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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Just because I am unable to enjoy all of FE doesn't mean I can't see them for what they are. At its core, the FE formula is great, and for the most part they're all solidly programmed as well (lookin' at you, Three Houses...).

What do you mean programmed well? Like glitch free? That’s what I think of, but that doesn’t make sense here.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Objectively speaking, I can't really call them "bad" games.

I know, I know, you're joking, but hey. I'm saying something nice about the FEs I don't like, for a chance. Don't make me stop.


9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Objectively speaking, I can't really call them "bad" games.

I know, I know, you're joking, but hey. I'm saying something nice about the FEs I don't like, for a chance. Don't make me stop.

Am I truly such a bitter individual that any time I express any positivity at all, I'm not myself?

...I keep asking these questions, even though I know the answer...

Actually, I just didn’t understand your point. I genuinely thought you thought these were bad games before.

The FE formula is great. Good games huh? Hmm....... maybe.

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got the rewards, killed the dragon, time to seize.

Cool map, cool map.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


...i added one too much ''not'' didn't i xD

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What's funny is that Kaga appearently play tested this game by iron manning it

...and everyone survived?

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

But for real, most of FE and KagaSaga plots are basically the same for me. I know I've said this before but I think the only one out of all these games that actually has a better than above average plot is Radiant Dawn, though I'll give Path of Radiance a lot of points for taking the standard FE plot and executing it the best.

Honestly, though it didn't impress me too much my first time (I still liked it), the Vestarias have a really good story that gets better and more interesting the more you dig into it. The romance writing can be a bit awkward, but I am really sold that Zade and Athol are awkward teenagers trying to find out how to talk to one another in VS1. Plus, no other game by Kaga has set up mysteries as well as VS1 did, to the point that even analyzing a person's inventory adds more to the story. 

Berwick also has a really good story, but it does admittedly drag its heels sliiiightly too long in the earlygame. What it does well, however, is present the story in a very unique way for the series, and makes the city of Navaron Kaga's most realistic setting. It's almost certainly Kaga's most unique story, and works really well for what it is.

TRS is definitely the most simple of the plots, but makes up for it with really good character writing and a solid world despite being way too exposition-dumpy (HSoS has the super dialogue chapter but you'll understand the world without it, just you'll miss a couple details). 

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...i honestly don't think she deserves a kind word after the idiocy she pulled xD

Deirdere levels of idiocy, really.

3 minutes ago, Spara said:

Berwick also has a really good story, but it does admittedly drag its heels sliiiightly too long in the earlygame. What it does well, however, is present the story in a very unique way for the series, and makes the city of Navaron Kaga's most realistic setting. It's almost certainly Kaga's most unique story, and works really well for what it is.

Berwick really really needed a sequel in the rest of the continent were the other  character are in the lead. It would've worked really well

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And, additionally, the place I'd argue where VS1's story falls the hardest is villains - Tamthir is probably the best one and he only matters for like four maps! Senator Dulles has a bad case of existing, and Therenius, while decently fun, isn't that interesting. HSoS has better villains, and TRS and BWS each have one of Kaga's best villains.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

.i added one too much ''not'' didn't i xD

True haha.

Also fun fact, I think the only units I ever promoted where Sheela, Merida and Haldyn. Don't know how many promoted units you have by this point but probably more than me.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

and everyone survived?

Well i was told that he accepted deaths so probably not.

2 minutes ago, Spara said:

TRS is definitely the most simple of the plots, but makes up for it with really good character writing and a solid world despite being way too exposition-dumpy

Ngl, I think if TRS didn't have pointless cult bullshit, it would've actually been better than above average because i really liked how the kingdom vs empire conflict was framed there. Alas, Kaga loves his cults and it is always, always, the biggest blemishes in his stories.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Berwick really really needed a sequel in the rest of the continent were the other  character are in the lead. It would've worked really well

I mean, that could've been nice, though I don't think it was necessary. Berwick's story, to me, is really about Navaron and the people who live there during the war; the war itself isn't the important bit. Though a RD-esque side story shifting perspectives between the Western Front and Zephyrus could've been kinda cool.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Also fun fact, I think the only units I ever promoted where Sheela, Merida and Haldyn. Don't know how many promoted units you have by this point but probably more than me

Oh wew. Yeah i have many more promoted units. From the top of my head:



Pegasi Sisters (both of them)

The Mages (both of them)


And that's without taking into accound the prepromotes

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Kaga loves his cults and it is always, always, the biggest blemishes in his stories.

Frankly, it only really hurts VS1 too much because they feel way too hammy a lot of the time. Who gives a shit about Zweiras? I barely even remember that guy because the other two non-Margulites around him were way more interesting/threatening, and they were underdeveloped. They're definitely more interesting in Silvanister, though they're not great still, in part because that game has much better lead villains. I don't find it too distracting in TRS, though, since it feels like he actually wrote what he intended the Loptrians to be in FE4/5, based off that scene in the Aed Shrine.

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21 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Again, still in the part that certain people say is good. Or even that is has a "good story".

The Hierarch is the good part of the story.

...Oh, please...

20 minutes ago, Armagon said:




Not sure how many people here haven't played Sacred Stones (if there's any at all), but might as well be cautious.


But for real, most of FE and KagaSaga plots are basically the same for me. I know I've said this before but I think the only one out of all these games that actually has a better than above average plot is Radiant Dawn, though I'll give Path of Radiance a lot of points for taking the standard FE plot and executing it the best.

Yes, I get this, but... Really, Awakening on the same level as the rest? Awakening has huge tone problems (oh sure, I'm totally gonna start taking it seriously after like 8 chapters of nothing but bad gags with the anime trope characters), the depth of a puddle (with stuff like the taguel being brought up and never elaborated on) and just overall huge issues that other FE stories just don't suffer from, or at least not to the same ridiculous extent (Hierarch).

I know FE isn't great at stories, but Awakening goes way further in how bad it is.

14 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What do you mean programmed well? Like glitch free? That’s what I think of, but that doesn’t make sense here.

It does. If these games were breaking all the time, they wouldn't be good games. I understand the irony in me saying this while Shrimpy suffers with Vestaria. What I'm trying to say is, just being a bad FE isn't enough to make it a bad game. It can still be enjoyed by people without prior experience with FE. The flaws have to go deeper, flaws that even a newcomer couldn't overlook, for me to call it a bad game. And I don't think any FE fits the bill.

13 minutes ago, Spara said:

Honestly, though it didn't impress me too much my first time (I still liked it), the Vestarias have a really good story that gets better and more interesting the more you dig into it. The romance writing can be a bit awkward, but I am really sold that Zade and Athol are awkward teenagers trying to find out how to talk to one another in VS1. Plus, no other game by Kaga has set up mysteries as well as VS1 did, to the point that even analyzing a person's inventory adds more to the story. 

Berwick also has a really good story, but it does admittedly drag its heels sliiiightly too long in the earlygame. What it does well, however, is present the story in a very unique way for the series, and makes the city of Navaron Kaga's most realistic setting. It's almost certainly Kaga's most unique story, and works really well for what it is.

TRS is definitely the most simple of the plots, but makes up for it with really good character writing and a solid world despite being way too exposition-dumpy (HSoS has the super dialogue chapter but you'll understand the world without it, just you'll miss a couple details). 

You do know who you're speaking to, right? Armagon is about as stubborn in his hatred for Kaga as I am with Three Houses. He's never going to admit Kaga can do anything right.

5 minutes ago, Spara said:

I mean, that could've been nice, though I don't think it was necessary. Berwick's story, to me, is really about Navaron and the people who live there during the war; the war itself isn't the important bit. Though a RD-esque side story shifting perspectives between the Western Front and Zephyrus could've been kinda cool.

I agree with this. People make the mistake of looking at Berwick's story as if it were a regular FE story about a big continent war, when it just isn't. Perhaps a side-effect of BWS fans pushing the game on FE fans, unfortunately.

Still, yeah, some maps with Bernard, Bernstol and Zephyrus would've been neat.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Already ship more than Zade x Athol tbh

Also what's the music that plays in that scene?

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, yeah, some maps with Bernard, Bernstol and Zephyrus would've been neat.

and Simpette, to give her some character

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

and Simpette, to give her some character

Simpette does have the letters. Honestly, I'd argue Reese is the weak link there, the guy's so emotionless and uptight that it's hard to believe the romance.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Simpette does have the letters. Honestly, I'd argue Reese is the weak link there, the guy's so emotionless and uptight that it's hard to believe the romance.

I wanted more character of her than just her romance, ya know. To see her leading as the chosen one and the mental suffering she goes through because of that...

Because i really really dig characters like that xD

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For some reason Metal Gear Nanomachines does something weird to my computer's colors when I boot it. Most noticeably, it turns the grays in Serenes into a drab yellow, but if I google the color gray, the images do show up as a proper gray.

  Gray Wolf hacking your PC?

47 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Birthright is pretty easy either way, imo. Takumi is still pretty darn good on his own. And ofc Corrin is kinda broken as well in any route. 

Also, alot of the enemies in Birthright dont advance like they do in conquest. 

Yeah, Birthright enemies being very stationary has been bugging me playing it.

For reference, I dropped the royals full stop and the retainers, leaving me with a pretty small cast. By the endgame however I've ended up with some ridiculously OP units in Kaze, Silas and of course Mozu (-Spd Corrin's strong at least and Rinkah somehow got over 20 Str). And Daniela being mediocre enough to not suck.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, yeah, some maps with Bernard, Bernstol and Zephyrus would've been neat.

> Me seeing playable Zephyrus.

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3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

That's DLC though, which isn't a requirement to play the game.

Yeah, but an in-depth guide about the pairings and what each brings to the table is proof that there's merit to the system.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yes, absolutely. I'm afraid the last thing I'm looking for when I play a FE game is to play matchmaker with my troops. That mechanic can fuck off.

Except it won't, because otaku-pandering sells. And I'm going to stop myself right there before I imply the wrong things and people get angry at me, but... Yeah. I preferred Fire Emblem when it wasn't half a dating sim. Boomer take, I know.

I know, right? Ever since Genealogy the series was never the same.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fool! Berwick Saga is the therapy!

You know, if I didn't get to play Tear Ring Saga afterwards, I would probably have believed people's claims that the series was always this bad. That all the good games I played were just the product of my imagination.

So yeah, it was quite therapeutic.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know, this game is even easier than PoR and the story is absolute garbage in none of the entertaining ways that Conquest was. If anything, I'm glad I went in expecting not to like it, because if I had expected anything else I'd be really angry right about now.


I mean, I went into it expecting a good game because of what everyone else said. And I would guess you probably picked up on how I feel about it at some point.
Even if the game bellyflopped hard and was just a forgotten footnote in the series' history, it's still just so insulting. That this is supposed to be the "ultimate compilation of Fire Emblem". The best stuff from each game all in one amazing package. All that good shit they dared to claim in interviews.
And it's a game with the most trite gameplay imaginable, an embarrassingly fetishized cast really desperate to suck up to the player self-insert and a story that is hard to imagine being written by actual human beings.

Needless to say, I think Tear Ring Saga makes a lot more sense as the "ultimate compilation of Fire Emblem".

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8 minutes ago, Dayni said:

> Me seeing playable Zephyrus.

I believe it.

7 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

I know, right? Ever since Genealogy the series was never the same.

There weren't cringy tea time staring sequences in Genealogy, though, or the ones in Fates where you just stroke people's faces, and there also weren't time travelling kids.

But you know what? Yeah. Genealogy did have matchmaking. And? That doesn't change the fact that I hate the dating sim side of FE. Heck, were you around when I shared my first impressions of FE4? Only characters that married were Alec and Arden for memes. I let everyone else die so I could get the substitutes.

As far as I'm concerned, modern FE matchmaking <<<< Genealogy matchmaking <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< no matchmaking. Fuck matchmaking, is what I'm saying. I don't want it in FE. If you enjoy it, that's fine, but don't judge me for not liking it.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It does. If these games were breaking all the time, they wouldn't be good games. I understand the irony in me saying this while Shrimpy suffers with Vestaria. What I'm trying to say is, just being a bad FE isn't enough to make it a bad game. It can still be enjoyed by people without prior experience with FE. The flaws have to go deeper, flaws that even a newcomer couldn't overlook, for me to call it a bad game. And I don't think any FE fits the bill.

So... what you’re saying is... what you like in FEs leaves you unable to enjoy the ones that don’t have that, but you still think they’re good games?

11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Already ship more than Zade x Athol tbh

This is a Kaga game, so you probably don’t get to choose.

Although there was fe4.

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11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Oh wew. Yeah i have many more promoted units. From the top of my head:



Pegasi Sisters (both of them)

The Mages (both of them)


And that's without taking into accound the prepromotes

Yeah, i wouldn't be surprised if i missed most of the promo items.

8 minutes ago, Spara said:

I don't find it too distracting in TRS, though, since it feels like he actually wrote what he intended the Loptrians to be in FE4/5, based off that scene in the Aed Shrine.

My problem with the cult in TRS is that they're the same as any other. The story tries to be like "oh they formed out of years of oppression" but the story doesn't actually show this. Zeke and Karla are like the only two understandably motivated people in that whole group, everyone else is generic a moustache-twirling villain.

Of course, these games have always had problems with showing and not telling.

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not sure how many people here haven't played Sacred Stones (if there's any at all), but might as well be cautious.

Ohhhhhh him.

I forgot lol.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, I get this, but... Really, Awakening on the same level as the rest?


But this is a retroactive way of thinking after being exposed to better stories. Not to be biased but Fire Emblem and KagaSaga simply wish they could be on the same writing level as Xeno.

I still like the games tho lol. My enjoyment of them isn't gonna go away because i found better stuff.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You do know who you're speaking to, right? Armagon is about as stubborn in his hatred for Kaga as I am with Three Houses. He's never going to admit Kaga can do anything right.

Hey i only hate Kaga's gameplay decisions, his writing for the most part isn't an issue.


8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Yes, Zade, gave it to her...

"It's not my fault" she says as she willingly choses to stay alone in the middle of the woods, leading to this whole scenario.

She's getting scolded for it tho, good.

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