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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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45 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Like... people complain about "four conversations -> boom! Marriage!" in modern FE, but in this game it's "zero/one conversation(s) -> boom! Marriage!". I just don't see how this game did that any better than the newer entries, is basically what I'm saying.

The children are far less tacked on, is the main advantage. The timeskip, disappearance of the parents and the clear-cut divide between parts make them feel like their own proper characters, as opposed to Fatesawakening kids who just sort of... come into existence when their parents marry and tag along with the actual army. They feel like outsiders.

The romances themselves are... well, not Kaga tier, because there's barely any material there to be Kaga tier. Even in the "canon" pairings that the game tries to push with their own conversations and all, they're short conversations that really aren't all that memorable. Not great stuff. Then again, I only did two meme pairings and went with substitutes for everyone else, so what do I know.


I don't see why people complain about fanservice in the new games when in this game, you have Sylvia (ESPECIALLY Sylvia), Lene, Tine, Ishtar, Erinys/Ferry/Fury/Erin, Fee, and Tailtiu. Now, I don't dislike these characters, far from it. I just think that their designs aren't any better or worse in the fanservice regard than some of the newer characters

Ehhhh mainly, the hardware limitations give them less opportunities to pull shit like the Camilla cutscenes. You know the ones I'm talking about. Otherwise, yeah, Kaga era FE wasn't exactly innocent.

45 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I also wasn't a fan about how they turned Julia into a damsel in distress later on. That felt very unnecessary to me.

Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence in Kaga's games. Berwick Saga was the one that held back on it the most, simply because the damisel-in-distress shenanigans are relegated to a single map that feels like the developers were trying to appease to Kaga by concentrating all the Kaga fetishes into one corner of the game while trying to keep the rest of it as clean as possible.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Athol is from one of the Saga games, I assume? xD

Vestaria Saga's princess

At the beginning i thought i would get an Elincia (and you know how much i love her), in the end she turned out to be by far to be my least fav. Character in the game.

half of my review about the game was ranting about her lmao


Biggest dissapointment however has to be Athol. Rant incoming.

At first, i thought we would get another Elincia (as i love her), however once we got closer to endgame i knew that wouldn't be the case. At first i actually quite liked her and liked how she wanted to help at all...

Then the stupidity at the end of ch14 happened. And it's stupidity from both character and story writing somehow. Than after Zade saves her and hands it to her right in her face, i thought she would actually grow...

yeah, she grew to become more of a burden, that has to be protected like a precious doll at all times. While Hoelun was freeing prisoners and fighting cultists Arrows swinging, Athol was taking a stroll through the country in Auto-scroll simulator or just sat on the bench while everyone was fighting for her Kingdom. Like execuse me, what?

And at the end of it all, instead of a bittersweet goodbye to her friends and fondly remembering the times she spent with her allies and Zade, she cries in her room while everyone is saying their farewells. Instead of growing into a strong Princess like her arc was leading to, she just becomes a mess. While yeah her duties are hard, it feels like her arc at the end didn't amount to anything. She's still the weak emotional princess. And if i am guessing right, she will still be in the future, considering what the stoy alludes to.


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30 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yep. That skill is peak Kaga, alright. xD

Also, to everyone still wanting to play FE4: pair Lex with Aideen.
Trust me.

I second this.

20 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of!

I forgot to say who my favorite characters are!

My top two favorite characters from this game are easily Tine and Lene. They have endeared themselves to me the most while I was playing the game. Have trouble deciding who I like more, though, heh.

Favorite characters, huh? I liked Lewyn and... Lewyn. I guess I didn’t really like anyone that much. I mean Raquesis is cool, I guess.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehhhh mainly, the hardware limitations give them less opportunities to pull shit like the Camilla cutscenes. You know the ones I'm talking about. Otherwise, yeah, Kaga era FE wasn't exactly innocent.

Those are actually the only Camilla cutscenes other than the CHOOSE YOUR PATH one and the cutscene at the end of Revelation, because well, that’s why they made her.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Those are actually the only Camilla cutscenes other than the CHOOSE YOUR PATH one and the cutscene at the end of Revelation, because well, that’s why they made her.

I still love that Conquest ends on a POV shot of Corrin bumping into Camilla's boobers. It's like a terrible, terrible joke. Perfect note to end that shitshow of a story on.

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You can bet that Sylvia's special event to get the Safeguard would've gotten a still CG in the GBA/NGC/Wii era... or full blown cutscene 3DS era onwards.

... actually, I wouldn't mind if a Genealogy remake were to do that. But chances that they would actually do it... hmm...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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57 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

They didn't even fucking try. XD
I like Erinys, she's a neat character, but come on, designers! You couldn't at least make her hair, like, I don't know, black or brown, or heck, purple, or something?

In the defense of the SNES, there is a 16 color limit you have to consider. 

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34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

When it came to bosses that had that, I remember actually just resorting to cheats because I didn't feel like dealing with it.

Why not just use Earth Sword/Nosferatu? 

You realise they go through GS due to a bug in the coding, right?

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I still love that Conquest ends on a POV shot of Corrin bumping into Camilla's boobers. It's like a terrible, terrible joke. Perfect note to end that shitshow of a story on.

I mean, there's a bit afterwards where everyone stands to stare at you Corrin. But if you want to say Camilla's badonkedonks killed Corrin head on, that's fine.

10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You can bet that Sylvia's special event to get the Safeguard would've gotten a still CG in the GBA/NGC/Wii era... or full blown cutscene 3DS era onwards.

... actually, I wouldn't mind if a Genealogy remake were to do that. But chances that they would actually do it... hmm...

Considering the remakes, I would expect no.

Though who knows? I sure as hell don't.

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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Why not just use Earth Sword/Nosferatu? 

You realise they go through GS due to a bug in the coding, right?

I didn't know about that at the time.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, I'm saving this one.

It's beautiful. Berwick with an HSoS cameo. Love to see it.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


That moment when the source of the horni bonks you.

1 minute ago, Spara said:

It's beautiful. Berwick with an HSoS cameo. Love to see it.

The chibi Axel and Ciel to the side were so adorable.

And of course, Endgame Beard power-posing. Showing why he's Endgame Ready.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The chibi Axel and Ciel to the side were so adorable.

I just noticed the chibi Raffinée and Phoebe in the top-left.

I love this even more, somehow. 

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7 minutes ago, Benice said:

Man, today's kinda sucked, but I guess I'd best reply to the supports thread...

F. Take care of yourself, and let’s hope for a better tomorrow!

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2 minutes ago, Benice said:

...Nah, I'm probably just gonna insult everyone else if I write an argument today, I'll wait for a better day.

If the thread has really gotten that bad you should probably just unfollow and forget about it.

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41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I didn't know about that at the time.


24 minutes ago, Benice said:

Man, today's kinda sucked, but I guess I'd best reply to the supports thread...

If you arent up to it, dont force yourself! I'm sorry your going through a rough patch!

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If the thread has really gotten that bad you should probably just unfollow and forget about it.

Nah, it's on me. I am sorta tired of repeatin' myself and all, and only one person's been rude so far.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If the thread has really gotten that bad you should probably just unfollow and forget about it.

They almost always end up like that, though. Xd

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2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Nah, it's on me. I am sorta tired of repeatin' myself and all, and only one person's been rude so far.

I mean, still. If you're just going in circles at this point, not much point in it, is there?

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

They almost always end up like that, though. Xd

I know. It is unfortunate, but that's how it is.

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