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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I still can't believe I actually beat that.

How? How did I beat it? I shouldn't have beat it. There's no way. I just watched it happen and I can hardly believe it.

...I probably shouldn't feel proud, save states and all, but fuck it. I am fucking proud. At no point did I use the save states to just cheat my way through bad RNG. I adjusted my strategy until it worked. On a scale from "I'm actually good at brains" to "completely legit nintendo PC no joke guys", I am closer to the former. I think. Who cares, honestly. I'm happy.

Also, I took way too much pleasure in watching Ryoma die.

Also also, I have not one but two potential candidates for the signature treatment. Suzume and Senno are in danger.

Well Done !!! Sounds like your team was better than even you expected.




Honestly though, since I discovered it's om Steam, I'm actually considering grabbing it after I finish Conquest. Price's a little steep, but well, it'd be the only game in series I'd paid for, so... Meh, it evens out. Kinda.

Inb4 Ace Attorney of all things invades the thread

I have been waiting for a sale myself, and would be game for some Ace Attorney posts, but I have kind played the whole series barring that one (and the Japanese only Edgeworth Investigations 2... which I should finish one of these days...), plus that seems like the kinda game which would lead to oodles of spoilers.

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5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Iago map completed. I got all the chests and routed the entire thing, including the stoneborn room that everyone acts is physically impossible and can never be done.

Its not impossible, but it is harder than the mage room. I ended up facing that half on my Lunatic challenge run, so that I could then take advantage of the Berserkers being able to outpace the Generals in the room after.

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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Garon be doing the CK2 maneuver.

Kill guy, imprison child for X years while molding them to their interests.

I was not aware CK2 was a prequel to Fates

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Tfw Nohr royals needed a magical plot chair to see that their dad is actually Ganondorf

He's fucking gray.

Then again, Xander has an excuse. He probably can't see his gray father through his furrowed brow. The rest, though...


TFW IS just made japan heaven while Europe all evil tropes packed in one country

Down to the generics. Most of the Hoshidan generics look pretty chill, and their "good odds in battle" faces tend to be battle cries or serene smiles. The Nohrian generics look evil and are all maniacal smiles and grins.

I'm surprised there isn't a Spanish brigand this time around. It's all that was left.

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Sing with me a Song of Serenes and Teehee

As the players go mad at Lunatic

People look at horny art

hard as a stone

all alone

Pfffft... That's more true than it should be.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

I painstakingly fought my way through the stoneborn room… for a spy’s shuriken?? No one on my team even uses shuriken(s?), unless you count Leo’s backpack. Oh well.

Why, Sooks. Why would you even bother. I know you've said in the past that you like it better than the sorcerer room. I also know it's not easy to admit you're wrong. But if I could do it about Fates as a whole, you can do it about this one thing.

Be kind to yourself. Admit your mistake, and don't even bother next time.

8 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'm just terrible when it comes to figuring out searching for these templates. Had to use a character confession because there was no blank one for editing. I would be more than willing to revisit this.

Anyways, Rubenio confesses to Fates draft 1:

  Reveal hidden contents



I knew you wouldn't disappoint. That's fucking brilliant. Woke up with a big chuckle. Thanks.

The dialogue's on point too. It really feels like the kind of stupidity I would write. Good job.

8 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Wayu. Xd im glad they changed that to Mia, god that just doesnt fit.

They should've localized it as Waryo.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

Iago map completed. I got all the chests and routed the entire thing, including the stoneborn room that everyone acts is physically impossible and can never be done.

I mean, it's not physically impossible, it's just... Why even bother lol, there's virtually no reason. It's a huge pain, and the map doesn't need anymore of that when it makes you wade through like 10 generals.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I had a nice chat with family over my depression, it didn't remedy it at all, but it was something. The nice thing about the Internet is that it's hard to read emotion, and presently, that's good for everyone here. Because for the past two days, three and four into this bout, I've been in a very miserable mindset. I think it's reached the point where I can't brush it aside out of cost (SSI provides some insurance though), I have to try a psychiatrist to see if it helps. And if necessary, get a prescription for some meds, which I've been yet more hesitant to do.

You really should seek professional help. From my experience, it really helps. You cannot put a price on mental health.

6 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

The writing is bad, the dialogue is bad, the characters are bad, the CGI is bad, pretty much anything important to a movie is bad.

Oh, look at little Ghost jr.

Gonna cry?

Have these responses gotten annoying yet? I have dozens more! Dozens!

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Well Done !!! Sounds like your team was better than even you expected.

They're making me proud, that much is certain. I was kinda stumbling through most of the map, but... well, at least I can say I never used save states to cheese my way through bad RNG. It took some doing, but I found some moves that worked reliably enough.

To be honest, watching Haitaka one-round Ryoma made it all worth it.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I have been waiting for a sale myself, and would be game for some Ace Attorney posts, but I have kind played the whole series barring that one , plus that seems like the kinda game which would lead to oodles of spoilers.

I mean, it's Ace Attorney. You pretty much cannot talk about it if you don't want spoilers. First case's the only one you can get away with, because they tend to be rather obvious, but even that depends on the game. Heck, spoiling the first case of Apollo Justice would be a bigger dickmove than spoiling some of the later cases.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

(and the Japanese only Edgeworth Investigations 2... which I should finish one of these days...)

For what it's worth, it's my favorite game in the series. I haven't played all of it, mind (only the OG trilogy, Apollo Justice and the two Investigations games), but from what I have played, I find it to be the best. It drags out a liiiil' bit at times, but it never reaches the stupidity of Investigations 1's final bad guy, and the overarching plot is among the best in the series. Again, out of the games I've played, at least.

Plus, the fanslation is excellent. Heck, better than some of the official ones. Not that it takes too much effort to be better than "the miracle never happen", but the fanslation certainly manages.

So yeah, I would really recommend finishing that one. It's great.

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8 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

And Sakura is justified in wanting to fuck Corrin,

I don't mind it if she wants to bang him. I mind how it's done and how she's "i love you" from moment 1

Even in conquest when you defeat her she's like "i love you"


And let's not forget that the whole premise of the game "blood vs. bond family" is a fucking lie since hoshido peeps aren't related to him at all.

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Down to the generics. Most of the Hoshidan generics look pretty chill, and their "good odds in battle" faces tend to be battle cries or serene smiles. The Nohrian generics look evil and are all maniacal smiles and grins.

Where they like afraid from japanese backlash or something?

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm surprised there isn't a Spanish brigand this time around. It's all that was left

Are you sure?

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Oh, I almost forgot to acknowledge this.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

If it were just an FPS like Metroid Prime, yeah, that would work.

But Uprising is a fast-paced action game. You might be able to get away with a FPS control scheme on the rail shooter segments but once the ground segments begin, i don't see how anyone would play it without wanting to uninstall system 32.

Uprising truly was designed for the system it was made for and putting it on anything else would just break it. Which is why as much as i hope for a Switch remaster, i don't see it happening.

Are you challenging me, Armagon?

It sounds like you're challenging me.

I am not one to take kindly to a challenge.

All that have challenged me before have fallen before long.

I have serious doubts this baby game could best me.

Do not challenge me, Armagon.

...Wait, that's your plan, isn't it?!

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Even in conquest when you defeat her she's like "i love you"


Sakura is into some kinky shit. Are you gonna kinkshame her now?


And let's not forget that the whole premise of the game "blood vs. bond family" is a fucking lie since hoshido peeps aren't related to him at all.

They had to make everyone marriable, even if it runs in direct contradiction with the game's main themes.

In a way it's kind of endearing to imagine the incompetent buffoons behind the game's writing bending over backwards to do their job. Writing is hard, okay?


Where they like afraid from japanese backlash or something?

Probably more that being Japanese themselves, they figured they'd portray themselves as perfect.

Joke's on them tho. The best of the campaigns is the Europe campaign.


Are you sure?

Pretty sure there aren't any Spaniards in Fates. Pretty sure.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

As you can see, i hate Fates' plot as much as i love it's gamrplay xD

I can't really blame you. It takes a taste in bad writing to enjoy this crap.

If you are the kind who enjoys bad writing, however, it's a fucking riot. I don't think there's a single Garon scene that didn't make me laugh the first time. Some of them still do now!

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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Probably more that being Japanese themselves, they figured they'd portray themselves as perfect.

Ngl can't rule out a bit of xenophobia either.

Like, saying we're perfect while they are evil is just...

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can't really blame you. It takes a taste in bad writing to enjoy this crap.

If you are the kind who enjoys bad writing, however, it's a fucking riot. I don't think there's a single Garon scene that didn't make me laugh the first time. Some of them still do now!

Yeah i laughed alot too, but i just want to punch anyone who talks in Fates from the first generation cast, aside from like 5-6 people

And 3 of them are the Awakening trio xD

The kids are good, and i legit enjoyed Heris of Fate, the rest however i want punch really hard

Extra hard when they are talking with/ about Corncob

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10 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



9 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:


  Glad to be of service.

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Eh, it's the Tellius localization. Sometimes changing names for another without rhyme or reason. Like Kevin to Kieran, or Stella to Astrid. Can't be helped there.

This one bothers me more for some reason.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I like it when memes get some official nod.

(Removed the video because it was causing the post to fail to post)

Saw this already, but yeah the Netherrealm (and Earthrealm) would not be safe from him.

(Though this isn't UI Shaggy yet is it?)

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I had a nice chat with family over my depression, it didn't remedy it at all, but it was something. The nice thing about the Internet is that it's hard to read emotion, and presently, that's good for everyone here. Because for the past two days, three and four into this bout, I've been in a very miserable mindset. I think it's reached the point where I can't brush it aside out of cost (SSI provides some insurance though), I have to try a psychiatrist to see if it helps. And if necessary, get a prescription for some meds, which I've been yet more hesitant to do.

I may be taking a poor take with all this, but I have some thoughts.


 Hmm. I know I can't really help with this, considering I don't know who's nearby you to recommend or anything like that. I assume whatever you might use to help alleviate this are not providing a sufficient aid in all this, which of course makes it all the more appropriate to seek external assistance.

I've also some thoughts based on my own experience, but I don't know if they'll be applicable.


Personally I was having a rough patch a few years back (suicidal ideation rough) and I was pretty much told to take medication which had been indicated for by my GP. I ended up not doing so because of a concern in regards to how it would alter brain chemistry and I had come to the conclusion my circumstances were the main causative effect of it. Turned out I was able to get through the period and 2019 was an improvement in the latter, but if the latter hadn't occurred I'm not sure that would be the same. Medication being of course more or less applicable depending on the situation, I know you've been pretty open about your struggles and I could see it being more necessary there.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I knew you wouldn't disappoint. That's fucking brilliant. Woke up with a big chuckle. Thanks.

The dialogue's on point too. It really feels like the kind of stupidity I would write. Good job.

I was worried how the second panel would look after the first, with the tone shift.

(Probably should have looked for some of the other faces too, but I digress.)

21 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah i laughed alot too, but i just want to punch anyone who talks in Fates from the first generation cast, aside from like 5-6 people

And 3 of them are the Awakening trio xD

The kids are good, and i legit enjoyed Heris of Fate, the rest however i want punch really hard

I'm probably more generous than you, but yeah there's plenty I'd leave rather than take for sure. Even with the kids Selkie comes to mind (Heroes did not help there)

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19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ngl can't rule out a bit of xenophobia either.

Like, saying we're perfect while they are evil is just...

Hoshido more than anything needed a Iago/Hans. At least then it wouldn't feel so lopsided.

19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah i laughed alot too, but i just want to punch anyone who talks in Fates from the first generation cast, aside from like 5-6 people

Pretty hilarious how the gold digger is one of the few decent people, eh?

I mean, I dunno how you feel about her, but well, that's how I do, myself.

19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


And 3 of them are the Awakening trio xD


I've no strong feelings about them. They exist. I like Selena's design, but I've never gotten around to using her.

19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

The kids are good, and i legit enjoyed Heris of Fate,


Yes, the kids really were a lot better. I wonder why is that. Did a separate team write them? How many teams were behind this game at this point...?

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

was worried how the second panel would look after the first, with the tone shift.

It worked perfectly. Like a goddamned charm.

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

(Probably should have looked for some of the other faces too, but I digress.)

It's okay. Works as it is. Though a version with the super angry face wouldn't hurt either.

6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Even with the kids Selkie comes to mind 

Peri Jr lol

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hoshido more than anything needed a Iago/Hans. At least then it wouldn't feel so lopsided

Yukimura would've been perfect

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pretty hilarious how the gold digger is one of the few decent people, eh?

My biggest problem with Charlotte is honestly her design.

Like, it goes against her whole thing, even. I doubt a noble would want to marry a random half naked girl from the street. A fling yes, affair maybe, but marriage?

Can not comprehend really xD

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How many teams were behind this game at this point...?

I still wonder how an expanded plot would've been like

After all they cut like 90% of the full script or something along these lines

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33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Peri Jr lol

Worse, she can be Selkie's mother in Rev.

Does that make Kaden/Peri canon?

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Blame Sony for shoehorning in Venom.

Didn't Tobey want to see Venom added in as well? 

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Honestly, if it was just Venom, it probably would've been fine. But things didn't work out as well when the story was trying to balance Harry's revenge, Sandman's plot and Venom's plot all at once.

....but I also don't like how Venom is just portrayed as a mindless beast in Spider-Man 3.

Oh yeah... the whole Harry ordeal! That wasn't great either but as you said, they tried to do to much in one movie.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They should've localized it as Waryo.


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why, Sooks. Why would you even bother. I know you've said in the past that you like it better than the sorcerer room. I also know it's not easy to admit you're wrong. But if I could do it about Fates as a whole, you can do it about this one thing.

Be kind to yourself. Admit your mistake, and don't even bother next time.

I did both rooms this time. I found the mage room much much easier.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, it's not physically impossible, it's just... Why even bother lol, there's virtually no reason. It's a huge pain, and the map doesn't need anymore of that when it makes you wade through like 10 generals.

The stoneborn side makes Hans’ room so much easier, with the berserkers in front and the generals in back you can take out the door and put two tanky units in the way blocking them from the hallway, then move your army back through the hallway after the entire room has been aggro’d and the reinforcements have spawned, using the narrow hallway to take on a few at a time, which is much much better than wipe out this entire room full of many strong enemies on player phase or you die. At least, that’s how I hear it goes from people who go that way.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Yukimura would've been perfect

I've seen people say this before and I have to agree. The guy hardly exists as it is, and his role would suit a Iago mirror perfectly.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

My biggest problem with Charlotte is honestly her design.

Like, it goes against her whole thing, even. I doubt a noble would want to marry a random half naked girl from the street. A fling yes, affair maybe, but marriage?

Can not comprehend really xD

I think it works in a meta way. She wants to be appealing to men by trying to shoe horn as much fanservice into her outfit as she can. She must've overheard her creators speaking with the shareholders.

Unfortunately for her, her misguided attempts at sex appeal end up feeling extremely cringy instead, just like her dumb cutesy act does, and all the fanservice in the world couldn't hide the muscles and the huge axe she lugs around to murder people with. It suits her character perfectly. She wants to appear like the perfect waifu, but instead ends up looking like trouble.

Oh God Fates has me defending fanservice now, what has become of me...?!

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Worse, she can be Selkie's mother in Rev.

Does that make Kaden/Peri canon?

Probably, considering she's Peri Jr lol. Heck, don't quote me on this but I felt they were voiced by the same actress.

26 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:


Y'know, Wayu Wario Wayu Wario. It works perfectly.

22 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I did both rooms this time. I found the mage room much much easier.



The stoneborn side makes Hans’ room so much easier, with the berserkers in front and the generals in back you can take out the door and put two tanky units in the way blocking them from the hallway, then move your army back through the hallway after the entire room has been aggro’d and the reinforcements have spawned, using the narrow hallway to take on a few at a time, which is much much better than wipe out this entire room full of many strong enemies on player phase or you die. At least, that’s how I hear it goes from people who go that way.

The problem with this is that you don't make the overall map easier. You just transfer the difficulty from the end to the stoneborn room lol. The stoneborn room is stupid enough that it doesn't really justify a reduction in the final room tedium.

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38 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Didn't Tobey want to see Venom added in as well? 

Oh yeah... the whole Harry ordeal! That wasn't great either but as you said, they tried to do to much in one movie.

So with this and ASm2 Three appears to be the magic number of villains that ruin spiderman movies.

Into The Spiderverse seems to prove that a greater number can be surmountable, but three is apparently too many.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Probably, considering she's Peri Jr lol. Heck, don't quote me on this but I felt they were voiced by the same actress.

Turns out there were. In EN Fates at least, for some reason they got different people in Heroes after they couldn't get the original VA. They're not the same in Japanese.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Reuben os coming out full force

Shaving the beard has clearly had a greater impact than we expected.

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43 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So with this and ASm2 Three appears to be the magic number of villains that ruin spiderman movies.

Into The Spiderverse seems to prove that a greater number can be surmountable, but three is apparently too many.

Lmao. Spider-Man 3 literally just dumps on eveeything he accomplishes in 2. 

Well, most everything, the Harry ordeal is actually slightly consistent.

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It's crazy how the slice-of-life anime has a better shounen rivalry and better fight scenes than most actual shounen anime.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Where they like afraid from japanese backlash or something?

I think it's less that and more that the conflict in Fates was portrayed in black-and-white.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Are you challenging me, Armagon?

It sounds like you're challenging me.

I am not one to take kindly to a challenge.

All that have challenged me before have fallen before long.

I have serious doubts this baby game could best me.

Do not challenge me, Armagon.

...Wait, that's your plan, isn't it?!

*Ruben emulates Uprising, complains about the controls and calls the game bad and refuses to acknowledge he was playing in an objectively worse way*

Yep, that'd be a Ruben moment alright.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

My biggest problem with Charlotte is honestly her design.

Like, it goes against her whole thing, even. I doubt a noble would want to marry a random half naked girl from the street. A fling yes, affair maybe, but marriage?

Well Charlotte just wanted to marry a rich guy. Which you'd think noble but wealthy merchant families were also a thing.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Didn't Tobey want to see Venom added in as well? 

Don't know about Tobey but i know Raimi absolutely did not want Venom because he didn't really understand the character. The original plan for Spider-Man 3 was to have Harry as the main antagonist with Sandman as a secondary antagonist. And then Sony was like "c'mon Raimi, you should put Venom in the movie, people love Venom" and there's a bigger story to this but i think Raimi eventually caved and added Venom. Or he was forced to.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

So with this and ASm2 Three appears to be the magic number of villains that ruin spiderman movies.

Into The Spiderverse seems to prove that a greater number can be surmountable, but three is apparently too many.

ASM2 only had two villains tho. I mean, unless you count Rhino. At the end.

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Ya know

despite complaining about Fates Story quite a lot in the last few days, most what i hate in it is also honestly present in most other FE games and i usually complain about them, too.

It's just, they are much more, hmm, how can i say it, concentrated in Fates

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I knew you wouldn't disappoint. That's fucking brilliant. Woke up with a big chuckle. Thanks.

The dialogue's on point too. It really feels like the kind of stupidity I would write. Good job.

You're more similar to Camilla than you want to admit, Rooben.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, look at little Ghost jr.

Gonna cry?

Have these responses gotten annoying yet? I have dozens more! Dozens!

I wonder who's Ghost Sr.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh God Fates has me defending fanservice now, what has become of me...?!


4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I mind how it's done and how she's "i love you" from moment 1

Even in conquest when you defeat her she's like "i love you"


Japanese thing. To them, if a person is family, it's expected to them be 100% loyal. Family above all mentality and whatnot.

4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

And let's not forget that the whole premise of the game "blood vs. bond family" is a fucking lie since hoshido peeps aren't related to him at all.

Fair, they kinda fumble in there although I'd argue that the real premise is family vs justice.

10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ya know

despite complaining about Fates Story quite a lot in the last few days, most what i hate in it is also honestly present in most other FE games and i usually complain about them, too.

It's just, they are much more, hmm, how can i say it, concentrated in Fates

Things present in Fates (and in FE in general) are also present in other JRPGs too.

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10 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Things present in Fates (and in FE in general) are also present in other JRPGs too.

And you will see me complaining about them

Especially evil cult/dragon ™️

I just really hate that trope in general.

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Mia doesn't deserve that, she's too good for the RD cast standard.

"Wahaha, Soren, always lost in your books. Have a rotten day!"

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Reuben os coming out full force

Noooo... That's not...

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Shaving the beard has clearly had a greater impact than we expected.

I haven't even shaved it yet!

47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

*Ruben emulates Uprising, complains about the controls and calls the game bad and refuses to acknowledge he was playing in an objectively worse way*

Yep, that'd be a Ruben moment alright.

You know, I've gone online, done a little research, and... Gonna be honest, from what I've seen people claim that Uprising's controls sucked and the game was good in spite of them, not thanks to them. In fact, I saw a couple people saying they played it both on console and emulated and they had a better experience emulating because they could adjust the controls to be better than the original ones.

Sooooo yeah. What I'm trying to say is, your "objectivity" is about as objective asme claiming that Eugen TRS is the best character in videogames, and if I feel like checking out Uprising on Citra, I will and I will like it no matter how opposed you are to the idea.

Also, I fail to see how burning my eyes off and getting carpal tunnel on my tiny 3DS would be a better experience than slightly cumbersome keyboard controls. As for a bigger 3DS model, well... I don't doubt Uprising is good, but I seriously doubt it's 500 bucks good.

Yes Ruben is replying to a joke with a three paragraph rant again. What're you gonna do about it?

15 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

You're more similar to Camilla than you want to admit, Rooben.

Ghost, no!


I wonder who's Ghost Sr.

I'm not sure, but I'll bet I don't know how much he's sacrificed.







Things present in Fates (and in FE in general) are also present in other JRPGs too.

Japan is bad and ugly. Let's instead turn to American medi--AHHH an American flag, that's even spookier than anime tits!

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