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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

At least the combat itself is solid. Which makes the fact that the boss fights bring everything to a screeching halt hurt even more.

they did really well for a first game with party system, sponge aside

Edited by Shrimperor
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Hey Metroid folks, is it normal for me to be heading into Ridley's lair without having gotten Super Missiles or Super Bombs? Cause I feel like I should have the former by this point.

Inb4 I get one of those things in Ridley's lair.

11 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Actually, FFXII has an MMO-type system that feels VERY similar to Xenoblade 2's combat.
Minus the button prompts for combos. Instead, you "program" your allies' actions via things called "Gambits" (basically stuff like "if ally HP > 50%, use x item/spell"). It's interesting stuff, actually!

Ah. I can't read roman numerals lol and thought it was a different FF.

Actually, I don't mind high HP counts in Xenoblade either but mainly because of just how much damage you're able to do.

Edited by Armagon
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28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You're like that one guy in Greek mythology who got punished by having to push a boulder uphill. But no matter how hard he tries, it will just roll back down.

Sisyphus, from whom we get the word "Sisyphean".


25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Actually, FFXII has an MMO-type system that feels VERY similar to Xenoblade 2's combat.

I remember reading comparisons between XII and XC1 circa 2010-2012, and still remembered these comparisons when I got XII on Switch.

It contributed, along with the lack of a true job system, to my lack of enjoyment with XII. I still like XC1 combat, as playing XC1DE has shown, but XII, a game four years older, never clicked.

I think I would've been better off without remembering the comparison, I don't think I played XII on its own terms. I constantly kept Xenoblade in the back of my mind, to XII's detriment.

But I'm better now, IX restored the charm to FF for me.


25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Instead, you "program" your allies' actions via things called "Gambits" (basically stuff like "if ally HP > 50%, use x item/spell"). It's interesting stuff, actually!

Though detractors might say that the game basically incentivizes you not to play it, which... is kiiiind of understandable. I don't really agree, but I do understand where people who say this are coming from.

It is interesting. Although you can still enter commands on the spot, and should, the game ideally can become a battle you win before the spells start flying. Proper Gambit-ing lets that happen.

The thing is, I didn't lay out a lot of Gambit plans, maybe a few for healing, one for stealing, and some for determining who to auto-attack.


14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hey Metroid folks, is it normal for me to be heading into Ridley's lair without having gotten Super Missiles or Super Bombs? Cause I feel like I should have the former by this point.


Yep, that's normal. TBF, neither was in the original Metroid.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Ah. You have to go into Ridley's lair for like a second, go back to Norfair, then take the alternate path next to the main entrance of Ridley's lair to fight a boss to get the Super Missiles. Ok.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yep, that's normal. TBF, neither was in the original Metroid.

Yeah, I should've just kept playing the game lol.

This game has been very good with not letting the player get lost actually. I did have a mild "what do I do" moment but that was only because I didn't realize the parasites kill those ball thingies that block your path.

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Hmmm. Not sure how to feel about your initial Super Missile count only being two. Super gave you five to start with and Fusion did the chad move and combined regular and super.



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I was all afternoon playing versus FE8 with my friend. For those of you who haven't seen Mekkah's series, it's basically one player controls the enemies and another controls the allies. I was the enemies and he was the allies, and Seth was banned because of course. We actually were pretty even, I won three maps and he won four.

Chapter 6 really annoyed me, though .I had him comlpetely surrounded, left with only Natasha, Eirika and Joshua facing like 20 enemies, several with WTA, in chapter 6. Except then Natasha decided to start dodging 71s and Eirika decided to avoid every single 40% I threw at her, and after four turns of landing exactly one attack, he turned it around and won. Seriously I literally landed no blows for like three turns. Ridiculous, I tell you. Thanks, RNG.

Anyway, time to kick some monsters in the behind.

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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hmmm. Not sure how to feel about your initial Super Missile count only being two. Super gave you five to start with and Fusion did the chad move and combined regular and super.

I'm not sure why they did that.

Prime and Prime 2 has their own take on Super Missiles. Once the upgrade is obtained, Samus can use Super Missiles as a "Charge Combo". Charge up the Power Beam, press the Missile button, and out goes the Super Missile, which costs 5 ordinary Missiles.


14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I was all afternoon playing versus FE8 with my friend. For those of you who haven't seen Mekkah's series, it's basically one player controls the enemies and another controls the allies. I was the enemies and he was the allies, and Seth was banned because of course. We actually were pretty even, I won three maps and he won four.

How does the sheer numerical superiority of the enemy player not always defeat the heroes?

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...I see.

So the only reason I had trouble with Ridley in Super Metroid was because the boss room was narrow as fuck. Cause in both Zero Mission and Fusion, the boss room is much wider. And as long as you have enough energy tanks, Ridley goes down quite easily when you unload your entire missile inventory on him.

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53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah. You have to go into Ridley's lair for like a second, go back to Norfair, then take the alternate path next to the main entrance of Ridley's lair to fight a boss to get the Super Missiles. Ok.

You can get Super Missiles as soon as you get the Speed Booster. Some are in Brinstar.


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Hey, so uh... those of you who have played Bloodstained.

Gifj6x49 o

Any ideas how to get past this room? The guy in the middle (because yes, there's another chainsaw asshole behind him, off-screen) is like the final boss or something, he's unbeatable and with my extremely limited movement options I cannot outmaneuver it. The only way I could find to get past this room is to destroy the first guy with bones, then tank two hits and use the after-hit invincibility to move past the remaining enemies.

Except then I have to go for God knows how long till the next save point on 4 health. Soooo yeah. I'm open to any ideas.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How does the sheer numerical superiority of the enemy player not always defeat the heroes?

When the RNG says "nope, for the next three turns you literally can't land a single attack," that gives Joshua and Eirika plenty of time to chip at the wall of enemies.

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18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

You can get Super Missiles as soon as you get the Speed Booster.


Yeah, if you Shinespark.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Except then I have to go for God knows how long till the next save point on 4 health. Soooo yeah. I'm open to any ideas.

How about you don't play in the mode where you can't level up?


Jokes aside, I don't know what to tell you


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6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Metroidvanias usually aren't long. Makes sense.

I see. Never played one myself.

Edited by Sooks
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Ah, very nice! I managed to beat like 10 enemies and get through with 60 HP, and at the end of the corridor, what do I find? An iron maiden that dropped me to 4 when I stupidly ran into it in desperate hopes that I'd be allowed to proceed in spite of the obvious trap!

Good! Completely useless! I made no progress at all and almost died for it!

...Where the fuck is the save point...

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

How about you don't play in the mode where you can't level up?

I didn't know it was like that! I've gone too far to want to reset, but... Sheesh, I might have to in the end, this is hellish.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

didn't know it was like that! I've gone too far to want to reset, but... Sheesh, I might have to in the end, this is hellish.

I don't think you're that far in tbh. Like you just got inside the castle, right?

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Okay, yeah, I need to swallow my pride and restart on a lower difficulty. I can't handle this. I feel like a child with a broken stick trying to fight Cthulhu.

Oh, well, it was a good attempt.

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