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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

But that's alot of FE games, though.

Not to this extent, man. Not to this extent. Even PoR took a while to become this mindlessly easy. Awakening has been utterly brainless from the very beginning, and the only exceptions have been the ambush reinforcements, which isn't exactly a good thing.

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

But Fates only wants you to use things like crafted Iron, though. Awakening is much more flexible in choices. Also, Awakening actually has weapon icons (and those patches for Fates don't count towards the original game)

Ehh... I disagree. In my experience, it was the other way around, actually. Fates was by far the more flexible game. Simply the extra weapon types and the inclusion of more of them into the triangle encouraged using more than just an iron lance the whole time, like Fred and Sully have been doing.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

I mean the whole "Marriage" thing, not the pair up function.


Yeah... Unfortunately, I couldn't care less about that.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

but... Fates' art style is like Awakening's, not the other way around. Awakening was first, y'know.

I know, I'm talking designs here. The designs in Fates followed those nice patterns , "dark knight" for Nohr, "red samurai" for Hoshido, that were actually fairly nice when the artist wasn't bending over backwards to put holes all over the clothes of women. Awakening's designs, on the other hand... Well, no grand arguments, I just don't like them. Big, bulky, deformed armor that doesn't look good and weird outfits. That's about it.

Again, as I said in the post when you ninja'd me, I'm perhaps being unfair to Awakening by comparing it to the game that came after, but... Well, it's my honest opinion.

Besides, you do not want me to compare this mess to the games that came before it, haha.

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5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I could legit have a character like Elise sit on the fire spell the entire game

Only due to her bad skl and weapon rank, and you will risk getting hit back and she easily gets one-shot. 

Now someone with Lightning and good skl can one-shot without getting hit back, or a stronger spell could be enough, etc. Especially with Fates low HP growths you don't want to get hit back

5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:


For units that won't double anyway. Especially since Steel only decreases your Attack AS and not your Def AS

5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:


Attack Stance doesn't activate debuff.

The Fates's weapon system is much more complex than you're giving it credit for

Edited by Shrimperor
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not to this extent, man. Not to this extent. Even PoR took a while to become this mindlessly easy. Awakening has been utterly brainless from the very beginning, and the only exceptions have been the ambush reinforcements, which isn't exactly a good thing.

Ehh... I disagree. In my experience, it was the other way around, actually. Fates was by far the more flexible game. Simply the extra weapon types and the inclusion of more of them into the triangle encouraged using more than just an iron lance the whole time, like Fred and Sully have been doing.


Yeah... Unfortunately, I couldn't care less about that.

I know, I'm talking designs here. The designs in Fates followed those nice patterns , "dark knight" for Nohr, "red samurai" for Hoshido, that were actually fairly nice when the artist wasn't bending over backwards to put holes all over the clothes of women. Awakening's designs, on the other hand... Well, no grand arguments, I just don't like them. Big, bulky, deformed armor that doesn't look good and weird outfits. That's about it.

Again, as I said in the post when you ninja'd me, I'm perhaps being unfair to Awakening by comparing it to the game that came after, but... Well, it's my honest opinion.

Besides, you do not want me to compare this mess to the games that came before it, haha.

Wait, did we play the same FE8? cause i'm sure Seth would like a word then.

Eh, i dunno, i felt like Fates had a more... strict way of giving you options. 

Isn't that kinda a personal dislike, not a gameplay issue?

I wasn't taking designs really, just the art style. XD

Nah, it's fine, you don't like it you don't like it.

Just now, Shrimperor said:

Only due to her bad skl and weapon rank, and you will risk getting hit back and she easily gets one-shot. 

No someone with Lightning and good skl can one-shot without getting hit back, or a stronger spell could be enough, etc. Especially with Fates low HP growths you don't want to hit back

For units that won't double anyway. Especially since Steel only decreases your Attack AS and not your Def AS

Attack Stance doesn't activate debuff.

The Fates's weapon system is much more complex than you're giving it credit for

Elise? get hit back? if she doesn't one shot her enemy, that is. Also, the enemies can hardly hit her (speaking from hard mode experience)

I... don't think i've ever really used the brave weapons (didn't like the -def res tacked on)

Fates is alot more PP than most, though.

I know, but then that's a similarity between Awakening and Fates, except Awakening's isn't 100% like Fates unless you have the DLC, which doesn't count.

Maybe, but one thing for sure is that their weapon icons aren't! XD

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

if she doesn't one shot her enemy, that is.

with Fire? Almost Impossible.

One round yes, but not one-shot.

Maybe on attack stance with someone else she can one-shot.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Also, the enemies can hardly hit her

whie True, RNG can be a bitch

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I... don't think i've ever really used the brave weapons

They are very hand for some annoying bosses people have trouble defeating.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Fates is alot more PP than most, though

Yeah, and not many will hit the doubling treshhold anyway, hence Steel weapons + Attack stance on Brave or Silver can be really good.


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Just now, Shrimperor said:

with Fire? Almost Impossible.

One round yes, but not one-shot.

Maybe on attack stance with someone else she can one-shot.

whie True, RNG can be a bitch

They are very hand for some annoying bosses people have trouble defeating.

Yeah, and not many will hit the doubling treshhold anyway, hence Steel weapons + Attack stance on Brave or Silver can be really good.


Hmmm, maybe i was just lucky then.

well... that's not really technically something you can hold against a character, as you can't plan for it.

I haven't run into that issue.

Really? I don't believe i had that issue. I musta been really lucky.

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Reminds me about how the creator of Yakuza doesn't want Kiryu in Smash because Smash has women in it and Kiryu would never hit a woman. Or so the story goes.

And yet, Project X Zone 2 sees him be playable apparently, and Saya is back to being the main villain, and she isn't hiding her feminine form.

Supposedly, I can't find a source saying so, Sakura Wars was made in a similar "pacifist" vein, and yet also ended up in Project X Zone. The creator of the Sakura Wars franchise supposedly didn't like Super Robot Wars involving wiping out dozens of humans pilots every map (barring aliens or AI-controlled machines), they thought it was a little too desensitized to violence. Leading to their decision to go heavy on the dating sim element (make love more than war) and make the enemy always aliens.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Super Metroid music has me feeling very conflicted. One one hand, it fits the atmosphere of the game very well. On the other hand, wow this OST is super unmemorable.

True, I've never really seen much praise for the OST, I'm honestly not sure if any Metroid game is known for the music.

Now the originator 'vania in "Metroidvania"...

Sounds slightly dated, something about the acoustics is "retro" to me, but not bad for the starting area, which if anything usually gets a good track to fire up the player ASAP.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

True, I've never really seen much praise for the OST, I'm honestly not sure if any Metroid game is known for the music.

I have heard people praise it for it's impact on the atmosphere of the game, which I don't think is a bad point from what I've played of it.

8 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Obligatory Apotheosis Pairing Guide by Soly appreciation post.

That is some doing the work there.

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50 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wait, did we play the same FE8? cause i'm sure Seth would like a word then.

Seth is the only truly problematic unit in FE8. If you bench him, the dififculty becomes... okay-ish. In Awakening so far, units have been in one of two categories: So utterly worthless that it would be impossible to use them only, or so utterly broken that the game becomes a boring slideshow.

So yeah. FE8 is not good difficulty-wise, far from it, but it's above Awakening. Everything is above Awakening. I should know, I've played the entire series! Some games are close, but I think Awakening takes the cake. So far, at least.

52 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Isn't that kinda a personal dislike, not a gameplay issue?

Oh yes, absolutely. I'm afraid the last thing I'm looking for when I play a FE game is to play matchmaker with my troops. That mechanic can fuck off.

Except it won't, because otaku-pandering sells. And I'm going to stop myself right there before I imply the wrong things and people get angry at me, but... Yeah. I preferred Fire Emblem when it wasn't half a dating sim. Boomer take, I know.

53 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I wasn't taking designs really, just the art style. XD

Well, yeah, I've no qualms with the artist's talent. It's the same as Fates, and it's fine, really. Certainly better than Three Houses and its awful shading. Not that Three Houses's artstyle is terrible, but coming out of Fatesawakening and Echoes, it leaves something to be desired.

52 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Awakening is really fun. I still love it even after playing most of the series.

I am truly glad that people can find fun in this game.

Please tell me how.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



I mean it was obvious, but still xD

Ahhh, yes. Derrick 2: Electric Boogaloo. Except this one is a lot more obvious than Derrick.

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This came far, far, far too late but... okay. Thanks Ninty, I guess.

As for Awakening talk, well, my opinion on it is largely defined by the mid to late game so it doesn’t really fit in here. It wasn’t a mindless experience on hard for me, but hard is eventually ruined for me as this thread know’s. Which is ironic, because I think I literally called it the perfect difficulty before hand. But there are two main things I did that vastly differed the game for me so I couldn’t see if everyone were untouchable gods*. I only used Frederick when I absolutely had to for support points, because Jagen, and that was after the first few chapters. I also rotated through all my units to get them all paired up, instead of focusing solely on a team.

*Chrom literally almost solo’d the game. When I got to the point where I was super done I would just send him with a Sumia backpack in and watch the fireworks. This also applies to Lucina, after she got her S support, I would send her in with a Robin backpack and the enemy could not keep up.

8 hours ago, Benice said:

Or maybe I'm overly sensitive.

A game hasn’t made me personally cry before except for the tears of pain at 100%ing Super Mario 3D World.

8 hours ago, Benice said:

Kiryu has never killed a person in his life. Not once. This is canon.

Kiryu has never killed anyone.

I guess that’s important.

7 hours ago, Benice said:



She looks 12

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Congrats Sooks! You completed the Sooks%!


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now on to therapy.

Now now Ruben, do they let one play Berwick at a mental hospital? Likely not.

5 hours ago, Dayni said:

Does this mean you legally own that road now?

Yes. The toll booth will be up soon, although it’s not the safest road to travel... it’s probably the most dangers one, actually.

5 hours ago, Dayni said:

Good job anyways!

Thank you!

5 hours ago, Dayni said:

How many lives were lost in the process?

Well after every death I closed the game and then started it again because otherwise I would lose my power ups which were important. So I don’t know, by through math before I started resetting, well over 100.

I estimate somewhere in the 170-mid 200s range.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, good grief, a desert chapter already? And Edgy Kabba doesn't count as a mage? Fuck's sake, man...

...Ohhh, c'mon, and of course she's here,

I thought you were at Tharja’s chapter when I read this and I was confused.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, I completely forgot to move Nowi, so she's dead now. No, seriously, I didn't mean to. I just forgot. If you want proof that I'm capable of doing this, you just need to read my FE6 LP.

...well I’m sure you’ll “forget” to move Tharja as well then.

Actually, you could just skill for exp, but it sounds like your units don’t need that.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Miss Time Travel? I guess I can... kinda see it. Maybe when she becomes more of a presence she'll carry the otherwise completely idiotic and aimless story on her shoulders.

She’s not super important until the very end, it is very much Chrom’s story and she’s just sorta chilling while helping out in some scenes.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, the music is fine.

...Even if it feels like a worse version of Fates's soundtrack, in my opinion. But hey, at that point we're talking subjective things. So no matter.

You’re almost at the theme.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, I cannot agree with you here, sorry. It very much is "pair 2 best options together." It's that mindless. I suppose you could intentionally not do that, but then, that requires that you go out of your way to salvage the game for the devs. In Fates, it's not that easy, because in Fates you might need those two best units to be separate and doing things in different places.

I think Awakening is absolute garbage but you do at least have to think up who the best 2 are for what you’re going for with that unit.

Exceptions being whoever is paired with Chrom, Robin or Lucina, because Chrom, Robin or Lucina.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Man, I'm really stooping to comparing it to Fates, aren't I? If there's one game that's coming out of this whole thing looking better...

Well you didn’t play Birthright or Revelation.

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1 minute ago, Zan Partizanne said:

What SRPG Studio game is this?

Vestaria Saga. It's made by a guy called Shouzou Kaga, you might've heard of him.

1 minute ago, Zan Partizanne said:

And what kind of status condition is slumber?

Pretty sure it's just sleep by another name, just like Zade is called a liege instead of a lord.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

am truly glad that people can find fun in this game.

Please tell me how.

Eh, from my perspective, a game doesn't have to be technically excellent or well-balanced to be fun. Awakening is broken as hell, and that's one of the reasons why it's fun. Not really more broken than other FE games, just broken in a different way.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Vestaria Saga. It's made by a guy called Shouzou Kaga, you might've heard of him.

Pretty sure it's just sleep by another name, just like Zade is called a liege instead of a lord.

Of course I know that good name Kaga.

I'm very thankful to him for making the Judgral games.

And I see, just was curious.

I could need some more ideas of new status conditions for my project.

Even the Trails series affected me by adding nightmare condition.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So utterly worthless that it would be impossible to use them only,

Woah woah woah what what what? ...did we play the same Awakening?

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seth is the only truly problematic unit in FE8. If you bench him, the dififculty becomes... okay-ish. In Awakening so far, units have been in one of two categories: So utterly worthless that it would be impossible to use them only, or so utterly broken that the game becomes a boring slideshow.

So yeah. FE8 is not good difficulty-wise, far from it, but it's above Awakening. Everything is above Awakening. I should know, I've played the entire series! Some games are close, but I think Awakening takes the cake. So far, at least.

Marcus is almost just as bad, not quite on Seth's level of course.

The enemy stats hardly ever get better in FE8, though. Xd

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And tbf, if you play Awakening like a traditional FE game (no grinding, no pair up), it's not nearly as easy or broken as it's made out to be. It offers a lot of difficulty customization beyond simple normal, hard, and luna.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

This came far, far, far too late but... okay. Thanks Ninty, I guess.

Oh yeah, I heard. Nintendo are utterly incomprehensible at times.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Now now Ruben, do they let one play Berwick at a mental hospital? Likely not.

Fool! Berwick Saga is the therapy!

Just now, Sooks said:

...well I’m sure you’ll “forget” to move Tharja as well then.

No, actually, I picked up Tharja. She'll join the bench, or she'll die in a couple chapters like everyone who doesn't have 18 defense when paired up.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

I think Awakening is absolute garbage but you do at least have to think up who the best 2 are for what you’re going for with that unit.

Not really. The group of Sully, Kellam, Frederick, Chrom and Edgy Kabba can all just pair up with each other and no matter what the combination is, it'll turn them into invincible juggernauts. No thought required, there.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well you didn’t play Birthright or Revelation.

Hah! Fair enough.

2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Eh, from my perspective, a game doesn't have to be technically excellent or well-balanced to be fun. Awakening is broken as hell, and that's one of the reasons why it's fun. Not really more broken than other FE games, just broken in a different way.

Right. Well, that's fair enough, I suppose.

...I'm not going to be kind on this game when I say my final impressions, though. Just a fair warning. I'm sorry.

Just now, Sooks said:

Woah woah woah what what what? ...did we play the same Awakening?

Miriel, Donnel, Gaius, Virion, both healers before Libra... They're all so bad, get killed in two hits, even get doubled by the enemies... It's like my army consists entirely of Amelias and Seths. I hate it. Virion so far is the only one who's managed to stay afloat in stats enough to survive.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Miriel, Donnel, Gaius, Virion, both healers before Libra... They're all so bad, get killed in two hits, even get doubled by the enemies... It's like my army consists entirely of Amelias and Seths. I hate it. Virion so far is the only one who's managed to stay afloat in stats enough to survive.

The thing is, people can start this way, but Sooks's criticism is probably because, once you get the ball rolling, anyone can be amazing. All you need to is to get that initial push that shoves them past the critical point.

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