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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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So, Fiya Emburem F8s: Revelation.

That was a fun experience. I honestly didn't find the map design to be that awful, save for a couple of exceptions, but hey, both Conquest and Birthright had exceptions of their own, so that's not too bad. Besides the ice chapter and the two awful maps where I had to wait for platforms to take me where I needed to go, I found the gimmicks to be unironically fun. White and Black Flames were highlights, great maps in my humble opinion. The difficulty plummeted a bit around the end, but I'd take that over Birthright's hilarious spike that resulted in me having to just barely warpskip Garon because otherwise it was completely impossible.

As for the plot, while it wasn't as consistently hilarious as Conquest's, it did have T-posing Garon. That alone made it worth sitting through. God, I laughed so much at that...

So yeah, overall, I enjoyed myself. I don't know how much of that stems from my decision to use generics only. I'd say a significant amount, given how infamously horrid the balance in Rev is and how hateable the Nohrian Royals are. As it is, however, I will place Revelation... Right above Birthright. They're more or less on the same level, but Birthright has a couple of seriously awful maps and overall I'd say it was a little more boring than Rev.

Here's my team, if you're curious to see what an army of generics looks like by the end.

Ahxtobgh o

Protagonist is a generic Corrin. Great stats all around and that's about it. They're a bit inflated in this screenshot because of the Omega Yato, but... yeah. She's a boring unit. Interestingly, though, I wouldn't say she was consistently my best. The generics really put in some work here.

Bptzpc6s o

Kenshi was one of my first two units. Earlygame was his best stretch, as he had all the experience from the ice map to himself. Afterwards his low bulk screwed him a bit, but he was still useful to nerf things with his spear master skills. Then he got a brave lance and he became great again. One of my best offensive units, though I wouldn't want him to stand at the front.

1loz37pd o

Suzume was my first character to promote. She spent all game one-rounding things with her huge magic, as long as they couldn't retaliate, because she received just as much as she dished out. And, well, of course, she was one of my main staffbots. Always useful.

Ouqwy0yl o

I had my doubts about Virgil for a while, but he really proved his worth. A tanky, strong cavalier whose stats were best suited for the great knight class. He did some tanking.

Gvxvyud0 o

Look at those stats. Look at them. Sure, no defenses, but 38 strength? Holy fucking shit. This guy just destroyed everything, especially after he got his brave axe. Really fun unit.

E8jscduq o

The team's archer. He kicked the Hoshidan archer's butt out of the park and then he stayed the rest of the game. His super movement, thief utility and good, balanced stats served to make him a really useful unit.

Nz8vvvyf o

Aside from having the most fabulous portrait, Sven also had power oozing from every pore. He was crutch in a few maps, nosferatanking entire armies without a care in the world.

Auth5wh6 o

Classic Fates general: No speed, buckets of strength and speed (though, funnily enough, his defense was far from being the best in the team, he was more like 4th place), Wary Fighter singlehandedly carrying him. Having immunity to getting doubled is huge, it allowed him to tank even the odd mage if I needed him to.

Lidcp4qy o

Filler staffer for when I had extra room.

Xf7yhkr3 o

Returning from the first Conquest run in a different class, Roland was the first prepromote I had, and as such, incredibly useful for a few chapters thanks to his solid mixed defenses before falling behind a little. Just a little, though. He was still a paladin with solid offensive stats, so he never really stopped being useful.

2bmicmvc o

One of the two final units to join, Brigitta was a slightly weaker Suzume with slightly better bulk and a horse. I love this portrait, as you know, and Demoiselle was quite useful in a couple of places.

Qvfxkdjp o

Not gonna lie, I thought this guy would be worthless when I first saw him. I mean, 11 base speed? Thankfully, the man's outrageous defenses eventually proved their worth, as he, against all odds, became one of the team's main tanks for the Valla arc. Good work, man. Love your helmet!

7xryvciw o

The man. The myth. The legend. Bernd the lancer. For those of you who don't know, the lancer class learns no skills, cannot promote and has very middling growths. So, of course, I just had to have one in the team.

He was consistently the worst unit in the team. His only unironic use was as a backpack, since lancer's pair-up bonuses are surprisingly awesome.

Then he killed a God. I regret absolutely nothing.


Let's have an F in chat for Qui Gon Jin and Saburo, both of whom were outclassed by Roderick. To be fair, poison strike and dagger debuffs would've made Jin usable, but I didn't like how he was growing, and I didn't have infinite room, unfortunately. To his credit, however, Jin did briefly return in chapter 27 to buff Suzume's movement so she could reach a general. Couldn't have done it without him!


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Him and Scarlet (helping decoration obviously) all alone setting up a party.

I want to be there instead of Valla.

So would I.



That's the Garon useage.

You're still loving this as a joke aren't you?

You kidding me? It was fucking hilarious. Everything Garon in this route was amazing. If I had to rate the Garons, I'd say it goes Birthright <<<<<<<<<< Conquest < Revelation. Conquest's Garon is more consistent in his hilarity (I still remember how much I enjoyed that he kept repeating his "rebellions are like seeds" nonsense over and over), but Revelation has T-posing Garon. So, Rev win, but it's close.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Alright i was wrong actually. Turns out, he's just that weak. Even on Lunatic.

Great. Thank you so much Fates.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean, it’s Gunter. What did you expect?

I don't know. More?


Oh, so you’re not gonna mourn him. Okay.

Why mourn him? I'm happy for him, if anything! He got the most appropriate send off for a character like him.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

s it is, however, I will place Revelation... Right above Birthright.

yup, Ruben one of the biggest Fates fans i know now Xd

And it all started because Sooks and me were bugging him to play Conquest

i am proud

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yup, Ruben one of the biggest Fates fans i know now Xd

And it all started because Sooks and me were bugging him to play Conquest

i am proud

Me too!

Everyone should be bugged to play Conquest.

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I just noticed Suzume capped magic.

Wow. If her bulk wasn't what it is... Then again, Setsuna got way more statboosters... Heck, pretty sure Suzume straight up didn't get any...

Fuck it. I'm sorry, Setsuna.

14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yup, Ruben one of the biggest Fates fans i know now Xd

To think I was the self-proclaimed Kaga elitist... Guess I can't call myself that anymore.


And it all started because Sooks and me were bugging him to play Conquest

i am proud

Heck, I'm pretty sure I'm more of a Fates fan than you two now! As a whole, I mean. We all love Conquest.

11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Me too!

Everyone should be bugged to play Conquest.

Next time you want someone to play Fates, show them this.

Kylgx5yt o

If it doesn't convince them, I don't know what will.


Incidentally, any thoughts on the team Sooks? Or anyone, really. I'd really like to know what you think.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Heck, I'm pretty sure I'm more of a Fates fan than you two now! As a whole, I mean. We all love Conquest.

Well yeah, you played Revelation with all generics. Try playing with actual characters 😛

iirc Shrimpy’s only played Conquest anyway.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Incidentally, any thoughts on the team Sooks?

I want to do a generics only run at some point now.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just noticed Suzume capped magic.

Wow. If her bulk wasn't what it is... Then again, Setsuna got way more statboosters... Heck, pretty sure Suzume straight up didn't get any...

Fuck it. I'm sorry, Setsuna.


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I just found my first posts about Fates, for nostalgia's sake now that I am officialy the Fates fan of the thread or something.

I almost didn't try it out because a different game ran so poorly on Citra that I almost assumed Fates would be the same. Holy shit, imagine not trying out Fates...


On 1/5/2021 at 7:49 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I hate this game already


8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well yeah, you played Revelation with all generics. Try playing with actual characters 😛

I have a better idea: How about I don't?

And what do you mean, actual characters? These guys had so much personality solely thanks to their portraits. I think my favorite was... Not sure if Brigitta or Suzume. I've talked about how much I love the strategist's smug smile, but you know how everyone smiles or something like that when the odds are in their favor for a fight? Suzume just frowned slightly harder. What a wonderful little detail. Girl's so metal, I love her.

...You know, this reminds me, I once had an argument with that Ottservia guy, before I played Fates. He insisted that Fates's artist was the best the series has seen because his portraits have so much personality. I could see no further than the fanservice, and thus I vehemently disagreed.

He was right. I don't know if you're reading this, but... You were right. You were completely right. Fanservice aside, I now love this artstyle. It's great. Still wish there was less fanservice, but... Yeah. Sorry!

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I want to do a generics only run at some point now.

Hahahahaha... Yes. Victoree, victoree.

Don't forget, these are Revelation's generics, who come without skills and unremarkable stats. Now imagine a generics only run of Conquest, with all the enemies carrying skills they normally wouldn't get and stuff. Now that sounds like so much fun.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Ahahahahahahahahahaha... Genius. I love it. Thanks.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

well, i will give BR a 'real' try sooner or later.

Please do.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Rev tho...


But why? Don't you want to experience T-posing Garon firsthand? I recommend it, it's really worth the trouble.

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44 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

no pc demo...



42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That was a fun experience. I honestly didn't find the map design to be that awful, save for a couple of exceptions, but hey, both Conquest and Birthright had exceptions of their own, so that's not too bad. Besides the ice chapter and the two awful maps where I had to wait for platforms to take me where I needed to go, I found the gimmicks to be unironically fun. White and Black Flames were highlights, great maps in my humble opinion. The difficulty plummeted a bit around the end, but I'd take that over Birthright's hilarious spike that resulted in me having to just barely warpskip Garon because otherwise it was completely impossible.

It's impressive, plenty of other games have tedium I was better able to handle than when it'd occur in Fates.

I am worried about continuing Rev.

But then again, I'm not using OP generics I suppose.

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The only map in Conquest I dislike is the kitsune chapter, and it's the biggest weapon why I advocate the use of Beruka. Wyvern Lord promotion + Arms Scroll + Beast Killer = a high Def and Skill unit with 8 Movement that can kill most Kitsunes in one hit.

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What I like to do is have Beruka mother Ignatius and he can handle it, no arms scroll required. I mean sure he has less move, but his defense will be through the roof so he doesn’t really need to get anywhere quickly.

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Got to the end of Other M except I have a doctor's appointment and I don't have time to fight both the Metroid Queen and MB back-to-back with a long-ass cutscene in the middle.

Metroid Queen wasn't too hard so I'll just do it again when I get back.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That was a fun experience

Ah, a fellow Revelation enjoyer. Man of culture.

42 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

someone will have to pay me a million dollars for me to play through the snow map

and even than it will still be up for conideration 😛

Snow map isn't even that bad smh.

I mean it's not good but there's way worse maps in the series.

36 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Snow map >>>>>>>>> TRS Ch.34

True Sooks. True.

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43 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

someone will have to pay me a million dollars for me to play through the snow map

and even than it will still be up for conideration 😛

I'll take that offer.

It's tedious alright, but it's also self-managing due to it's very gimmick.

Still a missed opportunity to have a DV to melt it all at once, but still.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I mean it's not good but there's way worse maps in the series.

True, of the series and Rev specifically.

No, I don't want to give myself flashbacks so I won't complain about examples.

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What’s wrong with TRS chapter 34?

If you take your time, you're punished by basically locking the map into an unwinnable situation. There might've as well just have been a turn limit honestly.

Also the boss is like, super strong and only the mage with the defense time prf really stands a chance.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

o, Fiya Emburem F8s: Revelation.

That was a fun experience. I honestly didn't find the map design to be that awful, save for a couple of exceptions, but hey, both Conquest and Birthright had exceptions of their own, so that's not too bad. Besides the ice chapter and the two awful maps where I had to wait for platforms to take me where I needed to go, I found the gimmicks to be unironically fun. White and Black Flames were highlights, great maps in my humble opinion. The difficulty plummeted a bit around the end, but I'd take that over Birthright's hilarious spike that resulted in me having to just barely warpskip Garon because otherwise it was completely impossible.

As for the plot, while it wasn't as consistently hilarious as Conquest's, it did have T-posing Garon. That alone made it worth sitting through. God, I laughed so much at that...

So yeah, overall, I enjoyed myself. I don't know how much of that stems from my decision to use generics only. I'd say a significant amount, given how infamously horrid the balance in Rev is and how hateable the Nohrian Royals are. As it is, however, I will place Revelation... Right above Birthright. They're more or less on the same level, but Birthright has a couple of seriously awful maps and overall I'd say it was a little more boring than Rev.

Did you marry Fuga? What's Fuga!Kana's hair color?

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

someone will have to pay me a million dollars for me to play through the snow map

and even than it will still be up for conideration 😛

Wasn't even that bad. It was annoying and dumb, but it was far from the worst maps in the series.

57 minutes ago, Dayni said:

then again, I'm not using OP generics I suppose.


"OP" generics.

I loved that. They grew well, but... I wouldn't call them OP by any stretch of the imagination lol.

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah, a fellow Revelation enjoyer. Man of culture.

For once we agree.

2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Did you marry Fuga? What's Fuga!Kana's hair color?

I'm afraid I didn't marry Fuga after all. No room for him at first, and by the time I finally had some I no longer wanted to taint my perfect generics only run.

As for what Kana's hair color is... Dark brown, apparently, like Fuga's eyebrows.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


"OP" generics.

I loved that. They grew well, but... I wouldn't call them OP by any stretch of the imagination lol.

Says the guy who has generics in his sig (I know Senno but shhh).

But am I wrong with Rev's cast being what it is?

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15 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

@Shrimperor a somewhat odd question, but I was considering looking into modding Trails but I cant seem to locate a good .DAT decompression/Compression method, you wouldnt happen to know anything, would you?

sadly not. I used to knew some peeps who modded Trails back then, but i am not into contact with any of them anymore.

The only thing i know how to mod is the music xD

Mostly because CS3 music reallly really pissed me off

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