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So there are 16 characters in Trails the 3rd and the level base is 90, and I am guessing the level cap is 150. So that means I need to edit 960 levels of data. Whelp, better get started!

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So there are 16 characters in Trails the 3rd and the level base is 90, and I am guessing the level cap is 150. So that means I need to edit 960 levels of data. Whelp, better get started!

Why are you doing this, again? Are you buffing them or nerfing them?

Edited by Sooks
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3 hours ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio

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Feels great.


Best part of a second run. It certainly felt great to successfully convince Nid, in my case.

Incidentally, I would recommend that you try to get all five returns in TBS3 this time. They're really worth seeing.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Alright, I’ve finished with Hakon’s caravan’s last chapter. I’m out of the woods now, I’ve always liked Rook’s caravan much much more.

Pros of Rook's caravan: Rook and his dynamic with his daughter, the whole Frostvellr thing, getting to use Eyvind, the bridge fun, Oddleif, etc.

Pros of Hakon's caravan: Ludin.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


To be honest, I wish Hakon had another chapter. Rook has 3, but Hakon just disappears until the end of the game. Not to mention he meets Juno offscreen and sees the rift for the first time - that would've been cool content to cover in another Hakon chapter.


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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

So there are 16 characters in Trails the 3rd and the level base is 90, and I am guessing the level cap is 150. So that means I need to edit 960 levels of data. Whelp, better get started!

i think the cap is 170 actually

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Oh, by the way, I wanted to ask. Anyone here got any experience with the Professor Layton series? Positive, negative, anything? I've been feeling like it's time for a break from TF2, and I need something to replace it.

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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Best part of a second run. It certainly felt great to successfully convince Nid, in my case.

Incidentally, I would recommend that you try to get all five returns in TBS3 this time. They're really worth seeing.

It’d feel wonderful to save Rook if I was doing his route.

I will go for all five returns, yeah. I’ll keep Rugga alive too, so I can see what happens to him. Or what can happen to him.


Pros of Rook's caravan: Rook and his dynamic with his daughter, the whole Frostvellr thing, getting to use Eyvind, the bridge fun, Oddleif, etc.

I also like Rook’s caravan’s characters a lot more. You get Rook, Alette, Iver, Oddleif, Egghill, Tryggvi, Egil, Krumr, Eyvind… and in Hakon’s caravan you get… Hakon, I guess. He’s a little interesting. You have a few characters who are interesting later (Ludin most definitely, but also Ubin (who isn’t playable) and Bersi), but it hurts the caravan that they’re not interesting then. I guess there’s Fasolt, but you barely have any time with him before Hakon’s caravan is out of chapters and Fasolt never really belongs to one caravan anyway.

Plus, Rook’s caravan gets all the interesting choices. You have how you handle escaping Skogr, picking who gets to shoot the arrow, what you do in Frostvellr, what you do in Einartoft and what you do in Boersgard. Hakon’s caravan doesn’t really have like… any story choices. There’s Ludin’s fate and… I can’t think of any others even though I just finished their last chapter. Even the events along the way Rook’s caravan gets are more interesting, because they’re all pretty unique and cover a wide variety of scenarios while all of Hakon’s are “how are we gonna handle these dredge?” Like, all of them.


Pros of Hakon's caravan: Ludin.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

But Banner Saga 1 Ludin…

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To be honest, I wish Hakon had another chapter. Rook has 3, but Hakon just disappears until the end of the game. Not to mention he meets Juno offscreen and sees the rift for the first time - that would've been cool content to cover in another Hakon chapter.


He definitely could have used another, but if it would just have been like chapter 3 again I’m kinda glad that went to Rook instead.

Wait, what do you mean by the rift? It’s been a while, I don’t know what that is.

Edited by Sooks
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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, by the way, I wanted to ask. Anyone here got any experience with the Professor Layton series? Positive, negative, anything? I've been feeling like it's time for a break from TF2, and I need something to replace it.

I've had fun with the crossover game with Ace Attorney.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, by the way, I wanted to ask. Anyone here got any experience with the Professor Layton series? Positive, negative, anything? I've been feeling like it's time for a break from TF2, and I need something to replace it.

I played the original trilogy. But I just looked up all the puzzles because I was bad (that and some puzzles wanted you to solve them a specific way, they were like those math teachers).

Anyways the original trilogy is pretty neat. Then I played the prequel trilogy and lost interest about an hour into the first prequel.

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You have a few characters who are interesting later (Ludin most definitely, but also Ubin (who isn’t playable) and Bersi), but it hurts the caravan that they’re not interesting then.

Yeah, I have to agree with this. Hakon's caravan is Ludin at his worst, Ubin before he unleashes his badassery and Bersi before he has a character.

Still, I would say Yrsa is also pretty cool at this point. And while Ludin is at his worst here, it's still an essential part of his character arc. Plus, if Yrsa is lost in the forest fire he has an interesting reaction. And she gets them badass scars! Shame I remembered too late or I would've told you to do it.


Incidentally, I don't remember if I ever asked you, so I will do so now: did you realize the secret between Yrsa and Ludin in your first run?

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Hakon’s caravan doesn’t really have like… any story choices.

Hey now, you can choose whether to call Gunnulf a frog.

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait, what do you mean by the rift? It’s been a while, I don’t know what that is.


The serpent shattering the earth. Hakon was the first to see that phenomenom, around the same time he met Juno.


Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

I've had fun with the crossover game with Ace Attorney.

Right. Well, that's nice.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I have to agree with this. Hakon's caravan is Ludin at his worst, Ubin before he unleashes his badassery and Bersi before he has a character.

Still, I would say Yrsa is also pretty cool at this point. And while Ludin is at his worst here, it's still an essential part of his character arc. Plus, if Yrsa is lost in the forest fire he has an interesting reaction. And she gets them badass scars! Shame I remembered too late or I would've told you to do it.

Well, I sent Ludin away to Grofheim because I was making different choices, so no Yrsa in the forest for me.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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Incidentally, I don't remember if I ever asked you, so I will do so now: did you realize the secret between Yrsa and Ludin in your first run?


No, no clue what you’re talking about.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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The serpent shattering the earth. Hakon was the first to see that phenomenom, around the same time he met Juno.


Oh, I didn’t remember it being called that. Thanks.

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Path of Radiance is finished. Ashnard is dumb, rip Oscar. If my Ike was one point slower--and that's after the Speedwings you get from Bryce--both of Ashnard's forms would have doubled him. Fight felt like a huge powercreep, and since he two-shot him my Vantage + Wrath combo was null and void. Thank God for Reinhardt Giffa.

EDIT: From 5th to 1st: Astrid, Ike, Soren, BOYD, Titania.

Edited by DodgeDusk
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I have once again visited the family and eaten churros with hot chocolate. In the middle of August. I once again regret absolutely nothing.

Now... might as well just play some Layton to relax. It's a pretty chill game, and I've already got my copy set up in my legitimate nintendo DS. So let's see what happens.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I played the original trilogy. But I just looked up all the puzzles because I was bad (that and some puzzles wanted you to solve them a specific way, they were like those math teachers).

Hahahaha... Well, I remember playing it when I was like 10. I was awful at it. But I am now an adult. My peerless strategies have vanquished countless armies, and you know the rest. Surely now I will have no trouble?


Anyways the original trilogy is pretty neat. Then I played the prequel trilogy and lost interest about an hour into the first prequel.

Duly noted. I have some memories of... I believe Pandora's Box? But nothing much else beyond that. We'll see how it goes.

52 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, I sent Ludin away to Grofheim because I was making different choices, so no Yrsa in the forest for me.



No, no clue what you’re talking about.


It is hinted at in the conversation with Ludin and Yrsa in the third game. The protagonist "notices a resemblance" between the two, but chooses not to say anything. If Ludin is dead, Yrsa just directly reveals the secret, claiming that everyone it concerned is dead, so it no longer matters.

They're siblings. Yrsa is the bastard daughter of Meinolf. That's why they're so close.

Of course, this came as a really unpleasant surprise to me, who had been shipping them since she returned in the second game. Whoops.


Oh, I didn’t remember it being called that. Thanks.

Well, I don't think it's ever given any particular name. I just called it that for a lack of a better name, haha.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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26 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Path of Radiance is finished. Ashnard is dumb, rip Oscar. If my Ike was one point slower--and that's after the Speedwings you get from Bryce--both of Ashnard's forms would have doubled him. Fight felt like a huge powercreep, and since he two-shot him my Vantage + Wrath combo was null and void. Thank God for Reinhardt Giffa.

Was Ike still screwed?

And yes, praise Giffca, I was afraid for Nasir when he kept getting doubled. Honestly Ashnard probably wouldn't be so much of a chore if his HP wasn't as big as it is.

26 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

EDIT: From 5th to 1st: Astrid, Ike, Soren, BOYD, Titania.

Funny how we matched on Ike and Boyd, place and all.

Edited by Dayni
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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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It is hinted at in the conversation with Ludin and Yrsa in the third game. The protagonist "notices a resemblance" between the two, but chooses not to say anything. If Ludin is dead, Yrsa just directly reveals the secret, claiming that everyone it concerned is dead, so it no longer matters.

They're siblings. Yrsa is the bastard daughter of Meinolf. That's why they're so close.

Of course, this came as a really unpleasant surprise to me, who had been shipping them since she returned in the second game. Whoops.


That last paragraph makes the whole thing so much better.

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Yes! I'm a genius without compare! I solved the first puzzle on the first try!

...Never mind the fact that I solved it by misinterpreting the instructions and following a completely different trail of logic that just happened to lead to the same conclusion.


5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I also liked the Layton movie, now that I recall.

Hah! Well, if I like the series enough, we'll see. But let's start at the beginning.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That last paragraph makes the whole thing so much better.

They were a perfect match, goddamnit. And then that happened. 'Cause fuck me, I guess.

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I could take a day of rest and celebration to increase morale and renown, though it would cost some supplies.

But I have no supplies in the first place.


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Okay, so the first NPC I've encountered is called Franco. I need the Spanish dictator's help to enter the village.


2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I could take a day of rest and celebration to increase morale and renown, though it would cost some supplies.

But I have no supplies in the first place.


"Let's party all night long! Please pay no mind to the starving family overthere. They're expendable."

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Huh, I didn’t realize people shipped Rook and Oddleif in the first game, but both Mogun and Krumr did it.

This is a little awkward though, because her husband actually survived Skogr. I mean, he was still heavily injured, but I never got an update on his status.

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3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Why are you doing this, again? Are you buffing them or nerfing them?

Characters like Josette, Tita need a serious stat boost. Their stats are way below average, and sides Tita's craft, making them undesirable most of the game.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

i think the cap is 170 actually

Shrimpy, not helping!

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