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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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26 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Mmm… good point. You gave me a slightly higher base happiness, slightly less work to perma recruit me.

Maybe I should break your legs. That gives Faye happiness for some reason. No reason it can't work on you.

26 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I was sure that was going to be Senator Armstrong.

Sometimes I like to mix things up.

Also, I found this comment in the video and I just have to point it out because I fucking love it.

"Gaining a lot of pounds in Britain: I'm rich

Gaining a lot of pounds in America: "


I am not disappointed.

I mean, it's your anthem. If US media has taught me anything, it's that there's nothing you guys love more than your national symbols. Surely a louder version of your anthem would be even more to your liking?

Meanwhile Spain.

26 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I, uh… I’m a bad unit, but I will somehow always level up every stat and cap most of them by the end.

You mean like all of the bad units under my command?

After all these years they've learned, I am one of the few who has true faith in them, and they repay me in kind.


I also have the best character, right?

So, basically, you're Ludin is what you're saying.

Checks out, BS1!Ludin probably would've fucked up at the cart too

26 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ruben revealing he plays ironmans because he can get characters killed:

This might be a stretch/not make sense, but I will take any chance to post a good scene as a may may.

Ruben on his way to kill off the top tier units he doesn't like while they explain that there's no benefit to getting them killed:


26 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What happened?

Zan changed the thread name for a while. Berwick was misspelled as Berwin.

...Wait, I just got it- Berwin, Berwick, Berwick win. Damnit, it was genius and I didn't see it...!

17 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



Roy still somehow has a bigger harem


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Chris Redfield from Resident Evil admits Arthur's superiority.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As I posted elsewhere:

"Samus's new suit design is interesting. Initially, it brought the PED Suit of MP3 to mind. The iconic red with green highlights helmet and breastplate remain, but the rest is different. The pauldrons remind of Samus Returns, while the abandonment of the yellow-orange for white and light blue make this Samus distinctive. The overall appearance is sleeker than normal, with an unusually narrowing funnel on the Arm Cannon. The blue reminds me of both the Zero Suit and the Fusion Suit, leaning more toward the latter. I'd like to know why parts of the blue appear as though they are fibers that have been wrapped around the suit, it adds a seemingly organic element, reminiscent of phazon in general."

In other words, I like it as well.

The Dread Suit's sleeker appearance also brings something to mind i saw someone mention: Metroid Dread in general looks very clean and sleek so the suit fits in with that aesthetic. But there's a contrast here: at this point in time, Samus has Human, Chozo, Metroid and X-Parasite DNA within her, effectively making her the biological horror threat this time and that makes the clean and sleekness of the game's aesthetic that much more interesting.

6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Honestly, the only Prime game the Varia suit was bad in was the first game. Too bulky.

Bulky? It looks slimmer to me.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe I should break your legs. That gives Faye happiness for some reason. No reason it can't work on you.

Does it work on most other units?

That’s what I thought.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, I found this comment in the video and I just have to point it out because I fucking love it.

"Gaining a lot of pounds in Britain: I'm rich

Gaining a lot of pounds in America: "

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the comments under that video were hilarious.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, it's your anthem. If US media has taught me anything, it's that there's nothing you guys love more than your national symbols. Surely a louder version of your anthem would be even more to your liking?

Actually it’s slightly different than the common version which is an affront to our founders, the greatest most brilliant men to ever exist who founded the greatest country in earth, you filthy commies would never understand but it is very disrespectful, god bless America.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This slaps.

….For some reason I thought to look up the Spanish national anthem. It slaps too.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You mean like all of the bad units under my command?

After all these years they've learned, I am one of the few who has true faith in them, and they repay me in kind.

Yeah, just have faith in me. If that’s how it works.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So, basically, you're Ludin is what you're saying.

….yes? Yeah, I think. But I won’t do the charge thing.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ruben on his way to kill off the top tier units he doesn't like while they explain that there's no benefit to getting them killed:

Ruben explaining to other teeheers what happened when their favorite character dies: 

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zan changed the thread name for a while. Berwick was misspelled as Berwin.

What did they change it to?

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Roy still somehow has a bigger harem

You should see Corrin.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

It completely murders Saber's Character

Saber is not really that different, no. This comment thread sums up.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

It spoils the whole of FSN and many of it's plot twists

Do you think a newbie will mind reading a 50+ hour novel? Do you think Ruben, a guy who reportedly "hates anime" will care?

The real problem is this: Fate/Stay Night is an incredibly detailed work, with a big focus on worldbuilding and an insight into the characters' minds. This, unfortunately, is impossible to translate into an anime for example. The result is incredibly flawed adaptations like Ufotable's UBW, which cut all of Shirou's depth as we didn't have access to his mind and his monologues (apart from a horrible pacing - I don't know how they managed this feat, as UBW on VN has by far the best pacing), the HF movies, which tried to cram in as much content as possible and still couldn't cover it all, and DEEN's Stay Night (I won't even talk about the UBW movie). Ufotable has yet to do justice to some of the iconic VN scenes (the final fights of UBW and HF comes to mind).

Like it or not, Zero is still Ufotable's best adaptation by virtue of the original material being more manageable for the format. Thus, the chance of someone whose only contact with the franchise is anime adaptations to like Zero is greater, and those who do not want to go deeper into the universe (cough cough Ruben) are better off just watching the prequel that is semi self contained instead. Granted, Zero isn't a masterpiece either, but it's enjoyable for most people unless you autistically nitpick some continuity inconsistencies (which anime-onlys don't care about).

tl;dr: The F/SN adaptations did not capture the essence of VN satisfactorily. For an anime-only/newbie/person who doesn't have a lot of free time, opting to start with the best adapted work is a viable option if you don't want the person to get scared or get turned off.

Edited by Maof06
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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Does it work on most other units?

That’s what I thought.

For the longest time I thought it did. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Actually it’s slightly different than the common version which is an affront to our founders, the greatest most brilliant men to ever exist who founded the greatest country in earth, you filthy commies would never understand but it is very disrespectful, god bless America.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

This slaps.

I will never understand why they gave Luigi this theme.

Love does not require understanding, however. Well, love between two people would definitely benefit from understanding, but... You get what I'm saying.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

….For some reason I thought to look up the Spanish national anthem. It slaps too.

It's okay. Though I've always found it hilarious how it doesn't have lyrics. It used to, but they were taken out when our fascist dictator died of natural causes in 1975.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I won’t do the charge thing.

With the amount of reckless choices you made? I believe you would.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ruben explaining to other teeheers what happened when their favorite character dies: 

Ruben when he's gone three chapters without losing anyone and then loses three units:

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What did they change it to?

I think it was something like "Trails of Teehee: Berwin, Thracia" and... something. It was only there for a little while, i can't remember it exactly.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You should see Corrin.

Marry mE

1 minute ago, Maof06 said:

Do you think Ruben, a guy who reportedly "hates anime" will care?

I just wanted to say that I like the "reportedly." Nice little detail.

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For the longest time I thought it did. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

Maybe I should think more carefully about who I get recruited by… who leads the anime side anyway?


I will never understand why they gave Luigi this theme.

It’s great.


It's okay. Though I've always found it hilarious how it doesn't have lyrics. It used to, but they were taken out when our fascist dictator died of natural causes in 1975.

Really? The top result for “Spanish national anthem” was: 



With the amount of reckless choices you made? I believe you would.

But charging didn’t have the potential to get me any money.


Ruben when he's gone three chapters without losing anyone and then loses three units:


Ruben to the entire Fire Emblem community when he reaches the world record for most deaths in an iron man:

Have you seen the show or are you just searching “Breaking Bad clips” or something?

Edited by Sooks
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22 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Saber is not really that different, no. This comment thread sums up.

Other comments and replies in the thread sum up the inconsistencies. And i don't feel like writing a wall of text for Saber of all people.

23 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Do you think Ruben, a guy who reportedly "hates anime" will care?

Do you think Ruben, who reportedly hates anime and edge, will enjoy an edge fest like Zero?

I agree with you, Zero is the only good adaptation ufotable did, but i don't agree at all with it being an entry point just because of that.

I did what you want to do with Ruben before to someone else i know, i thought he would like Zero more due to his tastes. He ended up hating it.

27 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

unless you autistically nitpick some continuity inconsistencies

Most of the inconsistencies are for the better anyway (except Saber's characterization).

God knows i don't want a F/Z without Iri, or Gilgamesh characterized like in F/SN

29 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

apart from a horrible pacing - I don't know how they managed this fea

Miura admitted he didn't get Shirou's character intil like episode 20 or so

30 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

those who do not want to go deeper into the universe (cough cough Ruben) are better off just watching the prequel that is semi self contained instead.

A prequel that leaves people confused and gives the wrong image of the series.

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I like how 06 and Shrimpy are fighting over whether or not I'd hate Fate/Zero and meanwhile I'm like "hmmm maybe I should play Mario Strikers Charged again..."

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Really? The top result for “Spanish national anthem” was: 

Yes, that's the... that's the fascist version that was thrown to the garbage bin after Franco died.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But charging didn’t have the potential to get me any money.

Hahahahahaha... Oh, hush. You know you would do it.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ruben to the entire Fire Emblem community when he reaches the world record for most deaths in an iron man:

Ruben describing his LPs:

Gotta mix things up a bit

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Have you seen the show or are you just searching “Breaking Bad clips” or something?

I've seen clips that Youtube recommended me. There's a couple shows that are like that. You click on a clip and Youtube just bombards you with more clips of the entire show, to the point where you can pretty much learn the entire plot by just watching them.

So yeah, I haven't watched it, but I know the entire plot thanks to Youtube.

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I cleared out the wave to the south (minus the Phantom and the Space Channel 5 robot boss) but the center is still hell.

God, why do bosses have barrier on top of their already high HP. Like earlier in the game it made sense but Vile started with 100,000+ HP bro.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"hmmm maybe I should play Mario Strikers Charged again..."

Different sport but Super Sluggers is also good.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, that's the... that's the fascist version that was thrown to the garbage bin after Franco died.

You would think the modern one would be the one that would come up first. I mean, I’m on American YouTube and America knows nothing about Fascists, right?

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I've seen clips that Youtube recommended me. There's a couple shows that are like that. You click on a clip and Youtube just bombards you with more clips of the entire show, to the point where you can pretty much learn the entire plot by just watching them.

So yeah, I haven't watched it, but I know the entire plot thanks to Youtube.

Well that makes sense, it has some very iconic and wonderful scenes, perfect for clips for YouTube to throw at you.

I’d recommend it but it’s one of those shows you can’t recommend without giving 50 content warnings. But you maybe don’t want to if you feel like you know the plot, and the last two clips of mine were INCREDIBLY spoilerific plus you’ll be busy with whatever Shrimpy wants you to watch right.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You know what? Watch F/Z, Ruben, i want to see your reactions. Those alone will be worth it

When someone says they want to see your reaction, that’s generally a good reason not to watch a show.

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20 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Do it.

'Das a good game.

I know, I beat the Strikers cup a while back. Surprisingly challenging, and tons of fun. Plus, Luigi's flamenco.

17 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I wish I still had my copies of both Strikers and Charged.

I have a legal copy with Nintendo's seal of legitness.

The best thing about this copy is that it's special. It was provided to me by my uncle who works at nintendo. Instead of motion controls, I get to use my switch pro controller instead. It's great.

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You know what? Watch F/Z, Ruben, i want to see your reactions. Those alone will be worth it

That's... not reassuring.

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You would think the modern one would be the one that would come up first


It probably should.

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well that makes sense, it has some very iconic and wonderful scenes, perfect for clips for YouTube to throw at you.

I’d recommend it but it’s one of those shows you can’t recommend without giving 50 content warnings. But you maybe don’t want to if you feel like you know the plot, and the last two clips of mine were INCREDIBLY spoilerific plus you’ll be busy with whatever Shrimpy wants you to watch right.

Yeah, Breaking Bad gets really dark.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

what are you talking about? I got my popcorn ready

I mean, the problem is that I don't think this thing is free, and I'm not really willing to pay a cent to watch something like this.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, the problem is that I don't think this thing is free, and I'm not really willing to pay a cent to watch something like this.

Anything is free if you know where to look.


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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, the problem is that I don't think this thing is free, and I'm not really willing to pay a cent to watch something like this.

Imagine paying to watch anime.

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19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Other comments and replies in the thread sum up the inconsistencies. And i don't feel like writing a wall of text for Saber of all people.

Still, the inconsistencies are minor, and to say that the character was completely ruined is an exaggeration. Also, people who haven't read Fate route aren't going to understand Saber anyway, so that's the least of the problems for those who stay just as anime-onlys.

23 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Do you think Ruben, who reportedly hates anime and edge, will enjoy an edge fest like Zero?

That depends.

@Saint Rubenio Would you mind watching a more "dark" work? By "dark" I don't mean edgy, although it has some egdy elements, I mean the atmosphere is oppressive, there aren't many comic reliefs (unless you like dark humor and laugh at over the top villainy) and characters are not, well, happy. The first 3 episodes are a bit slow, with info dump, but it's worth the wait because the rest is good. If you are willing, then you can start at Zero. If you're not, but are interested in the franchise itself, you can start with the UBW anime.

32 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I did what you want to do with Ruben before to someone else i know, i thought he would like Zero more due to his tastes. He ended up hating it.

32 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

A prequel that leaves people confused and gives the wrong image of the series.

Different people have different tastes and reactions. I tried to get my brother into Fate, but he would never read the VN, so I introduced him to anime (yes, I tried to show him the DEEN version), but he still didn't get hooked up with any of the routes. In the end, I just told him to watch Zero, he liked it and was satisfied. That was in 2015, the HF movies hadn't even come out yet. He recently watched them and liked them, and my brother usually doesn't like "edgy" things. I also recommended Fate to other friends, and while they started with Zero, they weren't confused and liked UBW. If we do a search on the internet and the like, Zero's reception among anime-onlys is more positive than that of others.

If the person will only watch once and continue anime-only, then the problem is not that big. This path is flawed, but all the paths are flawed, and it may be the best path available for some people and that is okay. Searching for a perfect experience and ending up not doing an experience, because it's not perfect, is missing the point.

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