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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Eh, it's the Tellius localization. Sometimes changing names for another without rhyme or reason. Like Kevin to Kieran, or Stella to Astrid. Can't be helped there.

Wayu. Xd im glad they changed that to Mia, god that just doesnt fit.

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Iago map completed. I got all the chests and routed the entire thing, including the stoneborn room that everyone acts is physically impossible and can never be done.

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So, I've watched Spider-Man 3 again and... ugh...

Now Into the Spider-Verse!

 4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


read Oshi No Ko

Only if you read 100 Kanojo. Or Fire Punch. Or Chainsaw Man.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

I feel like some of these biologically can't happen. 

It's Crusader Kings, things like this always happens.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly tho, for Fates royals's standards, she got off pretty easy. Outside of the standard avatar dicksucking she's pretty okay. Nowhere near the level of shit of the Nohrian clowns, that's for sure.

The Hoshidan siblings are better characters than the Nohrians overall.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Wrong Hinoka, but anyway xD

Out of all the Hoshidan Royals, Hinoka is the only one that made sense to be a bit CornCob obsessive, considering she was the closest to him before he got Garon'd.

Still the way it was done sucks, and she should've been much much more angry with him, and not the royal cockstrocking CornCob get's from everyone.

Takumi's anger being caused by Anankos completely destroyed his Character, and Sakura doesn'T even remember CornCob yet loves him anyway...

Fuck that game's Story lmao

I mean, Takumi's anger existed before being Anankos'd, so... And Sakura is justified in wanting to fuck Corrin, since they don't have any memory of each other.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Anyways, Rubenio confesses to Fates draft 1:


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This is the most Mega Man Zero-like the game has ever been. And the series was already a spiritual successor to MMZ to begin with.

What's really curious though is that the game is priced at $25, ten more dollars than what the series has always been priced at (not counting Striker Pack). Very curious to see what's in here.

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I had a nice chat with family over my depression, it didn't remedy it at all, but it was something. The nice thing about the Internet is that it's hard to read emotion, and presently, that's good for everyone here. Because for the past two days, three and four into this bout, I've been in a very miserable mindset. I think it's reached the point where I can't brush it aside out of cost (SSI provides some insurance though), I have to try a psychiatrist to see if it helps. And if necessary, get a prescription for some meds, which I've been yet more hesitant to do.


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

After all, no new game since Moon Dwellers, and PxZ 2 came out after that one, right?

Nope, PxZ2 was November 12, 2015 in Japan, Moon Dwellers was the last day of June in the year after.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ck2: The Medieval Incest Simulator - 9GAG

Outremer on steroids.

You mean disgusting fucking?😛

Beautiful, even Morocco has fallen. Over all the Mediterranean Sea indeed.


3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

The whole "salvager" bit is never touched on, and is wasted potential.

It's there, because it seems to be a rule now that the Xeno main protagonists, barring Fei and Lora, have some interest related to machines. Shion I'm aware did part of Kossy's construction, Shulk likes building things and salvaging Mechon scraps, Elma dabbles in technology -including reclaiming humanity's most important tech-, Rex brings it old junk up from the sea.


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

...honestly, much like Spider-Verse, Uprising is one of those games where i'd like a thesis on why someone wouldn't like it.

I wouldn't watch a movie or show with the same excellent script, but being in a video game got around my barriers and I quite enjoyed it.😆

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Uprising truly was designed for the system it was made for and putting it on anything else would just break it. Which is why as much as i hope for a Switch remaster, i don't see it happening.

It might be workable. Left control stick takes movement, right control stick for camera & aiming. 3rd person "twin-stick shooters" are a thing -not that I've ever played one.


2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Sing with me a Song of Serenes and Teehee

As the players go mad at Lunatic

People look at horny art

hard as a stone

all alone

I don't care for horny art.


I like horny words.

I'd never watch a show that said this stuff, but this is a video game from my childhood, it's different.

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42 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

So, I've watched Spider-Man 3 again and... ugh...

the acting is honestly pretty bad, lmao. And ofc the writing is a mess since the writers couldnt agree on anything when it came to the story.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shion I'm aware did part of Kossy's construction

Yeah but her interest in computer science and such stays consistent throughout the series, because its an important part of her character. I appreciate that they kept it consistent. Rex's salvaging bit is touched on in the very beggining of the game and then... Gone. Like, what was the point?

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nope, PxZ2 was November 12, 2015 in Japan, Moon Dwellers was the last day of June in the year after.

You mean disgusting fucking?😛

Beautiful, even Morocco has fallen. Over all the Mediterranean Sea indeed.

The Jerusalem in my playthrough never got that large, hahaha. But they still have pretty much all the Levant (modern definition). And Prussian. The region has become mostly culturally Prussian.

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14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

the acting is honestly pretty bad, lmao. And ofc the writing is a mess since the writers couldnt agree on anything when it came to the story.

The writing is bad, the dialogue is bad, the characters are bad, the CGI is bad, pretty much anything important to a movie is bad. The only positive is the soundtrack. Seriously, it exudes SOUL.


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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The Jerusalem in my playthrough never got that large, hahaha. But they still have pretty much all the Levant (modern definition). And Prussian. The region has become mostly culturally Prussian.

Now that sounds strange me. Methinks someone on the dev team was too focused on 1700s and 1800s, Brandenburg as far as I know it was thinly-populated German backwater in the medieval era. Unless Prussian means the Teutonic Knights in this case, who I know were doing pretty well for themselves in the Baltic until the Jagiellonians foiled their earthly plans. 

*Checks things*

Oh, the Teutonics were founded during the Crusaders in the Levant. Adds a modicum of plausibility then.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now that sounds strange me. Methinks someone on the dev team was too focused on 1700s and 1800s, Brandenburg as far as I know it was thinly-populated German backwater in the medieval era. Unless Prussian means the Teutonic Knights in this case, who I know were doing pretty well for themselves in the Baltic until the Jagiellonians foiled their earthly plans. 

*Checks things*

Oh, the Teutonics were founded during the Crusaders in the Levant. Adds a modicum of plausibility then.

It refers to the Old Prussian ethnic group.


Thus under the Baltic culture group, not Germanic.

In any case, that happened because the Children's Crusader event triggered with a Prussian kid. With my help, they conquered the Holy Land. Since it was one of the special crusades and not one of the standard ones (in fact, the Children's Crusade was the very first Crusade in my game), thus only or almost only Prussians got titles in the region, and the provinces cultures slowly became converted to Prussian across the rest of the game.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

don't care for horny art.


I like horny words.

Haken 🤝 Vashyron

          Using explosives to describe titties.

27 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

And ofc the writing is a mess since the writers couldnt agree on anything when it came to the story.

Blame Sony for shoehorning in Venom.

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38 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Yeah but her interest in computer science and such stays consistent throughout the series, because its an important part of her character. I appreciate that they kept it consistent. Rex's salvaging bit is touched on in the very beggining of the game and then... Gone. Like, what was the point?

It is the case that compared to Elma and Shulk, Rex's machine interest is less directly relevant. In a sense, it might not be irrelevant, assuming 


...at least some of the the salvage stuff comes somehow from Morytha deep below. Morytha is very important to the story.


How one would write Rex's salvaging hobby/profession more into the story I can't envision. Maybe if he treated Pyra less like a person ,and more like an object of the lost past to be studied and hypothesized as to it's context with other relics? -But that wouldn't work so well with his personality. You couldn't write a change in all that easily.

Although, if salvaging stuff did come from Morytha, then that could be a way to write in a stronger salvaging tie. A simple question must pass through Rex's mind from time to time- why is there so much stuff beneath the Cloud Sea, what truly lurks in its depths?


16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

In any case, that happened because the Children's Crusader event triggered with a Prussian kid. With my help, they conquered the Holy Land. Since it was one of the special crusades and not one of the standard ones (in fact, the Children's Crusade was the very first Crusade in my game), thus only or almost only Prussians got titles in the region, and the provinces cultures slowly became converted to Prussian across the rest of the game.

Well that explains how it succeeded, no Muslims would've expected a bunch of kids to lay waste to the Levant. Just as they weren't expecting Christians from the West to invade, a double whammy. Thats what they get for wiping out Sassanid Persia.


9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Haken 🤝 Vashyron

          Using explosives to describe titties.

I hadn't thought of that connection, but yeah.🤣

Tho he meant actual explosives in the first instance.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well that explains how it succeeded, no Muslims would've expected a bunch of kids to lay waste to the Levant. Just as they weren't expecting Christians from the West to invade, a double whammy. Thats what they get for wiping out Sassanid Persia.

Also that the Children's Crusade in CK2 is OP. They can get over 100K soldiers, which at the point of the game the event can first spawn... that's enough to steamroll. Unless the Abbablob is still intact and has expanded enough as well. Coincidentally, by this moment I could also field about 100K soldiers in levies, so it was a double knocker there.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Also that the Children's Crusade in CK2 is OP. They can get over 100K soldiers, which at the point of the game the event can first spawn... that's enough to steamroll. Coincidentally, by this moment I could also field about 100K soldiers in levies, so it was a double knocker there.

*Remembers reading the peak Byzantine army size under the Bulgar-Slayer was 260k.*

Yeah, 100k sounds like nothing to sneeze at at all for the medieval period. Not insurmountable, and I don't see them all coming to bear in a single battle, but you'd be thoroughly humiliated if you lost heavily with that many.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Remembers reading the peak Byzantine army size under the Bulgar-Slayer was 260k.*

Yeah, 100k sounds like nothing to sneeze at at all for the medieval period. Not insurmountable, and I don't see them all coming to bear in a single battle, but you'd be thoroughly humiliated if you lost heavily with that many.

It's gets more silly when China gets involved and sends armies into the game map (game map with all DLC stops at the Assamese Mountains and the edge is a straight line). Since they can sends dozens of thousands... and then more... and then more...

This is why I never tried to do the insane thing to invade China, though I did considered it. You lose the ability to field 75% of your levies during the war (to represent the bulk of your army being off the map in China), but you still have to fight the tens of thousands China can still send into the game map. Not worth it, specially being on the other edge of the map as Spain. I did the trick of gaining a couple provinces near the eastern edge of the map (thanks to a Crusade) and give them to my subjects so I could raise their armies over there. But even just having a province that near makes China demand I become their tributary or else. This before I could prepare to attack myself, so... again, not worth it.

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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Blame Sony for shoehorning in Venom.

The Symbiote's storyline is actually a good thing about the movie. It permeates the entire movie and it actually has a payoff.

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2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

The Symbiote's storyline is actually a good thing about the movie. It permeates the entire movie and it actually has a payoff.

Honestly, if it was just Venom, it probably would've been fine. But things didn't work out as well when the story was trying to balance Harry's revenge, Sandman's plot and Venom's plot all at once.

....but I also don't like how Venom is just portrayed as a mindless beast in Spider-Man 3.

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I never knew the PS4 received this update. I'll replay the game with this suit.


19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

....but I also don't like how Venom is just portrayed as a mindless beast in Spider-Man 3.


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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think it's reached the point where I can't brush it aside out of cost (SSI provides some insurance though), I have to try a psychiatrist to see if it helps. And if necessary, get a prescription for some meds, which I've been yet more hesitant to do.

May I suggest looking into ACT therapy? There are some really good programs online,* and it's helped me a ton.

*I can link to one, if you like, and it's reasonably cheap in comparison to in-person therapy.

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12 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

never knew the PS4 received this update. I'll replay the game with this suit.

Oh yeah, that suit was added a while ago. They kept adding suits up until Far from Home's release iirc.

12 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:


In 3, it feels like Venom is just a suit Eddie Brock wears. 

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