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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, next batch of AC5 S ranking.

First was Mission 13, Demons of Razgriz, where the Hrimfaxi must be sunk. In theory it's not complicated. The Hrimfaxi must be damaged before it launched enough burst ICBM's on the Osean forces, then just let it spawn endless UAV's for points. Of course, after it's damaged enough, the burst missiles are fired instead at you, so must be avoided heading above 5000 feet before impact. Or out fly the impact region, as it were.

Next was Mission 16B, Desert Lightning. Which like the other Mission 16, it's to destroy everything in sight while escorting the ally forces as they cross the Jilachi Desert. Fifteen minutes to score enough points... and to S rank, almost everything must be destroyed. I really outdid myself here. Again with Raptors and Berkuts, I did my best to conserve ammo. Most ground units I simply gunned them down, and was conservative with my missiles. Takes two missiles to take down a tank? Fire one and use the machine gun instead. To wit, I managed to destroy EVERYTHING with one minute to spare, as well as over twenty missiles and a few XMAA's. In total that was 24600 points of the 24K needed for S rank. This map also houses the last hangar to unlock the super plane, the ADF-01 Falken! Though I'd need to play the campaign to buy it. Like Desert Arrow, the mission has a second part to destroy targets. Except that instead of a tanker and the enemy AWAC's, it's... well, funny thing. Being two separate areas of the desert that both Missions 16 take place, Desert Lightning has a river coursing through its map. The enemy targets are, in addition to a few AA Guns, SAM's, and Launchers... I kid you not, a Frigate and Battleship! Did they hastily built them upstream due to how far back they've been pushed, or when Osea began to land and invade, they moved part of their fleet from the ocean up the rivers just in case? Either way, looked a bit wild. Oh yeah, this mission also has an ace. It spawns after shooting down the planes that appear with the targets in the second part. Abelcain in a EA-18G Growler.

Last I did was Mission 18+. Ambushed by Belkan squadrons with the objective to flee from the map. Well, it's simple. Points based rank, must instead stay and fight. Which is a tough one when so many planes fire missiles at you... but more manageable with endgame planes, certainly. Then to top it off some E-767's are in the area creating fake lock-on's in the IFF, like in Mission 10. This map also has an ace, which spawns after shooting almost every other plane. Twicedead in a Tornado ECR.

With that, every points based S rank has been obtained, except for Four Horsemen (12B). Also Reprisal (11B) and Solitaire (21), which are time based instead. That will be a chore... but for next time.

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So got her Ladyship

First impression: Savage and a bit arrogant XD. Atleast she apologized fast...


Shulk: ''I am really feelin it!''

Melia: ''Yeah i feel it too Shulk'' 


So from what i got from her Playstyle is summon Buff spirits and then wreck enemy with Magic outside Aggro

So basically she's like Magilou from Berseria? hmmm

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Just binged the first seven episodes of Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated. I haven't seen this show since i was a kid and i never actually finished it back then. So over the next few days, i'll be finishing what i started all those years ago.

10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So from what i got from her Playstyle is summon Buff spirits and then wreck enemy with Magic outside Aggro

Yep. Because of this, her Talent Art is active like 95% of the time which means she makes for very easy Chain Attack links if you have her in the second party slot, since Talent Arts can chain together with any Art color. She's also one of the few characters in the game who can force Topple. Melia has two Arts called Spear Break and Starlight Kick (the latter she gets later but is still one of the earlier Arts she gets iirc). Doing Spear Break -> Starlight Kick will force the enemy into a Toppled state, making Melia one of the three characters in the game who can force Topple under the right conditions. The AI is pretty competent in pulling that combo off too, assuming both Arts are avaliable.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Melia has two Arts called Spear Break and Starlight Kick (the latter she gets later but is still one of the earlier Arts she gets iirc). Doing Spear Break -> Starlight Kick will force the enemy into a Toppled state, making Melia one of the three characters in the game who can force Topple under the right conditions. The AI is pretty competent in pulling that combo off too, assuming both Arts are avaliable.


But i kinda feel uncomfortable having such a frail Character doing Physical attacks xD

Btw, can i summon multipe spirits from the same type at the same time if i don't discharge until cooldown?

And honestly, i usually use Chain attacks to Force topple/Daze tbh xD

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20 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So from what i got from her Playstyle is summon Buff spirits and then wreck enemy with Magic outside Aggro

Yeah, summon two elementals of the buff or buffs you want and always keep them around, use the third elemental slot for discharging every subsequent elemental. 

Gameplay-wise, I like that Melia blends the offensive and supportive spellcaster roles into one simple package.


1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Btw, can i summon multipe spirits from the same type at the same time if i don't discharge until cooldown?

Yes, you can have say two Earth spirits active at once, the buff will stack twice. And you can summon a third and discharge it too.

If you mean "Can I cast Summon: XYZ twice in a row without having to wait for it to cool down after the first use?", no. But that's what Summon... Coffee! (just making fun of the British accent) is for.

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1 minute ago, Falcom Knight said:

Anyways traveling time, so keep safe, everyone!

You take care, too!

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yeah, summon two elementals of the buff or buffs you want and always keep them around, use the third elemental slot for discharging every subsequent elemental. 

So she discharges them in the reverse order of summoned?

So i can keep health regen and STR buff up, while spamming Electricity magic?

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10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

But i kinda feel uncomfortable having such a frail Character doing Physical attacks xD

Tbh, she won't be drawing much aggro. I personally like to keep Spear Break and Starlight Kick on her because that combo is just too good. 

9 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Anyways traveling time, so keep safe, everyone!

Take care!

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So i can keep health regen and STR buff up, while spamming Electricity magic?

Yeah. Well, for a while you'll still have to wait for the cooldown but once you get Summon Copy, you won't have to wait for the cooldown all the time.

Btw, Ether attacks cannot miss so outside of her two physical Arts, Melia doesn't have to worry about accuracy. Of course, this goes both ways.


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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Btw, Ether attacks cannot miss so outside of her two physical Arts, Melia doesn't have to worry about accuracy.

..:Time to replace the Agility Quartz Gems with something else then. Maybe if can craft another Arts Stealth 3, so she doesn't have to worry about evading attacks since she shouldn't aggro hmmm

I am also now listening to ''An Obastacle in our Path'' 24/7...

New Ear worm taimu

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DQV time.


Well, finally went onward, to Nadiria. Random battles are tough. The southern region has Balhibs, making it another place to farm gold, though I'd prefer Talon Tower. Anyway, soon made it to Precaria. The last town to visit in the game, populated by human-turned monsters. This is the last place to find the Merry Man, now guarding a Stolos' Staff. I suppose it could be of use. He also dropped a Mini Medal. Hmm. Tried to find his drop rate, but I couldn't. Oh well.

Now, there's stuff to do before heading forward, though technically I must still do so. Mostly, head to the northern half of the place. As over there I can fight Giganteses. I want to recruit one, and it will be my final planned monster recruit. Unfortunately, despite meeting the level requirement (34) and the recruitment rate being 1/32 (boosted to 1/16 due to the Monster Magnet), I wasn't able to yet. I decided to stop for now. So, I went straight ahead to the final dungeon, Mt. Zugzwang, before Zooming back to Precaria. This is because Mt. Zugzwang is reachable by Zoom. How convenient.

Well, I'll continue attempting to recruit a Gigantes next time.


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Hmm, seeing that extension in the writing thread makes me ponder...

I could write something up in that time... but that prompt. On one hand it's ugh, on the other the one idea I got leans more on savage use of the prompt, so I don't think it would be worthwhile writing it up.

Ah well, never mind then.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Anyways traveling time, so keep safe, everyone!

Same to you!

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm, seeing that extension in the writing thread makes me ponder...

I could write something up in that time... but that prompt. On one hand it's ugh, on the other the one idea I got leans more on savage use of the prompt, so I don't think it would be worthwhile writing it up.

Ah well, never mind then.

I've thought about writing in that thread a few times, but never really found a prompt that caught my attention. I do have a couple of ideas about patriotism and FE though, but I probably still won't participate.

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6 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Anyways traveling time, so keep safe, everyone!

I remember when I was young and full of life. Travelling was so exhilarating in those days... 

*Swigs more whiskey*

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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I could write something up in that time... but that prompt. On one hand it's ugh, on the other the one idea I got leans more on savage use of the prompt, so I don't think it would be worthwhile writing it up.

I got curious  and decided to check


If i ever write something with that prompt in mind, it will be super negative and have a super tragic ending

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

I do have a couple of ideas about patriotism and FE though, but I probably still won't participate


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God thunder down here can be waaaaaaaaay too fucking loud sometimes... my fucking ears, god, I didn’t need this shit this early...

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16 hours ago, Strullemia said:

You've been playing Fate EXTELLA LINK? How are you liking it so far? I've never played a musou game but I've been wanting to give either FE Warriors or one of the Fate EXTELLA games a shot. 

Absolutely love it! I played Extella: The Umbral Star prior to this, and Link is that, but one hell of a lot better.
Story is kind of basic, but it works for a game like this and it's still a good story, in my opinion. Gameplay is fun, especially since it offers you more options than just "press button to kill stuff". Only gripe I have with the gameplay is that the Guard button might as well be nonexistent, because guarding never works for some reason.

16 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Aw, she sounds like a total sweetheart. So how does she reappear in new games if she was killed off though?

The reason why I automatically like Tamamo even more.

She is!
The thing is, in Fate, all characters who are based off of figures of history or legend are called Heroic Spirits. They are the souls of those people after they died and ascended to what is called the Throne of Heroes, and they are summoned for a battle royale between mages known as the Holy Grail War as Servants. Each Servant is assigned one of seven classes (Saber, Archer, Lancer, Assassin, Caster, Berserker, and Rider), usually based off of their most iconic weapon or ability they had in their legend. King Arthur, for example, is usually summoned as a Saber class, because he (or she in the Fate-verse) is most famous for her sword Excalibur, but it is possible for one Heroic Spirit to be summoned into different classes, depending on what or how many weapons they could use in life.

The goal of the Holy Grail War is to be the last man (or woman) standing to make a wish upon the Holy Grail.

That is about as far as I've understood it.

8 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Anyways traveling time, so keep safe, everyone!

Thank you, same to you!



*happy Draggy noises*

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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

She is!
The thing is, in Fate, all characters who are based off of figures of history or legend are called Heroic Spirits. They are the souls of those people after they died and ascended to what is called the Throne of Heroes, and they are summoned for a battle royale between mages known as the Holy Grail War as Servants. Each Servant is assigned one of seven classes (Saber, Archer, Lancer, Assassin, Caster, Berserker, and Rider), usually based off of their most iconic weapon or ability they had in their legend. King Arthur, for example, is usually summoned as a Saber class, because he (or she in the Fate-verse) is most famous for her sword Excalibur, but it is possible for one Heroic Spirit to be summoned into different classes, depending on what or how many weapons they could use in life.

The goal of the Holy Grail War is to be the last man (or woman) standing to make a wish upon the Holy Grail.

That is about as far as I've understood it.

Thanks for explaining!

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


Yeah, I agree that's the best world to do a story off of based on the theme. So many good characters to use.

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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Not at all. Both you and Caster helped clear things up for a Fate scrub like me.

DW, you will become a Fate elitist eventually 😄

7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah, I agree that's the best world to do a story off of based on the theme. So many good characters to use.

The games themselves tackle the theme already, also.

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8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Not at all. Both you and Caster helped clear things up for a Fate scrub like me.

I speak from experience when I say that Fate lore can get confusing at times and that it takes a while to dig through everything.
Hell, I highly doubt I've grasped it in its entirety.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

DW, you will become a Fate elitist eventually 😄

Makes me wonder if I've already become one...

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