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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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So i got to the Ridley PTSD scene in Other M and......yeah it's pretty bad. It's not as bad as everyone made it out to be but it's still pretty bad. Like compared to the meltdown that Samus suffers in the origin story manga, it was kinda tame. Still shouldn't have happened because Samus has canonically fought him four (now five times thanks to SR's retcon) tho.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 The Final Fantasy Legend (the first SaGa game-

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Final Fantasy Adventure (the first Mana game)

Square was definitely riding the Final Fantasy success there. I mean, who can blame them.

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At least when marketing to the West. It's also why, when they made Mystic Quest for Western audiences to have an easy entry to RPG's, they also slapped the Final Fantasy label into it.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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57 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't trust it. Sure Tifa is holding it, but nope, must have Jenova cells in it and is keeping tabs on Cloud for Sephy.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Lost Friends: How to Find All Cats in Chapter 3

The time of Reunion is at hand...

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9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Meanwhile I'm this guy, only shouting about playing Neo TWEWY instead (This does include shouting at my failures).

I still read it as "Tweety"

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



Cake: Profound statement.

Me: B E A R D

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


square enix | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgir

Square has redeemed itself. I may find their gameplay completely unfun, but it has cat.

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Lost Friends: How to Find All Cats in Chapter 3

The time of Reunion is at hand...

Cats, too, not just cat!

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18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I still read it as "Tweety"

Now I'm imagining Tweety Bird seeing reapers, of which Sylvester is one that keeps trying to get him.

This was a mistake.

Meanwhile, on the topic of Jenova cats, of course they;re secretly planning on coming together some day to bring about the end of days. It's just a matter of time.

Which might be a long while away.

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Okay, so the infamous Mikoto maze has been... Pretty damn easy. Thankfully, I'd heard about the funny, so I was able to avoid the Kaga moment and then Sven one-rounded Mom.

...Seriously though, that trap is kinda evil, but... Well, I do like that there's a payoff to all of Corrin's naivete in this route. You get to distrust the obvious trap instead of having to watch Corrin fall for it for the billionth time. Still, the 99 damage to everyone was kinda unnecessary. If you've got a fortify in hand it'd be simple enough to fix, but if not...

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Square was definitely riding the Final Fantasy success there. I mean, who can blame them.

Well... don't all companies do that? What makes them any different from Nintendo riding Pokemon's success, really?

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Fuck me, the pursuer is actually good but neither of Roderick's classes can reach S. Thanks, Fates. Guess that's another 5000 gold for me.

Ah, no matter. Next map. Gunter once again acts extremely suspicious and then he makes the dumbest mistake and Protagonist somehow doesn't realize. Wonderful.

...You know, I gotta say, this chapter would've been the perfect opportunity to bring out Young Garon. No, I'm serious. The Nohrian children would've gotten their moment of heartfelt grieving like the Hoshidans and we would've gotten a glimpse of the man before he was a T-posing clown. Instead, the Nohrians are just... sort of tagging along (heck, not even, they all disappeared from the story like 3 chapters ago) while the Hoshidans hog the spotlight and I get to kill a character I don't give a shit about.

I mean, I suppose I should know better than to expect anything from Fates, but...

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fuck me, the pursuer is actually good but neither of Roderick's classes can reach S. Thanks, Fates. Guess that's another 5000 gold for me.

Ah, no matter. Next map. Gunter once again acts extremely suspicious and then he makes the dumbest mistake and Protagonist somehow doesn't realize. Wonderful.

...You know, I gotta say, this chapter would've been the perfect opportunity to bring out Young Garon. No, I'm serious. The Nohrian children would've gotten their moment of heartfelt grieving like the Hoshidans and we would've gotten a glimpse of the man before he was a T-posing clown. Instead, the Nohrians are just... sort of tagging along (heck, not even, they all disappeared from the story like 3 chapters ago) while the Hoshidans hog the spotlight and I get to kill a character I don't give a shit about.

I mean, I suppose I should know better than to expect anything from Fates, but...

Look on the bright side: Garon will at least show up again.

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My feelings on the Trails series gameplay of the games i've played so far:

Trails 3rd


Alot of diversity in who you can use and who you can't (as in, alot of the cast can function decently enough in at least hard mode)

Enemies can actually be hit with status effects

The addition of the other elements on the weakness list

More bonuses on the turn wheel

tons of option with Quartz throughout the game with the fair amount of Sepith they give you

good pacing of the game getting more difficult the further you get

Decent damage standard makes battles engaging but not a drag or too easy


The addition of other elements on the weakness list (yes, this is a pro and a con, since it also makes Time element/Quartz way too dominant as most enemies are weak to time)

Still have some useless crafts around that they could have changed

Trails SC


Added alot more Quartz options from the first game, giving you more to work with

adding another slot for Quartz for more flexibility

They force you to think, alot

AT Delay is a godsend in SC

You have Kloe for most the game to save you


Low damage standard, only on the players side, makes battles take too long

enemy damage is way too high earlygame on Harder Modes, makes it very linear

Status effects almost never work

Speed is a necessity 



Added/changed alot of the spells, making you think up some new strategies

Enemy power never gets out of hand, even on the hardest mode it's pretty fair

Preemtive is amazing in this game, totally breaks random fights, lmao


The character stats are too close, doesn't make them feel unique enough

character stats are too low, meaning Quartz that add on a % hardly do anything

the character team crafts break this game pretty badly

Magic feels a bit too weak till you hit a certain point

Stat boosting spells don't make a big difference due to low stat averages

Trails FC


Status works most the game

Enemies don't have crazy attacks to deal with most the game

Kaempfur is 50/50 on lowering STR/DEF = Free wins


Too simple, battles have little excitement

Little magic to work with

Battles feel way to repetitive

low damage standard

certain status effects break the game in half

not much in the way of challenge

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Wow, this map is bad. It's like the one insufferable map with the four tile platforms, except there's only one platform and a thousand enemies are waiting on the other side, so my only recourse is to use my tanks to choke the entrance to the elevator and then just... painstakingly defeat all the enemies over the course of 15 turns. I can't even more the tank a bit further because then the elevator doors close behind them.

Yeah, I think this takes the cake for worst Valla map so far. Appropriate, seeing how it has the worst bossman, too. Seriously, Sumeragi? Of all people? Who cares about Sumeragi, I mean, c'mon.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Look on the bright side: Garon will at least show up again.

Still hyped.

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Oh, boohoo, the portrait is dead. What a shame. Fsss... Seriously, Young Garon would've at least been semi-interesting to see. This clown was just whatever, and then the final scene was a carbon copy of the one from the last chapter with Mikoto.

Well, that was the worst map in the Valla arc so far, by far. What an insufferable chapter. It can only go up from here, right?

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Okay, Gunter's betrayal wasn't as funny as T-posing Garon, but it was still pretty funny. Not as funny, however, as looking at the map and realizing it's just a bootleg version of Garon's map in Birthright. You know, the map I described as being the worst in the entirety of Fates? Well, thankfully, this isn't nearly as bad.

Quite the opposite, it took me five fucking minutes. I just moved Roland and Wolfgang forward, gave them a song from Azura, did a couple of rescuing shenanigans with Brigitte and Suzume...

Fjyhpuuo o

And then Wolfgang one-rounded the old fart. The end.

Why did they make his stats so bad? I don't understand. It's like a dumb joke. He's weaker than every generic in the past like, 20 maps! I think I'd have to go as far back as Iago to find a generic that he could go toe-to-toe with! Hilarious. Thanks, Rev. I love ya.

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Well... don't all companies do that? What makes them any different from Nintendo riding Pokemon's success, really?

Nintendo didn't call completely unrelated games "Pokemon".

Although they did just repackage that one game as Super Mario Bros 2.

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Okay, Gunter's betrayal wasn't as funny as T-posing Garon, but it was still pretty funny.



26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why did they make his stats so bad?

I think it's relative to how good you made him.

But lmao, using Gunter.

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Well, that's it. Might as well finish the game now, if this is how quickly it's going to go.

At last, I get a good view of Anankos. He's Andross from Star Fox. Great. Love it.

Gotta say, I'm disappointed that there wasn't a "Protagonist gets knocked out and hallucinates dead people" sequence in this route, but it's just Izana throwing a party in the afterlife. A scene like that would've made his death almost acceptable.

Anyway, I 1-turned Anankos with Kenshi, Wolfgang and Sven. Didn't even need Protagonist, so pathetic. Then the game remembered that Garon existed and warped him in just to kill him off anticlimatically.

I love this game. Garon's sole purpose in this route was to T-pose on top of his throne so Xander and Leo would defect. That's literally it. Fucking amazing.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Yeah, exactly.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think it's relative to how good you made him.

But lmao, using Gunter.

How... how good... But his growths are... No! Fates, no! That makes no sense whatsoever...!

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gotta say, I'm disappointed that there wasn't a "Protagonist gets knocked out and hallucinates dead people" sequence in this route, but it's just Izana throwing a party in the afterlife.

Him and Scarlet (helping decoration obviously) all alone setting up a party.

I want to be there instead of Valla.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then the game remembered that Garon existed and warped him in just to kill him off anticlimatically.


That's the Garon useage.

You're still loving this as a joke aren't you?

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48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How... how good... But his growths are... No! Fates, no! That makes no sense whatsoever...!

Alright i was wrong actually. Turns out, he's just that weak. Even on Lunatic.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why did they make his stats so bad? I don't understand. It's like a dumb joke. He's weaker than every generic in the past like, 20 maps!

I mean, it’s Gunter. What did you expect?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then the game remembered that Garon existed and warped him in just to kill him off anticlimatically.

Oh, so you’re not gonna mourn him. Okay.

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thoughts and team in a bit.

Yes, I want to know how your generics did.

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