspicions, but the way it happened right at the very end of the whole game made it hilarious to me.  


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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:


Yep, it's... interesting. HSoS has some really odd availability afaik, though I'm only on Chapter 6, and haven't played in a while due to school.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

The mature way to handle a situation, for sure.

Hey all I’m saying is that one note actually does have a concrete definition that some people don’t seem to quite understand 

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4 minutes ago, Spara said:

With Dean, I think it's just that he's underwritten - he gets that wonderful intro scene, his recruitment event is really cool, and his promoted portrait even gets more resolute eyes to show that he's made this change and learns what it is he should fight for. It's just that these scenes feel like the major points of a character arc that leave out everything between. Aegina needed rewrites, though. 

Fair enough on both. I did enjoy his recruitment, but it felt rushed, and his promotion event feels weird if it happens afterwards. Hmm... Perhaps I was a bit too harsh on him. Maybe I should give him another shot in my next run. God, Dean, Volo... All I have to do is use Faramir and I'll betray myself in every conceivable way!


You're not an elitist until you've played Vestaria Saga Gaiden: Holy Sword of Silvanister, with such classics as the canto thief, the dancing general, and the playable wyvern. 

I need a translation of that game. I'll eventually play it one way or another, no doubt, but... Fucking hell, I have a physical need to see Siegfried and Hilda get the good ending they deserve. The Vestaria cliffhanger felt like a stab to the heart.



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That Derrick reveal, in particular - I had my suspicions, but the way it happened right at the very end of the whole game made it hilarious to me.  




I spoiled myself on the reveal, but not the moment itself. My jaw still dropped when I reached it, simply because of how unironically amazing it is in its execution. What a wonderful way to do a joke character, goddamnit.


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4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

And it's not even the same as the original. Xd

That animation takes like 3 minutes to go off, no joke, it's very painful to watch. The definition of a truly deadly attack, boring your opponent to their death! 

Seriously speaking, he struggles against fast characters, which is never a good first sign.

Three minute version of Supernova? Hahahahaha!

Would've been amusing if they had just used the original "10 seconds long big explosion" version, from the non-International edition of Japanese VII. A good call back to the fact Supernova wasn't the long animation added for the overseas versions of VII.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I did enjoy his recruitment, but it felt rushed, and his promotion event feels weird if it happens afterwards

Really? Funnily enough, I felt like it was the exact opposite - his eyes becoming more focused works better if he's already had some sense bitchslapped into him by Izerna, imo. Also, yeah, it's a great scene itself, but it does also feel a bit rushed in that it didn't have enough buildup. 

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I need a translation of that game. I'll eventually play it one way or another, no doubt, but... Fucking hell, I have a physical need to see Siegfried and Hilda get the good ending they deserve. The Vestaria cliffhanger felt like a stab to the heart.

I don't know much about its story, but since Hilda joins really early (Chapter 3), I get the feeling we'll see more of their interactions. Hopefully. 

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I spoiled myself on the reveal, but not the moment itself. My jaw still dropped when I reached it, simply because of how unironically amazing it is in its execution. What a wonderful way to do a joke character, goddamnit.

Yeah, it was that moment of realization for me that "Oh, this is why everybody who's played the game loves Derrick."


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13 minutes ago, Spara said:

Really? Funnily enough, I felt like it was the exact opposite - his eyes becoming more focused works better if he's already had some sense bitchslapped into him by Izerna, imo. Also, yeah, it's a great scene itself, but it does also feel a bit rushed in that it didn't have enough buildup. 

Good point. I really do need to give him another shot. I do love his promoted design. That green cape is all sorts of awesome.

13 minutes ago, Spara said:

I don't know much about its story, but since Hilda joins really early (Chapter 3), I get the feeling we'll see more of their interactions. Hopefully. 

Hilda joins in chapter 3!? I need this game.

13 minutes ago, Spara said:
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Yeah, it was that moment of realization for me that "Oh, this is why everybody who's played the game loves Derrick."


Honestly? Same. I get the biggest shit-eating grin every single time I see that moment. It's just glorious.

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39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I need a translation of that game. I'll eventually play it one way or another, no doubt, but... Fucking hell, I have a physical need to see Siegfried and Hilda get the good ending they deserve. The Vestaria cliffhanger felt like a stab to the heart.

It was then that I realized that when you were talking about shipping Hilda and Siegfried that you weren’t talking about shipping fe3h Hilda with Xander’s sword because you don’t like her.

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1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

My original comment wasn't meant to lead to this pointless discussion. I simply took issue with the antagonistic attitude directed towards someone else.

Btw if you wanted to me to not be so blunt you could’ve just said that politely instead of being a passive aggressive jerk about it by posting a smug “drinking tea” image. Like seriously you wonder why I got as upset as I did.

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Well I just completed Edelgard’s paralogue, and that was surprisingly fun. The defend point gave you an incentive to not rush down the center to the boss because, unless you use warp + stride + dance on a flier, you probably wouldn’t be able to get their fast enough, leaving yourself open to defeat. And even if you could do that, most characters were actually one rounded by the boss and no one could one round him themself, plus he has a gambit so one turning would be difficult unless you grinded to no end. It also helps prove why divine pulse is a good addition to fe, since without it I would have had so many resets because of the wyvern spam, and yet only having to go back one turn gave me no such frustration. Who knew wyvern spam could be fun? Take notes fe6.

Also, @Saint Rubeniob0WxUMM.jpg

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It was then that I realized that when you were talking about shipping Hilda and Siegfried that you weren’t talking about shipping fe3h Hilda with Xander’s sword because you don’t like her.

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahah... Wonderful.

But why would I talk about Xander's sword? I didn't even know Xander has a sword named Siegfried! If anything, it would make more sense for me to make a sort of weird cross-universe ship between Hilda and Mr. Last Promise. Not that I would, either, but it makes more sense than shipping her with a sword I didn't know existed.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Also, @Saint Rubeniob0WxUMM.jpg

Excellent, Sooks. I am quite proud of this sight.

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None of the torrenting sites have the season finale of The Mandalorian S2 and The Pirate Bay is down, so I'm currently avoiding Twitter and YouTube like the plauge.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Except the community will only tell you to look into certain characters, while writing others off as being one-note for no good reason. I must admit, it really annoys me that everyone's like "haha Leonie only ever talks about Jeralt! I read her C and B supports with Byleth and that's all I need to see!" but then they turn around and start saying stuff like "NOOOOOO BERNADETTA IS NOT ONE-NOTE, YOU MUST READ ALL HER SUPPORTS, ALL HER MONASTERY LINES, ALL HER CRIT LINES, ALL HER ENDINGS, ALL THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ITEMS IN HER INVENTORY BEFORE YOU WRITE HER OFF!" It's like you only deserve the benefit of the doubt if you're a cute animu waifu.

Ngl, Three Houses' fanbase is pretty cringe. Dimitri gets treated as an UwU anime boy despite his redemption coming out of nowhere, the Golden Deer get treated as the objective best characters even though people only seem to care about Claude and the girls, you're appearently a communist if you like Edelgard and I've convinced myself people only like Rhea because of her ass because that's all I see when people talk about her.

This has probably died down a bit and I know I'm generalizing but the Three Houses fanbase leans into cringe anime fanbases imo.

1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

Also lesson learned people don’t understand what the word “one-note” means

A lot of it is just buzzword at this point although it's more easily understood than "mary sue", a word which has devolved to mean "character I don't like".

Edited by Armagon
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17 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

Btw if you wanted to me to not be so blunt you could’ve just said that politely instead of being a passive aggressive jerk about it by posting a smug “drinking tea” image. Like seriously you wonder why I got as upset as I did.

Perhaps I'm just a bit tired of seeing people get spoken to harshly when there's no reason for it to occur, especially when it's in the name of discussion in the first place.

But if I offended you, then I'm sorry for that.

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26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahah... Wonderful.

But why would I talk about Xander's sword? I didn't even know Xander has a sword named Siegfried! If anything, it would make more sense for me to make a sort of weird cross-universe ship between Hilda and Mr. Last Promise. Not that I would, either, but it makes more sense than shipping her with a sword I didn't know existed.

Having it in his inventory gives him defense +4 and it has high might aNd 1-2 range. Perfect for defeating anyone, including Hilda, and that was the only Siegfried I knew of, which seems like quite a unique name, so it made sense.

This is the part where I shill Conquest.

24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This has probably died down a bit and I know I'm generalizing but the Three Houses fanbase leans into cringe anime fanbases imo.

I don’t know much about the fan base but I would still agree with all of that, the only exception being where you say people only care about Claude and the girls because there is a huge difference in the amount of Hilda/Marianne/Lysithea love I see than the Leonie love.

Also Dimitri’s redemption coming out of nowhere but it’s okay.

10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Perhaps I'm just a bit tired of seeing people get spoken to harshly when there's no reason for it to occur, especially when it's in the name of discussion in the first place.

I wasn’t trying to start a discussion or anything, I just imagined something that I thought was rather amusing.

If that’s what you meant, anyway...

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