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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Reyes Cruzados*

It's the influence of being next to the US. Most of the time we don't really translate proper nouns used in that way.

You guys do it more often, that's for sure.


3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahaha... I'm assuming this happened a while ago. Why did you buy a game to not play it?

...What do you mean, me? No, I totally didn't buy the entire Witcher franchise because my friends spoke highly of it and it was on sale, proceeding to never touch any of the games. Must've been like four years now, still untouched in my Steam library while I replay a FE for the billionth time.

Anyway, I feel you, man. I'd comment more about your CK comments, but I'm afraid I have no idea how the franchise even works, so I've not much to say.

I do intend to play it. And I have already, if only to sample it a little. It's just... gets pushed back again and again in my backlog, haha. I remember once stating not that long ago in comparison I might play it next after finishing my Dragon Quest marathon... which is also on hiatus, go figure.

On that subject, today is the day I finally finish my CK playthrough!

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12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Has anyone ever actually been assigned a good book to read in school? I have no idea what I just read.

I had to read Frankenstein and Dr. Faustus, both of which I really liked.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


same kek

Hahahahah... In my case, my logic was "okay, so this is apparently the best series in the history of the world, so I'll buy it now that it's on sale, and I'm sure at some point down the line I'll get to it."

Years later: "How about I play Fire Emblem Seven-Hundred Seventy Six again? Yeah I can use Kane and Alba and Robert it's gonna be fun"

1 minute ago, Spara said:

That reminds me...

Berwick spoilers inside.

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If Sienna hadn't given the Nothung to Reese and let Volcens keep it, Volcens would've stood an actual fighting chance against Jacharam, allowing him to take a couple hits from Jach. He still would've died barring a Tumahann miss, but I think that's pretty funny, and also pretty sad. I guess it's a good thing, though, because it allowed Volcens's death to be swift. 



Oof... What cruel irony. By letting his paranoia drive away his loved ones, he sealed his own fate. Poor, poor Volcyboy.


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Woah woah woah, wait what? Why is IntSys casually showing off updated Three Houses cutsecenes?

Wait, what? What's this? is this official? Surely not...

Even if it is, they need to fix the gameplay, not the cutscenes.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean, he does have Czene on his badge.

I'll never understand why anyone would have Czene on their badge when Derrick badge exist.

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

It's the influence of being next to the US. Most of the time we don't really translate proper nouns used in that way.

You guys do it more often, that's for sure.

Actually, I'm pretty sure we don't usually translate videogame titles, either.

Nah, we just butcher the pronounciation horribly.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I do intend to play it. And I have already, if only to sample it a little. It's just... gets pushed back again and again in my backlog, haha. I remember once stating not that long ago in comparison I might play it next after finishing my Dragon Quest marathon... which is also on hiatus, go figure.

Hahahah... I know that feeling. It's happened to me a few times before.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On that subject, today is the day I finally finish my CK playthrough!

Good luck!

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

School fucking blows, is what I'm trying to say.

Sorta yeah.

But I still like it.

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Please be the sign of an update or at least wave 5.

The fact it came off of that video means that there's a chance they just had upscaled version of the cutscenes from the development.

Which again, would be nice to see actually come out.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Check my latest post on this thread, i posted the video.

Right, sorry, you ninja'd me.

...I stand by what I said, though. Fancier outfits in cutscenes aren't going to get me to go back to the game. Though, to be fair, my issues with Three Houses go so deep that I'm pretty sure it'd be impossible to fix the game for me. Better luck next time, I guess.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, I'm pretty sure we don't usually translate videogame titles, either.

Nah, we just butcher the pronounciation horribly.


Resultado de imagen de Lobezno poster

Maybe not in video games...


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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

The fact it came off of that video means that there's a chance they just had upscaled version of the cutscenes from the development.

Yeah but the models are straight-up different. Not the outfits, the outfits are in the game but it's a pre-rendered cutscene, it wouldn't use their unique promotion outfits.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Resultado de imagen de Lobezno poster


Momento Español.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Even IS wouldn’t sink to Gamefreak’s level...

Nah, what Shirmpy was describing (at least i think he was) was Atlus milking strategies. Shoutouts to the Persona 5 remaster that really didn't need to exist this early.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Resultado de imagen de Lobezno poster


That's a movie. I said videogames. Movies and shows definitely work differently. Mostly for the worse. Let's not forget Bola de Dragon Z. Onda Vital, y'know? Oof...

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Sorta yeah.

But I still like it.

I always envied people who enjoy school. You get to have a future without being utterly miserable your entire teenhood. Damn you...!

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Even IS wouldn’t sink to Gamefreak’s level...

I don't know, Fire Emblem Heroes is pretty damn scummy...

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Just now, Armagon said:

Yeah but the models are straight-up different. Not the outfits, the outfits are in the game but it's a pre-rendered cutscene, it wouldn't use their unique promotion outfits.



How stupid am I, right? You're right, I am that stupid.

Considering that those classes are available for them around that stage in game, I wonder if their plan was for them to use those models from then on but they changed their mind.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know, Fire Emblem Heroes is pretty damn scummy...

I mean, Gamefreak followed their lead there.

(And yes, what everyone else said on the comparisons)

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

FE MSPaint memes account.

I know the guy who runs it! I've talked with him a couple times before, and yes, he does love Hanneman. He's got good taste. Hmm, maybe he is Ruben in disguise

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nah, what Shirmpy was describing (at least i think he was) was Atlus milking strategies. Shoutouts to the Persona 5 remaster that really didn't need to exist this early.

I was referring to Gamefreak rereleasing the same Pokémon game but “enhanced” full price a year after the originals came out, being almost universally straight upgrades and rendering the prior games obsolete. I didn’t know Shrimpy was referencing anything.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I always envied people who enjoy school. You get to have a future without being utterly miserable your entire teenhood. Damn you...!

I hate the system though. And it’s only the school environment and learning I enjoy, I don’t like applying it to mounds of homework and huge projects. Which is why I said kinda.

I mean, I don’t get mounds of homework yet, but I know I will in high school...

School is online so I don’t even get the environment, it’s just learning in a more boring way and then work. So no I’m not really enjoying it.

But my future is eh anyway. Unless I get into politics like I think I want to.

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4 minutes ago, Spara said:

Hmm, maybe he is Ruben in disguise

I mean, my second most played class in TF2 is the spy...

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I hate the system though. And it’s only the school environment and learning I enjoy, I don’t like applying it to mounds of homework and huge projects. Which is why I said kinda.

I mean, I don’t get mounds of homework yet, but I know I will in high school...

School is online so I don’t even get the environment, it’s just learning in a more boring way and then work. So no I’m not really enjoying it.

Ah, yes. This is what most people think, I feel, and I agree.

Also, homework's the worst. It's such an awful feeling for a child, to get home knowing that you have to continue working there even though mom and dad can just laze around after their shift is over. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying children have it worse than adults or anything. It's all a matter of perspective, and from the child's perspective homework's awfully unfair. Doesn't help that usually you don't get anything out of homework, you have to do it because otherwise you're penalized, and that's it. And don't get me started on unrelated homework when exams are right around the corner.

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