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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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In some ways, this chapter is both easier than harder the Ryoma chapter.

Later, I'll finally finish Conquest Lunatic...


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Just now, teeheefalchion said:





I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about Teeheefalchion, is there something in the water today?

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1 minute ago, Teeheeraith said:

You guys are acting very weird, teehee!

Wraith, you cannot give in to the darkness. I cannot replace you to maintain balance! I don't know the first thing about this Emperor of yours!

Okay, hold on, let me try. Ergh... The Emperor protects, as I trudge through the darkness of man's heart, that I may attempt to cleanse it of the... terrible curse of Teehee? Or something.

1 minute ago, Teeheeyni said:

It has spread.


Oh, right, the profile pic.

1 minute ago, teeheefalchion said:

We are living in the best world line timeline, I see.

I think the end of days may be upon us...

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wraith, you cannot give in to the darkness. I cannot replace you to maintain balance! I don't know the first thing about this Emperor of yours!

Okay, hold on, let me try. Ergh... The Emperor protects, as I trudge through the darkness of man's heart, that I may attempt to cleanse it of the... terrible curse of Teehee? Or something.


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Wraith has finally seen the light.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not bad. Not good either. I'm not sayin' nothin'.

Not good? Not good?? I survived an extra battle after charging! Anyway, 


The choice after was whether to fight the remaining dredge normally, lead them into the forest to fight (while potentially using fire against them), use fire in the first to distract them, or... hope they disperse. Yeah, what a great option.

So I chose to distract them with a forest fire, and so we had to deal with an even smaller smaller group thanks to me lowering their numbers earlier. There were literally two enemies in each fight (the first being when I charged and the second being when I went for more kills), which was honestly kind of funny.

So yeah, two successful attack-them-while-they-retreat battles, how’s that for good?

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, I'll be back on Another Eden as this unfolds...

Understandable that Eden calls at this time.

The teehee has mutated and all.

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28 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Have fun then when half the world gets locked up and you can't visit them now.

Was this in response to me?

Visit other people? I never do that normally, not even once a month regularly. -Which might be my problem. I need a job, and other earthly responsibilities, ideally a job not in my actual field since history will only feed into my unending sea of concern that history is going in the wrong direction. Or it'd need to be a very specifically and ideally old and dead form of history, maybe I should take up learning to speak Akkadian. I would like to believe Hegel was right that history is always moving in the right direction, though its chosen agents may be strange -except Hegel was also racist, and believed the state was the grantor of freedom. How wrong was he.

With my current mood, let's pretend you told about me the beginning and endpoints of a dynasty or some other historical period lasting 200 years, and then, you told me that the first 150 years were good, but it stagnated for the next 100, and the last 50 saw it totally collapse. I wouldn't brush aside that last half-century like it was nothing, even if the next historical period started off amazing. I'd be very sympathetic to the people who spent all or most of their lives through those 50 years, the years weren't empty, people lived, and people suffered.

It is strange, when I personally am so little if at all directly affected by events ATM. But, I do feel sympathy for the world too readily and too strongly for how little I am involved in it. I should take up the calm forbearance that many a people around the world have been unfortunately had to cultivate, to be like a Lebanese woman enjoying her day at a hair salon whilst rocket fire goes on outside on the grounds of memento mori and carpe diem. But that as much I as I'd like to, that just isn't me.

A body without work, a mind set free, with a penchant to dwell on despair, and so you have my days. How fortunate I am to be able to waste time so, and how I the lazy soul squander it. Again, I need to start looking for a job, and learn to drive first, because the tyranny of automobile is real and will never go away.


23 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

No, he chickened out from drawing the supposed main couple kissing (even though there was never a development between them and he gave interviews afterwards explaning why the protagonist doesn't have romantic feelings for her), saying that he was "too shy" to draw it, even though he didn't shy away from drawing various NSFW things, like people being dismembered, children being squased like bugs and a machine that forces someone to eat their own shit.

Anyway, the fanbase (at least the sane ones) knows that he's in damage control because he sold the series to shippers in order to receive more money, so we're memeing.

Ah, a couple without chemistry. A staple of the romance genre probably for centuries. I know one opera that the librettist died leaving it unfinished, largely because nothing written up to the unfinished point had suggested the hero's love was more than hormonal.

-Although in this case, the writer could've written it better, should've written it better, and didn't. Which is a perfectly good thing to harpoon them on. Go on then, keep draining him of oil to light the street lamps for the next century.

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2 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

Wraith has finally seen the light.

Oh Teeheeooks, as your H̷̢̧̨̢̡̨̨̡̤̫̠̜̪͎̮͚͕̪̘̘͉͚͔̩̯̲̲̳̯͍̖̟̰̬͉̣͔̪̟͉͖͎̰̝̱̫͈̺̙͔̺̮͇̻̯̜̞̫̘͙̹̹͈̹͙͙̹̲͆͂̈͊͊̀͐̈́̀̚͜͜͜ͅͅͅͅḛ̸̡̢̧̨̧̢̢̢̡̢̡̡̡̨̨̡̧̨̡̧̧̰͙͕͖̺̩̬̩̫̠͇͓̝͓̗͖̱̳̝͙͈̜̳̟͇̹͈͙̙̟̪̰̳͚͚̤̖͚̩͔͓̯̻̹͖͕̬͇̩̬̳̪̤͍̗͉̩̬̮̺̮̞̦̟̗̪͎̥̪̩̞̼̖͍͖͔͉̺̺̭̦̯̲͍̯̤̣̥̠̭̦̥̼̠͈̥̙͓͚̲̩͓͇̙̠͚̳̣̝̦̺̟̻̦͓͖̥̭̣̼̞̬̝͍̩͕̲̳̲͎̬͉̣̝͍̹̭͚̳̹͉̮̼͔̗̺̭̰̳͕̞̺̫̳̇̊̍̀̄̃̎̅̄͌̿̈͗̆͆̆̀́͑̿̇̚̚͜͜͝͠ͅͅl̸̛̛̛̜̠͍̜͚͔̲̖̣̗̜͕̗͚̤̰̬̦͙̙̤̮̠̜̩̼͚̼̐́̔͋̄̔͆̊́͒͗̅͊̏̂̌̍̏̈̂͌͊̈̎͑͐͑͒̊́͛͌̔̊̑̈͆̄̓̉̽̍͐̄̍͐̆̊͐͌͊̉̌͊̒̒̇̍̊̉́̐̄͐̾̈́̀̐̊͌͑̽͆͒̒̈̾͑̆͊͆̿͂̑̏͑͑̊̐͗̉̄͐̔̒̄̂̒̑͒̽͑́̐̐̾͐̊̌͑̍̓͐̔̎̏̍͂͆̉͛̓̂̕̚͘͘̚͘̚̕̚̕̚͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͠p̴̧̡̡̡̡̡̨̨̨̨̧̢̨̢̧̫̳̲̘̮̙͎̟̤̠͇͖̖̩̫̭̣̘̗̫̜̠̼͓̫͚̤͙̟̻͔̝̗͍͎͓̙̫͙͍̩̙̹̪̭͎͙͈̱͍̫͇̯̠̘̯͍̲̤̮͖̱̼̞̦̤̝̪͖̰̭͓͚̜͍̭̱̰̝̞̜͔̙͈̖̰̗͈̭͔̲͕̪̗̼͖̙̣͍̲̗̮̥͈̮̺͇̳̬̠̼̰̞̹̠͍̗͇̜̰͎̻̩̟̦̳̪̘͍̣͕̝͕̙̹̫̣̻̰͓͎͉͚̺̪̻̯̩̯̞͔̻̦̗͚̪͕͍̮̯̣͎̞̱̜̉͐̀̋̐͋̋̀̂́̃̈́̾͛͗͐͗͊̽̀̒͒̍̐̌̇͆̃͒̾̕̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͠ͅͅͅ ̸̡̨̨̡̢̡̢̡̢̡̡̛̛̣̲̙̝̳͉̲̹͖̟̟̲̱̼̺̜̟͚̘̟̼̹̦̙̳͇̭͉͇̮̯̯͇̜̥̥͓͚̤̯̬͔̫͓̖͔̗͎̯̗̳͕̤̬͕̖̮̦̩̘͖͓̬̦̱̭͇̤̟̲͙̳͔̝̹̗̪̦̫̭̯̭͕̱̳̞͙̝̺̞͎̜̲͈͇̣͉͓͇̘͔͍̪͎̠̣͎̺̦̝̳̙̰̮̩̹̟͓͖͇̘̖͖̫͚̲̥̜̬̻̫̜̣̙͈̪̤̮̣͔̺͓̈́̒̒̒̽̅́͌̈́̽͒́́̓͌̈́͒͆̀͒̒̈́̓͑̾̐̽̔͑̀̿̇̓͊́̍̈́́͗̊͒̀̌̅̑̐̀́̂͋̅̓̾̔̿͛́͊̔͌̅́̇͋͋͊̈́́͂̃̑͛̀̄́̃͑͌͐̆̀͐͂̒̓̿̈̽̀̅̑̌̐͋͛̏͋̾̈͐̉̑̋̏̍̈̈̚͘̕̕̕̕͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅm̷̧̛̛̛̛̙̖͓̯̱̣̟͇͕̥̬̞̝̳̞͔͙̩̲̗̣̝̜̹̂̒́͑͆̊̈́̎͆̽̀̂̋͐̌́̌̉̿̅̀̀͋͑̇̊͂͛̅̈́̑̍̉̾̈́̔͒̒͑̍̍͑͋͒̅̿͂͋̎̆͂͛̿́̑̐̉̉̏̊͑̍͒̀̅͑̒͛͑̈̌̎̋̎̔̄̑̊̏̕̕͘͠͝͝͠͝ȩ̵̡̢̢̨̛̛͈͍͓̠̣̘̖̹̳̩̫̬̰̤̞͇̮͔̝͚̘̘̳͓̪̠͇̩̥̩̜̘͖̩̞̟͖͎̠̦͍̲̗̫̤̪̮͍̻̭̬͓͓͆̊͗͑̋͗̉̋̑̏̓͗̀̌̈͂̋͗̍̈́̓͌̈́́͗̔̊̑͐̀͛͂̃͗͂̓̂̌̅̑̈̍̉͗̿͂͆̽́̓̌͑̆̄̽̾͌́͆͊̆͊̽͋̑̂͌̌͂̄̅͆͐̄̆̄͒͆͛̂͗̒̾͌̍̾̀̊͂͂͐̿͐̏̃͛͑̇̊͆͆͌͒̚̕̚̚̚͘͘̕̚͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝.̵̡̢̡̡̨̡̧̛̛̛̛̛̼̺͇̘̹̲̱̩̼͕̤͔̗̳̝͍͙̘̪͍͉̬͔̜̦̠̖̫̤̪̣̮̩͖͍̫̣̗̲̳̦͕̃̑̽̐̆͐̔̎͂͐̓̈́͌͒̍͐̀̋̊͗̈́́̽̐͒͗̉̿̀̄̇̑͛̅̈́́͂͂̃̐̿͑̄́͊̉́̐́̃͆̓͂̂̓̍̿͌̑́͗̀̐͂̋͑͌̀̄͐̋̆͋̋͆̒͐̃̿͑̆̂̏̃͊̔̂̀͂̿̄̽͆̿͒͌̓͋̋̃̆͐͊̃̔͋̀̅̔̆̒͌̓͛̎̀̆͐̽͊̀͛͋͋͒́́̆̂̊̍̉͊͗̑͐̾́̂͛̑͐̍̄̉̾̋̀̾͆̏̍̒̿̈̽̄̋̆̒͛̾̈͌͘̕͘̕̚̚̕͘͜͜͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͝ͅ.̵̨̢̛̥͇͕͓͓̙̮̆̆̄̒͂͛͂͋̓̑̅̿̀̒͒̑̋̔͂̌̾̓̈́̑̂̃̅̾̈̇̕̕͠͝͝͝.̴̢̨̢̧̢̧̨̡̨̢̧̡̢̨̧̛̛̟̜̭͙͈̝͓̥̟͉̩̫͉̲͎͙̱̪͉͖̫̩̙̤̬̥͔̩͖͉̯̮̦̲͔̰̼͎̞͚͎̹̟̬͈̪̳̰͔̟̥̭͎̩̬̝̪͔͚̯̬͙͙̭̝̖͚̭̘͎̫͇̜̙͈̠̦͕̻̻̟̲̖͈͍͍̯͇̬̮̹̥̳͙̳̤̗̜͔̺̫̲̰̬̫̻̝̠̣̟̫͇̲̯̤͉͉͎̲̯̙̮̱͕̩͈̩̩̝̖̦̥̺̠̻̯̙̱̖̩̬̺͈̩̹̫͔̲̤͚̮̙̭̗̲̣̰̼̪̤̟̙̘͍̺͙͓̣͈͉̖̺̰̠̙͈̦͇̗͍̩̱̭̤̜̺͐̈́́̍̇́̂̒͐̇̈́̓̉͒͋̏́͛̽̍͌͗́͒͗̐̈̐̾̇̌̈́̉͊͊͌̉̑̑́̂̃̎̑̂̔͋͛̅̾͋̈̔̿͌̍̉̄̎̋͑̑̀̈̍͊̒̓͂̓͌͌̓͛̏̌̒͑̄͛̏͒̄͛͑̐̿̾̌͐̀͑́͐̾̍̈͂̊̊̒̌̇̂̇͛̈͌̐̅͋̋̀́̉̔̽͋͗̏͐̏̍͗͐̇͌̽̚͘̕̚̕̕̚͘͜͜͜͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅ sensei I’d hope that you’d always known I had the light inside me all along!

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4 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

Wraith has finally seen the light.

Not good? Not good?? I survived an extra battle after charging! Anyway, 

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The choice after was whether to fight the remaining dredge normally, lead them into the forest to fight (while potentially using fire against them), use fire in the first to distract them, or... hope they disperse. Yeah, what a great option.

So I chose to distract them with a forest fire, and so we had to deal with an even smaller smaller group thanks to me lowering their numbers earlier. There were literally two enemies in each fight (the first being when I charged and the second being when I went for more kills), which was honestly kind of funny.

So yeah, two successful attack-them-while-they-retreat battles, how’s that for good?

You distracted them with fire, is that the truth?

Hm... Don't party just yet.

Oh wait, you actually did something different to what I was hoping you'd do.

...That's even worse, actually... but never mind me, carry on.

5 minutes ago, Teeheeraith said:


Wraith, did you inhale poisonous fumes during your exploration of the caves at Iceland?

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, hold on, let me try. Ergh... The Emperor protects, as I trudge through the darkness of man's heart, that I may attempt to cleanse it of the... terrible curse of Teehee? Or something.

You could do that, or you could let Reuben out of jail again.

If you got your name changes back, that is.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Was this in response to me?

It was just a joke about how just like in VIII, IX locks up most places once you reach a certain point near the end of the game...

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You distracted them with fire, is that the truth?

Yes, I did.

...Ruben, did you mess up here?

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hm... Don't party just yet.

I mean, we are literally out of the woods.

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1 minute ago, Spara said:

You could do that, or you could let Reuben out of jail again.

If you got your name changes back, that is.

'Fraid not.

And I don't think the thread needs Reuben right now. It might just collapse on itself if somebody doesn't maintain order.

...I know! Those of you yet survive the Teehee onslaught, lend me your power! Bring up Three Houses! Praise Three Houses for undeserved accomplishments! Fuel my rant gauge, that I may save this thread from complete insanity with my elitist negativity!

Just now, Teeheeooks said:

Yes, I did.

...Ruben, did you mess up here?

I mean, we are literally out of the woods.

Check out my edit.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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