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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is Rex slander.

Sorry, but I think that as far as the "MC's go, Lora is better than Rex. 

Its Shion at the top, though.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Atleast Coffee with Milk is cool.


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Rex is very plain side from the fact that he is the Aegis' driver. The whole "salvager" bit is never touched on, and is wasted potential. Besides that, what makes him interesting?

Edited by lightcosmo
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...this makes feel like playing some XB2 hmm....

I never defeated the super bosses did i

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Rex is very plain side from the fact that he is the Aegis' driver. The whole "salvager" bit is never touched on, and is wasted potential. Besides that, what makes him interesting?

He isn't super deep or anything, but he fits the role well.

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Finally, a DC area with something to do. More of a miniquest, but better than nothing. I'll give Arlington at least the fact that it's an iconic place to not put into the game, even if there's nothing to actually do there. Maybe that's why Mama Dolce's was put there. Like the news building at L'Enfant, mostly lore stuff.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You'd be surprised... very surprised indeed...

Please say sike.

How can someone be your son and your brother at the same time?

5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Sorry, but I think that as far as the "MC's go, Lora is better than Rex. 

Its Shion at the top, though.

That's neither here nor there tho. Fei and Shion are both above Rex, in that order.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

...this makes feel like playing some XB2 hmm....

I never defeated the super bosses did i

You never got Elma either iirc.

9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Rex is very plain side from the fact that he is the Aegis' driver. The whole "salvager" bit is never touched on, and is wasted potential. Besides that, what makes him interesting?

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

He isn't super deep or anything, but he fits the role well.

That's what makes him work so well yeah. Not every character has to be the most complex, interesting person. Sometimes simple is best and Rex is a good example of that.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

never met her xD

You could always fix that

This actually isn't the final boss theme btw.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

problem: I need to train Blonde Kirito and do his quests

In that battle, you dont need him trained up that much. All he need is his "charges arts when evading an attack skill" use his evasion art to dodge a buncha attacks from the clones: repeat till the main one is dead lmao. 

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A new title by Inti Creates definitely has my attention. It can't be Gunvolt 3 because that's already been announced and set to release next year. It can't be a new Blaster Master Zero because 3 literally just came out a month ago.

So it's either

  • A new Gal*Gun (lmao but also meh)
  • A new Dragon Marked for Death (noooooo)
  • or something brand new.

The possibility of Curse of the Moon 3 is also possible but i don't feel that it would happen. So naturally, the only logical conclusion is Mighty Gunvolt Burst 2.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Married your mother.

Zoroastrians in a nutshell: CrusaderKings

Sigmund Freud moment.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

oh fuck that battle in particular xD

Ghost Factory moment.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Corvin is an auto win there. Just use him and be done with it if you dont find it fun.

Nah, the Redux fight is tough as nails even with Corvin.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

problem: I need to train Blonde Kirito and do his quests

You can just unlock all the requirements for the nodes and instead of doing them yourself, just send him off on a Merc Mission.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Nah, the Redux fight is tough as nails even with Corvin.

Eh? Not from my memory. I remember it being simple on any non BoC mode. Things like affinity max ATK VI and such will make it much easier, though. 

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You can just unlock all the requirements for the nodes and instead of doing them yourself, just send him off on a Merc Mission.

yeah but that takes time, especially with high star blades.

Iirc i did send him to a bunch of Merc missions

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Eh? Not from my memory. I remember it being simple on any non BoC mode. Things like affinity max ATK VI and such will make it much easier, though. 

The main thing you want to avoid is Elemental Awakening. So bringing Shulk is a must.

Then you have to bring a Dark Blade so you can Seal Reinforcements. But that means you can never complete another Blade Combo so it just becomes hitting Elma with Corvin over and over again until her massive HP even on the lowest HP setting depletes.

That's how i've done it anyway.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah but that takes time, especially with high star blades.

Iirc i did send him to a bunch of Merc missions

Well i usually do Merc Mission in the background. Like if i'm cooking or something.

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Alright, rescued Initiate Pek. Simple mission, and now I get him, Paladin Hoss, and... a generic BoS redshirt as followers so long I'm at Falls Church. This gives me "Berkut, Fernand, and generic mook" vibes, haha.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

honestly, much like Spider-Verse, Uprising is one of those games where i'd like a thesis on why someone wouldn't like it.

I mean, it's perfectly possible for somebody to just not be into the respective genres of Spidey-Verse and Uprising. Very simple reason right there.

Also, I like games I can play better than games I cannot play. If the only option for Uprising is janky 3DS gyro controls, I will never be able to play it. Simple as that. I am not scouring the earth for a cartridge so I can burn my eyes out on my tiny 2011 3DS.

41 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I'll be honest I've been looking for confession templates to make a joke on this.

I'm kicking myself because I'm worried any searches will be disastrous.

Please make the sacrifice. I'd love to see such a thing.

37 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Hinoka needed more screen time

Hinoka needed to be in a game with good story. Then maybe she wouldn't have been fanboying over her treacherous little brother.

Honestly tho, for Fates royals's standards, she got off pretty easy. Outside of the standard avatar dicksucking she's pretty okay. Nowhere near the level of shit of the Nohrian clowns, that's for sure.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If the only option for Uprising is janky 3DS gyro controls,

Uprising doesn't have gyro controls tho.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hinoka needed to be in a game with good story. Then maybe she wouldn't have been fanboying over her treacherous little brother.

Honestly tho, for Fates royals's standards, she got off pretty easy. Outside of the standard avatar dicksucking she's pretty okay. Nowhere near the level of shit of the Nohrian clowns, that's for sure.

Shrimpy was talking about Lora from Xenoblade haha


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