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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, so I just came back from the dentist, where I had my teeth cleaned. It was... unpleasant, but the results were good.

Unfortunately, I bear some tragic news: Reuben will become a reality. I must shave before I can have my wisdom teeth extracted. I will try not too cry too much.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

A Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth run where I name my Digimon after you guys. I already have some ideas which creature I will name after which person, but I want to ask your consent first, so here goes.

Sure! Please go ahead and give someone my name.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


...That guy, in particular.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

It's also the Demon Lord of Greed, which doesn't fit Ruben

I am greedy for bad units getting good levels. There.

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

A Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth run where I name my Digimon after you guys. I already have some ideas which creature I will name after which person, but I want to ask your consent first, so here goes.


Jo i am in ofc!

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

For Sooks, since he named himself after his dog, we have

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A blue dog. Nothing much to say except that I personally really like this one!
Granted, the other two so far are on their highest evolutionary stage, and Gaogamon isn't, but I have done a playthrough where I didn't use the highest evolution level at all before, so even if Gaogamon is only a Champion level (the third highest) and not a Mega (the highest), I think I might be fine using it!

Unless of course Sooks would rather want to be a Mega-level instead, in which case we would have

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MetalGarurumon as the most fitting thing, I believe.

Yeah, that works! You can use whichever one you want, you are the expert!

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I will! ^^
In fact, I am!

I look forward to that! 


2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, while I was indulging in nostalgia a bit, and (re)playing my favorite Neptunia game, I was thinking about doing something fun.
A Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth run where I name my Digimon after you guys. I already have some ideas which creature I will name after which person, but I want to ask your consent first, so here goes.

Sounds fun! Go for it! XD

-anyways another moment of my stupidity getting me not only killed but yet again, bounced around. Oh and watch my max HP (the green bar in the bottom right corner) Drop to 1!

[video-to-gif output image]

Edited by lightcosmo
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48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Unfortunately, I bear some tragic news: Reuben will become a reality. I must shave before I can have my wisdom teeth extracted. I will try not too cry too much.

Huh, turns out there was a benefit to doing it earlier.

RIP Rubenio.

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15 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Oh and @DragonFlames If i am included somewhere, please don't make me comparable to shit like Ruben did, that was emotionally heartbreaking on so many levels! 💔

Me?! It was the game itself! I just relayed the message!

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

It's a quite powerful magic-focused Digimon. It's also the Demon Lord of Greed, which doesn't fit Ruben but it has a beard, and it's name is literally "Beardmon" (even though it's most likely named after Barbatos).
It's also one of only two Digimon with a beard in the entire game.

So Ruben is one of the Seven Demon Lords, huh?


A fitting end.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

A blue dog. Nothing much to say except that I personally really like this one!
Granted, the other two so far are on their highest evolutionary stage, and Gaogamon isn't, but I have done a playthrough where I didn't use the highest evolution level at all before, so even if Gaogamon is only a Champion level (the third highest) and not a Mega (the highest), I think I might be fine using it!

Where's MirageGaogamon?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Unfortunately, I bear some tragic news: Reuben will become a reality. I must shave before I can have my wisdom teeth extracted. I will try not too cry too much.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand the connection. Why? I didn't need to shave in order to remove my wisdom teeth.

Also, it hurts, I'm sorry for you having to go through this.

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I have heard good things about that manga

It does have a lot of gore to my knowledge so just keep that in mind if you plan on reading it.

I haven't read Chainsaw Man myself, the only thing I know about it is that fans are horny for one particular female character. To like, an unhealthy degree (she ain't even that hot either).

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Sadly this huge dragon you see in this screenshot, dwarfing the other creatures in the front

is not actually the playable version of it. Or else I would name that thing after Armagon. xD

Looks like Destoroyah


2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

anyways another moment of my stupidity getting me not only killed but yet again, bounced around. Oh and watch my max HP (the green bar in the bottom right corner) Drop to 1!

[video-to-gif output image]

Hey so, your images are not loading. I suggest you upload to imgur or just make a discord server for yourself and upload the images there. Cause whatever image hosting site you're using right now isn't working.

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Rev time. Today I have another forgettable filler chapter that doesn't matter for the plot at all because Valla has like 4 maps worth of plot and yet they gave it double that amount.

1 hour ago, Ghost_06_ said:

I'm sorry, but I don't understand the connection. Why? I didn't need to shave in order to remove my wisdom teeth.

One of my wisdom teeth will require surgery to be removed. Allegedly, they'd rather you shaved in order to prevent the beard from being a source of infection, as well as interfering with some of the equipment.

Oh, well. It's all right. I suppose it won't kill me to have a change of look after so long. Who knows, maybe after that it will grow better and my stache will actually reach my beard.

1 hour ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Also, it hurts, I'm sorry for you having to go through this.

Better than having a shitty bite the rest of my life. This was a long time coming, but the pandemic prevented me from going earlier.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rev time. Today I have another forgettable filler chapter that doesn't matter for the plot at all because Valla has like 4 maps worth of plot and yet they gave it double that amount.

But the gimmicks Ruben. The gimmicks.

I actually do wish there was some sort of anti-gravity gimmick in one of the maps, given Valla's current state.


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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But the gimmicks Ruben. The gimmicks.

I'm just talking about the narrative here. I see the gimmick, I think it's tasteful enough. But I truly do wish there was more to the plot of these maps than just... Uhh, "hi this is Valla and it exists."

...Can we have more Garon? I really would like more Garon. A game about Garon would be ideal.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I actually do wish there was some sort of anti-gravity gimmick in one of the maps, given Valla's current state.

That would've been cool, yeah.

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6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

might give these a try at some point, too! My backlog is just a little... massive at the moment, so it'll have to wait a bit, but I'm interested after seeing this!


6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

For our resident Yakuza-fan Benice, we have

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"Bancho" is the Japanese term to refer to a gang leader, which... fits the Yakuza, I would think. XD


Nice. I get to stab people.


'Morning, everyone!

Edited by Benice
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm just talking about the narrative here. I see the gimmick, I think it's tasteful enough. But I truly do wish there was more to the plot of these maps than just... Uhh, "hi this is Valla and it exists."

Yeah, i get what you mean. The Valla arc can kinda be compared to Radiant Dawn Part 4 in that the maps don't really like, advance the plot that much until the endgame.

....actually, it's very similar. Both have you go through desolate worlds with only the "faithful" being your enemies. But Valla's map quality is higher than that of RD Part 4's.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

..Can we have more Garon? I really would like more Garon.

Soon my friend. Soon.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, i get what you mean. The Valla arc can kinda be compared to Radiant Dawn Part 4 in that the maps don't really like, advance the plot that much until the endgame.

And they don't have Garon! How can they not have Garon? He's the best character in this vidyageim...!

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Valla's map quality is higher than that of RD Part 4's.

I am seriously considering going on the unpopular opinion thread after I'm done with this game, say "Revelation good" and see how many minds implode.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Soon my friend. Soon.


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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am seriously considering going on the unpopular opinion thread after I'm done with this game, say "Revelation good" and see how many minds implode.

A fellow comrade.

How ironic that, despite our disagreements, we are defenders of probably the most hated game in the series.

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Not gonna quote that b/c image size, but sounds exactly like FE. Although nobody should be around to talk about if a moon-sized object collided with an Earth-esque-sized planet. -Unless the moon was artificially slowed down before impact, so as to result in no sun-blocking giant dust cloud or land-swallowing tsunamis.


31 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I actually do wish there was some sort of anti-gravity gimmick in one of the maps, given Valla's current state.

The first thing that comes to mind is something along the lines of the typical ice-sliding puzzle. You just float along uncontrolled in a straight line until you bump into something. Alternatively, zero gravity gives everyone flier movement, and maybe flier weakness so it can have a flaw.

17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

How ironic that, despite our disagreements, we are defenders of probably the most hated game in the series.

I wouldn't say I hate Revelation, but the general proposition of it being the weakest of the Fates routes from a gameplay perspective. Yes, I agree with that. Setting aside the imbalance issues, it's still too often too sluggish, and isn't a good in-between for CQ and BR. 

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not gonna quote that b/c image size, but sounds exactly like FE

Well, the game is FE like...

with much more story focus however, as in VN levels of story focus.

Although i don't remember any FE where the moon wiped out dragons xD

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